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Thai govt scraps inmates on fishing boats plan


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Govt scraps inmates on fishing boats plan
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Human Rights Watch (HRW) commended the Thai government's decision last week to scrap a proposed project to recruit prisoners to work on fishing boats.

The announcement came after 45 labour and human rights groups raised concerns about the project in a letter on January 14.

HRW said it hopes the government will also help solve the problem of human trafficking in the fishing industry and will work in close consultation with workers, employers and other stakeholders on effective labour rights protection.

HRW has called on the government to engage in a genuine dialogue to devise and enforce mechanisms as well as introduce additional legal reforms.

It also reiterated the need to improve working conditions in the industry and protecting the rights of migrant workers by granting them the right to form unions among other things.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Govt-scraps-inmates-on-fishing-boats-plan-30252573.html

-- The Nation 2015-01-24

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Provide them with boats and equipment and a certified accountable human being as captain, keep the prison nazi guards well away and let them fish and sell and eat their catch...and sleep under the stars and sleep a full eight hours every night and throw in a few guitars and ...well shit treat them how you'd treat loved family member.....and watch the rate of rehabilitation rise and recidivism shrink. As they say don't give a man a fish, teach him how to fish and bingo..he's on his way. You may say I'm a dreamer blah blah blah but I'm not the only one.

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