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Great result for Manchester.

Oh no it wasn't. City wanted Arsenal to win so that it gave breathing space between us and you and so that Arsenal had a chance of catching United.

Wow, in that case i think we should feel very positive about the run in. I'm absolutely astonished you would'nt be pleased with us only drawing our home game!!!!

As I say, apart from putting a distance between our teams, I want Arsenal (or Chelsea) to win the league and not United. It may also help if, instead of just putting "Manchester" you say which team you mean. Very rarely do Man City and Man U wish for the same thing. :D

I have a strong feeling fourth place will be decided on May 10th. ;) Regards the title, Arse and Chelski have as much chance of winning it as Scotland has winning the world cup. :lol:

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Very disappointing but West Brom played well and a great equaliser.

With the hamstring injury to BAE, hopefully this will force Redknapps hand and make him set up differently, atleast for the away games, switching Bale to left back, and playing Hudd alongside Sandro. Modric can be switched to the left and i believe Bale will be just as effective if not more as he'll probably get more space. Then hopefully Harry will stop being RIDICULOUS by putting a one footed right winger on the left and play Lennon where he belongs. This is the best balanced team and with the Hudd/Sandro we'll be much more solid at the back, but it'll still be an attacking side.

Keep the faith everyone. :jap:

Edited by carmine
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Keep the faith everyone. :jap:

No dramas....reckon it will go down to the last set of games.

Only need to decide on a venue .....might have invited imola along but looks increasingly likely their season will be over by then.

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Very disappointing but West Brom played well and a great equaliser.

With the hamstring injury to BAE, hopefully this will force Redknapps hand and make him set up differently, atleast for the away games, switching Bale to left back, and playing Hudd alongside Sandro. Modric can be switched to the left and i believe Bale will be just as effective if not more as he'll probably get more space. Then hopefully Harry will stop being RIDICULOUS by putting a one footed right winger on the left and play Lennon where he belongs. This is the best balanced team and with the Hudd/Sandro we'll be much more solid at the back, but it'll still be an attacking side.

Bale at left back...yeah well there's not much option now is there?

I think he's better running from deep positions and the link up with Modric yeah.....Defoe scored a goal as well or did my eyes deceive me....'kin hell.

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Well you had a good taste this year,shame you will not be allowed back next season ;)

Distress sale coming up at the lane

I did a doubletake when I saw who wrote this.

Are you sure you're not Canadian? :rolleyes:

Anyway long contracts equals big fees so no need for youlot to sniff around now...

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Looks like 4th place is out of the window so lets hope we do an Arsenal and end up 6th, the Europa cup is just a total distraction :o

I don't want anything to do with the europa either and we'll know whats happening with the CL qualification this weekend, having only drawn last weekend. Shame really because if redknapp/Levy had sorted a striker out properly in January we'd have pissed it, probably by now. I very much doubt that Harry will take any responsibility though. :) Its a very poor reflection on the others that with our strikers being so totally appalling this season we are even in contention.

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Surely Europa is a moderate little money earner and a run out for the B team for a few games. I agree that you don't want to be sucked into the later stages of a competition that no-one can be bothered to watch the final of unless it happens to pop up when you're sat in front of the telly. European equivalent of our dearly-loved Milk Cup.

Arsenal and Spurs looking for a strong centre forward over Summer. Will push up the prices as will that ridiculous fee Pool paid for Carroll. The French schoolteacher has the edge on attraction with the CL spot but boil-in-the-bag face will probably be more liberal with the wages. Both are London clubs, which is an added pull for foreigners. An even competition I would say - should be interesting to watch.

Who's on the candidate list do you reckon. Presumably Benzema is one, but I'm not aware of a huge quantity of detachable world class (or near) strikers out there. Singh? you watch more Europe than we do (and probably even more so next year - disappointing to lose wham for a year or two).

