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Thai opinion: Teaching a kid to love the Americans


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"Don't get too stressed over diplomacy, son."

They just fly drones and kill mostly innocent people, including children and babies...while the others get in responds total crazy radicals who kill everyone with a different religion....but don't let that stress you mai pen rai.....It only drags half the planet into war including the south of Thailand....no stress....

Did you write the op too? cheesy.gif

Ask this question...which came first, the drone or the bombs? (In the case of 9-11, our airplanes were used as bombs)

Call it justice. I say, the more drones..the merrier.

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This is crap a fantasy, but to think that Americans are honest and dont have ulterior motives is crap too.

America is not that trustworthy plenty of proof for that. They look out for themselves and bully and push others around.

They are better as Russia and China but certainly not angels without ulterior motives in what they do.

“Whoever has the Americans as allies does not need enemies.” – Madame Nhu

Ah, Madame Nu, a beautiful woman who publicly boasted about how much she enjoyed seeing Vietnamese Buddhist priests being barbecued. Nice lady.

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I have said it before, and I will say it again. When China becomes the

super power of the world, and America fades away in a pool of debt,

those will be called the good old days.......So bash away !! :-)

And for the bitter Brits and Aussies, please be advised the American

government does not consult with me on foreign policy decisions,

so no need to spew vile comments towards me when my American

accent is discovered......

For the Thais, their knowledge of world history is so weak I am not

sure that they can form an intelligent opinion about America. At this

point I think they simply believe whatever the media/government tells them.

I wonder what percent of Thais even know His Majesty was born in


Where do you see all these English and Australians. I live on the outskirts of Bangkok and rarely see them at all. There does appear to be a bunch always malingering around Sukhumvit and environs in general. But I only dash in and out of there for medical or shopping trips, and I don't really see them in the upscale malls or in Bumrungrad. So, where are they, specifically?

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"And who made America the world's policeman anyway?"

Perhaps it was all those people and countries that ask for our help when they need it.

How often have we heard, "Why aren't the Americans doing something about such and such" when there's some sort of atrocity or disaster in the world.

I don't think I've ever heard:

- Why aren't the French doing something? (ha ha ha...right)

- Why aren't the Canadians doing something? (cause they'll just let the Americans do it)

- Why aren't the Mexicans doing something? (God help us if that question ever arises.)

For a lot of countries/people the only people they can turn to for help is America or Great Britain. Hopefully Thailand won't need to make that call; at least while I'm still living here.

Did Libya ask for your help? Did Iraq ask for your help? Did Afghanistan ask for your help? etc..etc...etc...

Libya was initiated by the French and British, who promptly ran out of munitions and then begged the US to come in and back them up.

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This is crap a fantasy, but to think that Americans are honest and dont have ulterior motives is crap too.

America is not that trustworthy plenty of proof for that. They look out for themselves and bully and push others around.

They are better as Russia and China but certainly not angels without ulterior motives in what they do.

Better than Russia and China????

Ukraine and Tibet have tasted world power love. Other wise Russia and China haven't fukked around globally, creating present world of terror.

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WOW !!! The English skills of Thai kids in schools has improved so much lately , thank you Gen Prayuth .

Who da <deleted> published this cr*p ?? it is so unbelievable , unless of course the kid is a Thai/ Farang kid , maybe .

But of course we all know it isn't , don't we Guys?

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I expect 9 out 10 Thai kids couldn't find America on a world map...if they even knew a world map existed vs just a map of Thailand which is their whole world.

Pib turn that around & tell me how many American kids could find Thailand on the map.......


Because........ according to National Geographic ----over 50% of young Americans can not find New York on a map.


  • Only 37% of young Americans can find Iraq on a map—though U.S. troops have been there since 2003.
  • 20% of young Americans think Sudan is in Asia. (It's the largest country in Africa.)
  • 48% of young Americans believe the majority population in India is Muslim. (It's Hindu—by a landslide.)
  • Half of young Americans can't find New York on a map
  • http://www.nationalgeographic.com/roper2006/findings.html

I'm sure these numbers are the same in England, Scotland,France,etc. Note how it says "young" Americans. Most youth these days are stupid all over the world. It's not just America and would be stupid to think so.

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What the hell did I just read?

Thing is, I know it's a hypothetical conversation, but it's not presented that way. One wonders how stupid 'educated' Thais think we 'farang' are? With the greatest respect, most westerners do not suffer from nationalistic and inward looking educational systems and elitist media coverage. Therefore, we are unlikely to fall for it (unless you are one of the Thaivisa Junta lovin' nuitjobs (JLN), of course).

The Nation. An embarrassment to journalism.

I'll re-write that article for them. It's quite short:

The Americans have spoken out against the Junta for not holding elections. They met with Yingluck and co to deliberately annoy Prayuth. The US see that the will of the people may win the day in the end, and that keeping relatinships open with the disposed leaders is a wise move in the long term. They do not see Prayuth as a legitimate PM (meeting with his guys means little if the US also meet with Yingluck). Now they have spoken others may follow in speaking out (although the Aussies have also said their bit as have the Brits to a lesser extent). This is 2015 and Juntas are not a good thing in the eyes of democratic nations.

The End

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If there really was a conversation between your average Thai father and son, it may have gone like this (if it took place in Barnsley):

Kid: Hey dad! We got a new farang teacher today.

Dad: Another one? That's the third this year.

Kid: I can't understand a word. He jabbers on and on. Shouting and stuff. He's fat and crazy.

