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Vote to ban Yingluck heats up social media

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Vote to ban Yingluck heats up social media

Kornchanok Raksaseri

BANGKOK: -- No topic was hotter on social media yesterday than the impeachment of former premier Yingluck Shinawatra in relation to the rice-pledging scheme.

Besides relaying the Attorney General's statement in the morning, social media users, especially on Twitter, updated the counting of votes by the legislators live.

Needless to say a lot of comments were made online before and after judgement time.

After a news report said Yingluck wanted to hold a press conference but was asked by the junta not to, she released a statement on Facebook.

Part of the statement said: "I insist that the rice-pledging scheme was a good scheme and didn't cause any damage. The loss [of money] they tried to frame me with was made up as a result of bias against me, then [they] used rice farmers as a tool in a political destruction."

Among the countless posts were:

@weranan said: "Online media makes it unnecessary for @PouYingluck to hold a press conference. [Her statement] has been spread so quickly."

Yingluck's statement also drew a lot of reaction.

@DeFirenze said: Dear Ms former prime minister, the rice-pledging scheme caused loss and there was corruption. It was not methamphetamine, so someone could not sneakily put it in your pocket before charging you."

While there was no movement from Thaksin Shinawatra's Twitter account @ThaksinLive, his daughter Paetongtarn @ingshin21 posted on Instagram: "It's not the first time, used to this pain already. Thank you for all the moral support."

Paetongtarn's brother, Panthongtae @oak_ptt, posted an Instagram picture of a fist and the message: "Are you ready? Are you ready Thais?"

Yingluck's lawyer also tweeted, with @NorrawitSocial saying: "I am sorry for the farmers and all Thais as they will have to lose opportunities and must go back to the cycle of poverty."

A furious Taona Sonakul posted her support on Facebook, saying she had no doubt Yingluck would become premier again. She said she would continue to support her and accompany her to court in the meantime.

@robertamsterdam, who used to work for Thaksin, tweeted: "Bogus impeachment of Yingluck is latest chapter in the criminal Thai junta's war against their own people. It should be Gen Prayut on trial."

@teacherwarat replied: "On what case? I'm curious."

@an_ann9 said: "It seems Yingluck still doesn't get why she was impeached. She said she knew nothing. Why was it only her [impeached]."

@rathwjj: "I don’t feel anything about Yingluck [being impeached]. I am just waiting to see whether [her group and supporters] will do anything."

@joe_black317: "What Yingluck said makes sense. Without Yingluck the country can survive, but without justice the country can certainly not survive."

@Bangkok_2474: "If you want to eradicate corruption, you must not stop only at [taking legal action against] Yingluck. You must take action regardless of [the political] colour code."

@iBabe: "If the liberals don't want politicians to seize power, they must help examine cheating politicians so that they cannot corrupt. Dictators can no longer claim legitimacy to seize power."

@masatha: "Some said this impeachment is a waste [of time] except the satisfaction [of persecuting other people.] In my opinion, in the next election, which I expect Pheu Thai Party to win again, it will not dare use the rice-pledging scheme, which has led to an enormous loss, as its policy again. Is this useful for the country?"

@Mr_Sumeth said: "No matter if you feel love, pity or satisfaction [over the impeachment], please don't provoke Thais to fight against each other. Haven't you suffered enough?"

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Vote-to-ban-Yingluck-heats-up-social-media-30252613.html

-- The Nation 2015-01-24


Justice was served yesterday

The rice scam was extremely flawed and corrupt from the get go

Caused billions in loses that will never be recouped

Only people who truely benefited were family friends and cronies

Are the farmers better of today than before ... not likely for most

She got what she deserved

Not for the legal case ... and throw away the key

but she will be living in her brothers spare room soon enough

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You can argue the rights and wrongs, but if every nation impeached its politicians for failed policies, then we would lock them all up. Worldwide. There is also the argument that 'other forces' were at work to stop the rice deals. Were they? I don't know for sure. And neither do you, unless you are privy to info 99.999999999999% of folks aren't. You also need to think about where the 'official' info is coming from. One thing is for sure. Yingluck was democratically elected and was overthrown in a coup. That is a fact. The military and Thai Elite have strengthened their positions (yes the Shins are members of the elite too, which is why they don't really care about what happens as long as they keep their money etc).

As you can see, I am no fans of the Shins (surprised?). However, this game is rigged. I can think of many involved in this charades aside from Yingluck that have commited far worse.

Also, going after her is a bad move (politically). It will make her a martyr and will stir up the 'reds'. Surely not a wise move, but Thais can be quite vindictive it seems.

Welcome to Politics.

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Ying I will make this simple so even you can understand. Say your driving a car and not paying attention to whats going on ahead of and you run over a child are you at fault? Wait and you can't use your get out of responsibility bribe.


