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Junta wants universities 'to refrain from political satire' at big event

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It's pretty obvious Chulalongkorn would not do anything to criticise the junta. It's the home of Thai conservatism and the Thai upper class. I've met plenty of Chula students, some are nice, but all are completely lacking any kind of critical thinking required to think satirically.

The junta knows this. It's just another government threatening Thammasat, one of the few genuinely liberal institutes in Thailand. Glad to see they won tonight :)


Where are you Costas?

Come on justify this?

I'm here......never far away......

I do agree that satire is a good variation of humour and I always enjoyed a good satire.

BUT, mocking is NOT acceptable.

please gentleman have the good taste to shut up..satire is mocking!!!!! and its definitely acceptable


Where are you Costas?

Come on justify this?

He conveniently and consistantly, avoids reality.

Last time I saw him he was discussing prices in Mall food courts.


His views are just as pertinent as yours. None of us know the truth, we can only assume, i know what i assume but i daren't write it.

He's a Troll and an imposter.



A huge banner was unfurled both in English and That that said COUP=CORRUPTION before the authorities rushed in to remove it.

Could you imagine something along the lines of this here? heads would explode, then roll!

Very true. Monty Python and crew managed to parody and satirize the Monarchy (English, that is!) the Church (Catholic & C of E) and the Military (British). Michael Pailin even awarded a CBE.

I cannot find a translation for the word irreverent in a Thai dictionary, but that is what made them (MP) so funny. The ability to indulge in self deprecating humour.

If Thailand was allowed such freedoms, god knows what would happen.


Our politic satire team?

Do they have a whole box if whacky tricks that go boooooooiiiiiiiiinnnnnnngggggggggg.

I think satire in Thai culture just doesn't exist. They probably think notthenation is a newspaper.

Well, the biting satire at the parade before then annual soccer match between Chula and Thammasaat proves you are wrong.

The social media and many songs are full of satire.

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