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London's population hits 8.6m record high


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5,600,000 including the millionaires. Have you ever been to London?

Of course I've been to London. Took all of about 15 minutes to see the interesting parts.

Soho. Young Lady. Second Floor.

"Soho. Young Lady. Second Floor." 'French Lessons'

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Of course I've been to London. Took all of about 15 minutes to see the interesting parts.

Idiotic comment. I lived there 15 years and I was still finding new and interesting places.

Two thousand years plus of recorded human history. I would suggest that you couldn't visit all the interesting places in London in a year.

Well I will admit it takes extra time to get around these days.



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Of course I've been to London. Took all of about 15 minutes to see the interesting parts.

Idiotic comment. I lived there 15 years and I was still finding new and interesting places.

Two thousand years plus of recorded human history. I would suggest that you couldn't visit all the interesting places in London in a year.

Well I will admit it takes extra time to get around these days.



Yeah. A few hundred people protesting in a city of 8.6 million really has a big impact. Especially when it was 9 years ago.

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Found London Texas - it does indeed appear to be quite tiny in the midst of that huge state.


I know - one in every crowd, right ?

Yes, it's in the right spot - the middle of nowhere. It has about the same population as the natives in London - 180 people.

5,600,000 including the millionaires. Have you ever been to London?

Of course I've been to London. Took all of about 15 minutes to see the interesting parts.

I've been to both Londons in question. The one in England several times.

IMHO, I prefer the one in Texas.

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44% are minorities. Doesn't sound like they will be the minority for long.

So long Europe. It's been real nice knowing you.

London has been an immigrant sponge for two thousand years. It is easily already the greatest city in the world - and within fifteen years the immigrant boom will see the Uk, led by London, as by far and away the largest economy in Europe.

Greatest Shittthole City in the world - lol right.

London is somewhere in this list but a long way from the top.

A miserable cold, dirty, grey and smelly city....perhaps it's at the top of that list?

Bitter old man.

Most of the traditional smelly stuff: tanneries, soap makers, cabinet makers, glue factories etcwas deliberately located in the East End, downwind from the West End and parts were probably still there up until London's docks effectively closed down. Don't know where all that stuff has gone. One traditional potentially smelly industry, namely meat distribution is still organised out of Smithfield on the edge of the City, but refrigeration ensures that there is no smell in the surrounding area. Smithfield still a beautiful building. There used to be an open air market on the site where unwanted wives were traded. It was also where William Wallace was hung, drawn and quartered. There is a memorial to him outside Bart's Hospital next door where people still leave flowers.

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Of course the largest influx has historically been from Scotland, Ireland, Wales and the provinces, mostly from the smart youngsters who cannot wait to escape from their dull towns and villages where those who remain just sit around whinging all day and live in a diet of pork scratchings and fried Mars bars.

The biggest influx has always been from the English provinces.

"The biggest influx has always been from the English provinces."

Those people speak Arabic? w00t.gif

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Oh, and just down the road, Old Street. Formerly a dump, now referred to as Silicon Roundabout. Google and others have moved in.

Oh, the Americans are moving in and taking over. Maybe things will improve then. whistling.gif

Not so much taking over but plenty have moved in and a few things have improved. Some expats are quite heavily involved in the Street Food events that take place in the summer and my favourite burger restaurant Ed's Easy Diner which opened in 1987 was taken over in the early 1990s by a guy who deliberately modelled the restaurants on what he considered to be 'the' San Antonio dining scene. So, next time you are in town for longer than 15 minutes you can come to Ed's and feel right at home. The Old Compton Street branch is always full, so try the one on Rupert Street, just off Piccadilly Circus.

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Of course the largest influx has historically been from Scotland, Ireland, Wales and the provinces, mostly from the smart youngsters who cannot wait to escape from their dull towns and villages where those who remain just sit around whinging all day and live in a diet of pork scratchings and fried Mars bars.

The biggest influx has always been from the English provinces.

"The biggest influx has always been from the English provinces."

Those people speak Arabic? w00t.gif

No, mostly strange northern accents like Geordie which leave the rest of us dazed and confused.

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One of my favourite things about London was how multicultural it was. Wonderful to be surrounded by so many fascinating people and so much delicious food.

