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Why the Muslim 'no-go-zone' myth won't die

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It's the capitalistic economy, of course. Money talks, and money drives.

The segregation does not endup with races or religions. It tends to divide societies into different subcultures even within one building. In many of these modern suburban housig projects, neighbours fight against their neighbours. Colour of the hair is only one, professions (students vs employees) another, political opinions (liberals vs conservatives) might be next.

If you're not careful, it might end up in a society of mutually distrusting individuals, each locked up isolated in his or her room, and each communicatig only via technological devices like Internet. Then in the end you might have what everybody fears: 1984, with the Big Brother ripping you off and watching you from Internet.

You better take a risk and go INTO these "no go areas" instead of talking ABOUT them without ever having been inside one.


They are more like Muslim intimidation areas than 'no go' and this is NOT a myth. I used to live in one in the UK, over a couple of decades most of the white people, Hindus and Sikhs moved elsewhere. Of course there were ones who stayed like my liberal 'multicultural lover' labour supporting neighbour. However, even she fled in the end tired of being harassed in the street by Muslim males calling her a prostitute for the way she dressed and afraid for the safety of her 14 year old daughter who was constantly targeted by Muslims with sexual overtures. The koran instructs Muslims not to befriend non believers, therefore the true Muslim can not live and integrate with non believers.

Agreed, many Westerners make the mistake of thinking that all religions are for truth, kindness to others and sharing resources.

Many religions are like that but followers of the Koran are most certainly not.

They have a specific agenda to take over and control the world and will not rest until they do.

I read in this thread that some Muslims are easily radicalised!

What does this mean when the Koran instructs Muslims to lie and cheat non-Muslims in order to further the spread of Islam!

When they have a device like Taqiyya which encourages them to deceive non Muslims, it's a free pass to lie and cheat.

Can a Muslim please post and explain how non Muslims could ever trust a Muslim please?

you cant ,this after working with them for nearly 10 years.

As for no go areas ,where i used to live ,the Muslim area in the 70s was a place where you could go shopping see Muslims dressed in western styles and never ever saw a burkha ,now it not a no go area ,but it is not in the least welcoming ,and most wear foreign style clothing ,burkhas are everywhere ,everything changed when they built the mosques.

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First of all, I'm not a Muslim.

Anyone who dares to be the first Western style clad citizen inside a Muslim style area would be regarded with suspect, of course. The same hold true vice versa. But if nobody dares to take the first step, then there will never be followers.

Muslims will regard Westerners as intruders, of course, in that they are not so far away from you. You don't have to get converted to Islam (or Christianity) if you go their as a member of social class, or whatsoever, even as a member of a common past.

When I was young a went into a "no go area" in Kandahar, Afghanistan, the bazaar. Four British tourists had been killed there before, and of course, me and my friends we were quite frightened when the bazaaris waved us into their tents. We went in as foreigners, and left as the best friends, probably because they found out that we came not as occupants.

No one ever tried to convert us to Islam in the bazaar of Kandahar, Afghanistan. This liberal attitude may have changed now, due to bad experience with NATO "allies" - allies with the Afghan government in Kabul - cynics say "allies with the Mayor of Kabul". If you post about fundamentalistic Moslems in Afghanistan, you are usually referring to Pashtoonistan or Beluchistan, the Taliban area divided in two nations, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Arabs from Al Quaida and their followers are regarded as foreigners in Afghanistan, only accepted as Jihad warriors and pushed by a few fundamentalistic preachers. I would not like to go back to Kandahar when those minorities succeed to conquer the hearts of the inhabitants of the city.

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Here is an article that refers to "commandeered zones" rather than No-Go Zones.

Maybe that is a more accurate description and one that we should use in future?

From Dom the Conservative, Universal Free Press

One country has finally learned that have a flow of Muslim immigrants creates problems. No, not just problems, horrific crimes.

Along with the introduction of Islam into European countries comes a drastic increase in rape, child molestation, murder, violence, and protests, all justifiable in the Quran and Hadith.

Jihadists, collectively known as mujahideen, implement terror cells and patrol the streets of commandeered zones to enforce Islamic Sharia law.

Full article here: http://powderedwigsociety.com/norway-muslims/

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Here is an article that refers to "commandeered zones" rather than No-Go Zones.

Maybe that is a more accurate description and one that we should use in future?

From Dom the Conservative, Universal Free Press

One country has finally learned that have a flow of Muslim immigrants creates problems. No, not just problems, horrific crimes.

Along with the introduction of Islam into European countries comes a drastic increase in rape, child molestation, murder, violence, and protests, all justifiable in the Quran and Hadith.

Jihadists, collectively known as mujahideen, implement terror cells and patrol the streets of commandeered zones to enforce Islamic Sharia law.

