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Is America at war with radical Islam?


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Is America at War With Radical Islam?
Critics insist that Obama's reluctance to say so robs the struggle of moral clarity, but such attacks reflect a muddled understanding of the fight.

NEW YORK: -- If there’s one thing top Republicans know, it’s that America can’t defeat terrorism unless we call it by its real name. “We are in a religious war with radical Islamists," Lindsey Graham recently told Fox News. “When I hear the President of the United States and his chief spokesperson failing to admit that we’re in a religious war, it really bothers me.”

Rudy Giuliani agrees: “If we can’t use the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism,’ we can’t get rid of them.” So does Ted Cruz. At the Iowa Freedom Summit in January he declared that, “You cannot fight and win a war on radical Islamic terrorism if you’re unwilling to utter the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’”

There are several problems here. Even if one believed that calling the enemy “radical Islam” were a good idea, it would hardly explain how to defeat it. Yet the Republicans slamming Obama for his linguistic failures mostly stop there.

After he chastised the President in Iowa for not saying “radical Islam,” Ted Cruz’s only policy suggestions were that Obama should have attended the anti-terror rally in Paris and that Americans who join ISIS should lose their citizenship. On Fox, Giuliani mentioned the Paris rally too, and then fell back on platitudes like “you know what you do with bullies? You go right in their face!”

Full story: http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/02/is-america-at-war-with-radical-islam/385200/

-- The Atlantic 2015-02-06

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Oh, another story about the World's Police. Funny how when the big problems arise everyone looks to the USA.

Why isn't the OP about how the wonderful UK isn't defeating "radical Islam" on its own soil, including doing something about the rapes of 1400 children?

Why isn't the OP about how Australia can't handle them on its own soil?

Why is the topic all about a hand-wringing "what's the US going to do about it"? What's the USA's "plan?"

The US has a plan to keep them from dominating the US, so why don't we just let them move on into Europe and take over?

What is the purpose of this OP other than to stir the pot about the US? As an American I don't give a damn what happens to other countries so a good plan would be to stay home and let others rot.

Its a story that was generated by US "News" channel Fox News about the republicans wanting to call the war on Terror a religeous war ?, so I don't really get your point

It IS a religious war regardless of who said it. My point is that it's always something on this site about the US. Why isn't the article about what is the UK's plan to deal with it? I'll tell you why. It's because the UK can't even deal with what's happening in its own country including the rapes of 1400 children, that's why.

Australia can't even deal with it's own Islamic problem and that's another reason.

Agree it is, but if they call it one , it will probably bring those who were not involved before into the conflict, moderate Muslims ect, Similar to Patriotism where people fight for there country, we'll have people volunteering to fight for their religion. I agree with you about the child Grooming and rape in the Uk , it makes my blood boil that these MPs who don't have to live in these area will not condemn the Muslims for it and the filthy scum who did it , it is a massive problem and needs eliminating

I was out with my 11 year old daughter in Central Pattaya and 3 Arab looking blokes were looking at her and sort of sniggering to each other. I went over and said &lt;deleted&gt; are you looking at you F---- Nonce, they just got up and walked off , My wife was impressed , not

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Oh, another story about the World's Police. Funny how when the big problems arise everyone looks to the USA.

Why isn't the OP about how the wonderful UK isn't defeating "radical Islam" on its own soil, including doing something about the rapes of 1400 children?

Why isn't the OP about how Australia can't handle them on its own soil?

Why is the topic all about a hand-wringing "what's the US going to do about it"? What's the USA's "plan?"

The US has a plan to keep them from dominating the US, so why don't we just let them move on into Europe and take over?

What is the purpose of this OP other than to stir the pot about the US? As an American I don't give a damn what happens to other countries so a good plan would be to stay home and let others rot.

You then posted " It's the West that believes the lies you believe."

Which is extremely ironic considering your bald-faced, blatant, grossly exaggerated lie that you persist in spreading. In the Rotherham case that you are so fond of referring to, of the 1400 abused children, only a small proportion were raped. With your lie, you are trying to cloud the issue between Muslim criminals that may not be Islamist extremist, and the subject of the OP, actual Islamic extremists.

Funnily enough, I agree with the Republicans here. Call a spade a spade. I agree with the OP, though; here we have the Republicans simply posturing with no better ideas than the government on how to deal with the problem, and in fact, they may be making it worse by inflaming their redneck followers into blaming the whole of Islamdom...which is sort of what you're trying to do, so case in point.

