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Will you laugh (TIT) or be horrified (TIT)?


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My wife teaches at a vocational college. She just told me that next Wednesday there are no classes because they will be taking graduation photos.

I was somewhat taken aback......she is at present preparing exams, so I asked...."But, they haven't sat their exams yet."

"Don't worry, the students that know they won't pass won't turn up for photos."

"But, but.....why not wait until after the exams?"

"Because the students won't have time after the exams to take the official photos."

Now, I'm not usually into Thai bashing, and this isn't really about that...it's more....wow, TIT...how ....what the...????

As the title says....laugh or be horrified?

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What is it you're outraged about?

Some students may be wasting their money on a photo when they may not need it? That is pretty standard as far as I know. My university (in the US) was doing the photographs for months prior to the end of the term. This is something that is done ahead of time, tough luck for those that pay and don't graduate.

Or is it they are missing a day of class prior to exams? That's a bigger deal imo, but still not that big of one.

Not getting the big deal here

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I wouldn't say outrage....quite.

I'm surprised that the photos are taken prior to graduation....and surprised at your university, now, too.

But I guess if the institute has control over the photos, it's sort of ok.......but I'm not sure that's the case here.

I come from a place where graduation retains it's meaning and people don't "graduate" from high school, vocational college, or primary school. There is a sense of dignified propriety about it. You don't graduate unless and until you've earned it.

To me it (the OP) emphasises an attitude that is pervasive in the education system......almost nobody fails.

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I wouldn't say outrage....quite.

I'm surprised that the photos are taken prior to graduation....and surprised at your university, now, too.

But I guess if the institute has control over the photos, it's sort of ok.......but I'm not sure that's the case here.

I come from a place where graduation retains it's meaning and people don't "graduate" from high school, vocational college, or primary school. There is a sense of dignified propriety about it. You don't graduate unless and until you've earned it.

To me it (the OP) emphasises an attitude that is pervasive in the education system......almost nobody fails.

pictures dont mean you graduate. youre making a mountain out of a molehill. all universities in my country do their pictures beforde the ceremonies. if you fail to graduate, your pictures mean nothing. this is the weakest thai bashing ive seen in months

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Hmmm, class photos/grad photos back home are always taken a couple of months in advance... why does this seem so weird?

Class photo, fine, but being photographed in cap and gown without having even sat the final exam seems to me to be jumping the gun.

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Hmmm, class photos/grad photos back home are always taken a couple of months in advance... why does this seem so weird?

Class photo, fine, but being photographed in cap and gown without having even sat the final exam seems to me to be jumping the gun.

I believe the thought is that grads would like to share their grad photos with friends and relatives on the day of the event or shortly thereafter... not next August or September... I you do not pass your pics go in the bin... BTW you can go into any photo studio and be photographed with cap and gown, no exams necessary, does this bother you as well?

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Why does it take an entire day of school? Do they have to do each other's hair and make-up and isht? Do they have to take group photos with selfie sticks? Do they spend the rest of the day PhotoShopping their own images? Are there more than two 'costume changes'? Is there a huge banquet afterwards, with ladyboys and fireworks? Is the 'PM' going to preside, hence a rehearsal? Are there too many things around campus that they have to 'point at' in said photos with nobody ruining the shot? Is this taking place in Koh Tao where there are so many scary Burmese around, thus everyone must remain in a group for protection? Is the Director a lazy fkkk who just wants the day off, exam results be damned?

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I know it's a bit off topic but to me it's the same with 'Pre-Wedding Photo Shoots' ermm.gif

I don't ask too many questions, just go with the flow, TIT.

It is a bit false to see the Bride and Groom wedding photos that were taken 2 weeks ago displayed at the reception,but even so a nice finishing touch,that makes sure the photos can't come out,blurred and otherwise messed up!

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