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Govt working to boost tourism, Thai PM says


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On touristic markets in BKK everything costs 3-5 times the normal price, add the low euro to that and you can understand how many EU-tourists will come to the floating fake market.

With the EURO having moved from being worth 44 to 37 Baht now there is a bit of a problem indeed.

36,you're behind the times, wait till Monday,35 anyone?

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As with some previous replies, today announce no alcohol sales after midnight, good for tourists with families, not for vast majority of tourists, going to restaurant late after busy day shopping at the floating markets, no wine or samsong after midnight. Where is this PM coming from, having laws like what he is imposing is ok in the Army, Navy or airforce, but people have to make a living. I live Koh Chang and the lack of tourists is hitting the local Thais the hardest. Come on your people are hurting

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We know the Government is working hard to boost tourism. There's a new announcement as to what they are going to do every other day so someone must be coming up with the goods.

So far this year:

Quality tourists

Chinese tourists

Elderly tourists

Medical tourism

More tourists from ASEAN

Sports tourism in Pattaya

Tours to different provinces, including those dogged by terrorism

Properly licence all hotels

I don't need to go on.

At the same time there are so many factors working against Thailand right now they really do have their work cut out to maintain, let alone increase, their market share of international tourists:

Military law

Koh Tao

Dual pricing

Alcohol laws


Police harassment

Competition fro elsewhere

Clueless Minister of Tourism (see above!)

Tough job! Keep up the good work.

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This is so non understanding. Tourists come to Thailand to enjoy the freedom to go to entertainments have a drink in a bar when they want go the shop and buy a few drinks but the government is killing all this new liquor laws. Can't do this can't do that, they will never get it right.

All Europen countries are open 24 hrs if the establishments want to do that. No restrictions to buying alcohol in shops or supermarkets. Freedom to choose that is democracy.

I am moving out soon with my Thai wife to Spain. Can't wait.

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I read it as "boot" tourism.

Many things they do seems to go against tourists.

We've had all the negative publicity about polise harassing tourists, the murders on Koh Tao, two-tier pricing and the cheating taxi drivers and of course other scams.

Now they start with tighter alcohol laws and haven't lifted the martial law.

The alcohol laws don't affect me in any way but I know they affect tourists. That doesn't mean they are all alcoholics but they do like a beer or something with their lunch (which may be late). Also I never go out late at night but what I read and hear about nightlife now (closing at 1 am) will certainly deter some people from coming.

Clear up all the scams. Look at neighbouring countries for entertainmemt (alcohol, casinos, cleanliness, safety and respect of tourists) and maybe Thailand will begin to attract more tourists.

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It will be interesting to see how much longer the good general will last. Messed up the tourist trade by tighening visas, then there was this "quality" tourist drive, discover Thainess. Whatever happened to the vaguely described reforms. Policing cab drivers and arranging lounges on the beach are part of this grand plan that deposed an electred government ?

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They are really going to boost tourism announcing totally idiotic alcohol laws as they did today

It makes me wonder if this bunch ever had any kind of formal education

I fail to see the difference between the laws already in place and this new law on alcohol sales. Maybe some stress added to "legally registered entertainment venues which have laws that strictly govern the periods they can operate daily" ?

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Please don't forget to inform the Thonglor Police too ....

Experience Thai police at first hand? The joy of being shackled, of slipstepping along in a nice jumpsuit. Free lodging for a night in comfy cells aiming at hospitality and communal get-together-ness.

How much do you think we could charge for such a 'packaged' tour?

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in Australia bottle shops/take away alcohol shops were open from 9am to 11pm, no one bitched about it, didnt stop tourists etc. We still had the drunken idiots that kept drinking until 5 am or so in the clubs then go out on the street and start belting the crap out of each other. Here they just start shooting each other so whats the attraction, do drunks like to see a lot of blood?, the clubs/restaurants will still be able to sell alcohol if you bother to check the laws by the way, just take aways will stop. I really have to wonder at those that are claiming they are going to leave due to this law, is getting pissed so important to your life, some people must have pretty low standards if drinking is all they care about. Personally I like the idea, might stop a lot of the drunken idiots, as for tourists, if they only come here to drink maybe this law is even better for the locals

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We know the Government is working hard to boost tourism. There's a new announcement as to what they are going to do every other day so someone must be coming up with the goods.

So far this year:

Quality tourists

Chinese tourists

Elderly tourists

Medical tourism

More tourists from ASEAN

Sports tourism in Pattaya

Tours to different provinces, including those dogged by terrorism

Properly licence all hotels

I don't need to go on.

At the same time there are so many factors working against Thailand right now they really do have their work cut out to maintain, let alone increase, their market share of international tourists:

Military law

Koh Tao

Dual pricing

Alcohol laws


Police harassment

Competition fro elsewhere

Clueless Minister of Tourism (see above!)

Tough job! Keep up the good work.