Plus it had the added bonus of keeping small-minded bigots away.

You havnt been there for some time then as a lot of areas are 'muslim only ' now and outsiders....sorry, indigenous people get beaten up if they go there. Try n apologise for that mess...
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One of my favourite things about London was how multicultural it was. Wonderful to be surrounded by so many fascinating people and so much delicious food.

Plus it had the added bonus of keeping small-minded bigots away.

You havnt been there for some time then as a lot of areas are 'muslim only ' now and outsiders....sorry, indigenous people get beaten up if they go there. Try n apologise for that mess...

Edit -

Can't be bothered.

Edited by phrodan
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Hillingdon the biggest growth. Now there's a surprise.


One of the big problem areas for beds in sheds. Rogue migrant landlords exploiting other migrants is the standard pattern.

Story here from the London Evening Standard

A family of six were found living in an illegally-built outhouse the size of two living rooms during a crackdown on beds in sheds.

Landlord Virendra Patel, 58, built the structure four years ago in a London suburb without getting planning permission from Brent council.

He concealed it from planning officers and leased it to the family of six, who lived without paying council tax in five tiny rooms crammed into the 48 metre-square outbuilding in Kingsbury, north west London.

*Edited for Fair Use


Its very reassuring to know that the family of 6 that had been living in the shed will now be homeless so must be rehoused at council expense - 6 people are going to require minimum 3 bedrooms. Normal london market rent £1200 per month all paid for. Edited by mathewjg
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Hillingdon the biggest growth. Now there's a surprise.


One of the big problem areas for beds in sheds. Rogue migrant landlords exploiting other migrants is the standard pattern.

Story here from the London Evening Standard

A family of six were found living in an illegally-built outhouse the size of two living rooms during a crackdown on beds in sheds.

Landlord Virendra Patel, 58, built the structure four years ago in a London suburb without getting planning permission from Brent council.

He concealed it from planning officers and leased it to the family of six, who lived without paying council tax in five tiny rooms crammed into the 48 metre-square outbuilding in Kingsbury, north west London.

*Edited for Fair Use


Its very reassuring to know that the family of 6 that had been living in the shed will now be homeless so must be rehoused at council expense - 6 people are going to require minimum 3 bedrooms. Normal london market rent £1200 per month all paid for.

I doubt it. Occupants are usually not British.

Very often these are visa overstayers and the raids usually involve the Border Agency.

Illegal immigrants in need of work and accommodation are forced to live like this and usually get paid below the minimum wage. In many cases the accommodation costs are a major part of what they get paid and all this inside the black economy.

This from the London Fire Brigade.

London Fire Brigade has joined forces with the Gangmasters Licensing Authority to help drive down fires in beds in sheds and other unsafe sleeping accommodation.

The Gangmasters Licensing Authority regulates labour providers, also known as Gangmasters, such as employment and recruitment agencies, many of which, whether they are licensed with the Authority or not, offer or provide workers with accommodation.

The issue of beds in sheds and other unsuitable buildings such as garages, derelict office blocks and industrial units, being rented out as sleeping accommodation is a growing concern for the Brigade. The lack of built-in fire safety precautions such as fire safety doors and smoke alarms and the fact that the people living in them rely on far riskier ways of cooking, heating and lighting make them potential fire traps.

Brigade statistics show that over the last four years there have been 341 fires in buildings that appeared to have people living in them when they should not have been, with these blazes causing nine fire deaths and 58 serious injuries.

Source jhttp://www.london-fire.gov.uk/news/C92C30A17C5547278C728EF4B9A8B530_16101330.asp#.VNBtOtoaySM

Edited by Jay Sata
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Didn't take long for the big money talk. Where are we, page 2?

London and the South East is obsessed with the stuff. Proper boring. Having worked there most of my life I don't miss it.

Which tells me that you missed out on the big money - try not to be bitter about it.

Ask many Londoners what was the greatest thing that ever happened to them in their lives - and it was - being born in the city. Now, we're not talking about millionaires, or billionaires here. We are talking about ordinary working men and women - who took a risk, got on the property market - and through the steady growth with the occasional boom - saw themselves creating nest eggs that would have had them partying like mad if they had won them on the lottery.

