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For Shell Gas (Petro) Station customers


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I have been meaning to write about this for a long while. I have noticed on several occasions especially when prices are about to go up that Shell were increasing their price ahead of the other gas stations. Normally the price goes up or down in increments of 50 satang. Depending on the current price, that could be an additional 1 - 2% profit for them. Because of this practice, I just stare clear of them as a norm.

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wrong.....currently about 30 cents per gallon. Unleaded gas futures are trading at about 1.55, and that doesn't include taxes, which vary from State to State, city to city. If they actually used the taxes for roads instead of welfare; our roads would be in a lot better shape. You must be confused with cigarettes.

Edited by bangmai
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In USA at least, most of the cost per gallon is due to tax. Probably the same most places except where heavily subsidized by the state.

Sorry, but currently the tax per gallon averages about .50 cents in the USA, so the cost per gallon is not mostly due to tax.

Most of Europe imposes far higher taxes on gasoline than the US.

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In USA at least, most of the cost per gallon is due to tax. Probably the same most places except where heavily subsidized by the state.

Sorry, but currently the tax per gallon averages about .50 cents in the USA, so the cost per gallon is not mostly due to tax.

Most of Europe imposes far higher taxes on gasoline than the US.

Julie is correct...Nationwide average: 48.29 cents in total taxes per gallon. 38 in Arizona, 42 in Virginia.....


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Sorry, but currently the tax per gallon averages about .50 cents in the USA, so the cost per gallon is not mostly due to tax.

Although we're off topic a bit, you're forgetting the federal tax of 18.4 cents per gallon. California, I believe, has the highest state tax of just over 70 cents per gallon. My home state, Michigan, has a tax rate of 57.50 cents per gallon (so the total tax per gallon in Michigan is 75.90 cents per gallon - which, currently, is roughly 38% of the current price per gallon.

Given there are about 3.785 liters in a gallon, the price here (if 30 baht per liter) is 113.55 baht per gallon. At a US exchange rate of 32 baht to the dollar, that'd be about $3.55 per gallon. As to how much of that is government tax here, I have no clue.

P.S. If my math is wrong, blame my calculator!

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Sorry, but currently the tax per gallon averages about .50 cents in the USA, so the cost per gallon is not mostly due to tax.

Although we're off topic a bit, you're forgetting the federal tax of 18.4 cents per gallon. California, I believe, has the highest state tax of just over 70 cents per gallon. My home state, Michigan, has a tax rate of 57.50 cents per gallon (so the total tax per gallon in Michigan is 75.90 cents per gallon - which, currently, is roughly 38% of the current price per gallon.

Given there are about 3.785 liters in a gallon, the price here (if 30 baht per liter) is 113.55 baht per gallon. At a US exchange rate of 32 baht to the dollar, that'd be about $3.55 per gallon. As to how much of that is government tax here, I have no clue.

P.S. If my math is wrong, blame my calculator!

It's still less then .50 cents on average even including the 18.4 cent Federal. See Bangmai's link.

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Meanwhile, back in Chiang Mai............

How long have you been holding this back,it must be a big relief to get it out? They are now at the top of my boycott list , especially now that you have highlighted the fact that they're probably only in this business for making a profit. Get the timing wrong and it could be costing baht, never mind satang. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that they probably wait a few hours before reducing prices too.

I only use Esso because, although it probably doesn't apply to you, if you spend 900 baht or more you get two 1 litre bottles of Free Water. Worth remembering and going out of your way for.

One good tip deserves another. As regards to staring clear, I sometimes find that eyedrops help.

Sarcastic at 3AM. Must have been a slow night.

The information I shared was not to easily save up to 50B per tank rather to inform those who might be interested in hearing about a company that is being sneaky. In Muang Chiang Mai, the price of gas is usually the same at all gas stations including Shell except when Shell decides raise their price ahead of the others.

Now, I can flush this thread down.

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The information I shared was not to easily save up to 50B per tank rather to inform those who might be interested in hearing about a company that is being sneaky.

Sounds like a scam, you should report them to the relevant authorities.

Edited by Don Mega
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I won't use Shell unless I have no choice. Too many times they have tried to pull the scam on me where they start filling from the last person's total. I have contacted corporate about this after each occasion but it falls on deaf ears and blind eyes.

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