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4 men in Paris court are 1st to face terror attacks charges


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4 men in Paris court are 1st to face terror attacks charges
LORI HINNANT, Associated Press
SYLVIE CORBET, Associated Press

PARIS (AP) — French anti-terror prosecutors were seeking to charge four men Tuesday in connection with the attacks in Paris that left 20 people dead, which would be the first suspects charged in the country's bloodiest terrorist attacks in decades.

The four men remained in court late Tuesday awaiting an anti-terror judge's decision on whether to open preliminary investigations against them.

The possible charges were expected just hours before the French government was to unveil new measures aimed at helping head off future attacks, giving police more power to tap phones, monitor Web sites and force Internet companies to block messages of hate posted online.

Prime minister Manuel Valls will present new security measures Wednesday that will include efforts to increase intelligence-gathering against jihadis and other radicals, block their activities on the Internet, and prevent them from collaborating inside prisons or traveling abroad to fight, President Francois Hollande said.

France is on high security alert after the country's worst terrorist attacks in decades. The court case and the arrests came as Valls urged his nation to do some soul-searching about the country's deep ethnic divisions and declared that fighting hatred, anti-Semitism and racism was a top priority, especially in France's impoverished housing projects.

The Paris prosecutor's office said the four men in court Tuesday were suspected of providing logistical support to Amedy Coulibaly, one of the terrorists killed by police, and requested they be detained longer on weapons and terrorism charges.

Coulibaly shot a policewoman to death on the outskirts of Paris and then killed four hostages inside a kosher supermarket before being shot dead by police. It is not clear whether the four suspects, all in their 20s, were involved in plotting the attacks or even aware of Coulibaly's plans.

Five others arrested in the investigation were released without charge, prosecutors said.

No one has been charged with direct involvement in the Jan. 7-9 Paris terror attacks. Coulibaly claimed allegiance to the Islamic State group while the two brothers who attacked the Charlie Hebdo satirical weekly said they were backed by al-Qaida in Yemen.

In Bulgaria, a court on Tuesday agreed to extradite a Frenchman who knew one of the two Kouachi brothers who massacred 12 people at the newspaper. Fritz-Joly Joachin told the Bulgarian court he was innocent and wanted to return to Paris to clear his name.

Five others arrested in the investigation of the terror attacks in France were released without charge, prosecutors said.

Meanwhile, France honored a Mali-born employee of the kosher market who saved lives there by granting him citizenship.

Lassana Bathily, 24, was in the store's underground stockroom when Coulibaly burst in upstairs and killed four people. He turned off the freezer and hid a group of shoppers inside before sneaking out to speak to police and help the operation to free the 15 hostages and kill the attacker.

Bathily has lived in France since 2006. He had filed an application for French citizenship last year.

Valls told journalists Tuesday that the attacks should force France to look at the "apartheid" within. The conservative Socialist whose hard line on Islamic extremism has won many fans said he wasn't making excuses for crime or terrorism, "but we also have to look at the reality of our country."

Valls said memories have dimmed of the three weeks of riots by disaffected youths in 2005 that shook France.

"And yet, the stigmas remain ... a territorial, social and ethnic apartheid that has imposed itself on our country," he said.

In response to the 2005 riots, the French government spent hundreds of millions of euros (dollars) to improve conditions in its rundown suburbs, with little success. Unemployment among young people in the housing projects is well above the national average and state buildings are often targeted for vandalism and arson.

"The fight against hatred, anti-Semitism in all its forms, racism — these fights are absolutely urgent," Valls said. Young people who refused to take part in a national minute of silence for the terror attack victims "are symptoms of something that is not going well."

French authorities also arrested five ethnic Chechens from Russia Tuesday in raids in southern France, including one whom a mayor said was found with a cache of explosives. French authorities said the men had no established links to terrorism but did have ties to other crimes.

In Athens, an Algerian man suspected of jihadi terrorist links in Belgium appeared before a Greek prosecutor for an extradition hearing on being sent to Belgium. The suspect, whose name was not released, was detained Saturday in Athens, where he lives.

Belgium launched a large anti-terrorism sweep last week, during which two suspects were killed and one wounded, that netted several returnees from Islamic holy war in Syria.

Greg Keller in Paris, Veselin Toshkov in Sofia, Bulgaria, and Nicholas Paphitis from Athens contributed.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-01-21

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Dont be duped, this was a fake terror attacked destined to tighten the grip of the system on the people even further and bring us one step closer to a profitable (for some) global war on Islam.

