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Why the Muslim 'no-go-zone' myth won't die

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He was making a speech on private land without the landowners permission.

If he had moved on when requested to do so, he would not have been arrested at all!

According to this Telegraph report, the police attempted to calmly move him on for 40 minutes before arresting him.

His motivation is obvious; get arrested and get his name in the papers.

Churchill said many things in his youth he may have regretted later; such as calling Gandhi a 'half naked fakir.'

His motivation was no doubt to demonstrate the dual policing policy applied to Muslims and the rest. He succeeded. Charges were dropped, because to prosecute someone for quoting Churchill, which is what he was re-arrested for, would have been too much for even supine and cowed Britannia to stomach.

Supine and cowed. How eloquently put.

I would have stuck with spineless b@rstewards.

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It looks like there will be big problems if anyone reprints those cartoons in the UK.

(Reuters) - At least 1,000 British Muslims protested in central London on Sunday against what they called "insulting depictions" of the Prophet Mohammad by French newspaper Charlie Hebdo.

The crowds gathered near Prime Minister David Cameron's office in London's Whitehall government district carrying placards with slogans such as "Stand Up For the Prophet."

The event comes weeks after 17 people were killed in three days of violence last month in France that began when two Islamist gunmen burst into Charlie Hebdo's Paris offices, opening fire in revenge for its publication of satirical images of Mohammad.

Sunday's protest organizers condemned the Paris attacks, but said the magazine should not publish cartoons of the prophet.

Imams delivered speeches and the crowds paused to pray before handing in an online petition to Cameron's office signed by over 100,000 Muslims.

The petition, organized by a group called Muslim Action Forum, denounced those who had produced cartoons of the prophet, calling them "an affront to the norms of civilized society".

A leaflet circulated by the event's organizers said depictions of Mohammad by Charlie Hebdo and others was "a stark reminder" that freedom of speech was "regularly utilized to insult personalities that others consider sacred".


They missed the point in those last two paragraphs.

In the UK we have freedom of speech and not Sharia law.

During the protest men and women were separated.

Frankly I would suggest anyone who is not happy with life in Great Britain and would like to live in a Muslim country move to Yemen or Pakistan.

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As I have said before the term no go embraces many different parts of UK life now.

When I go in to a supermarket in Norfolk and buy some chicken there is no way I tell if it is halal or not.

The reason being that most chicken in the UK is now halal for the benefit of the minority who eat it.

This from the Spectator.

The Daily Mail and the Mail on Sunday have revealed that were all eating halal meat all the time, wherever we go as a consequence of big business making pragmatic decisions and not bothering to tell us about them. Chicken and lamb bought from your local

supermarket will most probably be halal-slaughtered but this is also true of the meals you order from those untermensch staples such as Dominos Pizza, Pizza Hut, Nandos and Subway. Not to mention Wembley Stadium. And the less obviously untermensch venues of Ascot, Goodwood and Epsom. It wouldnt surprise me if next week they discovered that the food at Buck

House and Glyndebourne was halal. In other words, whether we like it or not, we are conforming to Islamic strictures in the food we eat; we are subsuming ourselves to the wishes of a tiny minority of our population.


On 5 March 2008, an amendment was passed to the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 which abolished the common law offences of blasphemy and blasphemous libel in England and Wales.

That allows me to say what I like about god or religion in public,without fear of prosecution.

I could drive a truck hoarding around Luton plastered with a cartoon showing Jesus on the cross with some witty remark underneath and no one would bat an eyelid.

Try that with a cartoon of Mohamed welcoming IS terrorists as they chop some more heads off for him and plod will have me inside in seconds if they can battle through the riots.

There we have it. No go Britain 2015

You missed out the bit where the old blasphemy laws were replaced with the Racial and Religious Hatred Act of 2006.


We are discussing the UK here not Israel.

Please do not hijack the thread.

Nice. You are or course correct, the thread is about UK. But it is very instructive that whenever such faraway topics digress, one way or another, into discussions about Israel, you will always find a "muslim" byline of some sort being the topic of the thread- "Replying to Why the Muslim..." So, why does it then digress so often into Israel related commentary?

