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Looking for extra Thai language classes


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I currently am on an ED Visa and attend my school for the required hours. However, I would like to spend more time studying since I don't work, and more specifically, more time in class. I see that places like "Pro Language" offer course packs. For instance, 20 courses (hours) for 3,500 baht or 60 courses for 9,000 baht. I want to do something like this to supplement my studying and learning at the school I am already enrolled at.

Does anyone else do anything like this? Anyone else study specifically at Pro Language?

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Have you heard about DukeLanguage School? I've been hearing a lot of buzz about them recently. They're kinda new so they don't offer visa programs yet (not a problem on your part since you already have one). I've got a friend who takes classes from Duke. He said their system is really effective. They will really work on areas that you need to improve. Try to visit their school. Their website is: ** link removed **

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Have you heard about DukeLanguage School? I've been hearing a lot of buzz about them recently. They're kinda new so they don't offer visa programs yet (not a problem on your part since you already have one). I've got a friend who takes classes from Duke. He said their system is really effective. They will really work on areas that you need to improve. Try to visit their school. Their website is: ** URL Removed**

Thank you very much! Just what I am looking for. A good location too with 60 hours of lessons for a reasonable price. I will call then tomorrow! Thanks again.

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Also in reply to the actual topic.

Duke is quite good, I studied there for about a month, and really liked the laid back atmosphere, small class sizes and low fees (~100 THB per hour). Sometimes the lessons seemed to not necessarily link in to each other, but I think this was because the class I was in didn't have a text book yet (They'd only finished publishing the beginner text books, not intermediate/advanced, which should be on their way).

I think their courses for 15h per week, and I'm not sure if they have less time consuming ones at all, so that might be a bit much if you're just looking for something extra while you're studying at prolanguage. Although as it's quite cheap, 3h per day will generally only cost you less than 1h with a tutor or 2h at another school, but it's more the large amount of hours studying might fry your brain lol (It's pretty relaxed there though, so it's not too intensive).

Another option might be to look into tutoring instead, learnthaistyle seemed good to me.

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Also in reply to the actual topic.

Duke is quite good, I studied there for about a month, and really liked the laid back atmosphere, small class sizes and low fees (~100 THB per hour). Sometimes the lessons seemed to not necessarily link in to each other, but I think this was because the class I was in didn't have a text book yet (They'd only finished publishing the beginner text books, not intermediate/advanced, which should be on their way).

I think their courses for 15h per week, and I'm not sure if they have less time consuming ones at all, so that might be a bit much if you're just looking for something extra while you're studying at prolanguage. Although as it's quite cheap, 3h per day will generally only cost you less than 1h with a tutor or 2h at another school, but it's more the large amount of hours studying might fry your brain lol (It's pretty relaxed there though, so it's not too intensive).

Another option might be to look into tutoring instead, learnthaistyle seemed good to me.

I have set up a trial lesson with Duke. The way the course works is 3 hours a day for 20 days.......exactly what I am looking for (and it is very cheap). I feel like I am finally starting to get a hold of the language, but I want to kick it up a notch. I am doing a pretty good job with reading and writing on my own with books, but I think some more in class practice when it comes to communicating may be helpful.

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