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Is America at war with radical Islam?


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It seems to me that the only people not at war with radical Islam is the so called moderate Islam.


" It showed Jordanian troops scribble messages in chalk on the missiles. "For you, the enemies of Islam," read one message. " as they bombed the sh 1t out of ISIS.

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Oh, another story about the World's Police. Funny how when the big problems arise everyone looks to the USA.

Why isn't the OP about how the wonderful UK isn't defeating "radical Islam" on its own soil, including doing something about the rapes of 1400 children?

Why isn't the OP about how Australia can't handle them on its own soil?

Why is the topic all about a hand-wringing "what's the US going to do about it"? What's the USA's "plan?"

The US has a plan to keep them from dominating the US, so why don't we just let them move on into Europe and take over?

What is the purpose of this OP other than to stir the pot about the US? As an American I don't give a damn what happens to other countries so a good plan would be to stay home and let others rot.

You then posted " It's the West that believes the lies you believe."

Which is extremely ironic considering your bald-faced, blatant, grossly exaggerated lie that you persist in spreading. In the Rotherham case that you are so fond of referring to, of the 1400 abused children, only a small proportion were raped.

With your lie, you are trying to cloud the issue between Muslim criminals that may not be Islamist extremist, and the subject of the OP, actual Islamic extremists.

Funnily enough, I agree with the Republicans here. Call a spade a spade.

I agree with the OP, though; here we have the Republicans simply posturing with no better ideas than the government on how to deal with the problem, and in fact, they may be making it worse by inflaming their redneck followers into blaming the whole of Islamdom...which is sort of what you're trying to do, so case in point.

I do blame all of Islam. I blame those who commit acts of terror and I blame those who do nothing. I will never believe there are "moderate" muslims. I wouldn't trust a one of them.

Now I'd like to start calling them names and telling what I'd like to do to them, but it's against forum rules.

And spreading gross lies about them bolsters your point?

How about what Jordan is currently doing against ISIS? " It showed Jordanian troops scribble messages in chalk on the missiles. "For you, the enemies of Islam," read one message. "

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Oh, another story about the World's Police. Funny how when the big problems arise everyone looks to the USA.

Why isn't the OP about how the wonderful UK isn't defeating "radical Islam" on its own soil, including doing something about the rapes of 1400 children?

Why isn't the OP about how Australia can't handle them on its own soil?

Why is the topic all about a hand-wringing "what's the US going to do about it"? What's the USA's "plan?"

The US has a plan to keep them from dominating the US, so why don't we just let them move on into Europe and take over?

What is the purpose of this OP other than to stir the pot about the US? As an American I don't give a damn what happens to other countries so a good plan would be to stay home and let others rot.

You then posted " It's the West that believes the lies you believe."

Which is extremely ironic considering your bald-faced, blatant, grossly exaggerated lie that you persist in spreading. In the Rotherham case that you are so fond of referring to, of the 1400 abused children, only a small proportion were raped.

With your lie, you are trying to cloud the issue between Muslim criminals that may not be Islamist extremist, and the subject of the OP, actual Islamic extremists.

Funnily enough, I agree with the Republicans here. Call a spade a spade.

I agree with the OP, though; here we have the Republicans simply posturing with no better ideas than the government on how to deal with the problem, and in fact, they may be making it worse by inflaming their redneck followers into blaming the whole of Islamdom...which is sort of what you're trying to do, so case in point.

I do blame all of Islam. I blame those who commit acts of terror and I blame those who do nothing. I will never believe there are "moderate" muslims. I wouldn't trust a one of them.

Now I'd like to start calling them names and telling what I'd like to do to them, but it's against forum rules.

That would be called vile hate speech if it was a different religion who had a minority radical group but the entire peoples of the religion were blamed and cursed.

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This is 100% politics. The GOP cannot provide a reasonable solution to the problem. Because there is no solution. The President wants to get a handle on the radical Muslims without antagonizing the other 1 billion moderate Muslims because frankly, we need them. The Republican party is of no help at the moment in trying to solve this problem.

So like most Liberals......you sit on your arse and Do Nothing.

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Oh, another story about the World's Police. Funny how when the big problems arise everyone looks to the USA.

Why isn't the OP about how the wonderful UK isn't defeating "radical Islam" on its own soil, including doing something about the rapes of 1400 children?

Why isn't the OP about how Australia can't handle them on its own soil?

