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suggestions for dealing with snarling and vicious dogs


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Prk-nam-pla, filter out the pepper seeds after gring in a Koke.

Put the liquid in a small squirt gun or spray bottle.

Spray some in the face or ass of the offending creature.

No permanent damage, my experience using this method while in Bangkok when jogging was, they never bothered me again (the same one). Aim for the nose!

Cheap nam-pla has a lot of salt in it, so test the device before use.

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Befriend the soi dogs in 'your' immediate territory. For other areas it is the stone.

I was visiting a small Khmer temple slightly northwest of Prasat in Surin province. A dog in full attack mode came running it jumped just as I was pickung up a stone. The dog made a full turn while in air. Never saw a beast escaping like that fellow. After that it was loud barking from a distance and good cover.

So a stone in the pocket is fine but the dog wont see you picking it up. Usually reaching out for the stone does the trick.

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Carry some chicken scraps. Throw them, and they should start eating the treats. There is a good chance that after a few feedings, they will remember you as a nice guy.

Rat poison patties would thin them out. Drop a couple along your route where-ever you encounter hostiles.

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Befriend the soi dogs in 'your' immediate territory. For other areas it is the stone.

I was visiting a small Khmer temple slightly northwest of Prasat in Surin province. A dog in full attack mode came running it jumped just as I was pickung up a stone. The dog made a full turn while in air. Never saw a beast escaping like that fellow. After that it was loud barking from a distance and good cover.

So a stone in the pocket is fine but the dog wont see you picking it up. Usually reaching out for the stone does the trick.

Me thinks you've been watching too many movies mate.

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I'm partial to eliminating the problem. Vicious dogs have no business patrolling the streets and harassing the public. In the West, these dogs would be rounded up and euthanized. Here, you have no choice but to take matters into your own hands.

Get yourself some carbofuran (a powerful granular insecticide of the carbamate family), some ground pork and a fannypack. Make up some meatballs with the carbofuran (the canine LD50 is 19mg/kg), put them each in a plastic bag and into your fanny pack. Whenever one of these bastards comes snarling at you, just surreptitiously slip a meatball out of your fanny pack and let it fall to the ground. The sonuvabitch won't bother you the next time you ride by.

What if an innocent pet were to eat an undiscovered bait? God forbid, what if a toddler were to put one in his mouth?

In the USA and Canada, you would be imprisoned for illegal and irresponsible use of poisons.

Oh well . . .

FYI: The US and Canada have animal control.

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Carry some chicken scraps. Throw them, and they should start eating the treats. There is a good chance that after a few feedings, they will remember you as a nice guy.

Rat poison patties would thin them out. Drop a couple along your route where-ever you encounter hostiles.

Yeah great stuff. Don't negotiate with an aggressor.

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"So for those of you sitting down there in Pattaya with a big wall around your small house, who drink, love your pets and watch TV ll day, it's easy to judge others, but until you have immersed yourself in village life, way out, where you have to take care of yourself, you probably do not have a clue".

Who's judging now?

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When I was upcountry in the GF's village the family were given a puppy, a very popular pet.

They laughed when he chased the chickens.

A few days later they noticed all the newborn chicks were missing, the puppy went on a motorbike ride never seen again.

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