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Forget the issue of technology.....how can officials make a decision on the basis of something they did/nt see? :blink: Andre Marriner is not fit to be a premier league referee and as for the linesman.....looked very remorseful at halftime walking off the pitch. They knew they'd massively f_ucked up. That decision was a hammer blow for the rest of our season. With our CL hopes very slim that nailed it and will cost us 30m. Second goal was offside. :rolleyes:

I don't have such a problem with that one, it was tight but the first was disgraceful.

Up to that point we were looking really good. I liked the way the team was set up, bar the left side. Chelsea are too good a side to have Corluka thrown in at left back. Should have been Bale. It seems that Modric and Sandro are consistently our best players now and they will have to be the nucleus next season. I am also now convinced Bale would be more effective at left back where he can makes runs from deeper hopefully with more space. Don't think there was any point in Lennon being on the pitch. We could have played with ten men for all his worth.

As fond as i am of Gomes and his eccentricities i think he's come to the end of the road...that was one howler too many, although i have to remind myself it was'nt actually a goal.

I don't want to take anything away from Man City. It was'nt their fault and as i said earlier, our chances were slim anyway. City have been consistent this season, played some very good football and unless something astonishing happens, rather like Mr Marriners referring decisions :o City will finish above us and i wish them luck in the CL next season.

What would be good now is for us to finish 6th, and with little or no chance of the CL spot, i'd say that likely. We can use the Carling for our reserves and go all out on the league.

I just hope and pray we don't have to endure the pain and frustration of watching those useless so called strikers of ours for another season.

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Forget the issue of technology.....how can officials make a decision on the basis of something they did/nt see? :blink: Andre Marriner is not fit to be a premier league referee and as for the linesman.....looked very remorseful at halftime walking off the pitch. They knew they'd massively f_ucked up. That decision was a hammer blow for the rest of our season. With our CL hopes very slim that nailed it and will cost us 30m. Second goal was offside. :rolleyes:

I don't have such a problem with that one, it was tight but the first was disgraceful.

Up to that point we were looking really good. I liked the way the team was set up, bar the left side. Chelsea are too good a side to have Corluka thrown in at left back. Should have been Bale. It seems that Modric and Sandro are consistently our best players now and they will have to be the nucleus next season. I am also now convinced Bale would be more effective at left back where he can makes runs from deeper hopefully with more space. Don't think there was any point in Lennon being on the pitch. We could have played with ten men for all his worth.

As fond as i am of Gomes and his eccentricities i think he's come to the end of the road...that was one howler too many, although i have to remind myself it was'nt actually a goal.

I don't want to take anything away from Man City. It was'nt their fault and as i said earlier, our chances were slim anyway. City have been consistent this season, played some very good football and unless something astonishing happens, rather like Mr Marriners referring decisions :o City will finish above us and i wish them luck in the CL next season.

What would be good now is for us to finish 6th, and with little or no chance of the CL spot, i'd say that likely. We can use the Carling for our reserves and go all out on the league.

I just hope and pray we don't have to endure the pain and frustration of watching those useless so called strikers of ours for another season.

Our form and results since the end of January spell it out. If you can't score goals well........:(

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[Our form and results since the end of January spell it out. If you can't score goals well........:(

We also can not defend smokes :o

When our two International centre backs are on the treatment table for 90% of the season its no surprise. You're right of course....we need to sort that out and as carmine mentioned Gomez isn't up to the task I'm afraid.

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For all the strength of our squad its very lodp sided isn/nt it.

Gomes and Cudicini..........keepers not good enough.

Hutton on the way out......bring back Walker and Naughton

King and Woodgate.........enough is enough and they are both soon to be 31 years old.....bring back Simon Calker and use Kaboul as center back cover to Gallas and Dawson.

Offload Jenas, Palacios, Defoe, Pav. Hutton and Bassong. Make permanent deals for O'Hara, Bentley and Keane although that depends on WHU staying up does'nt it.

I also think we should cash in on VDV. We cannot afford the luxury of changing our formation just to accomodate him, as much as i'd like him in the squad.

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VDV's best position for me would be the spearhead of a diamond midfield formation with two strikers in front of him. Surely this can be achieved by pushing Bale into left back with Modric in front of him?