Why is the topic all about a hand-wringing "what's the US going to do about it"? What's the USA's "plan?"

The US has a plan to keep them from dominating the US, so why don't we just let them move on into Europe and take over?

What is the purpose of this OP other than to stir the pot about the US? As an American I don't give a damn what happens to other countries so a good plan would be to stay home and let others rot.

As an American I don't give a damn what happens to other countries so a good plan would be to stay home and let others rot.

As far as the word rot is concern four sure YOU have a well rotten mentalitycoffee1.gif

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This is 100% politics. The GOP cannot provide a reasonable solution to the problem. Because there is no solution. The President wants to get a handle on the radical Muslims without antagonizing the other 1 billion moderate Muslims because frankly, we need them. The Republican party is of no help at the moment in trying to solve this problem.

Ah... no!

This is hardly a GOP v Dem issue. To design it as such results in a very limited worldview. If the president wants to get a "handle on radical muslims without antagonizing the other 1 billion moderate muslims" he has failed miserably. But your statement brings up a few fair points:

How has the president thus far "handle[d]" the radical muslims?

Why is it proper that in your defense of the president you can use the words "radical muslim" but in his defense of America he cannot?

What proof is there anywhere about there being 1 billion moderate muslims? Any polls, statistics, or indicators?

What is our state of despair when we've conceded that there is some great, unrevealed, majority of moderate muslims, who think as [we] do, but [we] dont want to "antagonize" them? (Your entire defense is actually an indictment of the President).

By your very words you concede the opposing point of view. This president has only enabled radical islam; there is absolutely no single indicator anywhere of radical islam being reigned in- anywhere. Under Obama stewardship islamism has spread throughout the world and is now stitching together territories in the first land acquisition of terrorists in the modern age. Obama has singlehandedly removed all the first line of obstacles for lesser jihad- illegitimate sovereigns. Under Islam, the state and religion are the same. Under Islam, first the state must return to theocratic status. Under Obama, this has been provided to "radical muslims" repeatedly throughout the world. It is simply a fact, irrespective how it has come to happen.

With the perspective you provide, you are correct, there is no solution, but when your observation is undressed and the threat defined there are working tools to confront the issue. It is likewise true that the president cannot wage war on radical islam until first percieving its reality. The idea that you can defend a President who does not even define "radical muslims" by using the very words "radical muslims" in his defense soundly unwinds both yours and his assertion.

America is not at war with radical islam!

Moderate Islam


Edited by arjunadawn
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This is 100% politics. The GOP cannot provide a reasonable solution to the problem. Because there is no solution. The President wants to get a handle on the radical Muslims without antagonizing the other 1 billion moderate Muslims because frankly, we need them. The Republican party is of no help at the moment in trying to solve this problem.

So like most Liberals......you sit on your arse and Do Nothing.

"Sitting on your arse and doing nothing" is precisely what you're doing, along with most conservatives.

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This is 100% politics. The GOP cannot provide a reasonable solution to the problem. Because there is no solution. The President wants to get a handle on the radical Muslims without antagonizing the other 1 billion moderate Muslims because frankly, we need them. The Republican party is of no help at the moment in trying to solve this problem.

No such thing as a "moderate muslim". This is your lack of cultural understanding and blinded by western political correct idealism. In Arabic, there is no such word as "moderate". The Quran explains there are only believers and non believers.

And you're worried about upsetting "moderates" muslims? Well, they ain't the true muslims. Only those jihadists who live according to the Quran are true muslims.

So YES it indeed is a War against Islam. Except your CNN, MSNBC, Bloomberg leftist media types will censure the truth.

So you believe there is a war against Islam, not radical Islam. I assume this to mean everyone else against Islam. So we're against the Jordanians, Saudis, Malaysians, etc. And this war can only be won if....what happens?

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Oh, another story about the World's Police. Funny how when the big problems arise everyone looks to the USA.

Why isn't the OP about how the wonderful UK isn't defeating "radical Islam" on its own soil, including doing something about the rapes of 1400 children?

Why isn't the OP about how Australia can't handle them on its own soil?

Why is the topic all about a hand-wringing "what's the US going to do about it"? What's the USA's "plan?"

The US has a plan to keep them from dominating the US, so why don't we just let them move on into Europe and take over?

