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I was in mae sai yesterday and found a store with six or seven different models of electric heaters...all made in China of course. The smallest ones were about 1000 baht while the larger better ones with remote, fan forced, etc were about 2000 baht. Lot cheaper and bigger selection than I have seen at any store in CR.

Go to bridge and the market road that runs along the river to your left....shop is on left about 100 meters or so up river from the bridge...the girls there will plug them in and demonstrate the various features for you with a smile.

Sure makes those early a.m. showers much more comfortable.

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Good info, thanks for sharing.


Please tell us you have RCD protection on both the shower and the heater if you're using it in the shower room.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


I've recently moved from the warmth of my upper floor condo in Chiang Mai centre to a house just north of the city, the difference has been dramatic. During the past two months there have been nights where two or three comforters have been essential and bathrobe and slippers vital at any time before around 9am. Last week we went into the nearby mountains to pick strawberries and left at 7am, fleece jackets and boots/gloves were mandatory. Finally, last moth we went up Doi Inthanon where the weather was as cold and grey as even the worst day during a wet London winter. And yes, if I could find heaters I would buy them and will certainly do so before next winter.


My missus plugs in the hair dryer on full power to warm up the bathroom before she climbs out of her onesies to have a shower.

And this is in Jomtien.

The cold season does seem a little cooler this year. Lots more morning condensation on cars and house roofs than I recall from previous years.


Personally a heater would spoil the mood for me. I quite enjoy putting on a jacket in the early hours. We have open fields to the North so we too feel much cooler than in town (Chiang Rai) but with the house closed up it is a few degrees warmer inside.

I have noticed that our multipoint water heater in the main bathroom is struggling a little. It is wired for 3-phase and will scald you most of the year if you are not careful with the mix. Lately you can turn it on full for a hot bath or shower and there is no danger of turning beet red.
Still I am sure there are those who welcome information on where to buy space heaters. Maybe getting ready for next year, as things are starting to warm up and there is no word of a new blast of cold air coming down from China.

Please tell us you have RCD protection on both the shower and the heater if you're using it in the shower room.

You thinking of taking a warm shower with PomChop Crossy?

ps steamed up mirrors have always annoyed me not helped by running the shower for five minutes to warm up the bathroom.

You try to save and if you're not careful it's the Texas Chainsaw Massacre


I found a place that sells little radiant space heaters in CR. 600 baht, bacially just a shaped shield and heating element. Works ok on one small room. If I put it in front of a fan works better. Let me know if you want to know where.


Some mornings I have to shower early and my house is all concrete and tile and YES to me it can be really cold a few months a year here in Chiang Rai. I spent most of my life in Hawaii so not used to anything even remotely cold....plus not as young as I used to be so keeping warm can sometimes be a bit of a challenge. There were several mornings this year where the temp in my bedroom was in the mid 50's F or even below and to me that is COLD....

Am very happy to have a semi decent space heater even if it did cost twice what a similar one would sell for in USA. Plus the girls in the shop offered to marry me and come keep me warm if the heater doesn't work properly......


Phrae has been having mornings around 11 and 12 degrees. I'm lucky we can pull a 44 up to the patio an set it ablaze with wood.....I'm off to buy an electric heater today for the bedroom! (Globle House B3900....pang!) thumbsup.gifwai.gif


Some mornings I have to shower early and my house is all concrete and tile and YES to me it can be really cold a few months a year here in Chiang Rai. I spent most of my life in Hawaii so not used to anything even remotely cold....plus not as young as I used to be so keeping warm can sometimes be a bit of a challenge. There were several mornings this year where the temp in my bedroom was in the mid 50's F or even below and to me that is COLD....

Am very happy to have a semi decent space heater even if it did cost twice what a similar one would sell for in USA. Plus the girls in the shop offered to marry me and come keep me warm if the heater doesn't work properly......

So you say! tongue.pngclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

  • 11 months later...

I found a place that sells little radiant space heaters in CR. 600 baht, bacially just a shaped shield and heating element. Works ok on one small room. If I put it in front of a fan works better. Let me know if you want to know where.

Yes, please advise where you bought it, freezing fingers can hardly type! I don't want to go to Mae Sai today!!!


Interesting how the dates for this thread match up with this year.

Thanks, just realized that guy posted that last year! I was expecting a quick answer...


Central Plaza will have a selection, try Robinsons and the big electrical shop down near the phone stalls.

Shouldn't have any trouble getting park today. smile.png


and boy am i glad that i bought the space heater last year as it seems even colder this year....it's not what i would call a great heater as it struggles to get my bedroom up past 65 degrees F but that is a lot better than 49 degrees without it...