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VDV's best position for me would be the spearhead of a diamond midfield formation with two strikers in front of him. Surely this can be achieved by pushing Bale into left back with Modric in front of him?

Lets have a look at the team you'd play. I'm for keeping him ofcourse but for me it always seems to weaken us as a team

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VDV's best position for me would be the spearhead of a diamond midfield formation with two strikers in front of him. Surely this can be achieved by pushing Bale into left back with Modric in front of him?

Lets have a look at the team you'd play. I'm for keeping him ofcourse but for me it always seems to weaken us as a team

There's no way I'd start with that formation. Its simply a plan for creating impact later in a game and effectively going 4-3-3 with Sandro as the holding midfielder.

I believe he has value in that role but the second striker position doesn't afford him enough space generally. If we're to continue like this then the striker must carry more threat as our current crop don't frighten defences at all. In fact they know the threat comes from our midfield.

If we're to play two strikers next season...and not any of the current three imo then a good offer for him should be considered as there won't be space I agree and he needs to play regular football to be effective.

Its tough but he's a quality attacking midfielder and supporting the likes of Defoe must do his nut at times.

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I'm still befuddled as to how they could actually give the 'goal'.

Both ref and linesman are miles off the incident. It's an utter disgrace.

What is that they say about the benefit of the doubt? It was too big a call to make without being 100% certain, which neither official could have been. A spell in the lower leagues for both looks needed here as Marriner is a complete disgrace.

If the FA/FIFA/UEFA are going to shun technology, then surely it's now time to make refs/officials accountable for their actions which may actually see them think before they act. Now they can pretty much act with impunity and boy are they getting it badly wrong.

Also, I wonder if, should Chelsea win the title, the accusations levelled thus far at Man United this season as to how they have benefited for some iffy reffing, will also be levelled at Chelsea?

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[Our form and results since the end of January spell it out. If you can't score goals well........:(

We also can not defend smokes :o

When our two International centre backs are on the treatment table for 90% of the season its no surprise. You're right of course....we need to sort that out and as carmine mentioned Gomez isn't up to the task I'm afraid.

Yeah but smokes we still have 2 international centre backs in Daws and Gallas, we all (me included ) keep blaming the forwards but is the defense / organisation is also to blame ? take the goals we've let in lately :

Against West Brom, first one couldn't be helped, second one was Gallas tight enough on the forward ? no.

Against Arsenal, first one Dawsons fault for letting Walcott run past him, second one dawson didn't close Nasri quickly enough, third one was a funny chest down by Gallas and thus givung the ball away.

Against Madrid (home), Gomes error.

Against Madrid (away), both Adebayors headers were lapses of concentration by defenders,one other was Gomes mistake.

All Redknapp seems to do when we lose is talk about how "good football we play", "we just couldnt get the ball in the net" etc, perhaps he needs to look at the organisation more and blame that.

If you look at the goals conceded column, we have let in more than the other teams around us including Liverpool and conceded the same as Everton ! not good enough.

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The officials are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

The linesman was in as good a position to call that ball as could be expected and a linesman is expected to make a call in such situations - you can't just abdicate responsibility if you have an opinion by saying that I was not dead level with play. He had a reasonable and unobstructed view of the ball and goal line. Iv'e noticed from other incidents that some TV commentators seem to be mouthing this theory that linesmen are only there to call offsides and throw ins, which of course is rubbish.

He simply called it wrong - that doesn't prove he should not have called it. If you want such decisions not to be made unless the official is 100%+ sure then do not bitch about the goals that are genuine goals and are not given (of which there are many more than goals that are falsely given).

[unless things have changed - I'm an ex FA qualified ref, but that was 30 years ago].

Commiserations on missing 4th - I know how sh$tty it feels.

