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Synical Ex-pats


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Synnacissm not a word I use often so excuse the spelling?

Anyways Only being away from the UK for two years , I still have the belief that offering positive information is a normal aspect of day to day life.

How long in your opinion does it take the ex-pat to become synical about most aspects of Thailand and forget that nearly all he moans about now are the reason he came in the first place?

( Just had a few days of hearing nothing but synical views and its got on my T***)


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Stick around ... it'll get worse <cynical>

There are tons of people that came here as tourists with no real idea about what life would be like here. They stay and don't learn the language.

They tend to run with the bar crowd and never do find the happiness they found as a tourist.

oh well

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Synnacissm not a word I use often so excuse the spelling?

Anyways Only being away from the UK for two years , I still have the belief that offering positive information is a normal aspect of day to day life.

How long in your opinion does it take the ex-pat to become synical about most aspects of Thailand and forget that nearly all he moans about now are the reason he came in the first place?

( Just had a few days of hearing nothing but synical views and its got on my T***)


Shouldn´t take you long. But, er... shouldn´t you aspire to other things than to be a cynical expat. There´s enough of us around.


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How long in your opinion does it take the ex-pat to become synical about most aspects of Thailand and forget that nearly all he moans about now are the reason he came in the first place?

About the time you start being concerned where your money is going. :D

When you start to question the price of things ask for accountability of spending use phrases like “that’s too expensive” or “I can’t afford that” that is the time when you start to become cynical. :o

Cheers :D

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I've always found there are 3 stages of expat living

1) everything is wonderful, the people are great, I love it here

2) everything is terrible, the people are awful, I hate it here

3) it has its good points and its bad points, just like living anywhere else in the world, some people are good, some bad --just like anywhere else in the world, and you learn to live in the place according to what is acceptable for you.

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I've always found there are 3 stages of expat living

1) everything is wonderful, the people are great, I love it here

2) everything is terrible, the people are awful, I hate it here

3) it has its good points and its bad points, just like living anywhere else in the world, some people are good, some bad --just like anywhere else in the world, and you learn to live in the place according to what is acceptable for you.

I will second that but amend 2 to read

2) a lot of things aren't how I like, some of the people are awful, But I have been in a lot worse places.

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I've always found there are 3 stages of expat living

1) everything is wonderful, the people are great, I love it here

2) everything is terrible, the people are awful, I hate it here

3) it has its good points and its bad points, just like living anywhere else in the world, some people are good, some bad --just like anywhere else in the world, and you learn to live in the place according to what is acceptable for you.

I will second that but amend 2 to read

2) a lot of things aren't how I like, some of the people are awful, But I have been in a lot worse places.

4) Why isn't Thai time like real time

I try to be optimistic but then there are those days when I wish I had stayed in bed

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How long must you live in Thailand before cynicism is normal? I was cynical for at least 30 years prior to moving to Thailand.

How long must you live in Thailand before bad spelling is normal? Wait, let me guess, you were a bad speller for at least 30 years prior to moving to Thailand.

(Unless you're younger than 30. I keep forgetting such people exist.)

Seriously, I'd like to say something to everybody who goes on ad infinitum about how much more sense the world makes back home. Get a plane ticket. Same thing we used to tell the New Yorkers when I lived in Florida, hehe. You ain't in New York anymore, son. Give me your wallet and go home.

I'm regularly confused by how Thais do things, but rather than spend all my time whingeing on a ###### website about it, I try to walk a mile in their mocassins, as my ancestors would say. Or a kilometer in their flip flops, I guess we say in Thailand. Same same.

(If you're too drunk to walk, all bets are off. Beer's much cheaper in Rimping than in the pubs, by the way, and Rimping delivers. As does Carrefour. Not Tesco Lotus, though. Long story there.)

Okay, now that I've read the original post, my reply sounded mighty harsh. Okay, those cynics you've been listening to have, I think, gone well beyond healthy cynicism and are raving racists. I make a deliberate effort to avoid such -- okay, people, but in quotation marks.

I think I've already mentioned this once too often, but I moved here after 6.5 years in China. Most expats come here noticing how different it is from home, but I keep noticing how much it is just like home. Well, except when it isn't, hehe. But remember, home is where the Calico cat is. Or something. Gotta cut down on those beer deliveries, eh? :o

One serious question, but only one, before I wrap this up. Who makes you angrier, the Thai people who just won't act like the folks back home, or those yahoos from your very own country with all their hatred and bitterness and lack of anything resembling sense as they rant and rave and remind you why you left your home in the first place and make you downright ashamed to be from the same place they are?

(I know the answer. Every time I turn on the TV, there's Bush.)

Edited by CalicoConsulting
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How long must you live in Thailand before cynicism is normal? I was cynical for at least 30 years prior to moving to Thailand.

How long must you live in Thailand before bad spelling is normal? Wait, let me guess, you were a bad speller for at least 30 years prior to moving to Thailand.

(Unless you're younger than 30. I keep forgetting such people exist.)

Seriously, I'd like to say something to everybody who goes on ad infinitum about how much more sense the world makes back home. Get a plane ticket. Same thing we used to tell the New Yorkers when I lived in Florida, hehe. You ain't in New York anymore, son. Give me your wallet and go home.

I'm regularly confused by how Thais do things, but rather than spend all my time whingeing on a ###### website about it, I try to walk a mile in their mocassins, as my ancestors would say. Or a kilometer in their flip flops, I guess we say in Thailand. Same same.

(If you're too drunk to walk, all bets are off. Beer's much cheaper in Rimping than in the pubs, by the way, and Rimping delivers. As does Carrefour. Not Tesco Lotus, though. Long story there.)

Okay, now that I've read the original post, my reply sounded mighty harsh. Okay, those cynics you've been listening to have, I think, gone well beyond healthy cynicism and are raving racists. I make a deliberate effort to avoid such -- okay, people, but in quotation marks.

I think I've already mentioned this once too often, but I moved here after 6.5 years in China. Most expats come here noticing how different it is from home, but I keep noticing how much it is just like home. Well, except when it isn't, hehe. But remember, home is where the Calico cat is. Or something. Gotta cut down on those beer deliveries, eh? :o

One serious question, but only one, before I wrap this up. Who makes you angrier, the Thai people who just won't act like the folks back home, or those yahoos from your very own country with all their hatred and bitterness and lack of anything resembling sense as they rant and rave and remind you why you left your home in the first place and make you downright ashamed to be from the same place they are?

(I know the answer. Every time I turn on the TV, there's Bush.)

Thanks for reading the op after your intial reply !?

Was curious to peoples opinion of ex-pats cynicism in general.

At least now I can spell cynicism correctly :D:D

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