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Autopsy detects no sign of an attack on British Koh Tao backpacker

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I will visit this "Island of death" in the near future. I want to find out if Koh Tao has the potential to become as bad as Magaluf, Majorca, where violent death of British teenagers indulging in excessive alco binging, sex and drugs is way above the ordinary. The concerns of British parents about foul play by Spanish authorities is very similar to those expressed by our honorable TV detectives. Example: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/16/magaluf-british-teenager-chased-fall

I will report the results of my private investigation. CapeCobra

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I think the message going out here is, don't drink too much, stay off the buckets of cheap alcohol, don't take drugs or medics like Valium, don't stay out late at night, always stay with a crowd of friends. It's dangerous country, and the kids don't know it.

ans stay away from Koh Tao

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I think the message going out here is, don't drink too much, stay off the buckets of cheap alcohol, don't take drugs or medics like Valium, don't stay out late at night, always stay with a crowd of friends. It's dangerous country, and the kids don't know it.

...and carry a personal alarm.


I think open minded in this case means we dont even know the cause of death but we do know alcohol and medicine was used together for sure.

I don't think we do know alcohol and medicine were used together. Not if you are referring to the evening she died.


This girl's mother must have been aware when her daughter visited Koh Tao of the murders of Hannah and David. Unless her daughter already had a life threatening illness, she must be very naive to allow an autopsy to be carried out in Thailand. The girl was found dead on 21st January - 5 days ago so it surely wouldn't have been that difficult to have the body bought back to the UK in that time for an autopsy to be carried out. It doesn't take a genius to understand that 'No sign of attack' does not necessarily mean she died of natural causes or of a drug overdose. And 'No semen' doesn't rule out foul play. There's an interesting point raised on FB about the doors of the rooms in the In Touch where she was staying not being able to be opened from the outside with a key when they are locked from inside.

Please ... as if the family has the right to tell a foreign country whether or not to investigate (autopsy) if a crime (murder) occurred in their own country. What a bunch of disrespectful nonsense making such ignorant speculation of this poor women who just lost a daughter when you cannot even use common sense about laws. All this further compounded with the spreading of another very a moronic Facebook comment suggesting a hotel door cannot being opened by staff, as this one was, if locked from the inside.

A young girl dies who was taking medication including pain killers and benzos while drinking as well as buying an expensive antibiotics in the days before dying. All indications from the witneses, the scene and medical examinations to date indicate no foul play and the mother has stated very early on her daughter died of natural causes. While it would seem her use of the word "natural causes" may not be the medical definition, it seems very clear what she meant.

There is absolutely zero reason, outside of far fetched theories, to suggest foul play and MANY factual reasons to point to there being no foul play. For God's sake let them conclude with the medical results and show the mother just a basic bit of respect and privacy at least until she gets her daughter back and cared for. While you and others want to play social media detectives for your own thrills, this women lost a daughter whom she knew and loved and this kind of wild idiotic unfounded rumor spreading serves absolutely no purpose except to satisfy some self feelings of inadequacy .... this women is no difference than the family of the actual Koh Tao murder victims who made clear such nonsense internet posting was hurtful to them. A big difference however here is there is no murder investigation ad a murder has not even been confirmed and there isn't anything to indicate any foul play ... except for what the morons on Facebook will come up with as the continue to feed each other to be convinced this was a murder.

While you may actually think people are stupid, there is nobody who can read the OP who isn't aware that lack of semen and lack of there being any sign of attack doesn't prove there was not foul play but rather just makes it less likely especially combined with other facts we know such as the medication, her door being locked from the inside and her valuables not missing. So, why mention this unless trying to promote it? And why mention overdose or natural cause when the report doesn;t suggest or mention either unless you are trying to create a subtle false argument that these are the only other two alternatives just as you try to state the mother is either "very naive" or the daughter had a a life threatening illness before she traveled. Really, while either might be truer is this the only two options?

This is just a bunch of nonsense with the clear design to manipulate other emotionally driven non-critical thinking people to get on another conspiracy band wagon. There is a whole world that exists outside the one of fantasy detectives land on social media that is filled with actual facts and logic and plausible theories that you don't need to lower your IQ to be part of.

Unless foul play is proven or even realistically suspected to be involved, none of us have any right to know the details of this girls life and death and this is the way it should be. Bullying and hindering authorities with nonsense theories and lies spread on the internet to release information that will be selectively believed and the rest used to fuel the needs of Social Media Detectives is a disgusting game to play when real people whose lives have already turned upside down are involved.

Absolutely right.

"This is just a bunch of nonsense with the clear design to manipulate other emotionally driven non-critical thinking people to get on another conspiracy band wagon."

Isn't that ThaiVisa's definition of trolling, which contravenes the forum regulations? Perhaps the mods should be reading this thread.