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The officials are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

The linesman was in as good a position to call that ball as could be expected and a linesman is expected to make a call in such situations - you can't just abdicate responsibility if you have an opinion by saying that I was not dead level with play. He had a reasonable and unobstructed view of the ball and goal line. Iv'e noticed from other incidents that some TV commentators seem to be mouthing this theory that linesmen are only there to call offsides and throw ins, which of course is rubbish.

He simply called it wrong - that doesn't prove he should not have called it. If you want such decisions not to be made unless the official is 100%+ sure then do not bitch about the goals that are genuine goals and are not given (of which there are many more than goals that are falsely given).

[unless things have changed - I'm an ex FA qualified ref, but that was 30 years ago].

Commiserations on missing 4th - I know how sh$tty it feels.

You are entitled to your opinions ofcourse, however no one, either on television, in the newspapers or those i have spoken to seem to agree with you.

To say the linesman was in a good position to make the call is so laughable i suggest you are in a trollish little mood this sunday morning. Why do you think you are so out on your own on this one, although granted you don't have the replay technology that tv panel had last night when they basically disagreed with everything you have just said. ;)

Worst thing for me was that it was the 44th minute, so close to HT and we loked fine, and well organisedorganised, although, i am aware, Chelsea are always a threat

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Yeah but smokes we still have 2 international centre backs in Daws and Gallas, we all (me included ) keep blaming the forwards but is the defense / organisation is also to blame ? take the goals we've let in lately :

Against West Brom, first one couldn't be helped, second one was Gallas tight enough on the forward ? no.

Against Arsenal, first one Dawsons fault for letting Walcott run past him, second one dawson didn't close Nasri quickly enough, third one was a funny chest down by Gallas and thus givung the ball away.

Against Madrid (home), Gomes error.

Against Madrid (away), both Adebayors headers were lapses of concentration by defenders,one other was Gomes mistake.

All Redknapp seems to do when we lose is talk about how "good football we play", "we just couldnt get the ball in the net" etc, perhaps he needs to look at the organisation more and blame that.

If you look at the goals conceded column, we have let in more than the other teams around us including Liverpool and conceded the same as Everton ! not good enough.

We're lacking real leadership at the back and it starts with the goalkeeper I'm afraid. Too many silly mistakes and not just the ones which have cost us goals. Add to that his fear of corners and its a red card for me.

BAE has good distribution at times but at the top level is found wanting. His concentration is suspect at times as well.

Gallas has been fantastic for us but he's not getting any younger is he? Dawson is borderline international quality on this season's performance....not as good as last year really.

Certainly our For and Against tally should be shown to Levy....its obvious where the deficiencies are....let's hope the correct signings can be made over the summer!

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The real oppotunity was wasted in January. We are no longer a CL team. The best players know that and i don't agree with Harry that they will still join us because the money is more important to them. The first flaw in what he said was in that we don't pay the top wages anyway. Secondly, the type of player i want and who we should aspire to sign, want and get the wages and the CL and they will get them.

It was truely disasterous the mess they made of that transfer window. Its going to be more a case of holding onto our biggest assets.

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The officials are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

The linesman was in as good a position to call that ball as could be expected and a linesman is expected to make a call in such situations - you can't just abdicate responsibility if you have an opinion by saying that I was not dead level with play. He had a reasonable and unobstructed view of the ball and goal line. Iv'e noticed from other incidents that some TV commentators seem to be mouthing this theory that linesmen are only there to call offsides and throw ins, which of course is rubbish.

He simply called it wrong - that doesn't prove he should not have called it. If you want such decisions not to be made unless the official is 100%+ sure then do not bitch about the goals that are genuine goals and are not given (of which there are many more than goals that are falsely given).

[unless things have changed - I'm an ex FA qualified ref, but that was 30 years ago].

Commiserations on missing 4th - I know how sh$tty it feels.

You can't be serious,the linesman was in a good position??? Trot down to a local ground ,stand where the linesman was,you would be lucky, or have exceptional eyesight, to even see the line let alone see if the ball crossed it.If you can't see it you must call in the defences favour or don't you remember that from your refereeing days.Of course the TV stations replayed it in 5 seconds but the dinasours who dont want technology,to decide what really happened, run the game.