Meanwhile france has now completed its own little patriot act and democracy is turning into a dictatorship of classes in a round of applauds.

Wake up people!

We are so near the caricatural model described in 1984 that i am wondering when the 3rd player of the permanent war, probably china, with or against india, will start to make its move.

Meanwhile democracies in the weat are rotten and manipulated to the core, the whole news and media system is corrupt, useless and sells illusions on a massive scale, and people there vote mindlessly for thei own demise.

We are the people, this is our planet, let us not let that happen.

There is only one way: hide your assets, stop voting and paying taxes, let the system drop.

We have been conditionned to fear a scenario where goverment in europe tumble and fall, but this is also an illusion. We are the people, we made our countries, we can do it again. What we need is to get rid of those who live to ride on our backs. They manipulate each of our world using tricks and illusions. We have the power to stop ot by stopping oir involvememt altogether.

It seems scary, it is not. Most our needs are illusions, and our weaknesses.

Man-up and stop believing in all tue crap in the news! Got off the system or be its unknowing accomplice... Well... Now you know, no more excuses...

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Dont be duped, this was a fake terror attacked destined to tighten the grip of the system on the people even further and bring us one step closer to a profitable (for some) global war on Islam.

Meanwhile france has now completed its own little patriot act and democracy is turning into a dictatorship of classes in a round of applauds.

Wake up people!

We are so near the caricatural model described in 1984 that i am wondering when the 3rd player of the permanent war, probably china, with or against india, will start to make its move.

Meanwhile democracies in the weat are rotten and manipulated to the core, the whole news and media system is corrupt, useless and sells illusions on a massive scale, and people there vote mindlessly for thei own demise.

We are the people, this is our planet, let us not let that happen.

There is only one way: hide your assets, stop voting and paying taxes, let the system drop.

We have been conditionned to fear a scenario where goverment in europe tumble and fall, but this is also an illusion. We are the people, we made our countries, we can do it again. What we need is to get rid of those who live to ride on our backs. They manipulate each of our world using tricks and illusions. We have the power to stop ot by stopping oir involvememt altogether.

It seems scary, it is not. Most our needs are illusions, and our weaknesses.

Man-up and stop believing in all tue crap in the news! Got off the system or be its unknowing accomplice... Well... Now you know, no more excuses...

Spokesman for the World. Its great to read how on tv you put all the entire global terrorism under your umbrella post. I can't speak for everyone but kindly suggest you seek some help or try upping the Meds my friend your seriously disturbed.

Edited by ScotBkk
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Dont be duped, this was a fake terror attacked destined to tighten the grip of the system on the people even further and bring us one step closer to a profitable (for some) global war on Islam.
Meanwhile france has now completed its own little patriot act and democracy is turning into a dictatorship of classes in a round of applauds.
Wake up people!
We are so near the caricatural model described in 1984 that i am wondering when the 3rd player of the permanent war, probably china, with or against india, will start to make its move.
Meanwhile democracies in the weat are rotten and manipulated to the core, the whole news and media system is corrupt, useless and sells illusions on a massive scale, and people there vote mindlessly for thei own demise.
We are the people, this is our planet, let us not let that happen.
There is only one way: hide your assets, stop voting and paying taxes, let the system drop.
We have been conditionned to fear a scenario where goverment in europe tumble and fall, but this is also an illusion. We are the people, we made our countries, we can do it again. What we need is to get rid of those who live to ride on our backs. They manipulate each of our world using tricks and illusions. We have the power to stop ot by stopping oir involvememt altogether.
It seems scary, it is not. Most our needs are illusions, and our weaknesses.
Man-up and stop believing in all tue crap in the news! Got off the system or be its unknowing accomplice... Well... Now you know, no more excuses...

While I would agree with a few of your points, especially the ones about governments using terrorism as an excuse to increase surveillance, politicians being corrupt, and the media being useless, you then proceed to give forth with a screed positing that "we" the people can remake our governments, yet demanding that everyone drop out of the "system". I'd really be curious how one remakes the "system" without being in the "system". If everyone drops out, what you will have is anarchy, not exactly a solid recipe for remaking democracy. What needs to happen is for people to not buy into the manufactured sound bites that pass as news, educate themselves via non-partisan, impartial news sources, study the issues, and then vote. You complain that western democracies are corrupt, and your rant sounds as though you want to abandon democracy. However, since ancient Greece, democracy has proven to be the only form of government that gives the individual citizen a voice. The greatest political weapon an individual has is their vote. The only possible alternative is violent revolution, and given the armament possessed by today's governments, that's not really a workable solution. Yes, the people need to wake up and start voting in their own self interest, and not the interests of the oligarchs. That would be nice. Some accurate spelling and grammar on your part would also be nice. Makes your argument much more readable.

