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I copped a flicker in another topic about poisoning soi dogs.

One question: What would you rather have, a series of painful rabies injections at great expense and worry, or getting rid of the souce of the rabies?...... just one tiny nip or scratch, is all it takes. :o

I don't think anybody is questioning there is a problem with soi dogs in certain areas, but there are a range of options and far more humane methods to what is principally a human instigated problem.

No one, animal or anything else for that matter deserves an agonizing death.

It would appear you had a frank exchange of views Noel, Good for you.

Good Luck


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may be gas would be good. :D

...somehow, I'm trying to picture coaxing a wild soi dog up to your gas mask as you gently place it over his muzzle, and administer the sleep-inducing ether, while your other hand apologetically pats him on his head. Am I missing something obvious here? :o

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I don't think the soi dogs would cooperate when it comes to being gassed! A high-powered rifle wouldn't be good in a built up area unless you used frangible bullets. A .22 rifle with subsonic ammo and a silencer would do the trick; won't make any noise and kills just as quickly as more powerful weapons. A crossbow would be good except you need to retrieve the arrows. Moving out of the are may be out of the question depending on what kind of place you've invested in. Good luck!

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OK I will probably catch a lot of heat for writing this but I feel a neccesary rant coming on !

I live in a deep soi in BKK and have come to the conclusion that dogs actually rule most aspects of my life IE : when I can sleep, when I have to wake, having to turn the television volume up to rediculous levels just to hear it, having to carry a large stick AND use it every time I leave my house after dark to go to the shop etc etc.

I didn't fuss so much in the past putting it down to one of the downsides of living here but now I cannot ignore this problem but alas am powerless to change it :o

Last night couldn't sleep because of packs of wild animals tearing each other apart and howling like wolves. Barely got any sleep and woke up at 5am unable to go back to sleep. When I went out onto the balcony half the neighborhood (all Thai) were on their balcony. It was surreal and we talked together about our shared hatred of these damned creatures. Many of my neighbours walk about with umbrellas or brooms/sticks and so on to make a 10 second journey to the shop! I myself have been bitten by an animal that barely resembled a dog as we know it and had to endure 11 injections at the hospital and thousands of baht out of pocket.

A planned meal to an Italian restraunt yesterday with my GF was ruined because of dogs. I cleaned the porch and swept like normal and went to check my email. In that time unbeknowst to me two dogs came in crapped everywhere(I left the gate unlocked) and one put period blood all over the ground :D This was the view that confronted my GF after coming home from a hard days work and an argument ensued as she thought I was too lazy to clean it all up !!!!! Again another example of dog's controlling my life.

Today I am sitting here with a swollen ankle as a dog pounced on me while I was trying to stop it from entering the porch and bending over to close the gate. As I write this post the poodle across the street hasn't stoppped barking a high pitched squeal that is grating on my nerves AAAAARRRRGHHHHH !!! :D

I see only 3 options : prescription tranquilizers from my doc / move to another country or A HUMANE CULL OF THESE CREATURES

Please share your pain with me :D

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OK I will probably catch a lot of heat for writing this but I feel a neccesary rant coming on !

I live in a deep soi in BKK and have come to the conclusion that dogs actually rule most aspects of my life IE : when I can sleep, when I have to wake, having to turn the television volume up to rediculous levels just to hear it, having to carry a large stick AND use it every time I leave my house after dark to go to the shop etc etc.

I didn't fuss so much in the past putting it down to one of the downsides of living here but now I cannot ignore this problem but alas am powerless to change it :o

Last night couldn't sleep because of packs of wild animals tearing each other apart and howling like wolves. Barely got any sleep and woke up at 5am unable to go back to sleep. When I went out onto the balcony half the neighborhood (all Thai) were on their balcony. It was surreal and we talked together about our shared hatred of these damned creatures. Many of my neighbours walk about with umbrellas or brooms/sticks and so on to make a 10 second journey to the shop! I myself have been bitten by an animal that barely resembled a dog as we know it and had to endure 11 injections at the hospital and thousands of baht out of pocket.

A planned meal to an Italian restraunt yesterday with my GF was ruined because of dogs. I cleaned the porch and swept like normal and went to check my email. In that time unbeknowst to me two dogs came in crapped everywhere(I left the gate unlocked) and one put period blood all over the ground :D This was the view that confronted my GF after coming home from a hard days work and an argument ensued as she thought I was too lazy to clean it all up !!!!! Again another example of dog's controlling my life.