What is the purpose of this OP other than to stir the pot about the US? As an American I don't give a damn what happens to other countries so a good plan would be to stay home and let others rot.

You then posted " It's the West that believes the lies you believe."

Which is extremely ironic considering your bald-faced, blatant, grossly exaggerated lie that you persist in spreading. In the Rotherham case that you are so fond of referring to, of the 1400 abused children, only a small proportion were raped.

With your lie, you are trying to cloud the issue between Muslim criminals that may not be Islamist extremist, and the subject of the OP, actual Islamic extremists.

Funnily enough, I agree with the Republicans here. Call a spade a spade.

I agree with the OP, though; here we have the Republicans simply posturing with no better ideas than the government on how to deal with the problem, and in fact, they may be making it worse by inflaming their redneck followers into blaming the whole of Islamdom...which is sort of what you're trying to do, so case in point.

I do blame all of Islam. I blame those who commit acts of terror and I blame those who do nothing. I will never believe there are "moderate" muslims. I wouldn't trust a one of them.

Now I'd like to start calling them names and telling what I'd like to do to them, but it's against forum rules.

And spreading gross lies about them bolsters your point?

How about what Jordan is currently doing against ISIS? " It showed Jordanian troops scribble messages in chalk on the missiles. "For you, the enemies of Islam," read one message. "

Jordan is dishing out payback. Jordan has been protecting its own backyard due to the spread of ISIS. Muslims have been fighting among various sects forever.

Where was Jordan when it was just the Taliban or Al Qaeda? Muslims are so neanderthal that they slaughter each other. Jordan is one group of Muslims killing another group of Muslims... Again.

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Jordan is dishing out payback. Jordan has been protecting its own backyard due to the spread of ISIS. Muslims have been fighting among various sects forever.

Jordan is dishing out payback is the correct terminology. Had it not been for the barbaric murder of the Jordanian pilot they would have been relatively silent, only uttering condemnation now and again to appease the West.

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This is 100% politics. The GOP cannot provide a reasonable solution to the problem. Because there is no solution. The President wants to get a handle on the radical Muslims without antagonizing the other 1 billion moderate Muslims because frankly, we need them. The Republican party is of no help at the moment in trying to solve this problem.

Well said and it does makes sense.
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"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet". If the yahoos who think just calling it "radical islam" is going to bring immediate victory, well, that ain't gonna happen. Besides that, I would call them Fundamentalist Muslims: they are following the teachings to the letter. Radical Islam would have radical concepts, such as equality of women, right to renounce religion without getting head cut off, freedom of thought and action. Obama knows which way the wind blows and is doing what he can, and knows about the rest of the world, unlike Faux News and the know nothings in Repub party. Where was the hue and cry when your beloved Bush did nothing about USS Cole because "it didn't happen on his watch"?

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Were the Crusades radical Christian terrorism? If I remember my history lessons correctly, the Christians were doing then, much like what Isis is doing now. There are even MOVIES about it! I hate self-serving political propagandizing.

Well ,,, come to think of it .... the billion dollar in profits weapons manufacturers benefit from it.

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My personal feeling is that Obama understands the threat of ISIS but as his presidential term is winding down he is hoping to keep the conflict in maintenance mode to kick the problem down the road to the next president. He already has enough problems. There is a case for letting the forces there fight it out themselves ... and that whatever the U.S. does it will likely make things worse regardless of intentions.

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A poll found 53% of French people thought France is at we with radical Islam. That it may be less obvious to the average American is solely down to it having less Muslim immigration, though Barack Hussein Obama is doing his best to alter this by letting in 300,000 Muslims last year alone.

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This is 100% politics. The GOP cannot provide a reasonable solution to the problem. Because there is no solution. The President wants to get a handle on the radical Muslims without antagonizing the other 1 billion moderate Muslims because frankly, we need them. The Republican party is of no help at the moment in trying to solve this problem.

Oh yeah? Watch Jordan go after those bastards for burning one of its pilots. THEY know how to deal with these people.

It's the West that believes the lies you believe.

Anything to support the notion that Jordan knows how to deal with these people? Are their attacks any different than other coalition sorties? Was there a wave of arrests on the Jordanian home front?

So, all Muslims are bad, except when they attack them other bad Muslims. But not really, because that's just Muslims killing other Muslims. Boy, was that a focused argument. Not.

What does an economically and socially challenged country in the Middle East got to do with the Taliban?

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