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Impeachment: Yingluck's supporters warn of deeper divide

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I can only re issue what has already been said,

People in Bkk and many other places say they are more happy and secure with this present government than they have been for many years with all recent governments..

They can sleep at night without being afraid of their city being burned to the ground or being taken over by Red terrorists..

Tax money is not being wasted in buying rice at double the global price ... And as for the generals making a balls-up...

They came in to protect the country from civil war caused by the last government...

Time you spent time in their shoes, before demanding the world need to live by your rules

so where are you issarn or bkk, you claiming both now, and are demanding we believe your minute sample of what 5 people?

yes people are happy the fighting stopped, but the underlying problems ARE still there

ignore them at your peril


Now often he medicine or the course of treatment one is prescribed to cure an illness or injury is sometimes decidedly unpalatable or painful. That is the situation here and now.

The junta is the surgeon and that surgeon is trying to remove the cancers from the political and social body of Thailand, hence the pain and sometimes the unpalatable taste of the truth when medication is administered.

The noxious potions that were being administered under the old P.T.P. doctor need to be excised and purged so as the patient can start on the convalescent period and the road to recovery.

Of course there will be some adverse affects some rejection from and the patient as there is with many processes medical procedure wise and medicinal wise, yet often the result is a positive recovery and a full return to rude health .

Clean up the infected areas and all will be well

Time is a great healer.


It wasent Suthep whom started the protests it was a group of students. Why did the protests star? Over to you studder.

If by "students" you mean the ultra-nationalist vocational school students yes.

The same students who combine with the Srivichai "warriors" and southern rubber farmers to provide security for every one of Suthep's stunts.



The NLA s courage?

Yeah right anyone can be courageous when backed up by a countries military with tanks and guns.

This is just another excuse to hold on to power by the yellow dem junta which is something they can't achieve via the ballot box and need thuggery bullying and suppression to get their way.

No thugs on the PTP/Red Shirt side? Read what this guy, Weng Tojirakarn, had to say and tell me he is not akin to instigate violence if he were able to. Is this not bullying or Thuggery?


Can't get my own way, then I''ll take my bat and ball and go home. The thugs raise their ugly heads again. Better watch out they might get knocked off. But I could be wrong, I seem to have read many times that it was the other side causing all the trouble. Gosh, how silly of me to be so mistaken.


"He said the National Legislative Assembly (NLA)'s decision to impeach Yingluck was tantamount to destruction of the justice system and warned that people in the Kingdom could no longer expect to co-exist peacefully."

All this for asking a former PM and Amply Rich woman to take her responsibility?


Very interesting.

I didn't want my kids to grow up being intimidated and threatened by government supporters. I didn't want my kids to grow up being witness to terrorism that was supported by the government through apathy.

You supported a government that said don't believe facts but believe something that might happen in the future.

The PTP government has proven to lie. History has shown this yet you believe and defend them while ignoring the Junta when they say (like Fiji) "We will restore democracy. How many times have the Junta been caught out lying?

A pattern seems to be forming here.

Rice scheme would be a great success. It wasn't. Turns out I was right.

Reconciliation bill would be a great success. It wasn't. Turns out I was right.

Water Management scheme would be a great success. It wasn't. Turns out I was right.

PTP support democracy. They didn't. (yes yes yinglcuk was elected) Turns out I was right.

How long will it take for you to realize that you're wrong and I'm right!

Can't help wandering if its not about democracy and the freedom of the people in this country, but rather about you being right every time and all of the time, and refusing to accept that anyone else can hold a different opinion!

How could this wonderful self-financing Rice Price Pledging Scheme go wrong? It looked so good on paper



With thanks to M.C. Escher (1898 - 1972)

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