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Thai police rule out murder for Briton found dead on Koh Tao


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Why are there so many bad vibes and suspicions about Thais from so many people who live here? If I felt so insecure here, I would not be here. So many of you seem to contradict yourselves--you complain when the Police are quick to make a judgement; then you complain they take too much time. It has been reported her parents believe she died of natural causes. Isn't it possible that she had a disease, one which wasn't apparent in a picture, a picture which may have been taken months, if not years, ago?

A lot of TVF members are fat & old losers who can't get laid without paying for it. This is why they choose to live in Thailand, the only reason they are here is for sex. They are ignorant low-lifes of the western world. Because they hate themselves so much, they project this hate to Thais as well. They also hate backpackers, because they can get laid for free.

So this is an excellent oportunity for double bashing. They bash Thais, and they bash a backpacker island, it's a win-win for them. Majority of them are living in Pattaya,which is the murder capital of Thailand. But you never hear them calling Pattaya "Death City" or something like that. But they are very eager to call Koh Tao "Death Island" or "Dark Tao" (this one is really really stupid btw), although the 2 backpackers murder was the first in a very very long time.

They don't care about people's safety, they are here for only bashing Thais and backpackers. I'm sure they would love to hear some news of death from Koh Phangan as well, which is a primary target for them becase it is the main backpacker island in Thailand. If a death happens there, they will come here like vultures and dub it "Ko Death" the same way they do to Ko Tao.

You have the right to be a fan of Koh Tao and love this forsaken place even tho 99,99% would call it stupid

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Her parents have flown out to the island ? Or are they trying to make it sound like they were there all along.. This is the sort of reporting that gets peoples suspicions up.

Perhaps they are just stating a fact and not trying to suggest anything else like you are. There is nothing suspicious about the reporting at all except in the minds of the conspirators.

"There is nothing suspicious about the reporting at all except in the minds of the conspirators." blink.png

Freudian slip?

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Just read this on facebook

R.I.P little Girl i was at the samd time at this Hotel and i can forgett how the Police took you out of the room

I feel so sad about you and I am so angry about the owner from the Hotel because they Talk bullshit!!!

After 15 min they clean the room and gives that to another Tourist ( i am sorry for my bad english) but i think the World should know that !!!!

I feel so sorry for the Family


I hope the girl who wrote this has gotten the hell outta there! !!!

I think governments need to put out stronger warnings to all travellers to the island especially when the police cannot be trusted.

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Well if she was fast asleep and a pillow was gently put over her face. Then there would be no bruises would there.

The hospital she has gone to of course is the famous police hospital. The one that did David and Hannah autopsy. That showed David killed by the hoe.

Don't forget HER comment on Twitter on 15th...she had obviously caused a bit of a stir with some people....

"So my night ended with two men I repeatedly told I wasn't interested in getting in a bar fight over me. Broken ribs and noses. Intense."

I have had some experience with broken ribs (not mine). Normally it takes an X-Ray to see the breaks, except in extremely violent scenarios. "A bar fight over me" is something I've not yet seen,

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Add a bad chest cold (her tweets?) to an allergy to mold (worse in the tropics, but my conjecture as I'm so afflicted), throw in a hectic schedule, lack of sleep, some moderate drinking and interacting medicines, and unfamiliar surroundings, and I have no problem believing her breathing difficulties accelerated so quickly she didn't get to help on time. Not exactly "natural", but perhaps not foul play.

Of course, best to wait for the forensic testing to see if any other factors played a role, like pesticides, DEET in the alcohol, food poisoning, tainted meds, etc. Or it may be as simple as a very bad reaction to perfectly good medicine she bought over the counter. Like an allergy to penicillin.

How about too many roofies in her drink before they helped her back to her room and off with her clothes.

Which seems the most plausible sort of explanation considering the venue.

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Add a bad chest cold (her tweets?) to an allergy to mold (worse in the tropics, but my conjecture as I'm so afflicted), throw in a hectic schedule, lack of sleep, some moderate drinking and interacting medicines, and unfamiliar surroundings, and I have no problem believing her breathing difficulties accelerated so quickly she didn't get to help on time. Not exactly "natural", but perhaps not foul play.

Of course, best to wait for the forensic testing to see if any other factors played a role, like pesticides, DEET in the alcohol, food poisoning, tainted meds, etc. Or it may be as simple as a very bad reaction to perfectly good medicine she bought over the counter. Like an allergy to penicillin.