These are the people down on the Costas - having sold their house for two-or three hundred thousand cash in most cases - more if they were lucky - they are sitting pretty. An hours flight away from home, a lottery style bonus in the bank - they are going into their sunset years delighted that they were born in that incredible city.

That's the story of the ordinary working guy - the one's that chose to have a go and get on the property ladder thirty/forty years ago. These are the same guys that went into work and said they had bought their first house and got hit with variations of this crap -

"It's a millstone around your neck - who do you think you are, getting above yourself? - spam valley."

The same guys that made those comments aren't so smart now.

People forget the amount of working class people that were lifted in the financial comfort zone through taking the risk, and working hard to pay for their house in London. London is the ultimate working class man's success story -

Whilst I wish them luck, the lauding of wealth creation through the property market is not exactly a wonder of economics.

It is if anything a high risk game that regulators should put a stop to. Just about every major global bust recently has been around financial shenanigins in the property business. A return to conservative lending for mortgages would save the world its next load of pain but would alas make fewer property millionaires who simply bought a semi.

You'll actually find that a high percentage of said people actually saved and put down deposits under the previous conservative mortgage lending regime. All the more reason why they should be lauded.

Also, an astounding fact that you may not be aware of is that twenty-five percent of homes bought in the UK are bought cash.

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I am not surprised about houses bought for cash.

Most mortgages are paid off after 20 years so it stands to reason that prudent people can then move house after that period without a mortgage unless they are trading up.

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I am not surprised about houses bought for cash.

Most mortgages are paid off after 20 years so it stands to reason that prudent people can then move house after that period without a mortgage unless they are trading up.

On top of that prudent investment in various vehicles - many people have done well, very well - and the majority took a broad brush approach. House buying, pensions. unit trusts, ISA's. Lonodn is now attracting serious Hot Money too as international business people snap up homes in a stable and safe haven.

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One of my favourite things about London was how multicultural it was. Wonderful to be surrounded by so many fascinating people and so much delicious food.

Plus it had the added bonus of keeping small-minded bigots away.

You havnt been there for some time then as a lot of areas are 'muslim only ' now and outsiders....sorry, indigenous people get beaten up if they go there. Try n apologise for that mess...

...and which parts of London would that be squire?

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44% are minorities. Doesn't sound like they will be the minority for long.

So long Europe. It's been real nice knowing you.

London has been an immigrant sponge for two thousand years. It is easily already the greatest city in the world - and within fifteen years the immigrant boom will see the Uk, led by London, as by far and away the largest economy in Europe.

Greatest Shittthole City in the world - lol right.

London is somewhere in this list but a long way from the top.

A miserable cold, dirty, grey and smelly city....perhaps it's at the top of that list?

Seems like you're bored with life ?

How do you figure that ?

Not bored, far from it THANKYOU very much.

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Greatest Shittthole City in the world - lol right.

London is somewhere in this list but a long way from the top.

A miserable cold, dirty, grey and smelly city....perhaps it's at the top of that list?

Seems like you're bored with life ?

How do you figure that ?

Not bored, far from it THANKYOU very much.

"How do you figure that ?

I think he was refering to this:-

"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life. "Why, Sir, you find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

Samuel Johnson

Edited by PREM-R
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44% are minorities. Doesn't sound like they will be the minority for long.

So long Europe. It's been real nice knowing you.

London has been an immigrant sponge for two thousand years. It is easily already the greatest city in the world - and within fifteen years the immigrant boom will see the Uk, led by London, as by far and away the largest economy in Europe.

Greatest Shittthole City in the world - lol right.

London is somewhere in this list but a long way from the top.

A miserable cold, dirty, grey and smelly city....perhaps it's at the top of that list?

Bitter old man.

That's the second time you've quoted the same post both with nasty personal attacks.

Dr it ever dawn on you that not everyone would agree that sponson is the best city in the world. Sounds like you must not have travelled that much.

London is cold, wet, rainy, crowded, dirty, homeless peoplenurinate in the streets in the cbd..try walking around in dry hot weather there and you well smell it right around the CBD.

THERES plenty of nice other European cities, Anerican. Asian, Australian cities that run rings around London.

