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Suvarnabhumi taxi drivers suggest baggage charges

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Next it will be Taxi drivers to decide where to drop of passengers if its too far from their home turf to get dropped off any ware other than taxi drivers decision it will cost 500Baht extra.


What do they think, for peets sake, a family coming to thailand for a two week vacation is going to only carry one small bag of clothes and essentials? Is not Suvanabum the gate way to LOS a tourist destination? I wonder how many people never want to come back because of the unpleasant surprises they get on arrival. TOT better get their head out and wake up.


So now there is a special group taxidrivers who only work from Suvarnabhumi? What about learning english first and have proper taxi's before asking a raise?

Also they should lift the suitcases into their cars, that's the job of a taxidriver.


Also they should lift the suitcases into their cars, that's the job of a taxidriver.

In my experience, they generally do.

Although I'm beginning to think that I must be arriving at a different airport compared to some of you.

Their solution suggests a baggage charge should be officially set. One bag under 15 kilograms would be free. However passengers carrying two to four bags would be THB30 per bag, their fifth and sixth bags would be THB50 each, and every one after that would be charged THB80.

After the gas tank, I'm not sure they could fit any more than 1 bag in the car.


It's pretty simple, as in all parts of the world:

I wait in the queue

You turn up, smile and put my luggage in the boot

I get in tell you where I want to go

You smile

Turn on the meter

I chill out and look at the view from the window

We arrive

I say thank you

You get out and help me with my luggage

I pay you the fare an a tip

Job done!

How can it be anymore difficult than that!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app


F these guys, seriously, F 'em all . I don't have one iota of sympathy for these lazy SOB's (I'm talking of the airport taxis, but let's just throw the parked Sukhumwit <deleted> into the mix as well.

I live in the suburbs of Bangkok...the ONLY i ssue I have with taxis is that sometimes they don't want to go to some places due to traffic. This is,however, a rare occurence. The issue of using the meter is never brought up. They just do it. The difference is these taxi drivers actually work. They drive up and down Ladprao/Ratchada/Ramindra/Ngamwongwan all day taking as many fares as they can and most I talk to A) Seem to be quite content and cool.png Have utter disdain for their Suk/Swampy counterparts.

In terms of making money, the guys in the suburbs are probably making more money. An LPG car runs for a little over 1.3 Baht per km so with the 35 Baht start price most journeys up to 25 kms (traffic does lower this) are covered and everying else if profit (about 2 Baht per km). Now if you drive around the suburbs where average journeys are 1 - 5 kms, you're looking at about 10 - 30 Baht per km.

The scum at the airport travel about 90 kms (round trip) and on the meter would probably walk away with a lot less per km-this is the basis of their argument. Basically, they want to sit around for most of the day and still make the same money as other people that work all day (office workers, taxi drivers etc.)

Anyway, to close off I'll say this: F these guys...F 'em all.

+1... +1 +1 +1... <deleted> 'em all. That's why I give an extra-generous tip to the good and honest ones that I sometimes come across.


Since the airport link it costs me 51 baht and around 55 minutes to get from the airport to my front door, with a wheeled 23 kg suitcase, no hassle no fuss, and no waiting.

Why would I use a taxi?

Having said that I know taxi drivers aren't exactly wealthy, so I always refuse a no meter guy and always tip (hugely) an agree to use meter guy.

Example: from Khao Sanh Road ( I know, worst place to come from but relatives were there): no meter guy asked 400 baht to Terminal 21. Walk up the street to Rachadamnoen Road, hail meter taxi , the trip was actually 76 baht, I gave him 120 baht.


Once again we witness how lazy and greedy they are. They would rather sit on their backsides and do as little as possible and just rip everyone off.

I've managed to persuade 38 people this year alone from visiting Thailand and I'm so glad I no longer live in the dump.


Now farang is really going to complain.

No other land transport charge extra for baggage.

Not train, not bus, not car rental; why on earth Thai taxi going to charge for baggage is beyond my logic.

Perhaps the happy Thai people's logic is a world different from mine.

Taxis charging for luggage, especially large luggage, is quite normal at many airports in the world. I'm definitely with the taxi drivers on this one, as long as they implement the charges fairly and actually have the space in their boot for big luggage.


Taxi drivers are consistently selfish, greedy conmen.

They bring damage to the country's tourism industry.