Edited by Traveler19491
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Dont be duped, this was a fake terror attacked destined to tighten the grip of the system on the people even further and bring us one step closer to a profitable (for some) global war on Islam.

Meanwhile france has now completed its own little patriot act and democracy is turning into a dictatorship of classes in a round of applauds.

Wake up people!

We are so near the caricatural model described in 1984 that i am wondering when the 3rd player of the permanent war, probably china, with or against india, will start to make its move.

Meanwhile democracies in the weat are rotten and manipulated to the core, the whole news and media system is corrupt, useless and sells illusions on a massive scale, and people there vote mindlessly for thei own demise.

We are the people, this is our planet, let us not let that happen.

There is only one way: hide your assets, stop voting and paying taxes, let the system drop.

We have been conditionned to fear a scenario where goverment in europe tumble and fall, but this is also an illusion. We are the people, we made our countries, we can do it again. What we need is to get rid of those who live to ride on our backs. They manipulate each of our world using tricks and illusions. We have the power to stop ot by stopping oir involvememt altogether.

It seems scary, it is not. Most our needs are illusions, and our weaknesses.

Man-up and stop believing in all tue crap in the news! Got off the system or be its unknowing accomplice... Well... Now you know, no more excuses...

Spokesman for the World. Its great to read how on tv you put all the entire global terrorism under your umbrella post. I can't speak for everyone but kindly suggest you seek some help or try upping the Meds my friend your seriously disturbed.

Well said!

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Quote OP:

" Prime minister Manuel Valls will present new security measures Wednesday that will include efforts to increase intelligence-gathering against jihadis and other radicals, block their activities on the Internet, and prevent them from collaborating inside prisons or traveling abroad to fight, President Francois Hollande said."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but does this President mean that

- so far efforts of intelligence gathering against jihadists and other radicals were not made? or not strong?

- so far they were allowed to conduct their activities on the Internet?

- so far they were not prevented from organising and collaborating inside prisons?

- so far French did not prevent known jihadists and other radicals to travel abroad to fight?

If I were EU I wouldn't go to bed with a partner like this.

On the other hand - aren't they all the same? My bet is on Islam, against Politically Correct Criminals.

Edited by ABCer
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Quote OP:

" Prime minister Manuel Valls will present new security measures Wednesday that will include efforts to increase intelligence-gathering against jihadis and other radicals, block their activities on the Internet, and prevent them from collaborating inside prisons or traveling abroad to fight, President Francois Hollande said."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but does this President mean that

- so far efforts of intelligence gathering against jihadists and other radicals were not made? or not strong?

- so far they were allowed to conduct their activities on the Internet?

- so far they were not prevented from organising and collaborating inside prisons?

- so far French did not prevent known jihadists and other radicals to travel abroad to fight?

If I were EU I wouldn't go to bed with a partner like this.

On the other hand - aren't they all the same? My bet is on Islam, against Politically Correct Criminals.

Can we at least see them shot for treason before the Caliphate takes over.
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European policies need to tighten their vigilance, and not be afraid to assert themselves. The fear of appearing politically incorrect has stymied European leaders, and opened Europe's gates to all who want to flee their miserable countries in the M.East and Africa.

I don't like exclusive retirement communities, with their gated entrances, but Europe should become more like such communities.

People in gated retirement communities earned their comforts (whether we agree or not with how they made their nest-eggs), and they refrain from harassing their neighbors. If some of the bleeding heart retirees (Europeans) take pity on those less privileged (Africans and M.Easterners) and let 'em in, then the retirees shouldn't be surprised if things go bad.

I acknowledge Europe is not a gated community nor a fortress with walls, but Europeans are still dealing with the deluge of migrants in too liberal a manner. It's weird for me, a life-long American liberal, to be saying these things, but up until the age of 25, I spent half my life residing in 5 European countries. I feel half-European, and I know European leaders could do a better job of keeping out the riff-raff.

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