I'll add one to the list. They also tried to promote martial law tourism!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

in Australia bottle shops/take away alcohol shops were open from 9am to 11pm, no one bitched about it, didnt stop tourists etc. We still had the drunken idiots that kept drinking until 5 am or so in the clubs then go out on the street and start belting the crap out of each other. Here they just start shooting each other so whats the attraction, do drunks like to see a lot of blood?, the clubs/restaurants will still be able to sell alcohol if you bother to check the laws by the way, just take aways will stop. I really have to wonder at those that are claiming they are going to leave due to this law, is getting pissed so important to your life, some people must have pretty low standards if drinking is all they care about. Personally I like the idea, might stop a lot of the drunken idiots, as for tourists, if they only come here to drink maybe this law is even better for the locals

Live and let live!

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What a non-sequitor brain fart. Come to Thailand, we have new docks along the waterway and maybe in 5 years a new floating market right outside my window so I can mind you personally! How unique. Hopefully he'll have forgotten all about it by tommorrow morning, like the tourism industry saving idea to have all tourists wear wrist bands transmitting their whereabouts to the police for their own safety.

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I'm an Aussie and I qualify for a retirement visa in Thailand, but I don't want to go through all the rubbish to get one I'd like to make regular visits to Thailand several times a year as I have been doing, go home when it suits me and go to and from Aus as it suits me. It quite cheap to fly to Thailand from Perth on low cost airlines.

I have just passed through Malaysia to get to Chiang Mia. The KL immigration gave me a without asking a 90 day tourist visa, no arrival card was required, immigration did not ask me how long I was staying, the lady was very pleasant and suggested I change my ticket to continue my journey to Chiang Mia after staying a week or 2 in Malaysia and enjoy myself.

What a difference to Thailand to getting a 60 day tourist visa ($45) + renewal option for 30 days at a cost of about $60, and putting up with all the rubbish that goes with this. Like me forgetting to include a photocopy of the passport in with my postal visa application to the Perth Consul only to have it all returned as Thai regulations insist that I have to supply the photocopy even though they admitted they had a photocopier in the office next to the phone they were using, regulations forbid them to make a copy for the applicant, and even though I offered to send $20 to them to compensate them for the trouble of coping the passport. I also had to include a copy of the airline ticket showing that I would be departing within the 60 day period regardless if I intended to extend my visa using the 30 day extension. If I extend my visa to stay the 90 days I'll just have to throw this return ticket away as no refunds are available on low cost airlines.

Thailand has suddenly gone overboard to make sure regular visitors are as uncomfortable as possible. No wonder the owners at the little hotel I'm staying at are concerned. The turnover in the last 6 months is down about 25%

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Surely They Jest...

floating market next to gov't house? why? the water in the river is dirty enough! and no attempt has been made to clean up the canals! who is thinking this stuff up?

Also....the tourists may take a look but very few spend money buying goods. Who wants to cook etc. when on holidays

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I have seen the government at work boosting tourism...

Limited hours to buy booze...a major attraction for tourists...

Tourists and expats being harassed and scammed at immigration, taxis, real-estate deals and on and on...

Yep...they are definitely making people want to come to Thailand...the land of government mandated Thainess...

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One of the 1st things this govt should consider is scrapping the 180b charge on travellers cheques & ATM usage..if an English tourist brings £20 T/C's this greedy regime are milking near enough 20% on each cheque..

.."Oh hello..how was your paradise holiday in Thailand?" "Well it woulda been a damn sight better if the thieving powers-that-be had not milked us dry almost on each transaction!"...Lonely Planet/Rough guide..are you folks including this in your present/future editions..??

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What are they going to do?

Mass kidnap from Europe?

No, not Europe. Main-land China.

As TAT has previously said they aim to bring in an extra 20 million mainland Chinese or the next 5 years. Thailand under the PM's dream will became a Chinese theme-park. Their aim, as they have already pointed out, is to phase out European tourism, particularly in Pattaya. Koh Chang and other islands are already being heavily taken over by the main-land Chinese, and you know what already has happened in Chang Mai. But what I find frightening is that TAT wants to make from Hua Hin to Chumpon a Chinese destination. There goes all those quiet little coastal towns and beautiful white sand beaches. Taken over by arrogant, loud, spitting Chinese, trampling over Thai Culture. When are the Thai going to wake up that their country is up for auction.

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In order to boost tourism, begin with the following steps.

1. Scrap those restricted alcohol selling times. Its nonsense and the mom & pop shops do not comply anyway.

2. Lower the national park fees for foreigners to what Thais pay. Because this is racism.

3. Effectively control the taxi mafia. As they tarnish the image as a top tourist destination.

4. Make police enforce traffic laws every where. Not only at certain spots and times. Because plenty of reckless driving and accidents.

5. Clean up the roadsides and canals. Fine drivers who throw trash out of the window. There is litter all over. Looks dirty.

6. Stop the annoying loudspeaker truck convoys. It's another form of propaganda

This is for a start. The list can be contnued.

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I don't think the Thais are that interested in tourists from Europe or Russia these days. The future is China - hence the plans to remove visas for Chinese tourists. Expect to see more policies to encourage tourism from china, and more restrictions on visitors from Europe.

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