Today I am sitting here with a swollen ankle as a dog pounced on me while I was trying to stop it from entering the porch and bending over to close the gate. As I write this post the poodle across the street hasn't stoppped barking a high pitched squeal that is grating on my nerves AAAAARRRRGHHHHH !!! :D

I see only 3 options : prescription tranquilizers from my doc / move to another country or A HUMANE CULL OF THESE CREATURES

Please share your pain with me :D

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up here in isan a truck comes round each month collecting unwanted dogs for humanly consumption.

they give one small black bucket for each unwanted specimen.

send them up north that's my advice.

any resentment caused could be easily appease with a timely plastic gift.

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Seems like most soi dogs are semi-wild. That means they have and fight to maintain a particular territorial area. You kill those dogs, I wonder if others will move in pretty soon after?

Wasn't there a thread on here recently about someone who had used a neighbors dog for traction in his Fortuner? Perhaps you could invite him over to dinner and ask him to drive with the headlights off? :o

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I don't think the soi dogs would cooperate when it comes to being gassed! A high-powered rifle wouldn't be good in a built up area unless you used frangible bullets. A .22 rifle with subsonic ammo and a silencer would do the trick; won't make any noise and kills just as quickly as more powerful weapons. A crossbow would be good except you need to retrieve the arrows. Moving out of the are may be out of the question depending on what kind of place you've invested in. Good luck!

Hi Rambo, are you for real? :o

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Hi Rambo, are you for real?

Just providing a few facts ciggie; don't take it so seriously. I haven't used any of those methods myself but if somebody were desperate enough to remove the soi dogs, they would probably work. We're all just fantasizing about getting rid of those flea-bitten mongrels...why not join the fun?

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:D I too loathe the soi dogs. Apart from the barking and shagging - try explaining that to a four year old :D , there is the ever present risk of being nibbled :D . IMHO, lethal injection is the only way to go. There are far too many of them, some of them look to be in constant torment from the mites or whatever it is that make them totally bald. What sort of life is it? I am aware of the cultural issues but there has to be something done. Without exeption, all my visitors remark on them.

now that is the best solution ive heard yet. :D

im thinking that we get a vet organised to jab them and we just pay the money ourselves as it could not be that expensive. :D

better than poisoning the poor buggers. :D

cheers :o:D

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may be gas would be good. :D

...somehow, I'm trying to picture coaxing a wild soi dog up to your gas mask as you gently place it over his muzzle, and administer the sleep-inducing ether, while your other hand apologetically pats him on his head. Am I missing something obvious here? :D

yes im sorry about that topy, :D

i have to admit it wasn't my best idea, but my aim is to save the soi dog from frigging dying in agony. :D

but ive got the answer my good man. :D

they get the jab. :D

we get the vet cranked up and its history mate. :D

cheers :o:D

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I don't think the soi dogs would cooperate when it comes to being gassed! A high-powered rifle wouldn't be good in a built up area unless you used frangible bullets. A .22 rifle with subsonic ammo and a silencer would do the trick; won't make any noise and kills just as quickly as more powerful weapons. A crossbow would be good except you need to retrieve the arrows. Moving out of the are may be out of the question depending on what kind of place you've invested in. Good luck!

nice pease of investigative work there my fine friend, :D

but i dont like the x cross bow gig. :D

you can just imagine it cant you ? :D

frigging soi dogs bleeding to death on the foot path with an arrow sticking out of its nogging. :D

cricky's mate, and then you got to get the freaking arrow back.

bollicks mate. :D

your idea about the gun and silencer is the way to go. :D

either jab them or shoot them but no bleeding cross bows and poisoin ok. :o

cheers friends :D

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up here in isan a truck comes round each month collecting unwanted dogs for humanly consumption.

they give one small black bucket for each unwanted specimen.

send them up north that's my advice.

any resentment caused could be easily appease with a timely plastic gift.

We have the same flexible friend exchange system here, I would think that most parts of Isaan does as the unwanted creatures are usually destined for Laos/Cambodia/Vietnam.

But I was told recently that consumption as food is not the only ending, in some areas they want the pelts and they don't muck about making sure the animal is dead before they skin it. When I found that out, I thought I'd rather shoot them myself.