Norway has experienced the horrors of Islamic integration, and rather than appease Muslims for fear of being politically incorrect, they acted.

According to The Local, a record number of immigrants, namely Muslims, have been deported from Norway, beginning last year. With the deportation comes a dramatic decrease in crime, much to the delight of overwhelmed law enforcement.

Around 5,198 foreign citizens were expelled from Norway in 2013:

It is the highest number weve had ever, Frode Forfang, head of the Directorate of Immigration (UDI), told NRK. We believe that one reason for the increase is that the police have become more conscious of using deportation as a tool to fight crime.

Nigerian citizens topped the list of those expelled for committing crimes, with 232 citizens expelled as a punishment in 2013, followed by Afghan citizens with 136 expelled as a punishment, and 76 Moroccans expelled as a punishment.

Afghan citizens topped the list of those expelled for violating the Immigration Act, with 380 expelled for this reason, followed by Iraqi citizens, 234 were expelled for violating the act.

We applaud Norway for refusing to allow liberals to shame them into keeping criminal offenders within their borders. Perhaps America can be brave enough to do the same.

Full article here: http://powderedwigsociety.com/norway-muslims/

I read "some", not "all" Muslims.

Please clearly state which ones you mean.


This "no go zone" thing is just another example of how Muslim demonizers spread hatred and intolerance.


I thought hate and intolerance are spread via public beheadings on youtube.

You can't beat that!

I second that but there will always be these lefties that forever and ever gonna see the good in muslims - dont know ecxactly what they get out of betraying their own countries ...

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Some stupid tossers started "Muslim Patrol" around Whitechapel and Brick lane. Stopping people form drinking beer if they walked down the street and crap like that. I think they got filled in after a couple of weeks


The reason the claims of no-go Muslim areas continue is because there are no-go areas - in the UK anyway. In fact only recently one of these Muslim nutrocks was imprisoned in London, most English are familiar with him as he has bright ginger hair which makes him quite distinguishable! Him and his cronies have notices around in certain parts of the east end telling people they are entering a Sharia area, short skirts are not allowed, drinking is not allowed etc.

Who you are referring to are essentially that gang of Anjem Choudary, Abu Waleed and various other notorious 'guests' who know each other well and have had their organisations banned by the British Government over the years but then always resurface again under a new name. Choudary has always been very carefull not to say things in such a way that he will fall foul of the law. After all, he is a qualified lawyer I believe. Nor do their latest incarnations explicity fall into the trap of certain legislation in this country. It is now presented as conservative Salafi teachings. SalafiMediaUk is where most of these guys (including the now notorious Ginger Nut you refer to, after the Daiily Mail reported on his 'patrols' the other year) hang out.

Actually the "ginger nut" hangs about in prison these days, he got banged for his deeds. Did you hear Choudary's comments on Fox news regarding the Paris atrocity?

Re the Ginger Nut. Om the 2nd episode of the documentary his brother made. Speaking to the much berated Tommy. He said. "Have you noticed how the converts like your brother tend to be ginger?'

Fantastic! Now I get it.. After being bullied at school for being a ginger whinger they can bully others by joining Islam and becoming a ginger ninja!! Islam, the religion for ginger people! Brilliant!


Sorry, I'm stupid German.

Where's the breakdown by religion in the Labour Market census, and does the Labour market cover the data from the informal sector (self deployed)?


The reason the claims of no-go Muslim areas continue is because there are no-go areas - in the UK anyway. In fact only recently one of these Muslim nutrocks was imprisoned in London, most English are familiar with him as he has bright ginger hair which makes him quite distinguishable! Him and his cronies have notices around in certain parts of the east end telling people they are entering a Sharia area, short skirts are not allowed, drinking is not allowed etc.

Who you are referring to are essentially that gang of Anjem Choudary, Abu Waleed and various other notorious 'guests' who know each other well and have had their organisations banned by the British Government over the years but then always resurface again under a new name. Choudary has always been very carefull not to say things in such a way that he will fall foul of the law. After all, he is a qualified lawyer I believe. Nor do their latest incarnations explicity fall into the trap of certain legislation in this country. It is now presented as conservative Salafi teachings. SalafiMediaUk is where most of these guys (including the now notorious Ginger Nut you refer to, after the Daiily Mail reported on his 'patrols' the other year) hang out.

Actually the "ginger nut" hangs about in prison these days, he got banged for his deeds. Did you hear Choudary's comments on Fox news regarding the Paris atrocity?

Re the Ginger Nut. Om the 2nd episode of the documentary his brother made. Speaking to the much berated Tommy. He said. "Have you noticed how the converts like your brother tend to be ginger?'

Fantastic! Now I get it.. After being bullied at school for being a ginger whinger they can bully others by joining Islam and becoming a ginger ninja!! Islam, the religion for ginger people! Brilliant!

