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Why the Muslim 'no-go-zone' myth won't die

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Muslims DO rise up against self-declared Jihadists, verywhere in the world, also in this Forum.

You simply don't want to hear them, it's more important for you to worship your prejudices. And you dare to call this "European rationality"?

Really, obviously the biased media refused to cover the marches in the UK against 9/11, 7/7 the mass rapes in Rotheram and the butchering of Lee Rigby, to name a very few atrocities carried out in the name of Allah by Muslims.

The only thing Muslims care about is their evil ideology, offense, death, slaughter destruction and rape do not matter where Muslims are not affected. Even Muslims of another sect do not matter as they are unbelievers as much as the rest of us.

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I have not been to the West for 25 years, so not sure if No-Go zones are real, or not, but here is the conservative side of the argument.

No-go zones are Muslim-dominated neighborhoods that are largely off limits to non-Muslims due to a variety of factors, including the lawlessness and insecurity that pervades a great number of these areas. Host-country authorities have effectively lost control over many no-go zones and are often unable or unwilling to provide even basic public aid, such as police, fire fighting and ambulance services, out of fear of being attacked by Muslim youth.


If you haven't been to the west for twenty-five years then don't comment.

And don't believe everything your read on the Internet.

Who died and left you in charge?

UG has a post count as of this post standing at 40,603.

You have 26.

Come back when you have gained some relevancy.

Has he?


UG has a post count as of this post standing at 40,603.

You have 26.

Come back when you have gained some relevancy.

An average of 11 posts per day, over the last 10 years. Life outside the internet must be a 'No-Go' Zone. tongue.png

You should change the batteries of your calculator, 12 year is 4380 days with 7955 posts it gaves a little less 2 posts a day (tongue.png bis)


...and a 90 day wonder joins the conversation with his 1,621st post.

It isn't about post count nearly as much as it is about post content.

That's an area you might want to pay more attention to.

'This is OUR turf. Got it?' whistling.gif

Thai Visa rapidly becoming a 'No-Go' Zone unless you have at least 20,000 posts on your employer's time.

Nice one!!;)


If it weren't for Muslim business people, the British economy would have collapsed.

And if it weren't for Muslim NHS workers, the NHS would collapse.

You'll find it's the indigenous Brits that are the lazy one's, not Muslims.

Would that mean no corner shop open till midnight?


If it weren't for Muslim business people, the British economy would have collapsed.

And if it weren't for Muslim NHS workers, the NHS would collapse.

You'll find it's the indigenous Brits that are the lazy one's, not Muslims.

Muslims are 1.5 times more likely to be on benefits. That's from government figures in the census.


Your evidence of this being what?

Yes, British soldiers have been advised not to wear their uniforms off duty (little evidence of them following that advice in Aldershot yesterday!) to avoid possible attacks by jihadists and terrorists.

But as has been shown time and time again, those jihadists and terrorists have very little support among the majority of British Muslims and certainly do not represent them.

Well lets start with Lee Rigby. RIP.

Then the verbal assault of 2 young female cadets in the North East.

The precedence has been set, hence the request not to wear uniform in public for fear of other attacks. This was not a decision that would have been taken lightly.

Again, you appear to think that you are some sort of Authority and can speak on behalf of the majority of British Muslims. The silence that is deafening, seems to me, to say that the majority of British Muslims actually support the jihadists.


Your evidence of this being what?

Yes, British soldiers have been advised not to wear their uniforms off duty (little evidence of them following that advice in Aldershot yesterday!) to avoid possible attacks by jihadists and terrorists.

But as has been shown time and time again, those jihadists and terrorists have very little support among the majority of British Muslims and certainly do not represent them.

Tell me one thing ,some bloke draws a picture of their Prophet,and Muslims are chanting in the streets decrying this blasphemy ,marching in the streets and climbing on statues of British war heroes ,yet when a soldier is murdered in the street by muslims ,innocent people are shot ,children are groomed and raped by muslims in their hundreds ,where are they then ,the silence is deafening ,oh a few imams say its wrong and not all muslims are like that (i agree they are not) but the thing is THEY DO NOTHING ABOUT IT, no marches against the evil Boko Haram ,no marches agains the evil IS ,no one says Hamas are wicked and just want to stire up trouble,nothing ,if they are so good ,then why do they not rise up and march through London to decry these evil muslims that worlwide are bringing shame to their religion?.