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i might have to leave my dog, whom i have raised since she was a little baby, at the mercy of the thai village i am staying in when i move on soon. this means she will either starve to death (not used to having to find food and the other, more wild dogs will fight her for it), or she will be poisoned by the trigger-happy thais in my neighborhood who seem to unanimously hate dogs. i cannot take her with me, and i don't know any long term foreigners (or thais for that matter) who will take her when i go. so... this is horrible but i had thought of euthanizing her when i go?! if i can find a vet to do that... if not maybe i can buy some injection or another from a pharmacy that would do the trick? any comments or suggestions? i love dogs and i take care of half of them in my village, but i am the only one here who seems to give a crap about them.

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i might have to leave my dog, whom i have raised since she was a little baby, at the mercy of the thai village i am staying in when i move on soon. this means she will either starve to death (not used to having to find food and the other, more wild dogs will fight her for it), or she will be poisoned by the trigger-happy thais in my neighborhood who seem to unanimously hate dogs. i cannot take her with me, and i don't know any long term foreigners (or thais for that matter) who will take her when i go. so... this is horrible but i had thought of euthanizing her when i go?! if i can find a vet to do that... if not maybe i can buy some injection or another from a pharmacy that would do the trick? any comments or suggestions? i love dogs and i take care of half of them in my village, but i am the only one here who seems to give a crap about them.

yes i see your deliberation my friend and it surely is an conumdrum ? :D

if you can find a vet it might be the way to go. :D

if not talk to the chemist as im sure he could wack some thing together. :D

cheers :o

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but i dont like the x cross bow gig.

you can just imagine it cant you ?

frigging soi dogs bleeding to death on the foot path with an arrow sticking out of its nogging.

cricky's mate, and then you got to get the freaking arrow back.

bollicks mate.

your idea about the gun and silencer is the way to go.

either jab them or shoot them but no bleeding cross bows and poisoin ok.

An arrow can kill just as quickly as a bullet if it hits the right part, but I agree that arrows sticking out of dead soi dogs may raise just a few eyebrows :D Arrows or bullets would be pretty bloody; you're right about that but it's certainly more humane that rat poison.

As for the jabs, it sounds like a humane, clean and quiet way to get rid of those things. Perhaps the shots are cheap here, but in the States it would cost about $60/animal :D We would all be poor before cleaning up even one soi. Dogs are eaten in many places in SEA (including the Issan) but I don't think people would want to eat mangy soi dogs :o

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i might have to leave my dog, whom i have raised since she was a little baby, at the mercy of the thai village i am staying in when i move on soon. this means she will either starve to death (not used to having to find food and the other, more wild dogs will fight her for it), or she will be poisoned by the trigger-happy thais in my neighborhood who seem to unanimously hate dogs. i cannot take her with me, and i don't know any long term foreigners (or thais for that matter) who will take her when i go. so... this is horrible but i had thought of euthanizing her when i go?! if i can find a vet to do that... if not maybe i can buy some injection or another from a pharmacy that would do the trick? any comments or suggestions? i love dogs and i take care of half of them in my village, but i am the only one here who seems to give a crap about them.

Have you tried asking the monks at your local Wat, or any Wat in the area for that matter.... a small donation would help I'm sure.

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but i dont like the x cross bow gig.

you can just imagine it cant you ?

frigging soi dogs bleeding to death on the foot path with an arrow sticking out of its nogging.

cricky's mate, and then you got to get the freaking arrow back.

bollicks mate.

your idea about the gun and silencer is the way to go.

either jab them or shoot them but no bleeding cross bows and poisoin ok.

An arrow can kill just as quickly as a bullet if it hits the right part, but I agree that arrows sticking out of dead soi dogs may raise just a few eyebrows :D Arrows or bullets would be pretty bloody; you're right about that but it's certainly more humane that rat poison.

As for the jabs, it sounds like a humane, clean and quiet way to get rid of those things. Perhaps the shots are cheap here, but in the States it would cost about $60/animal :D We would all be poor before cleaning up even one soi. Dogs are eaten in many places in SEA (including the Issan) but I don't think people would want to eat mangy soi dogs :D

im sure that a thai vet would be able to make up a nice little serum to put said bloody soi dog into la la land for ever. :D

if he was getting lots of jobs it could be cheap. :D

i would not expect anything like $ 60. :D

ide be thinking around $ 15. :D

it would not take long to get ride of the dogs if we all payed for 4 each. :D

cheers mates :o:D

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Have you tried asking the monks at your local Wat

pshaw, yeah right... it's natural selection at the wats here. the monks don't take care of the dogs. i posted once on here about how i saw a group of puppies who were emaciated and dying at the wat. i took the monk there boxes of milk, puppy food, and bags of rice for him. asked him to feed the dogs since i lived on the other side of the island. came back a week later and found that half the dogs had died and the food remained unopened.