How about too many roofies in her drink before they helped her back to her room and off with her clothes.

Which seems the most plausible sort of explanation considering the venue.

That's right. Maybe the roofie in her drink combined with her medication was too much.

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How can they rule out murder before they have the official autopsy report?!

BECAUSE THEY WILL NEVER HAVE AN OFFICIAL AND REAL PROPER AUTOPSY REPORT as I have said nimerous times before.... why do the families of these unfortunate people allow autopsies to be conducted in Thailand...?? Why do they not insist on the body being brought back IMMEDIATELY to their own country ...?? Just totally baffles me crying.gif

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Murder Island continues in its obscurity. 23 year olds don't just suddenly die of natural causes, unless having had long-term illness and being at end-stage. She looks perfectly ok to me on the photo, and Twittering her stay.

Another stinker from the Island of Death.

As for the police punks, well of course they'd say it looked natural.

The serial killer/s is/are still on the loose, no doubt about it.

Not totally true, young people can die suddenly however there would normally by an obvious reason that would show up in the autopsy.

Here we are a week and the RTP do not even know what the pills were.

There are too many strange deaths on this island.

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Well if she was fast asleep and a pillow was gently put over her face. Then there would be no bruises would there.

The hospital she has gone to of course is the famous police hospital. The one that did David and Hannah autopsy. That showed David killed by the hoe.

Is it possible the hoes name starts with N and ends with D?

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Bangkok post had a story on this. Seems the lady like her highs with pills, etc, so it looks like it might have a combination of heavy drinking over a period of time, playing with medicines to get kicks, and maybe a low point with health?

Being chilled out and enjoying where you are is more my cup of tea. Some people are never satisfied.

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Does anybody think this is a bit odd

British daily The Telegraph said Christina's mother Margaret had posted on her daughter's Facebook page saying she had died of "natural causes" . The Facebook page appeared to be inaccessible Friday - the actual post read - We have lost our beautiful daughter Chrissie in Thailand of natural causes.

If you have just found out your 23 year old daughter has died, would you really want to post on her FB that it was natural causes? that would be the last thing I would be thinking of doing, especially before any kind of autopsy, why did the Mum need to clarify that? perhaps she was advised to put it? perhaps it was not her? my best friend died of cancer and at no point did I feel like writing - 'I have just lost my best friend to cancer', struck me as rather odd as did this bit of reporting on Friday -

The autopsy is not likely to be carried out before Sunday as officials have to wait for a ferry to the mainland.

"There is no ferry today so we will send her body on Saturday night to arrive on the mainland Sunday morning," Lieutenant Colonel Napa said.

Do they not use regular ferries then?

Also this was on her FB page

Arta Ad R.I.P little Girl i was at the samd time at this Hotel and i can forgett how the Police took you out of the room

I feel so sad about you and I am so angry about the owner from the Hotel because they Talk bullshit!!!

After 15 min they clean the room and gives that to another Tourist ( i am sorry for my bad english) but i think the World should know that !!!!

I feel so sorry for the Family

Now you see when we hear stories like this. And we know the history of that bar. And the suspicion around that bar owner.

We wonder !!! And it is said that her body has been held at the Temple with no refrigeration. The same temple that nomsod is a monk at.

Like Hannah we will never know the truth of this.

I do wish people would stop blaming the victim.

What??? Nomsod is a monk at the temple she was kept at???

If this is true it's very very weird,

can you please help verify that, Nomsod is in Koh tao and not at UNi..

Did he do something wrong he has to repent for?

Given there was rape after the two brits were murdered this is a very disturbing thought that this son of the headman is nearby......

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Actually after reading her twitter account - i think she was drinking heavily and taking a lot of pills.
She certainly liked Valium and drinking and had just been ripped of by a Thai pharmacy that charged her 3000 baht for some anti biotics.
She was certainly mixing a lot of pills with alcohol... So perhaps she just blacked out and stopped breathing.
Coincidence but plausible.

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Annesley's parents, who are on the island, believe their daughter died of 'natural causes'.

I wish they would stop saying that - there is nothing natural about any of this

And so many people wish you, and others, would stop saying things like this unless you have something to back up what appears to be unjustified speculation and, therefore, nonsense.

