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Thai opinion: No country for old men - and reform must tackle that too

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They may be old. They may be lowly educated. But they are the owners of farmland, and caregivers to grandchildren thrown unto their laps.

Amen brother. They are the backbone of this country along with the females who bear the children and then watch their butterfly partners fly off looking for nector somewhere else. They really put the male species to shame here. This makes me treat my Thai g/f fairly.

And a lot of those children the females bear happen to be males. Those females raise those males. True yes?

Tell me... how exactly do you arrive at "putting the male species to shame here" from the fact that the females raise those shameful males until they "butterfly" away to survive somewhere else? All credit to the females for raising their darling little male children, yes?

As far as the OP is concerned, the willingness to help someone is as problematic as someone willing to help themselves, and/or to be responsible with the kind of help they receive instead of pissing it away. Add to that the younger generations right now pissing it away...

It never changes here and never will. Me me me me, mine mine mine mine, blame blame blame blame.

Are you interpreting the butterflies as the kids? Because I'm pretty sure Elgordo wasn't referring to them.

I believe he was referring to adults. I was referring to those adults as once being children, and in all likelihood having been raised by Thai females and not Thai males. My point from that is that those adult males are the product of the maternal rule here and the manner in which those women raise those children... males in particular; they get out of it exactly what they put into it. I can't help but feel that you could have figured this out for yourself.


what about old women?

What about basketball?

The article is intentionally focused on old men. Is that alright to do that?

I take it you have not READ the article? it's not about 'old men' it's about pensioners which include women and I was making that point fool

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