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Have you tried asking the monks at your local Wat

pshaw, yeah right... it's natural selection at the wats here. the monks don't take care of the dogs. i posted once on here about how i saw a group of puppies who were emaciated and dying at the wat. i took the monk there boxes of milk, puppy food, and bags of rice for him. asked him to feed the dogs since i lived on the other side of the island. came back a week later and found that half the dogs had died and the food remained unopened.

You took the dog in ... it is your responsibility to find the dog a home.

may be tough ..but do your duty.

a Wat or killing it should not be an option

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Have you tried asking the monks at your local Wat

pshaw, yeah right... it's natural selection at the wats here. the monks don't take care of the dogs. i posted once on here about how i saw a group of puppies who were emaciated and dying at the wat. i took the monk there boxes of milk, puppy food, and bags of rice for him. asked him to feed the dogs since i lived on the other side of the island. came back a week later and found that half the dogs had died and the food remained unopened.

Ah right, so the Wats near you are pretty much the same as here then, scrap that option as a bad idea..... I was hoping you had a better class of Wat....... yeah right Ok.... comments not really required.

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I have on occasion been surrounded by 6 or 7 of them and it was at 2 oclock in the morning on the way home from the bar. I only had one choice (other than being bitten from behind), I turned and ran towards them growling and gesturing that I would kill them, the buggers all turned and ran to the other end of the soi, gutless mongrels they were. :D

wow, dude - that must've been quite a site ! :D growling too ? :o cool ! which bar you frequent ? :D

I bet soon enough would be huge competition for best idea how to get rid of those dogs - in best tradition and style of Thaivisa - to rival the "Rain ..." and other threads !

but seriously, to OP I'd suggest to move to "dogs-free" area. because of several reasons, mainly - that this is one of matters we can't completely change anything about. I mean, as some or many have already mentioned here and in other threads :

1) well, in some way or another, to some extent or antoher, Thais love dogs and somehow are more lenient towards stray dogs (again, many various reasons, from Buddhist tolerance to Following HM the King, who's himself adopted stray street dog, trained him and even written a children book about him, which I was told glorifies Thai dogs and urges people to be kind to them - which I totally agree with; although HOW people intepret, or mis-interpret that - is another matter entirely, and then, how they follow it);

2) many people (not only Thais and not only in Thailand) are simply irresponsible - as it's been also pointed out by few ppl. they buy pets, than don't take care of them properly and eventually abandon them when they move on / fail to support them (may be grown up animal eats much more than puppy and owner simply didn't give it a thought when buying it / taking in ?) - or may be it is not cute anymore, or simply get bored (you know, that Thai word "bua"=boring - seems to be quite popular, if not most favorite!) and decide to ... get another kind of pet ! :D

3) blend in all other reasons (also discussed in this Forum at length and variety of angles), like "face loss" (admiting some mistake / wrong / problem), silence (many times people might not like something as dogs barking or in fact any other kind of noise - whihc there is plenty in Bangkok and Thailand's provicnes I'm sure - yet they express their true feelings only INSIDE home / family - not outside) or passiveness (even if neighbours of OP DID express their feelings and sort of shared solidarity and unity towards those dogs barking - how many of them actually ACTED upon it) in some problem situation; general "mai pen rai-ness" and plenty of other possible reasons in particular time-place-circumstance ....

4) there are much more more serious problems for government and whatever responcible authorities in this country than just dogs barking - I mean, yeah, they might have Vets or some other services which supposed to take care of stray / street dogs. but so there are many toerh thigns which SUPPOSED to be : police which supposed to eradicate populace from criminals, army which supposed to keep peace in the South, government leaders which supposed to be honest / uncorrupt / taking proper care of people and their welfare. public has a lot of other NO LESS than dogs barking things to worry about, as for exapmle : iTV in last couple of days showed some news reports about : teenaagers who ... throw stones into fron windo of passing cars, with already more than 1 death cases due to ; another report - again teens been arrested for BRUTAL killing 6 y.o. boy JUST FOR FUN - and it was also not a single case, father of other kid was shown crying too.

and in reality - do all thes SUPPOSED things realy happen / done properly / on regular basic ?

and everywhere else in this world ? what to expect of such a nice and "jai yen yen" and "MPR" (mai pen rai) country as LOS ?