If it's nonsense, why are you obsessed, me thinks you have a JTJ hidden agenda..It's not hard to read between the lines on here, do you have a problem with them declaring that it wasn't murder before the autopsy...I have a problem that this happened in In touch,the resort owned by the headman...Why was this tried to be hushed up.Nothjing early till CSI and social media released it..what will you think if it comes back she overdosed on illegal drugs...Do you have a problem with Pharmacies in Thailand selling anything to anyone still...If thats the cause of death then perhaps the pharmacist could be charged..Whoever wrote the original post here suggests there was no police station on Koh Tao before the double murder, how about getting someone who can write basic english to release these damning reports...That rules out JTJ and swiss geez sorry, you struggle with the basics too often and like the RTP have too much egg on your faces..

In Police speak this was a "sudden death" which basically means someone suddenly died without a reasonable obvious explanation and until such times as it has be properly investigated that status remains, and I do know what I am talking about.

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I have to admit to being totally biased when it comes to incidents like these.

I believe Thailand will do pretty much anything to preserve and protect it's vital tourist business/industry at local and national levels. If that means making murders not look like murders or blaming migrants from other countries to protect local businesses and owners then I always believe it is possible when there is so much at stake.

It is very easy for Police to fabricate or hide evidence - manipulate crime scenes - influence the outcome of autopsies - silence key witnesses etc, in the west this would be virtually impossible.

Most of us have already experienced some sort of corruption here and the unbounded willingness for lies to be told at every level, it is not inconceivable or unreasonable for most of us to ask questions and present doubts when dealing with such matters as the death of a young girl on a Thailand holiday resort were she should in fact have been enjoying a relaxing safe vacation - there is a failure there no matter what the outcome.

Maybe if she had stayed in the hostel and not moved into an isolated holiday bungalow on her own she would still be enjoying her vacation - who knows

It' is another very sad tale from the LOS and my heart goes out to her family and friends that very obviously held her in great regard.

Rest in Peace young one your beautiful life was cut far too short

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It would appear from various posts and reports that at some time she was taking Tramadol, Valium and alcohol. Whether at the same time who knows. A quick Google of Tramadol gives the cautions when taking it and the possible affects of not following those cautions.

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Well if she was fast asleep and a pillow was gently put over her face. Then there would be no bruises would there.

The hospital she has gone to of course is the famous police hospital. The one that did David and Hannah autopsy. That showed David killed by the hoe.

Is it possible the hoes name starts with N and ends with D?

Haha just figured that out. ?

Yep,and apparently Christina was being kept unrefrigerated at the same temple that the hoe has been resting.

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Add a bad chest cold (her tweets?) to an allergy to mold (worse in the tropics, but my conjecture as I'm so afflicted), throw in a hectic schedule, lack of sleep, some moderate drinking and interacting medicines, and unfamiliar surroundings, and I have no problem believing her breathing difficulties accelerated so quickly she didn't get to help on time. Not exactly "natural", but perhaps not foul play.

Of course, best to wait for the forensic testing to see if any other factors played a role, like pesticides, DEET in the alcohol, food poisoning, tainted meds, etc. Or it may be as simple as a very bad reaction to perfectly good medicine she bought over the counter. Like an allergy to penicillin.

How about too many roofies in her drink before they helped her back to her room and off with her clothes.

Which seems the most plausible sort of explanation considering the venue.

That's right. Maybe the roofie in her drink combined with her medication was too much.

Yeah, you can't blame the roofie slipper for that can you? Is he supposed to do a tox screen on all farang lovelies before slipping them roofies?

It does, on a more serious note, beg the question of why she would be naked and alone in her room on a small mozzie infested island. Especially as she was feeling unwell due to her chest infection. Highly unlikely that she'd bunker down naked in that event, isn't it?

I assume that the autopsy will look for signs of consensual or forced sexual activity, assuming the "cleaners" didn't clean too thoroughly before the body was removed. It would be interesting to know if the venerable Mon turned up at the scene early, assuming that his staff would be sure to inform him of a death on his property, and at what time.

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Why are there so many bad vibes and suspicions about Thais from so many people who live here? If I felt so insecure here, I would not be here. So many of you seem to contradict yourselves--you complain when the Police are quick to make a judgement; then you complain they take too much time. It has been reported her parents believe she died of natural causes. Isn't it possible that she had a disease, one which wasn't apparent in a picture, a picture which may have been taken months, if not years, ago?


A photo (of) Christina Annesley from what appears to be her twitter account, days before she was found dead in her bungalow on Koh Tao.https://twitter.com/chrstinadarling

What's your point? I can post a baby picture of mine on Twitter anytime. More importantly, you can have a disease which is not apparent in your looks-- face or your body.

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