If you're bullied by mainstream society, you a right to bully back.

The reason the claims of no-go Muslim areas continue is because there are no-go areas - in the UK anyway. In fact only recently one of these Muslim nutrocks was imprisoned in London, most English are familiar with him as he has bright ginger hair which makes him quite distinguishable! Him and his cronies have notices around in certain parts of the east end telling people they are entering a Sharia area, short skirts are not allowed, drinking is not allowed etc.

Who you are referring to are essentially that gang of Anjem Choudary, Abu Waleed and various other notorious 'guests' who know each other well and have had their organisations banned by the British Government over the years but then always resurface again under a new name. Choudary has always been very carefull not to say things in such a way that he will fall foul of the law. After all, he is a qualified lawyer I believe. Nor do their latest incarnations explicity fall into the trap of certain legislation in this country. It is now presented as conservative Salafi teachings. SalafiMediaUk is where most of these guys (including the now notorious Ginger Nut you refer to, after the Daiily Mail reported on his 'patrols' the other year) hang out.

Actually the "ginger nut" hangs about in prison these days, he got banged for his deeds. Did you hear Choudary's comments on Fox news regarding the Paris atrocity?

Re the Ginger Nut. Om the 2nd episode of the documentary his brother made. Speaking to the much berated Tommy. He said. "Have you noticed how the converts like your brother tend to be ginger?'

Fantastic! Now I get it.. After being bullied at school for being a ginger whinger they can bully others by joining Islam and becoming a ginger ninja!! Islam, the religion for ginger people! Brilliant!


If you're bullied by mainstream society, you a right to bully back.

NO!! Were you bullied as a child? Because a person who was bullied and then bullies other people has to be the worst type of bully on the planet. There's a difference between standing up to a bully and bullying back as a weird kind of revenge.


No Sir,

I was already grown up when I was bullied, changed culture, and now bully back to German mainstream society. Read carefully, I mean mainstream, not the whole of society. In fact I was bullied for publishing field research done inside sub cultures to mainstream, and mainstream European society is exactly where I bully back. Be glad that your very well defined society members that share social status *and* Christian religion get a minority more and more. Your hope should be the ones that have brain enough to make decisions for either circle.


They are more like Muslim intimidation areas than 'no go' and this is NOT a myth. I used to live in one in the UK, over a couple of decades most of the white people, Hindus and Sikhs moved elsewhere. Of course there were ones who stayed like my liberal 'multicultural lover' labour supporting neighbour. However, even she fled in the end tired of being harassed in the street by Muslim males calling her a prostitute for the way she dressed and afraid for the safety of her 14 year old daughter who was constantly targeted by Muslims with sexual overtures. The koran instructs Muslims not to befriend non believers, therefore the true Muslim can not live and integrate with non believers.

Agreed, many Westerners make the mistake of thinking that all religions are for truth, kindness to others and sharing resources.

Many religions are like that but followers of the Koran are most certainly not.

They have a specific agenda to take over and control the world and will not rest until they do.

I read in this thread that some Muslims are easily radicalised!

What does this mean when the Koran instructs Muslims to lie and cheat non-Muslims in order to further the spread of Islam!

When they have a device like Taqiyya which encourages them to deceive non Muslims, it's a free pass to lie and cheat.

Can a Muslim please post and explain how non Muslims could ever trust a Muslim please?

you cant ,this after working with them for nearly 10 years.

As for no go areas ,where i used to live ,the Muslim area in the 70s was a place where you could go shopping see Muslims dressed in western styles and never ever saw a burkha ,now it not a no go area ,but it is not in the least welcoming ,and most wear foreign style clothing ,burkhas are everywhere ,everything changed when they built the mosques.

Sadly the Muslim community seems to have become less assimilated as time has gone on. This has probably got something to do with the influx of money from certain Islamic states aimed at spreading their hard line Islamic doctrine. Here is an article from 2007, which concludes half of Britain's Mosques practiced a radical version of Islam. I doubt the situation has got any better in the intervening seven years.


I could also cite Erdogan telling Turks in Germany not to assimilate and Moroccan Imams doing likewise with the Muslim community in Spain. Whether an area is a no go zone, or an area where there is an unfriendly atmosphere is really an exercise in semantics, what is clear is the direction in which the wind is blowing.

I did not have time to read your link, I will though.

What you fail to realise is that there is NO RADICAL MUSLIM.

They all are, silent or not Taqiyya!!!


I wanted to say more but today is my 37th birthday....

OK so I have dyslexia. So what?

Yesterday I was only 27.....