HUMANS in this country often make much more noise than dogs. what noise - that is nothing, lesser disturbance or evil than some other. and with most you can't reason either (as someone here has mentioned about reasoning with dogs), or often even express to them or responsible authorities your real feeling about that.

I often think that Thai ppl are either too "cool" (jai yen yen) or too "<deleted>-minded" - that in regards to many things, or as here in relation this subject - towards noise (be that dogs, construction site, whatever) they simply prefer to tolerate it or whatever - simply go on with their lives. I repeat - ADULT HUMANS, fully consious, educated (or in the process of being educated, as students) often, or most usually, make a lot of noise disregarding how that might disturb other people around - what to expect, say, from children or dogs, which always get some sort of consession from Thais - I guess as those who are not fully aware / conciouse of what they might be doing and therefore who can't be held fully responsible for that (as many argued about that reportedly mentally ill person who's smashed Buddha in Erawan Shraine - "what take from a mad person?"). sort of "what you can expect from a child? it is a CHILD, how you can control him / her? just tolerate - or it is you who is unreasonable, expecting proper behaviour (concern about disturbing others) from a child" - or street dog. I'm not making this up - this is what I've been told by my wife, when I complained (only to her, with lowered voice so that others around won't hear :D ) that some kids were running around screaming, yealling etc - and their parents didn't even bother to restraing them.

so, to OP I suggest to find another place. because whatever you try, it would be temporry and most likely half-mesures anyway !

no matter what - poison, rifles, neighbours united front (in China nowdays they kill them in hundreds of thousands ! :D ) - DOGS WOULD BE BACK ! :D you might poison / slaughter/ catch and feed to crocs / whatever (wait for more advices ! :D ) one pack of street dogs - new packs one after another would be droped out of passing cars or move into unclaimed "freed" territory ! as I said - this kind of thing can't be totally changed - and therefore better to move into another surroundings where one doesn't need to face such nuisance.

or ..... may be get yourself a bigger / stronger / fiercer dog ? as someone here has already shared his experience of walking his dog in neighbourhood.

BTW - Buddhist tolerance or what - but not necessarily ALL Thais are so tolerent recently :

CRIME AND PUNISHMENT: Many in favour of death penalty, survey shows (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=52098&hl=)

People are becoming more unmerciful and accepting of severe punishment, even executions ...

Even on the issue of student rumbles, 11.5 per cent of respondents say they support capital punishment for those who often cause trouble, injury and even death in public areas of Bangkok...

Puangthong Pawakaraphan, a political science lecturer at Chulalongkorn University and one of the pollsters, said the results were alarming because across the board, 84 per cent of respondents choose the most extreme punishments. That is, 47 per cent support capital punishment, 20 per cent give the green light to extrajudicial killing and 17 per cent select life imprisonment.

Edited by aaaaaa
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You took the dog in ... it is your responsibility to find the dog a home.

may be tough ..but do your duty.

that's exactly why i posted... want to get advice. i think euthanizing them is a humane option, given the other options. believe me i don't want to do it.

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You took the dog in ... it is your responsibility to find the dog a home.

may be tough ..but do your duty.

that's exactly why i posted... want to get advice. i think euthanizing them is a humane option, given the other options. believe me i don't want to do it.

PAC will not euthanize a healthy dog, they might, however, be willing to help you find a home. I'd take her but I already have 5 dogs. 4 of them female.

Post a pic in the Samui forum, you may find someone willing to take her that way.

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OK I will probably catch a lot of heat for writing this but I feel a neccesary rant coming on !

I live in a deep soi in BKK and have come to the conclusion that dogs actually rule most aspects of my life IE : when I can sleep, when I have to wake, having to turn the television volume up to rediculous levels just to hear it, having to carry a large stick AND use it every time I leave my house after dark to go to the shop etc etc.

I didn't fuss so much in the past putting it down to one of the downsides of living here but now I cannot ignore this problem but alas am powerless to change it :o

Last night couldn't sleep because of packs of wild animals tearing each other apart and howling like wolves. Barely got any sleep and woke up at 5am unable to go back to sleep. When I went out onto the balcony half the neighborhood (all Thai) were on their balcony. It was surreal and we talked together about our shared hatred of these damned creatures. Many of my neighbours walk about with umbrellas or brooms/sticks and so on to make a 10 second journey to the shop! I myself have been bitten by an animal that barely resembled a dog as we know it and had to endure 11 injections at the hospital and thousands of baht out of pocket.