Its simple: Opponents and apologists alike self evidently recognize that no modern conversation regarding muslims, no-go areas, etc., can be considered without the underlying elephant in the room insinuating into the thread- that muslims are continuously taught to hate jews, every day, nonstop, all over the world, 24 times zones, for over 1,400 years! This is how so many of these threads digress so often into Israeli or Jew related commentary, good or bad. A fool even knows one of the foundation stones of Islam is the hatred of Jews, then others. It is palpable, self evident, and obvious to me- its deeply self evident. This is among the reasons so many "apologists" on these threads often contradict themselves or unintentionally make their opponent's argument- it is inescapable that in the western mindset muslim and hating jews are analogous (even if so many choose not to practice so vilely, it is still a major tenet of islam). These are my observations; I stand by them.

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The problem with many topics is the tendency for a few with a pro Zionist agenda to try and steer things towards their favourite topic.

They don't know their Bradfords from their Blackpools or Rotheham from Rochester but wade in with their size tens.

A bit like Fox News trying to say Birmingham is a no go area. Funny thing is I was in the centre of the city a few weeks ago and did not see a single woman in a burka.

But back to the topic.

My feelings are well known. Come to live in the UK or grow up in the UK and I expect you to love the country as much as me and adhere to its way of life.

If Sharia law and subservient women, a desire to kill anyone who prints a cartoon of a fairy in the sky or changing the way we live in peace and harmony is not your idea of happiness then move elsewhere.

I never read the Sun or Star but defend the right for them to print a picture of a topless girl and the readers to buy it.

The same goes for right wing Zionists. Move to Israel.

So called travellers who actually are Irish scrap dealers working in the black economy also want to flout the rules building wherever they want and tearing up,our village greens. Pay your taxes or move elsewhere.

England is a green and pleasant land.

Plenty of space for everyone and a nice life for those who want it.

The jihadists and others know where the airport is.


My feelings are well known. Come to live in the UK or grow up in the UK and I expect you to love the country as much as me and adhere to its way of life.

Hell, I grew up in the UK but in all honestly I'd be hard pressed to say I loved the place. I mean, it's ok, but I wouldn't say I felt that strongly about it.

So according to your rules, what should I do?


It looks like even a multi-denominational cemetery is off limits if your plot happens to be next to a Muslim one. The only solution is of course to exhume the infidel - you can't even rest in peace with the religion of peace.


Councilspeak . . .

“The parish council is sympathetic to the feelings of both families concerned and is committed to working with the relatives and the wider community to reach an amicable and acceptable solution.”

Meanwhile, the Taxpayers Alliance of the real multicultural Britain (where lots of people from all over the World work and pay tax and get along great) responded . . .

"ugh . . ugh . . . help me . . . I'm being crushed to death."

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It looks like there will be big problems if anyone reprints those cartoons in the UK.

(Reuters) - At least 1,000 British Muslims protested in central London on Sunday against what they called "insulting depictions" of the Prophet Mohammad by French newspaper Charlie Hebdo.

The crowds gathered near Prime Minister David Cameron's office in London's Whitehall government district carrying placards with slogans such as "Stand Up For the Prophet."

The event comes weeks after 17 people were killed in three days of violence last month in France that began when two Islamist gunmen burst into Charlie Hebdo's Paris offices, opening fire in revenge for its publication of satirical images of Mohammad.

Sunday's protest organizers condemned the Paris attacks, but said the magazine should not publish cartoons of the prophet.

Imams delivered speeches and the crowds paused to pray before handing in an online petition to Cameron's office signed by over 100,000 Muslims.

The petition, organized by a group called Muslim Action Forum, denounced those who had produced cartoons of the prophet, calling them "an affront to the norms of civilized society".

A leaflet circulated by the event's organizers said depictions of Mohammad by Charlie Hebdo and others was "a stark reminder" that freedom of speech was "regularly utilized to insult personalities that others consider sacred".


They missed the point in those last two paragraphs.

In the UK we have freedom of speech and not Sharia law.

During the protest men and women were separated.

Frankly I would suggest anyone who is not happy with life in Great Britain and would like to live in a Muslim country move to Yemen or Pakistan.

From today's Daily Mail:

"...No respect: Protesters wave placards and take photos from Field Marshal Montgomery's statue..."



We are discussing the UK here not Israel.

Please do not hijack the thread.

Where does it say it's about the UK?

I thought this thread was about 'Muslim no-go-zones' not about the UK.

I thought it was about some comments on Fox News, not the BBC

I thought this thread came after the Hebdo massacre in Paris, not London.

So please tell us, where does it say, it's only about the UK?


If you live in certain areas. It's not a myth.

Where would that be Mosha?

Give me a street or a post code.

Where in the UK do you live?