Try going to koh Samuii (the military has not yet cleared up the corruption in that island's taxi mafias). Bt500 for a 5-minute taxi to the airport. The drivers informally tell you they are even greedier late a night when they know the tourist has no choice but to pay if he/she wants to get back to their hotel.

For the same reason I have no desire ever to return to Phuket or Samuii.

I'm sure others feel the same way.

Take action against taxi drivers; cancel licenses for those caught flouting the rules.

They give Thailand a bad name.


Stop giving taxi drivers more reason to rip passengers off, do they think taxi drivers will go by the meter if they can charge extra for baggage too? They can't even enforce a simple meter law, no need to complicate things more. On top of that, taxi's don't use petrol, they all run on LPG/CNG, price has not gone up! Infact price has gone down for "gas" since the invention of LPG/CNG compatible systems for petrol cars.

Just raise the standard starting fare from 35 baht to 50-60 baht. Mind you that 65-70 baht is the same starting fare as many first world Asian countries, I believe first world Asian countries the meter jumps faster based on my experience.

You can't even fit two medium size suitcases in trunk of a normal taxi. If they want to charge for luggage perhaps have a space for the luggage before they talk.


never heard of free trolleys?

and those thieves want 80 baht per luggage from the trolley to their small thrunk ?

ripp off thailand, it really starts at the airport

"As fuel becomes more expensive, our costs have also increased,"

i guess thai people don't know that oil prices are 50% down on the world market


Charge fat people extra too, like a US airline tried once smile.png

That was not a U.S. Airline, nor was it true. It was an April's Fools Day joke, using Samoan Airlines as the airline charging extra for overweight people. Have you ever visited Samoa? It was done is very poor taste. Even Fox News was stupid enough to broadcast this "news story" without checking the facts of it. On April 1st! Look it up and this is easy to verify.

Going back to the topic, I don't know how the drivers can keep saying they need their fares raised because of the cost of fuel going up. This was the reason they got the last raise in fares, and the price for fuel has since gone down.


Next it will be Taxi drivers to decide where to drop of passengers if its too far from their home turf to get dropped off any ware other than taxi drivers decision it will cost 500Baht extra.

My mate asked to go to a local big C but the driver took him to tesco, when he complained the driver told him it was the same type of shop!


Now farang is really going to complain.

No other land transport charge extra for baggage.

Not train, not bus, not car rental; why on earth Thai taxi going to charge for baggage is beyond my logic.

Perhaps the happy Thai people's logic is a world different from mine.

I was charged for baggage by a taxi in Marseille once, can't argue with them as they really are mafia smile.png

surprising i thought Marseille would be Muslim by now Insha'Allah


Now farang is really going to complain.

No other land transport charge extra for baggage.

Not train, not bus, not car rental; why on earth Thai taxi going to charge for baggage is beyond my logic.

Perhaps the happy Thai people's logic is a world different from mine.

I was charged for baggage by a taxi in Marseille once, can't argue with them as they really are mafia smile.png

surprising i thought Marseille would be Muslim by now


Sure is getting there !


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Charge fat people extra too, like a US airline tried once smile.png

Aircon 100b, breathing 150, if you drink water in taxi 50 b unless share with the driver, sleeping free only if they rub you otherwise 100b, etc. etc.

Taxis in India charge extra if you want the aircon on


Taxi driving is the career of choice for ex-convicts. All that is required is to pass a simple driving and knowledge test. Yet they expect to be paid like doctors

Any taxi driver that believes it's ok to rip off passengers because the don't get paid enough should just get out of the business and find a higher paying job. Same with police and public servants. Unlike other countries the common thai trait of laziness just means they believe cheating other is justified.


I think the problems with Taxi drivers is a global one. In my old home country, (Sweden, Stockholm, Arlanda Airport) We used to have the same problems with Taxi drivers trying to scam passengers. I think they have changed it now and use Taxi inspectors to see that everything is running in a fair way.

Regarding this new proposal from the Bangkok Suvarnaphu Taxi drivers It´s just another way to scam passengers. And complaining over higher fuel costs is just rubish. Especially now when the petrol i s cheaper than ever before. If you will run a business that is based on cheating your customers it´s time to look for another way of making your livelyhood.


That's why I always take a limo for 810 Baht to Bangkok downtown. 700 actually plus tollway.

Smoking permitted plus speeding in the price included. 140-160kmh on a Camry is just great plus I ask to sign a receipt for 40 USD so the whole trip from the airport is just 200 Baht.

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