A planned meal to an Italian restraunt yesterday with my GF was ruined because of dogs. I cleaned the porch and swept like normal and went to check my email. In that time unbeknowst to me two dogs came in crapped everywhere(I left the gate unlocked) and one put period blood all over the ground :D This was the view that confronted my GF after coming home from a hard days work and an argument ensued as she thought I was too lazy to clean it all up !!!!! Again another example of dog's controlling my life.

Today I am sitting here with a swollen ankle as a dog pounced on me while I was trying to stop it from entering the porch and bending over to close the gate. As I write this post the poodle across the street hasn't stoppped barking a high pitched squeal that is grating on my nerves AAAAARRRRGHHHHH !!! :D

I see only 3 options : prescription tranquilizers from my doc / move to another country or A HUMANE CULL OF THESE CREATURES

Please share your pain with me :D

Remember these dogs are probably more an accepted part of the Thai community where you live than you will ever be. :D

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there was once a program on one of local Thai TV channels about an old man who was taking in stray dogs, showing them compassion, gathering them in his house in some small soi (somewhere near to Anusawari, Victory Monument), feeding them (TV showed him daily going to some vendors buying left over scraps of meat, bones etc for cheap price). he's gathered over 130 dogs there - IMAGINE ! naturally to great annoyance, if not to say - distress - of neighbours. not just barking - but STENCH of their feaces and urine, decomposed food etc. so, eventually neighbours filed a complain (yeah, well, seems like sometime SOME Thais do get completely pissed off and DO take some ACTIVE steps). and the old man appealed to THai TV (you know, it has some reputation of protecting ordinary citizens' interests - with all their talk- shows etc.) and this program has been made - I guess to appeal to public opinion (yeah, democratic country after all ! :D ) - WHAT should be done with them? because local authorities has given the old man a sort of ultimatum - to move all his dogs (about 150 ! ) to allocated piece of land outside of city (given by them to him, that TV channel also showed it - somewhere out of main road, according to his complains, too remote to adequately care for his beloved dogs) - OR they'll take all dogs from his house by force (I guess their fate would be as SBK or someone explained here - crocs food or something) AND old man himself would be punished (fine or something) for causing public disturbance.

so, I'm telling this story because I wanna let you know my wife's reaction to it because I think this is a very good example of , well, perhaps a bit too extreme, yet very common attitude of Thais towards such an issue.

she is also an "animals lover" (as someone said here), to ridiculous extremes I'd say - like taking in ALL stray cats and then having (more correct to say - forcing) her old mother to care of them while she went back to Bangkok. when she'd call mother, she'd ask about health of this or that cat and scold her if she think anything is wrong - not how her mom feels ! and I've spoken to her mom on this matter, who rather started the subject herself, sort of complaining that she is old and must go to the market to buy meet for cats, boil it (coz daughter insists upon feeding them properly - with COOCKED meat !), expenses it costs her etc. time to do all that - while she is busy with her garden and other domestic work (lives alone). not to say nuisance of bunch of cats running and sh1tting around ! so, her mom totally shared my opinion that this is - TOO MUCH, taking in all of them. I would add - that it might seem mercidull to animals, but merciless to human(s), especially one as important as mother !

so, when watching that program - she immidietly jumped into blaming all those "merciless and cruel" people who lived next to old man house and complained to authorities. and even she managed to formulate an acusation towards those authorities who has so "unfairly" forced old man to relocate all 150 dogs to outside the city.

I asked her then - how would YOU feel if you were one of those neighbours. because that program has taken interview from several neighbours too - even showed the blocked with drain hole and the pools of stinky liquids in the garden of some. so, I said - I bet you talk this way only because you sit comfortably in your clean room, can sleep peacefully at night undistirbed by barking of over a nudread semi-hungry dogs (BTW elsewhere I've read that dogs are ALWAYS hungry - is that true?) or stench of their extrements. if you were there, I think you'd talk differently. - she still managed to put forward many arguments in favor of old man and his dogs. I used my last argument, which I though most solid - that first of all main concern must be about well-being of humans, and then only animals - oh, that caused endless tirades about how ANIMALS ARE BETTER THAN HUMANS !