I imagine they are reading the threads as that is what they are employed to do. I will respect any moderation I receive from them, rest assured.


Please ... as if the family has the right to tell a foreign country whether or not to investigate (autopsy) if a crime (murder) occurred in their own country. What a bunch of disrespectful nonsense making such ignorant speculation of this poor women who just lost a daughter when you cannot even use common sense about laws. All this further compounded with the spreading of another very a moronic Facebook comment suggesting a hotel door cannot being opened by staff, as this one was, if locked from the inside.

A young girl dies who was taking medication including pain killers and benzos while drinking as well as buying an expensive antibiotics in the days before dying. All indications from the witneses, the scene and medical examinations to date indicate no foul play and the mother has stated very early on her daughter died of natural causes. While it would seem her use of the word "natural causes" may not be the medical definition, it seems very clear what she meant.

There is absolutely zero reason, outside of far fetched theories, to suggest foul play and MANY factual reasons to point to there being no foul play. For God's sake let them conclude with the medical results and show the mother just a basic bit of respect and privacy at least until she gets her daughter back and cared for. While you and others want to play social media detectives for your own thrills, this women lost a daughter whom she knew and loved and this kind of wild idiotic unfounded rumor spreading serves absolutely no purpose except to satisfy some self feelings of inadequacy .... this women is no difference than the family of the actual Koh Tao murder victims who made clear such nonsense internet posting was hurtful to them. A big difference however here is there is no murder investigation ad a murder has not even been confirmed and there isn't anything to indicate any foul play ... except for what the morons on Facebook will come up with as the continue to feed each other to be convinced this was a murder.

While you may actually think people are stupid, there is nobody who can read the OP who isn't aware that lack of semen and lack of there being any sign of attack doesn't prove there was not foul play but rather just makes it less likely especially combined with other facts we know such as the medication, her door being locked from the inside and her valuables not missing. So, why mention this unless trying to promote it? And why mention overdose or natural cause when the report doesn;t suggest or mention either unless you are trying to create a subtle false argument that these are the only other two alternatives just as you try to state the mother is either "very naive" or the daughter had a a life threatening illness before she traveled. Really, while either might be truer is this the only two options?

This is just a bunch of nonsense with the clear design to manipulate other emotionally driven non-critical thinking people to get on another conspiracy band wagon. There is a whole world that exists outside the one of fantasy detectives land on social media that is filled with actual facts and logic and plausible theories that you don't need to lower your IQ to be part of.

Unless foul play is proven or even realistically suspected to be involved, none of us have any right to know the details of this girls life and death and this is the way it should be. Bullying and hindering authorities with nonsense theories and lies spread on the internet to release information that will be selectively believed and the rest used to fuel the needs of Social Media Detectives is a disgusting game to play when real people whose lives have already turned upside down are involved.

Apparently you have the toxicology results already? How do you know what is in her system? Were you there to see her ingest them?


Please ... as if the family has the right to tell a foreign country whether or not to investigate (autopsy) if a crime (murder) occurred in their own country. What a bunch of disrespectful nonsense making such ignorant speculation of this poor women who just lost a daughter when you cannot even use common sense about laws. All this further compounded with the spreading of another very a moronic Facebook comment suggesting a hotel door cannot being opened by staff, as this one was, if locked from the inside.

A young girl dies who was taking medication including pain killers and benzos while drinking as well as buying an expensive antibiotics in the days before dying. All indications from the witneses, the scene and medical examinations to date indicate no foul play and the mother has stated very early on her daughter died of natural causes. While it would seem her use of the word "natural causes" may not be the medical definition, it seems very clear what she meant.

There is absolutely zero reason, outside of far fetched theories, to suggest foul play and MANY factual reasons to point to there being no foul play. For God's sake let them conclude with the medical results and show the mother just a basic bit of respect and privacy at least until she gets her daughter back and cared for. While you and others want to play social media detectives for your own thrills, this women lost a daughter whom she knew and loved and this kind of wild idiotic unfounded rumor spreading serves absolutely no purpose except to satisfy some self feelings of inadequacy .... this women is no difference than the family of the actual Koh Tao murder victims who made clear such nonsense internet posting was hurtful to them. A big difference however here is there is no murder investigation ad a murder has not even been confirmed and there isn't anything to indicate any foul play ... except for what the morons on Facebook will come up with as the continue to feed each other to be convinced this was a murder.

While you may actually think people are stupid, there is nobody who can read the OP who isn't aware that lack of semen and lack of there being any sign of attack doesn't prove there was not foul play but rather just makes it less likely especially combined with other facts we know such as the medication, her door being locked from the inside and her valuables not missing. So, why mention this unless trying to promote it? And why mention overdose or natural cause when the report doesn;t suggest or mention either unless you are trying to create a subtle false argument that these are the only other two alternatives just as you try to state the mother is either "very naive" or the daughter had a a life threatening illness before she traveled. Really, while either might be truer is this the only two options?