They are more like Muslim intimidation areas than 'no go' and this is NOT a myth. I used to live in one in the UK, over a couple of decades most of the white people, Hindus and Sikhs moved elsewhere. Of course there were ones who stayed like my liberal 'multicultural lover' labour supporting neighbour. However, even she fled in the end tired of being harassed in the street by Muslim males calling her a prostitute for the way she dressed and afraid for the safety of her 14 year old daughter who was constantly targeted by Muslims with sexual overtures. The koran instructs Muslims not to befriend non believers, therefore the true Muslim can not live and integrate with non believers.

Agreed, many Westerners make the mistake of thinking that all religions are for truth, kindness to others and sharing resources.
Many religions are like that but followers of the Koran are most certainly not.

They have a specific agenda to take over and control the world and will not rest until they do.

I read in this thread that some Muslims are easily radicalised!

What does this mean when the Koran instructs Muslims to lie and cheat non-Muslims in order to further the spread of Islam!
When they have a device like Taqiyya which encourages them to deceive non Muslims, it's a free pass to lie and cheat.
Can a Muslim please post and explain how non Muslims could ever trust a Muslim please?
you cant ,this after working with them for nearly 10 years.
As for no go areas ,where i used to live ,the Muslim area in the 70s was a place where you could go shopping see Muslims dressed in western styles and never ever saw a burkha ,now it not a no go area ,but it is not in the least welcoming ,and most wear foreign style clothing ,burkhas are everywhere ,everything changed when they built the mosques.
Sadly the Muslim community seems to have become less assimilated as time has gone on. This has probably got something to do with the influx of money from certain Islamic states aimed at spreading their hard line Islamic doctrine. Here is an article from 2007, which concludes half of Britain's Mosques practiced a radical version of Islam. I doubt the situation has got any better in the intervening seven years.


I could also cite Erdogan telling Turks in Germany not to assimilate and Moroccan Imams doing likewise with the Muslim community in Spain. Whether an area is a no go zone, or an area where there is an unfriendly atmosphere is really an exercise in semantics, what is clear is the direction in which the wind is blowing.

I did not have time to read your link, I will though.

What you fail to realise is that there is NO RADICAL MUSLIM.
They all are, silent or not Taqiyya!!!

I wanted to say more but today is my 37th birthday....
OK so I have dyslexia. So what?
Yesterday I was only 27.....

How many Moslems outside the mosque follow the sermons from inside?
Anyway: Happy birthday.
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Don't be ridiculous. I am against RADICAL Islam as any sane person would be. You, on the other hand, seem more interested in enabling them with phony excuses and justifications for their actions. Although not religious myself, I have nothing against any truly peaceful religion including Judaism, Christianity or Buddhism.

That's a laughable assertion. I live among Muslims, I eat with them, visit their homes, do business with them, and attend their weddings.

I pointed out that there were no, no-go areas in the UK -

And now you have twisted that into me excusing radical Islam? There's something wrong with your head.

ps - I refer you to this thread from yesterday where I pass two my opinion on the root cause of radical Islam.



I lost count of the number of times that friends in the local village pubs would tell of their sons being attacked for walking by a muslim area on a Friday night in the 80s, because they had spent their taxi money on another pint. All they get from the police is "Please don't make a fuss."

I had a knife pulled on me in a street in a 'no' no go area as far back as the 80's by Muslims youth. Then I was fit enough to run off and rang the cops. They were not interested as nothing was stolen and I was not robbed!

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I lost count of the number of times that friends in the local village pubs would tell of their sons being attacked for walking by a muslim area on a Friday night in the 80s, because they had spent their taxi money on another pint. All they get from the police is "Please don't make a fuss."

I had a knife pulled on me in a street in a 'no' no go area as far back as the 80's by Muslims youth. Then I was fit enough to run off and rang the cops. They were not interested as nothing was stolen and I was not robbed!

You had time to confirm their religion before fleeing?


I have found , in general, that myths that do not die have some basis in

reality, or they would in fact die. And as someone noted, it is bit of

semantics at work. If you into one of these zones, will you instantly

die? Probably not. Will you not be welcome ? Yes of course. In

essence America has the same no go zones, except there the defining

issue is color of skin, rather than religion....

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It is our governments in the west that opened the door for filth to enter our lives. The "give me your poor, tired etc" which was based on the spirit of what the west was built on and had prospered is coming back to haunt us. Solution? Get tough and stop skirting around the issue and try to water it down by claiming that it's only the few bad Muslims. The fact is Islam is built on foundation that requires all Muslims to behave as such when Islam is threatened. So according to the book likes of IS etc are in fact the good Muslims. Those so called modern Muslims who pray occasionally grow beard etc who even go to pattaya for a bit of action are really bad Muslims and will go to hell (according to the book). Confused? I lived among them for many years. The more distant we are from them the better our lives will be. Real Muslim=extremist. Hypocrite Muslim = westernised. Cheers


Thanks for pointing out that you'll be looking for a Westernized Moslem next time. Do you want one with brown skin and a beard? Feel free to tell.


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