The way things can work isn't Oak pushing his luck ?

Maybe he hasn't noticed that being a Shin these days is no protection.

It certainly seems provocative. Does he think that the junta won't risk action against two Shins a short time ?

He's surely not having a " do you know who my father is ? " moment !

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The way things can work isn't Oak pushing his luck ?

Maybe he hasn't noticed that being a Shin these days is no protection.

It certainly seems provocative. Does he think that the junta won't risk action against two Shins a short time ?

He's surely not having a " do you know who my father is ? " moment !

I think it is a subtle reminder for what is in store in coming years.

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Oak needs a wake up call! Taken in for trying to start another uprising!

This spoiled cocky doesn't know what is going on. Just obeys the paymaster. Same as with those other Bangkok elites.

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The way things can work isn't Oak pushing his luck ?

Maybe he hasn't noticed that being a Shin these days is no protection.

It certainly seems provocative. Does he think that the junta won't risk action against two Shins a short time ?

He's surely not having a " do you know who my father is ? " moment !

I think it is a subtle reminder for what is in store in coming years.

Not from Oak. He's a complete loser.


It was the main topic of conversation with all the Thais I talked to yesterday, they are crazy into Facebook on their phones. From my unscientific poll talking to them they all said they knew the verdict ahead of time and apart from a few yellow loyalist the majority were not happy about it and that is putting it mildly.

  • Like 1

It was for the farmers. I want to help the farmers. The farmers are poor you know they need help. Don't take away this support for the farmers. This is the sick strategy the Shin clan is using.

What they really did was selling rice very cheap to friendly Thai traders. They made it look like it was sold to other governments (G2G) in order not to reveal details of the transactions. Hey you can't reveal confidential info about sales between countries (governments). It's secret.

The Shins are a shameless bunch of crooks who keep misleading the Thai people. Luckily they can finally be stopped. It's not easy but it is happening. smile.png

Question......Why are gov to gov deals secret?

Answer........ Because they are selling the countries resources at a lower price than they are being sold to the countries own citizens.


And of corse the irony that we do not have freedom of speech anymore is again debunked by this article that criticizes the Junta...

I embrace reform in Thailand more than a mother embracing her new born baby.

As for Robert Amsterdam...

He is a representative of a lobbying firmof Amsterdam & Peroff . They could could sell sand to Arabs. They could make Ted Bundy look like Mother Theresa.

​Go on reply me….Exercise this freedom of speech you say has been removed...


You can argue the rights and wrongs, but if every nation impeached its politicians for failed policies, then we would lock them all up. Worldwide. There is also the argument that 'other forces' were at work to stop the rice deals. Were they? I don't know for sure. And neither do you, unless you are privy to info 99.999999999999% of folks aren't. You also need to think about where the 'official' info is coming from. One thing is for sure. Yingluck was democratically elected and was overthrown in a coup. That is a fact. The military and Thai Elite have strengthened their positions (yes the Shins are members of the elite too, which is why they don't really care about what happens as long as they keep their money etc).

As you can see, I am no fans of the Shins (surprised?). However, this game is rigged. I can think of many involved in this charades aside from Yingluck that have commited far worse.

Also, going after her is a bad move (politically). It will make her a martyr and will stir up the 'reds'. Surely not a wise move, but Thais can be quite vindictive it seems.

Get the Reds stirred up and the military will have an excuse to be there forever...................Is'nt this what Prayuth wants ?


The way things can work isn't Oak pushing his luck ?

Maybe he hasn't noticed that being a Shin these days is no protection.

He's probably enjoying his dad's vast wealth somewhere outside the country.

So feels he can be very brave - that is another family trait.

  • Like 1

And of corse the irony that we do not have freedom of speech anymore is again debunked by this article that criticizes the Junta...

I embrace reform in Thailand more than a mother embracing her new born baby.

As for Robert Amsterdam...

He is a representative of a lobbying firmof Amsterdam & Peroff . They could could sell sand to Arabs. They could make Ted Bundy look like Mother Theresa.

​Go on reply me….Exercise this freedom of speech you say has been removed...


Thai junta leader and Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha has instructed the media to stop asking children about whether they are familiar with his moral teachings, known as the "Twelve Values."


(Just a current example)

  • Like 1

It was the main topic of conversation with all the Thais I talked to yesterday, they are crazy into Facebook on their phones. From my unscientific poll talking to them they all said they knew the verdict ahead of time and apart from a few yellow loyalist the majority were not happy about it and that is putting it mildly.

In my company they where cheering when they heard the news. They ate not yellow loyalist, just sick and tired of the lies and corruption of the red team.
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