I'm not just slagging it off hecause whilst it might bea those things I mentioned it also is interesting with beautiful historic building, sights, gardens and so forth but it's far far far from the best.

So as to ur first attack, the answer is no,bIm not bored and 2 the only thing I find bitter is when some insignificant little belligerent twerp gets all uptight and starts calling someone names just because the disagree with something.

I could easily name 50 cities I'd put above London, you disagree.....build a bridge ;)

You want to go out on a limb and call something the BEST, then can bet someone will disagree. And yes I spent time in London.

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Didn't take long for the big money talk. Where are we, page 2?

London and the South East is obsessed with the stuff. Proper boring. Having worked there most of my life I don't miss it.

Which tells me that you missed out on the big money - try not to be bitter about it.

Ask many Londoners what was the greatest thing that ever happened to them in their lives - and it was - being born in the city. Now, we're not talking about millionaires, or billionaires here. We are talking about ordinary working men and women - who took a risk, got on the property market - and through the steady growth with the occasional boom - saw themselves creating nest eggs that would have had them partying like mad if they had won them on the lottery.

These are the people down on the Costas - having sold their house for two-or three hundred thousand cash in most cases - more if they were lucky - they are sitting pretty. An hours flight away from home, a lottery style bonus in the bank - they are going into their sunset years delighted that they were born in that incredible city.

That's the story of the ordinary working guy - the one's that chose to have a go and get on the property ladder thirty/forty years ago. These are the same guys that went into work and said they had bought their first house and got hit with variations of this crap -

"It's a millstone around your neck - who do you think you are, getting above yourself? - spam valley."

The same guys that made those comments aren't so smart now.

People forget the amount of working class people that were lifted in the financial comfort zone through taking the risk, and working hard to pay for their house in London. London is the ultimate working class man's success story -

Whilst I wish them luck, the lauding of wealth creation through the property market is not exactly a wonder of economics.

It is if anything a high risk game that regulators should put a stop to. Just about every major global bust recently has been around financial shenanigins in the property business. A return to conservative lending for mortgages would save the world its next load of pain but would alas make fewer property millionaires who simply bought a semi.

You'll actually find that a high percentage of said people actually saved and put down deposits under the previous conservative mortgage lending regime. All the more reason why they should be lauded.

Also, an astounding fact that you may not be aware of is that twenty-five percent of homes bought in the UK are bought cash.

I have no issue with wealth creation, I do have a problem with valuations being driven by impossible multiples of earning. If there was a return to rational policies of 3 times earning s and 10% down, prices would not have run along as they have.

When it becomes 0% and 4 or 5 times, valuationw get out if whack

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You are somewhat out of date now chum. Walk through Spitalfields, Brick Lane etc and you will see the most amazing gentrification and trendification taking place. Becoming one of the fashionable parts of London. Spitalfields on Saturday now swarming with tourists and Brick Lane on Sunday a Foodies' heaven. From Aldgate can walk through to Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. No wonder property prices have rocketed in the area. Oh, and just down the road, Old Street. Formerly a dump, now referred to as Silicon Roundabout. Google and others have moved in.

Which only goes to reinforce what everyone is saying.........chum.

To live in London you have to be either rich gentry or from another country altogether.

I guess that's what the out-of-towners from the provinces are thinking on their day trips to see 'Les Miserables'.

Which is garbage - with the best estimate of immigrants London being 3 million strong - take away the 400,000 millionaires, that tells you that - let me work it out for you -

8,600,000 - 3,400,000 = 5,200,000

So that means that there are 5,200,000 non-immigrant, non-wealthy Londoners living in the city - which is the same population as Scotland by the looks of it. Makes your comment look daft, eh?

8.6 Million as being the official number

Minus 400,000 Millionaires

44% of the population being immigrants will give you a figure of 3.6 million.

Add in the non registered immigrants and you have a population of immigrants in London that will be close to the population of Scotland.

Now that is as scary as your arithmetic ability.

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Saying that London is full of immigrants is like complaining that the sea is wet. It's a major world city, historic port, and one-time hub of a huge empire - of course people from all over the world live there. Its international nature is one of the best things about it.

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