Dad: So, what did he teach you today?

Kid: America. I think. Or something. They had a guy called Geoff Washington or summat. He had a dream about a tea party and all the negroes got the vote.

Dad: But negroes live in Africa. Africa is a really big country in the desert. Don't talk to me about education. I wrote the bloody book, lad.

Kid: One day i will be as wise as you, I hope.

Dad: Well, I need fuel to keep the maintenence on a brain like this, lad. The local shop is still open, get on yer bike and get us a bottle of Lao Kao and some baccy. There's a good lad.

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This is crap a fantasy, but to think that Americans are honest and dont have ulterior motives is crap too.

America is not that trustworthy plenty of proof for that. They look out for themselves and bully and push others around.

They are better as Russia and China but certainly not angels without ulterior motives in what they do.

Same goes for every Nation in the world...two times?

What does anyone else do that is so unselfish. America goes out and tries...often fails...but tries.

Other nations hide like poosies....turn tails....

Often the USA pushes smaller countries around. I can still remember how they kept complaining about our drug policies in the Netherlands not accepting them. Forcing us to change and so on. Was not their business but they pushed and bullied quite often. This was an internal affair, and now they are legalizing weed too in many states.

They have supported their fair share of dictators as long as they were not communist. They have sold weapons incited war ect ect. They cannot claim the high ground here. They invaded countries on evidence that has been fabricated (Irak) just because of oil. I can't say that countries like Sweden / Holland / Belgium ever did like that.

So they are just a bully, just like Russia and China.. just a bit better and id choose them over those others any time. However that does not make them good. just less bad. They can't compare to countries like Sweden Holland ect in honesty.

Europeans seem to have a short memory when it comes to their colonial periods. Belgium in particular was brutal in the administration of their African colonies. The brief period of Dutch colonialism in North America was characterized by the slaughter of native people.

Not saying America isn't without flaws, the invasion of Iraq was a terrible idea which cost the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people, just saying people in glass houses should think before throwing stones.

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This is crap a fantasy, but to think that Americans are honest and dont have ulterior motives is crap too.

America is not that trustworthy plenty of proof for that. They look out for themselves and bully and push others around.

They are better as Russia and China but certainly not angels without ulterior motives in what they do.

“Whoever has the Americans as allies does not need enemies.” – Madame Nhu

I had to google that one and I have no idea how much truth is in that statement but I am pretty sure I prefer the Americans as allies over the Russians or Chinese. Plenty of Americans have been killed by friendly fire, I think the same goes for all armies.

You definitely don't want Americans as enemies, especially if you are a civilian.


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So typical of TV posters from non American countries!

Here we have an article that is obviously transparent Thai propaganda.

What do many posters coment about?

Evil America and their horrible foreign policies!

I would like to see all of you America haters post your country of origin and tell us about your foreign policies...you probably have none!

Tell us about what good you have tried to do for the rest of the world or even for your own sorry countries!

America's foreign is sometimes flawed, yes.

But, America does get out and try to make the world a better and safer place for , yes, Americans first , but also for others.

What do you and your country even try to do for yourselves and others????

I will be waiting for your lists.

"But, America does get out and try to make the world a better and safer place"

Oh give it a rest, safer in Novorossia? safer in Iraq? safer in Afghanistan, Libya et al, or even at home in the US? American hegemony is driven solely by it's big business, and there's non bigger than armaments and oil. War is good for business, and America means business!

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This is crap a fantasy, but to think that Americans are honest and dont have ulterior motives is crap too.

America is not that trustworthy plenty of proof for that. They look out for themselves and bully and push others around.

They are better as Russia and China but certainly not angels without ulterior motives in what they do.

Here's my problem. As an American, I am constantly treated as if I am the American government; over which I have zero control. The anti-Americanism is really bad in Europe and I am treated more fairly by Thais than Europeans in Thailand (who don't bother to get to know me as soon as they realize I'm from the US). I am not Geo. Bush and I did not invade Iraq (nor did GB ask my opinion before he took us to war). I am also not Barack Obama and have little say so about Mr. Russel's comments in Thailand. Most Americans I know would be horrified if they found out the true extent of what meddling the US GOVERNMENT is doing in countries around the world and in our name. Most Americans I know mind their own business and try not to infringe on what other people want to do with their lives/countries. The media will take examples of some Americans and blow them up to become representative of all Americans. Come and live here a while and you will see that most of us bear little resemblance to either our government or to media stereotypes. I would very much appreciate if you would substitute American government in place of Americans. I don't look at British people and think they are Tony Blair or David Cameron. I don't think Russian people are just like Putin. Please differentiate between the citizens of a country and their (usually corrupt and unrepresentative) governments. Thank you.

BTW, I agree that the US government, under any president, is evil but that is because it is actually run by banksters, corportions, the the military/intelligence agencies and not by elected 'representatives of the people'.


I hope our Government gives the US Expat some kind of "hostile fire" pay.

Seems like I always am on the defensive, every time I am in a farang inhabitated establishment. Either the stiff shoulder, or the sneer. It does bode ignorance, on their part...of what reality really is. Sort of like hating all Brits because of their stinking meat pies. lol.

If my Texas/southern accent weren't so strong, I'd tell farangs I was Canadian. Nobody hates Canadians. As for the US government giving me something, I don't want it. It always comes with too many 'strings' attached.

Nice to see you quote Ron Paul, America missed the chance to have a good president there.

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