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Hannity was right. The Brazilian guy WAS murdered by armed police without giving him a chance to show he was innocent and unarmed. He was innocent and that is a fact.

Would you care to tell us how you justify this statement. Please enlighten us as to what particalr facts you have to support the charge of murder against the police officers involved.

There are TONS of articles on this that have nothing to do with FOX. Will this one do? :D


Police used 'dum dum' bullets to kill de Menezes By John Steele (Filed: 16/11/2005)

The Brazilian man shot dead by police in the mistaken belief that he was a suicide bomber was killed with a type of bullet banned in warfare under international convention, The Daily Telegraph has learned.

The firing of hollow point ammunition into the head of Jean Charles de Menezes, 27, is believed to be the first use of the bullets by British police.

Hollow-point bullets: used at the discretion of police chiefs

It will re-ignite controversy around the shooting, at Stockwell Underground station, south London, on July 22.

Modern hollow point bullets are descendants of the expanding "dum dum" ammunition created by the British in an arsenal of the same name near Calcutta, in India, at the end of the 19th century and outlawed under the Hague Declaration of 1899.

I am pleased you have decided to clarify your earlier post. I presume from the fact that you have highlighted the word "mistaken" in your post that you retract the charge of murder you made previously. I do not think Fox would ever be as magnanimous, which is perhaps why you had to look elsewhere for your quote. :D

The shooting was what is known in the UK as a "co*k up". It was a tragedy, but it was not murder.

Regarding the bullets, well UK police have always had a "shoot to kill" policy. They have never been trained to "maim" or "disable". This was made more pertinant by the emergence of suicide bombers in London, where the need for an instantaneous kill was paramount. I cannot comment on the legality of the particular bullets used. However, I do believe there is a huge difference between warfare and the threat of a suicide bomber.

Talk about pedantic:

The Brazilian guy WAS killed by armed police without giving him a chance to show he was innocent and unarmed. He was innocent and that is a fact.

Now, does that make you feel better. :o


Now there,s a good description of commentators and employees of fox news, don,t you think. :D

The U.S. and Brazil are among the biggest gun cultured societies in the world with unlawful killings everyday in such mutiples it is common place.

How the #### they could have taken such a venimous stance against this tragic incident is beyond belief and total hypocrisy.

marshbags :D:D:D

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Now there,s a good description of commentators and employees of fox news, don,t you think. :o

The U.S. and Brazil are among the biggest gun cultured societies in the world with unlawful killings everyday in such mutiples it is common place.

How the #### they could have taken such a venimous stance against this tragic incident is beyond belief and total hypocrisy.

marshbags :D:D:D

Surely it means that Dick Cheany :D should by charged with assault and being intoxicated in a public place after he 'shot' his 'friend'..... :D

Edited by chuchok
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What utter crap to politicize the accidental shooting of that Brazilian guy. He was challenged to stop, but he was illegal and not fluent in English, so he ran - wearing bulky clothing. This is of course just after the Madrid and London bombings, so you'll forgive the cops for being jumpy. In that split-second to decide, the cops shot him. More than once okay. Everyone in Europe is jumpy right now. Freedoms that were so hard earned from the last century have been squandered on people who don't deserve, and have no right to them. The UK's defining moment was beating off the attack of the European Nazis and Fascists, and then it let the Cultural and religious bigots through the back door. :D

For the record, I'm on your side, but Hannity was still correct. You can bet that boys momma thinks the police murdered her son, and - other than legally - she is right. :o

Ulysses G, you would make an excellent Fox reporter. :D

Thanks, but I rather be a commentator so I can holler at the moon bats! :D

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I don't pay much attention to Fox News, but one thing is for sure, someone needs to gag the Thai police, who seem to be allowed to pass on any bit of information they want (even if it's not true and even if they didn't get the story straight). I mean the media has had a real field day primarily because of the full cooperation of anybody and everybody in a uniform.

I mean they said what flight the guys going on, when he's going to the airport, where he's sitting on the plane, when the plane is landing etc. etc.

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fox is terrible, remind the fake news from Iraq....

But to call for a removal of that propaganda channel is cencsorship which also does not make the world better.

just don´t watch it and question all the other things you learned in the past from fox news.

by the way many other news channel are not that much better.

I realize I have come late to the thread on Bill O'Lielly's comments on child-sex-tourism.


O'Lielly took a situation in which an alleged child murder who was found in Thailand to drag out a 16 year old hatchet piece and insert additional half truths, malicious barbs and alowed his pastor guest to call the nation of Thailand -evil.

Bill O'Reilly has a past history of besmirching Thailand and Cambodia. I have written many letters of correction, all have gone unanswered.

Fox "News" is a lazy info-tainment station that is nothing more than a salacious propaganda wing for the GOP and the nation of Isreal.

I call of all of you to contact the US embassy, Bangkok Post and the Embassy of Thailand and its consulates in the USA. I did this yesterday and urge you all to follow suit. Lies and distortion are not free speech.

Call for removal of all News Corp products (Fox News and movies) from Thailand.

O'Lielly Factor


If you live in the USA - write to Fox and inform them you are boycotting all advertised products.

We need more than an apology from Mr. Bill - He must come here and do a full honest piece that can be approved by outside source as honest and valid AND apologize to the people and to the monarchy. IMO.

I'm no particular defender of Thailand or its people. I am a defender of the truth and...I despise Fox and all of its ilk. Liars ALL.

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fox is terrible, remind the fake news from Iraq....

But to call for a removal of that propaganda channel is cencsorship which also does not make the world better.

just don´t watch it and question all the other things you learned in the past from fox news.

by the way many other news channel are not that much better.

Like anything you don,t like it,s quite simple really without banning

I do not bother with the fox news channel now and use my own censorship / judgement as this is the obvious thing to do.

( No critism of the O.P. by the way or yourself intended. )

Switch it off if it doesn,t meet your approval or words to that effect.

marshbags :o:D:D

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I don't pay much attention to Fox News, but one thing is for sure, someone needs to gag the Thai police, who seem to be allowed to pass on any bit of information they want (even if it's not true and even if they didn't get the story straight). I mean the media has had a real field day primarily because of the full cooperation of anybody and everybody in a uniform.

I mean they said what flight the guys going on, when he's going to the airport, where he's sitting on the plane, when the plane is landing etc. etc.

There is definately a different approach from the Thai police is this respect. It was interesting seeing the news reports of him waiting to board the aircraft at BKK. They sat him in a very public area with a few cops and just waited. The film crews were just metres away. In most countries a suspect that had generated such media attention would have been kept out of the way and whisked onto the plane at the last minute - usually with a blanket over their head! Maybe they are just proud of their arrest and want to show it off to the world. :o

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I don't pay much attention to Fox News, but one thing is for sure, someone needs to gag the Thai police, who seem to be allowed to pass on any bit of information they want (even if it's not true and even if they didn't get the story straight). I mean the media has had a real field day primarily because of the full cooperation of anybody and everybody in a uniform.

I mean they said what flight the guys going on, when he's going to the airport, where he's sitting on the plane, when the plane is landing etc. etc.

There is definately a different approach from the Thai police is this respect. It was interesting seeing the news reports of him waiting to board the aircraft at BKK. They sat him in a very public area with a few cops and just waited. The film crews were just metres away. In most countries a suspect that had generated such media attention would have been kept out of the way and whisked onto the plane at the last minute - usually with a blanket over their head! Maybe they are just proud of their arrest and want to show it off to the world. :D

It is a BIG case, however, it looks like there is quite a good chance that he just wanted attention and didn't actually commit the crime. :o

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