yet in Khaodin (as usually Thais call Dusit zoo, and naturally her favorite place to visit) she's shown me herself dozens of japanese turtles int he pool, brought there and abandoned by former owners and expressed her deep disdain of such people. even said she accompanied there once her friend who did so. she admited, that first of all people who buy pets on JJ must be responsible while buying them (that is after I refused to by some pet for her there, sayonjg that I don't want poor animal end up somewhere abandoned and uncared for because eventually and inevitably she'll get bored by it - shy downcasting of eyes).

so, I mean - it is very arguable subject about "Love & compassion" towards animals. although animals were domesticated, bred and kept as pets since times immemorial - nowdays it seems like it is done on much larger and inhumane scale. I look at all those pets shops (there are many around Bkk - at least 1 next to almost each and every big dep store) or on huge part of JJ market where this trade goes on - and think, how profit-greedy must be all those people who purposely breed all those cute puppies, rabbits etc etc simply to sell into some sort of merciless slavery and then being abandoned sooner or later !

I think even the meaning of word "pet" nowdays gets opr already got entirely different meaning. if previously (well, as I recall my own childhood) pet would be sort of family member, friend, properly taken care of - nowdays it is more like a "disposable toy" ! and children are rbought up with such attitude and understanding - than what to expect of them when they grow up and become adults, neihbours of some annoyed farang as OP ?

so, girlx, sbk and others who love animals - I think that first of all a lot has to be done in changing people's understanding of "love of animals". otherwise, it seems, as SBK's great signature says - it seems to me that a lot of Thai people don't understand it (and many other things) themselves - because they can't explain it to their 6 years olds, or even 7, 8 etc. years olds - or perhaps they don't even bother to understand and explain ? :o

BTW, girlx, speaking of euthanasia as humane option - I'm curious, did you purchase your dog originally (you asid you raised her since when she was small) or found ? because - that time did you think about WHICH option would be humane or not ? and then, say, you were aware that sooner or later you might face such a choise and its full responsibility - that you'd have to move on and leave her behind to her fate in the midst of merciless Thai villagers (or whoever), and perhaps already considered such an "HUMANE option" as euthanasia. so, was that action of buying or taking in a love of animals or not ? and what is more love / humane - taking in / buying or NOT ? I'm genuinly interested - please educate me, coz my wife considers me one of such "merciless" people, and I want to learn how to be "animal lover" (no, not zoophile - to those who might be concerned! although it is interesting to know - can zoophiles be considered "animal lovers"? I mean - they DO "love" them - don't they? :D ).

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I have on occasion been surrounded by 6 or 7 of them and it was at 2 oclock in the morning on the way home from the bar. I only had one choice (other than being bitten from behind), I turned and ran towards them growling and gesturing that I would kill them, the buggers all turned and ran to the other end of the soi, gutless mongrels they were. :D

wow, dude - that must've been quite a site ! :D growling too ? :o cool ! which bar you frequent ? :D

Fantastic Ling Kae reminds me of Rooster Cockburn in True Grit, but as aaaaaa says which bar do you frequent, I just gotta go there.

Good Luck


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girlx, speaking of euthanasia as humane option - I'm curious, did you purchase your dog originally (you asid you raised her since when she was small) or found ? because - that time did you think about WHICH option would be humane or not ? and then, say, you were aware that sooner or later you might face such a choise and its full responsibility - that you'd have to move on and leave her behind to her fate in the midst of merciless Thai villagers (or whoever), and perhaps already considered such an "HUMANE option" as euthanasia. so, was that action of buying or taking in a love of animals or not ? and what is more love / humane - taking in / buying or NOT ? I'm genuinly interested - please educate me, coz my wife considers me one of such "merciless" people, and I want to learn how to be "animal lover" (no, not zoophile - to those who might be concerned! although it is interesting to know - can zoophiles be considered "animal lovers"? I mean - they DO "love" them - don't they? ).

yes i did think about it at the time. my neighbors found her in the street when she was tiny and they were leaving the next day to go to brazil. i didn't know what else to do but wash the fleas off of her and feed her up. then i made elaborate plans to stay in koh phangan, which i might do but there comes a time when every farang has to go home to make real money, and if not that to explore the world. so most likely i would use the upcoming rainy season to do that... & even if i kept my house here and paid rent on it while i was gone, i still can't find someone i can trust to take care of my dog(s) for the months i am gone. i can leave her at the mercy of the village or i can find a longterm farang who might watch her (no luck yet) or i can put her to sleep knowing she has had an exceptional life. ???

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