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Anti-human trafficking efforts in Thailand achieves success

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Anti-human trafficking efforts in Thailand achieves success
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BANGKOK, Jan 31 -- Measures to curb human trafficking in Thailand have achieved considerable success in 2014, and senior government officials are optimistic that the country’s efforts will earn recognition from developed countries, especially the US.

Accompanied by four high ranking officers, Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Don Pramudwinai told a press conference on Friday that a report on human trafficking problem in Thailand in 2014 has been completed.

Mr Don said the issue had been named by the government as an urgent national agenda while Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha had ordered concerned government agencies to help resolve the problem and to punish officials found involved in the illegal business.

Related government agencies have been instructed to follow five strategic measures in solving the problem, said Mr Don.

They include imposing criminal charges against those found guilty of human trafficking, providing assistance and protection to victims, and setting up a policy committee to solve the issues of illegal migrant workers, child and forced labour, and illegal fishing problems.

So far about 1.6 million illegal foreign workers have been registered with 87 registration offices nationwide, he said, adding that an urgent telephone hotline has also been set up to accept complaints from the public round-the clock.

Mr Don said he was confident the report would show that considerable success on human trafficking suppression had been achieved which would help improve Thailand’s ranking.

On last June 20, Washington downgraded Thailand in its annual report on Trafficking in Persons, dropping the country to “Tier 3” after holding the kingdom on the Tier 2 warning list for four consecutive years.

The US has accused five Thai industries - shrimp, textiles, sugarcane, pornographic materials and fisheries - of using child and forced labour.

Echoing Mr Don’s remarks, Vichien Chavalit, permanent secretary for the Social Development and Human Security, said prostitution, fishermen and panhandlers had been suppressed on a regular basis during the past year.

The problems were ironed out in line with universal standards and enjoyed success, Mr. Vichien added.

-- TNA 2015-01-31

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Lots of back patting going on there, but not a single fact was put forth to substantiate the claims.

Just more hot air, thinking the rest of the world will agree with their pronouncement and take them off the watch list.

Any of the Mr. Big Hi-So's been caught and prosecuted yet? Anyone caught always seem to be the small fry.

Thailand has a pornographic materials industry? Who knew?

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So on Monday there will be another news report that the Thai government doesn't understand why the US hasn't changed their human trafficking rating on Thailand over the weekend?

+ 1 didn't they just get dropped to WORST in the world 3 weeks ago now they trying to dredge up some rubbish from 2 years ago. Getting sick of saying this is getting worse by the day. Curiouser and Curiouser

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What amazes me about amazing Thailand is what does the USA matter to them? Seems the generalissimo has got friends in China and don't need America. Tired of reading about this guy's displeasure about a country that just ask that a long time ally returns to democracy.

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Here is the actual success, coming on the heals of Prayuth's criticism of the USA interferring with Thai internal poitics:

BANGKOK: -- More than a dozen Thai government officials -- including senior policemen and a navy officer -- are being prosecuted for human trafficking, junta officials said Friday, as they vowed "zero tolerance" of the trade. 2015-01-30

Suddenly exports to the USA seem much more important.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Other than the registration of illegal immigrants, they presented not one single fact to back up their spurious claim, such as the number of villains arrested, charged and sentenced.

Pure spin with no substance. Yet again.

BANGKOK: -- More than a dozen Thai government officials -- including senior policemen and a navy officer -- are being prosecuted for human trafficking, junta officials said Friday, as they vowed "zero tolerance" of the trade. 2015-01-30

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Prostitution has been suppressed? w00t.gif

Can somebody enlighten me as to whether or not Soi Cowboy and Patpong are still in full flow everynight, with thousands of girls standing in the street half-naked and blatantly pouting at each and every passer by?

How many of those girls do you think are really being forced to be there?

I know some from small villages near me that come and go as they please.

When they need money, they work.

When they don't, they come home, for months or even years at a time.

Not exactly what I would call trafficking!

This isn't Kansas Toto!

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Prostitution has been suppressed? w00t.gif

Can somebody enlighten me as to whether or not Soi Cowboy and Patpong are still in full flow everynight, with thousands of girls standing in the street half-naked and blatantly pouting at each and every passer by?

How many of those girls do you think are really being forced to be there?

I know some from small villages near me that come and go as they please.

When they need money, they work.

When they don't, they come home, for months or even years at a time.

Not exactly what I would call trafficking!

This isn't Kansas Toto!

Knowing anecdotal examples of people who weren't trafficked doesn't mean that no one else was. I have a friend who is a shrimp fisherman willingly. That doesn't prove that others aren't forced into it.

Even if 90% of the workers in a local started willingly, and 10% started via trafficking, that would be a horrific human rights situation. And I think the numbers for prostitution in Bangkok are far, far over 10%.

How did the girl start out? Was she underage and a fee was paid to her parents? That's human trafficking.

How did she get to Bangkok? Was she told falsehoods about the work she was going to do (either that she wasn't going for sex work, or lies were told about the nature of the sex work she'd be doing), and then didn't find out the truth until she got to Bangkok and was in a seriously vulnerable situation? That's human trafficking.

When she first arrived, was she told that she could not leave until she had worked off a certain amount of debt? Has that occurred at any time? Has there been any impediments to her free movement or choice to just get up and leave at any point? That's slavery.

The fact that some girls never faced that, or that some girls only faced that at one point but currently are doing it willingly because it's the life they know, doesn't change that a huge number of girls have faced trafficking at some point in their journey to the streets.

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The usual anti-everythings on here with not a single idea as to what could be done.

Yes more needs to be done particularly regarding the human trafficking.

How about regular (every day) helicopter patrols along the islands of the Andaman coast, ready reaction force in the area, as soon as anything suspicious is spotted they are on their way.

Fast navy patrol boats stationed there, not the ones rusting away in Ranong, how about taking the unused aircraft carrier there as a base for helicopters, troops, medical teams. Make it to hot for the traffickers to bring their ships into Thai waters let alone off load their human cargo.

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What amazes me about amazing Thailand is what does the USA matter to them? Seems the generalissimo has got friends in China and don't need America. Tired of reading about this guy's displeasure about a country that just ask that a long time ally returns to democracy.

Without the USA buying Thai products, the economy collapses, &lt;deleted&gt; stop.

Of course, the Thais huff and puff about the injustice of it all.....its just not fair.

Boo hoo. Man up and deliver, or take the consequences.

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