They want to take over the uk, there have been enough signs to suggest this. Also there is a growing hatred towards non muslim, convert or die, that is what they are saying. Do we call them extreme or abiding by that silly book they have. The time has come to do something as radical as the muslims are doing

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Your evidence of this being what?

Yes, British soldiers have been advised not to wear their uniforms off duty (little evidence of them following that advice in Aldershot yesterday!) to avoid possible attacks by jihadists and terrorists.

But as has been shown time and time again, those jihadists and terrorists have very little support among the majority of British Muslims and certainly do not represent them.

Well lets start with Lee Rigby. RIP.

Then the verbal assault of 2 young female cadets in the North East.

The precedence has been set, hence the request not to wear uniform in public for fear of other attacks. This was not a decision that would have been taken lightly.

Again, you appear to think that you are some sort of Authority and can speak on behalf of the majority of British Muslims. The silence that is deafening, seems to me, to say that the majority of British Muslims actually support the jihadists.

There are some meany mouths that actualy state that the guy was never murdered???


Muslims DO rise up against self-declared Jihadists, verywhere in the world, also in this Forum.

You simply don't want to hear them, it's more important for you to worship your prejudices. And you dare to call this "European rationality"?

Really, obviously the biased media refused to cover the marches in the UK against 9/11, 7/7 the mass rapes in Rotheram and the butchering of Lee Rigby, to name a very few atrocities carried out in the name of Allah by Muslims.

The only thing Muslims care about is their evil ideology, offense, death, slaughter destruction and rape do not matter where Muslims are not affected. Even Muslims of another sect do not matter as they are unbelievers as much as the rest of us.


agree with you.

any religion that accepts underage sex needs to be wiped out. Forgewt the beheadings, torture, female mutilation, feminism, pedophiles are the scum of the earth


Your evidence of this being what?

Yes, British soldiers have been advised not to wear their uniforms off duty (little evidence of them following that advice in Aldershot yesterday!) to avoid possible attacks by jihadists and terrorists.

But as has been shown time and time again, those jihadists and terrorists have very little support among the majority of British Muslims and certainly do not represent them.

Well lets start with Lee Rigby. RIP.

Then the verbal assault of 2 young female cadets in the North East.

The precedence has been set, hence the request not to wear uniform in public for fear of other attacks. This was not a decision that would have been taken lightly.

Again, you appear to think that you are some sort of Authority and can speak on behalf of the majority of British Muslims. The silence that is deafening, seems to me, to say that the majority of British Muslims actually support the jihadists.

There are some meany mouths that actualy state that the guy was never murdered???

This I have not heard so I will take your word for it. However, there are some who claim that Mohammed was not a Peado, so it would not surprise me in the slightest.


Another shooting today in Copenhagen at a free speech event and a synagogue,now I do not know the religion of the shooter but he was shouting out in Arabic,so I think he may have been from a "peacefully" religion


Don't know, Guardian says nothing about language.

Mr Lars Vilsen survived anyway, he should know who he's afraid of (since 2007)

BBC report this morning Thai time said the gun man shouted something in Arabic.


Your evidence of this being what?

Yes, British soldiers have been advised not to wear their uniforms off duty (little evidence of them following that advice in Aldershot yesterday!) to avoid possible attacks by jihadists and terrorists.

But as has been shown time and time again, those jihadists and terrorists have very little support among the majority of British Muslims and certainly do not represent them.

Tell me one thing ,some bloke draws a picture of their Prophet,and Muslims are chanting in the streets decrying this blasphemy ,marching in the streets and climbing on statues of British war heroes ,yet when a soldier is murdered in the street by muslims ,innocent people are shot ,children are groomed and raped by muslims in their hundreds ,where are they then ,the silence is deafening ,oh a few imams say its wrong and not all muslims are like that (i agree they are not) but the thing is THEY DO NOTHING ABOUT IT, no marches against the evil Boko Haram ,no marches agains the evil IS ,no one says Hamas are wicked and just want to stire up trouble,nothing ,if they are so good ,then why do they not rise up and march through London to decry these evil muslims that worlwide are bringing shame to their religion?.