Fox got this issue wrong hence this thread and I suspect you know as much about. Rotherham as Bill O Reilly and Greta. Van Susteren.


I have not been to the West for 25 years, so not sure if No-Go zones are real, or not, but here is the conservative side of the argument.

No-go zones are Muslim-dominated neighborhoods that are largely off limits to non-Muslims due to a variety of factors, including the lawlessness and insecurity that pervades a great number of these areas. Host-country authorities have effectively lost control over many no-go zones and are often unable or unwilling to provide even basic public aid, such as police, fire fighting and ambulance services, out of fear of being attacked by Muslim youth.


I have nudged this down because it says so much about the incorrect information you post on here.

Please buy a ticket to London and see what a proper multi cultural city looks like.

Do not try to dominate these forums with your 25 year old misconceptions and views gleaned from the internet. Times have moved on.


If you live in certain areas. It's not a myth.

Where would that be Mosha?

Give me a street or a post code.

Where in the UK do you live?

Fox got this issue wrong hence this thread and I suspect you know as much about. Rotherham as Bill O Reilly and Greta. Van Susteren.

I lived in Dewsbury for 48 years, and I'm still in contact via FB and e-mails with family and friends from the village.. You'll even get chased away from a certain mosque in Saville Town just for taking a photograph if you are not a muslim.


Ok well then why,the top Muslim hierarchy in the world say anything about the gutless evil so called Muslims example Isis ,and condem such actions ,are they scared to comment.or deep down they agree.what religion goes around beheading people. I know these people are extremist, it's abou time good Muslims stand up and say something.protest or again deep down they have the same gutless views


You have not got a clue about the UK or modern day Europe.

Cutting and pasting stuff from the internet seems to be about the limit of your contribution to this and similar topics.

The world has changed a lot over the last 25 years.

You cite so called experts but never any input from personal experience because of course you have none.

At least when Fox News got it wrong using a so called expert who had never been to Birmingham they had the decency to apologise.

"Fox News issues an on-air apology after commentator, Steve Emerson, claimed that Birmingham was a "totally Muslim" area and a no-go area for non-Muslims.

Emerson is an award-winning documentary maker and terrorism analyst cited as an "expert" by the New York Times and US news channels. But shortly after he explained that "there are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don't go in," he provoked outrage on social media.

It's not the first time that his punditry has proven controversial, with a number of reports, reviews and articles .

Source Channel 4 News http://www.channel4.com/news/seven-other-big-errors-of-no-go-birmingham-pundit


The article has nothing to do with Fox News or Steve Emerson. It is by Soeren Kern. He is a political scientist that specializes in European politics as well as US and European defense- and security-related issues. Get your facts straight and stop relying on straw men fallacies that you have created yourself. .

If you bothered to read European or UK newspapers you would by now understand the whole discussion in the US was ignited by the right wing duffers at Fox News.

Your so called expert admits this.

"An erroneous claim on American television that Birmingham, England, is totally Muslim and off-limits to non-Muslims has ignited a politically charged debate about the existence of no-go zones in Britain and other European countries."

Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/29125/european-go-zones-fact-fiction-part-2-opinion/#QfV53zYipvlvwybG.99

Notice the link there?

Breaking Israeli news!

Breaking News With. Biblical Perspective!

Like so many of your links another pro right wing Zionist lobbyist trying to promulgate his biased views through lifting material from here there and everywhere.

He also contributes to the wonderfully titled Islamist Watch.

No bias there then!

What is also worth underlining is he works for a neocon organisation chaired by US right wing hawk John Bolton.

The Gatestone Institute is a New York-based advocacy organization that is tied to neoconservative and other right-wing networks in the United States and Europe. Chaired by John Bolton, a former Bush administration diplomat and a conservative foreign policy hardliner, Gatestone is a clearinghouse for right-wing commentaries on national security, the Middle East, and Islam, as well as a convener of high-dollar events on security and energy issues. It is an offshoot of the neoconservative Hudson Institute.

- See more at: http://rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/gatestone_institute#.dpuf


Notice the link there?

I notice the link alright - one that you cherry picked. It is an news article and has been published in numerous publications of all types. The usual "Jews-control-the-media" conspiracy stuff does not help your case. wacko.png.pagespeed.ce.jGW10VtQsIER15eQL

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Kern works for the ultra right wing Gatestone Institute.

What more evidence do you want he is a mouthpiece for right wing Zionist policy?

John. Bolton heads it and is one of the ex neo cons in GW Bushes goverment.

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