BEST thing i bought though was an "electric blanket"...more like a pad than a blanket but it will keep you warm in bed

CR high yesterday was like a school in alaska or something with the kids bundled up in every coat and sweater they could find....and a lot of them didn't show up at all as i suspect it was a very cold and wet and nasty ride on a motorbike for many of them....



I found a place that sells little radiant space heaters in CR. 600 baht, bacially just a shaped shield and heating element. Works ok on one small room. If I put it in front of a fan works better. Let me know if you want to know where.

Yes, please advise where you bought it, freezing fingers can hardly type! I don't want to go to Mae Sai today!!!

Yeah, he answered and it shows how only one year ago were the days of yore! He said he found it between the old and new clock towers. I went there yesterday and found 2 stores that had them, I really doubt they are anything like what cgphuket bought, they are very weak, and the price was 2990Baht. I did NOT buy one! Perhaps go to Mae Sai at some point...but I doubt I am up for it today. Today it is 14c as opposed to 7c yesterday morning! Still cold!


Good info, thanks for sharing.


Please tell us you have RCD protection on both the shower and the heater if you're using it in the shower room.

And you are not in a plastic showerbase connected with plastic pipes. (Will rcd help there Crossy?)


Good info, thanks for sharing.


Please tell us you have RCD protection on both the shower and the heater if you're using it in the shower room.

And you are not in a plastic showerbase connected with plastic pipes. (Will rcd help there Crossy?)

don't worry guys i'm not that dumb and have no death wish.........i use it in the dressing area outside the bath area....well away from the water and electrical connections


Was shopping and stopped at a couple appliance stores looking for an A/C with heat pump cycle. Mitsubishi used to make them but now I can't find any. Anybody else know if they're available anywhere?

But did see a variety of space heaters. Not sure of the quality or how much power they will draw, but I may try one before next winter. Pricey at B4,000+, but I imagine the price will come down as the temps go up. We did get a couple of electric hot water bottles a lady was selling from her shop downtown. She said she sold over 100 that day. And they work nicely. They heat up in about six minutes and stay warm for 3 hours.

Like someone said, temps in the 50s in a brick and tile house is just darn cold. Plus I have the in-laws and was afraid they would freeze to death.


the elect heater i bought in mae sai was 2000 baht ...it has a small forced air fan and a remote control..of course everything is in chinese and the unit has a lot of different settings that is strictly trial and error as can't read the chinese markings...but in the end it does work ok though by USA standards it is really overpriced and not very good quality...it does have a safety shut off if tipped over...

bottom line better than nothing and last week i was sure happy to have it and got my 2000 baht worth of heat....


Infrared heaters available for around 2,500 baht in CR and Mai Sai, Thai and Chinese knockoffs, the infrared jobbies are the business and throw out a lot of heat for small bucks.


Infrared heaters available for around 2,500 baht in CR and Mai Sai, Thai and Chinese knockoffs, the infrared jobbies are the business and throw out a lot of heat for small bucks.

Where in CR did you see the infrared heaters? The ones I saw were all the type with the metal strip that gets hot - whatever that's called..



It was by pure chance that a hairdresser we went to had one set up in her shop and her friend was selling them, we bought one on the spot because it was so effective.

If you go to La Vie En Rose Hotel, walk out of the hotel and turn left on the street, walk along maybe 50 metres and see massage shop with hairdresser next door and then a small bake shop - the girl in the hairdresser has the details, nice lady. Apparently the same product exists plus many variants in Mai Sai.


On the positive side, an electric heater is 100% efficient. The down side, we all know about, how it sucks lots of energy.

I built a space heater and put it in my office room. It's a mid-sized galvy barrel, turned upside down. Closed end top, open end bottom. Set on bricks, with a 1-burner propane heating device turned on lowest flame at the bottom. It vents with a 3" steel tube which exits outside with a cap. Note, the vent pipe sticks down into the barrel, the open end about 8" from bottom - that way the heated air is forced to circulate inside for at least several seconds before it exits. Total cost; less than 1,500 baht.

  • 9 months later...

Thanks Pomchop, I live near Mae Sai; Sounds like a solution; I'll buy one soon. Last January here was incredibly cold; thankfully I brought my Alaska jacket, gloves and hat.  I also employed a useful Alaska technique: plug in the hair dryer under the blankets a couple of times around 3 am. Of course a little honey is the best method short of that. ;)

  • 3 weeks later...

I was just at Big C and there was a booth selling infrared space heaters. I was looking for one last year and couldn't find one in CR. Supposedly a bit safer and a bit more energy efficient than the electric models. They have a timer which is nice so you can just take the chill out of a room for 20 minutes or so. Worked ok the first night and morning.


There were some girls selling little heat pumps on the veranda last month at Thai Watsadu, 2500W


Haven't tried it out yet but at that strength it should really knock some heat out.

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