This is just a bunch of nonsense with the clear design to manipulate other emotionally driven non-critical thinking people to get on another conspiracy band wagon. There is a whole world that exists outside the one of fantasy detectives land on social media that is filled with actual facts and logic and plausible theories that you don't need to lower your IQ to be part of.

Unless foul play is proven or even realistically suspected to be involved, none of us have any right to know the details of this girls life and death and this is the way it should be. Bullying and hindering authorities with nonsense theories and lies spread on the internet to release information that will be selectively believed and the rest used to fuel the needs of Social Media Detectives is a disgusting game to play when real people whose lives have already turned upside down are involved.

Apparently you have the toxicology results already? How do you know what is in her system? Were you there to see her ingest them?

"Conspiracy theory"?


So...the autopsy rules out "assault",,,and that is it!

Still no idea about what caused the death, still no clue about the "medicine" or "drugs"...

...and by the way: "murder" is not = assault!

It doesn't take a hoe necessarily, to murder a person.

and IF - I said IF- it is true, that she was brought out of the room and that room was cleaned and rented out again after 15 minutes...or even an hour: great work, once again, in examining the crime scene!

Top Job by the RTP!

edit: the scene of death!

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Young people do not just drop dead of natural causes.. period!! If the Thai police cannot find a cause then you have to suspect foul play and a cover up. Cover ups are now a major part of Thai Tourisms remit.


This girl's mother must have been aware when her daughter visited Koh Tao of the murders of Hannah and David. Unless her daughter already had a life threatening illness, she must be very naive to allow an autopsy to be carried out in Thailand. The girl was found dead on 21st January - 5 days ago so it surely wouldn't have been that difficult to have the body bought back to the UK in that time for an autopsy to be carried out. It doesn't take a genius to understand that 'No sign of attack' does not necessarily mean she died of natural causes or of a drug overdose. And 'No semen' doesn't rule out foul play. There's an interesting point raised on FB about the doors of the rooms in the In Touch where she was staying not being able to be opened from the outside with a key when they are locked from inside.

She died in Thailand, therefore the autopsy had to be carried out there.


This today from a source I can't name -

The preliminary unofficial autopsy results for British tourist Christina Annesley, whose body was found dead inside a bungalow room on Koh Tao, showed no signs of physical violence or sexual abuse, chief...

Because I have no understanding of what an 'unofficial autopsy' is I googled it. And the only pages that came up with this expression are articles about the death of Christina in Koh Tao. And the mayor is angry about the negative coverage. What a joke.


This today from a source I can't name -

The preliminary unofficial autopsy results for British tourist Christina Annesley, whose body was found dead inside a bungalow room on Koh Tao, showed no signs of physical violence or sexual abuse, chief...

Because I have no understanding of what an 'unofficial autopsy' is I googled it. And the only pages that came up with this expression are articles about the death of Christina in Koh Tao. And the mayor is angry about the negative coverage. What a joke.

The report and the new thread on the mayor moaning is here http://newsletter.thaivisa.com/l/bURKD5WLq892b892IQyN4Rv2pg/p4N4ApBkj2C2nNno7632mIWA/6ZrrkpmSHyyFtw45TVMTuQ


This today from a source I can't name -

The preliminary unofficial autopsy results for British tourist Christina Annesley, whose body was found dead inside a bungalow room on Koh Tao, showed no signs of physical violence or sexual abuse, chief...

Because I have no understanding of what an 'unofficial autopsy' is I googled it. And the only pages that came up with this expression are articles about the death of Christina in Koh Tao. And the mayor is angry about the negative coverage. What a joke.

Unofficial autopsy results.

The unofficial qualifier refers to the results. Reading comprehension not your forte or just looking to squeeze some more recreational outrage out of a real life tragedy?

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Young people do not just drop dead of natural causes.. period!! If the Thai police cannot find a cause then you have to suspect foul play and a cover up. Cover ups are now a major part of Thai Tourisms remit.

Although it's unusual young people can just drop dead HOWEVER there is normally a physical reason. They have carried out the autopsy I say

" we have found nothing"

Now there is a problem because Koh Tao's "CSI" are not very good.


The mother of a backpacker who died on the Thai island where two Brits were murdered today demanded her body is returned to the UK for examination saying she feared a “cover-up” by local police.

The University of Leeds graduate was found dead in her cabin, with blood on her face, by a resort worker when she did not check out on time.



Why are they bothering with the autopsy and the rest of this, they never with others that died over there, oh yes social media, now the hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJL running scared are we, welcome to the real world, transparency needed, the eyes of the world are on you now, not just the R.T.P. COVER UPS

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