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Its a story that was generated by US "News" channel Fox News about the republicans wanting to call the war on Terror a religeous war ?, so I don't really get your point

They want the president to admit that it is religious war from the point of view of radical Islamists, which it very obviously IS. You can't defeat an enemy that you refuse to identify.

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“When I hear the President of the United States and his chief spokesperson failing to admit that we’re in a religious war, it really bothers me.”

It's really hard for me to call what these people believe in religious. To me it's something they chose to believe in so they can murder innocent people and oppress women. Maybe that's why Obama is reluctant. Otherwise, I'd agree.

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This is 100% politics. The GOP cannot provide a reasonable solution to the problem. Because there is no solution. The President wants to get a handle on the radical Muslims without antagonizing the other 1 billion moderate Muslims because frankly, we need them.

At least the Republicans are addressing the problem as it is today. Obama is trying to draw a moral equivalence to something that happened almost a thousand years ago and ignoring the fact that the crusades were sparked by Islam's own actions: Muslims were invading Christian lands to convert the inhabitants and assume control in the name of Islam. The president's ideology of appeasement is not helping the situation. His weakness is making things worse and worse.

And 8 Muslim Brotherhood supporters as advisors in the white house doesn't help a lot.

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What is the purpose of this OP other than to stir the pot about the US? As an American I don't give a damn what happens to other countries so a good plan would be to stay home and let others rot.

Brilliant plan. Cause the problem, then run away from it. rolleyes.gif

"Cause the problem"? Are you from this planet"

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The following words by Obama are a good description of radical Islam. An example of Obama's description "those who have embraced a nihilistic, violent, almost medieval interpretation of Islam."


I am not a follower of US politics, but calls for the current conflict with ISIS (radical Islam) to be defined as a religious war IMO would be a mistake & agree with the points raised in the article below.


I am unclear why NeverSure claims Australia is unable to address issues with Islamic radicalism. The Oz government is making good progress in updating relevant legislation, funding the programs for recently enacted new anti terrorism laws and border control. In addition Oz government is currently militarily engaged in Iraq working in synch with overall US led coalition efforts. I understand the same progress is being made by the UK.

Beleive it or not hysterical people suggesting spraying Muslims with pigs blood, civilians walking the streets of European cities with weapons, throwing pigs head into the grounds of mosques and so on is counter productive.

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This is 100% politics. The GOP cannot provide a reasonable solution to the problem. Because there is no solution. The President wants to get a handle on the radical Muslims without antagonizing the other 1 billion moderate Muslims because frankly, we need them.

At least the Republicans are addressing the problem as it is today. Obama is trying to draw a moral equivalence to something that happened almost a thousand years ago and ignoring the fact that the crusades were sparked by Islam's own actions: Muslims were invading Christian lands to convert the inhabitants and assume control in the name of Islam. The president's ideology of appeasement is not helping the situation. His weakness is making things worse and worse.

And 8 Muslim Brotherhood supporters as advisors in the white house doesn't help a lot.

Sorry it is 6 advisors not 8.post-157341-0-62432400-1423189367_thumb.

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Oh, another story about the World's Police. Funny how when the big problems arise everyone looks to the USA.

Why isn't the OP about how the wonderful UK isn't defeating "radical Islam" on its own soil, including doing something about the rapes of 1400 children?

Why isn't the OP about how Australia can't handle them on its own soil?

Why is the topic all about a hand-wringing "what's the US going to do about it"? What's the USA's "plan?"

The US has a plan to keep them from dominating the US, so why don't we just let them move on into Europe and take over?

What is the purpose of this OP other than to stir the pot about the US? As an American I don't give a damn what happens to other countries so a good plan would be to stay home and let others rot.

You then posted " It's the West that believes the lies you believe."

Which is extremely ironic considering your bald-faced, blatant, grossly exaggerated lie that you persist in spreading. In the Rotherham case that you are so fond of referring to, of the 1400 abused children, only a small proportion were raped.

With your lie, you are trying to cloud the issue between Muslim criminals that may not be Islamist extremist, and the subject of the OP, actual Islamic extremists.

Funnily enough, I agree with the Republicans here. Call a spade a spade.

I agree with the OP, though; here we have the Republicans simply posturing with no better ideas than the government on how to deal with the problem, and in fact, they may be making it worse by inflaming their redneck followers into blaming the whole of Islamdom...which is sort of what you're trying to do, so case in point.

I do blame all of Islam. I blame those who commit acts of terror and I blame those who do nothing. I will never believe there are "moderate" muslims. I wouldn't trust a one of them.

Now I'd like to start calling them names and telling what I'd like to do to them, but it's against forum rules.

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