In this and similar topics I have previously posted links to the condemnation of all the atrocities you list, and others, by British Muslim leaders, clerics, scholars and representatives.

In this and similar topics have previously posted condemnation of all the atrocities you list on social media and YouTube by ordinary British Muslims.

Yet you and those who agree with you ignore all of that in order to tar all Muslims with the terrorist supporter brush.

Just as you ignore incidents of violence, even murder, when the victims are Muslim..

Such as the Chapel Hill murders.

If this had been a Muslim murdering three young non Muslims you lot would have been all over it as further proof of your prejudice. But as the victims are Muslim; you ignore it.

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Yes, you continually post links to individuals.

That was not what was asked.

THEY DO NOTHING ABOUT IT, no marches against the evil Boko Haram ,no marches against the evil IS ,no one says Hamas are wicked and just want to stir up trouble, nothing,if they are so good ,then why do they not rise up and march through London to decry these evil Muslims that worldwide are bringing shame to their religion?.

Have another try. Perhaps you could find just 1 such rally.

Then again, perhaps not.


Don't know, Guardian says nothing about language.

Mr Lars Vilsen survived anyway, he should know who he's afraid of (since 2007)

The Guardian like the Left wing PC BBC wouldn't

Yes, he cannot really be serious in the way he presents himself and the only explanation is he is a sympathizer, or in some way involved in this pitiful religion and not an uninterested liberal multiculteralist. Notice he NEVER comments on the Prophet and his disgusting life, and rarely on the hate filled Koran. It's all excuses, diversion and pointing the finger at other religions that are more or less harmless compared to Islam.

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Sometimes it looks like the toughest fan club of IS and AQ are right wing whities from dying industrial regions.

Big big mouth, but oil they're after.

Is there anyone out there among these whitiesvwho can tell the difference between Schiites, Sunnists, Wahabists or Salafists? Or at least the difference between Arabic and Persian? Turks or Kurds, anyone?

What the hell makes people that had a 30year intra-Christian war think that Islam is a homogeneous block?



Yes, you continually post links to individuals.

That was not what was asked.

THEY DO NOTHING ABOUT IT, no marches against the evil Boko Haram ,no marches against the evil IS ,no one says Hamas are wicked and just want to stir up trouble, nothing,if they are so good ,then why do they not rise up and march through London to decry these evil Muslims that worldwide are bringing shame to their religion?.

Have another try. Perhaps you could find just 1 such rally.

Then again, perhaps not.

They did march on Downing St to protest..... Against Charlie Hedbro facepalm.gif


Yet again I am accused of defending the indefensible!

As with all the previous accusations, such as my being an apologist for, even a supporter of, IS and other terrorists, this accusation is baseless and a lie.

But it is the usual fall back position of the prejudiced when they are presented with facts even they cannot refute.

I, again, challenge anyone to find any comment of mine where I have made any attempt to defend, apologise or show support for IS, murder, terrorism or violence by anyone.

As before, no one will be able to find any such comment because I have never made one.

I have, though, made plenty of comments condemning all of those.

But the prejudice and Islamaphobes love to twist things to their own agenda.

For example:

A drug crazed man has an argument with his flatmates, chases them from the flat, they escape and he runs amok eventually killing an unfortunate woman. He's a Muslim, so it must have been a jihadist attack.

Two pedestrians are killed in a RTC. One of the four drivers involved is a Muslim; so it must have been a jihadist attack!

How can anyone be taken seriously when they publish and believe such <deleted>?


Yet again I am accused of defending the indefensible!

Well that's because you DO! How can anyone defend an ideology founded by a slave owning, murdering thief who raped captives and children responsible for 250 million dead and an ongoing body count daily? You should be ashamed of yourself.

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I, again, challenge anyone to find any comment of mine where I have made any attempt to defend, apologise or show support for IS, murder, terrorism or violence by anyone.

You have made numerous comments making excuses and justifications for violent Islamic terrorist groups. Please stop the incessant spin and denial.

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