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The officials are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

The linesman was in as good a position to call that ball as could be expected and a linesman is expected to make a call in such situations - you can't just abdicate responsibility if you have an opinion by saying that I was not dead level with play. He had a reasonable and unobstructed view of the ball and goal line. Iv'e noticed from other incidents that some TV commentators seem to be mouthing this theory that linesmen are only there to call offsides and throw ins, which of course is rubbish.

He simply called it wrong - that doesn't prove he should not have called it. If you want such decisions not to be made unless the official is 100%+ sure then do not bitch about the goals that are genuine goals and are not given (of which there are many more than goals that are falsely given).

[unless things have changed - I'm an ex FA qualified ref, but that was 30 years ago].

Commiserations on missing 4th - I know how sh$tty it feels.

You are entitled to your opinions ofcourse, however no one, either on television, in the newspapers or those i have spoken to seem to agree with you.

To say the linesman was in a good position to make the call is so laughable i suggest you are in a trollish little mood this sunday morning. Why do you think you are so out on your own on this one, although granted you don't have the replay technology that tv panel had last night when they basically disagreed with everything you have just said. ;)

Worst thing for me was that it was the 44th minute, so close to HT and we loked fine, and well organisedorganised, although, i am aware, Chelsea are always a threat

I didn't say he was in a good position and I don't care if I'm out on a limb with noone agreeing and I'm not in a trollish mood :rolleyes:.

What I am doing is challenging the view that he had no right to make a decision in those circumstances, which the telly pundits seemed to be hooked on last night.

Agree entirely it was a bummer for you guys and that you would probably have got the draw without this poor decision.

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The officials are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

The linesman was in as good a position to call that ball as could be expected and a linesman is expected to make a call in such situations - you can't just abdicate responsibility if you have an opinion by saying that I was not dead level with play. He had a reasonable and unobstructed view of the ball and goal line. Iv'e noticed from other incidents that some TV commentators seem to be mouthing this theory that linesmen are only there to call offsides and throw ins, which of course is rubbish.

He simply called it wrong - that doesn't prove he should not have called it. If you want such decisions not to be made unless the official is 100%+ sure then do not bitch about the goals that are genuine goals and are not given (of which there are many more than goals that are falsely given).

[unless things have changed - I'm an ex FA qualified ref, but that was 30 years ago].

Commiserations on missing 4th - I know how sh$tty it feels.

You are entitled to your opinions ofcourse, however no one, either on television, in the newspapers or those i have spoken to seem to agree with you.

To say the linesman was in a good position to make the call is so laughable i suggest you are in a trollish little mood this sunday morning. Why do you think you are so out on your own on this one, although granted you don't have the replay technology that tv panel had last night when they basically disagreed with everything you have just said. ;)

Worst thing for me was that it was the 44th minute, so close to HT and we loked fine, and well organisedorganised, although, i am aware, Chelsea are always a threat

I didn't say he was in a good position and I don't care if I'm out on a limb with noone agreeing and I'm not in a trollish mood :rolleyes:.

What I am doing is challenging the view that he had no right to make a decision in those circumstances, which the telly pundits seemed to be hooked on last night.

Agree entirely it was a bummer for you guys and that you would probably have got the draw without this poor decision.

OK, fair enough, and for the benefit of this debate, evenif his eyes, that we shall now presume are telescopes, were working perfectly, he was in NO position whatsoever to make that call. Fact is, he gave a goal and he could'nt even see it properly. How dodgey is that!! I want him to explain exactly how he decided to give a goal he could'nt see and if he could'nt see it, how and why was he so adament about it to Marriner? It stinks.

I think you are argueing on the basis that he's an official and is allowed to make decisions which really isn't what this is about is it? Its about how can they make such disgraceful decisions and that was right up there with the worst you'll ever see and those guys are not fit to be referring at this level. Even the second Chelshi goal was offside <deleted>. :lol:

Edited by carmine
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