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White Temple temporarily bans Chinese tourists for potty misconduct

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So Budhism is racist or this is not a Budhist temple. What is the answer?

Chinese is a nationality, not a race coffee1.gif

You are only partly right think about the Han Chinese Majority.whistling.gifgiggle.gif


I understand the artist. That temple is beautiful. Then a bunch of retarded sh1theads with a two digit iq come along and make a mess out of it.

These Chinese are so lame and ridiculous, i would not be surprised if the next article about them said that they defecate on each other on the way here then take pictures, post it on facebook and have a good laugh.


Has anyone actually been to their public toilets? Are they golden? It would seem to me that the toilet that got pooped is not the same as where the average Joe goes to take a dump.

Can anyone answer this?

I can't remember that the actual toilets were golden - but the toilet areas were spotlessly clean.


I was thinking Mona Lisa is still in the Louvre in Paris. whistling.gifgiggle.gif

You naughty brits, if the french find this out, then will be 100 years war again. w00t.gif

Well, I'm sure it was in the National Gallery before. But i suppose the French may have stolen it. That wouldn't surprise me, the French cant be trusted at all.

Like the brits, they stole half egypt, mumies and a lot of treasure from the pharao graves.

About the french, you are in this case not right, the Mona Lisa is made by Leonardy da Vinci and he sold it direct to the french King Francois I. short time before he died.

I was almost thinking the samesame as you, that they stole it from the italians.

I this case the french a just innocent, I was also really surprised.

Mona Lise was first in Chateau Amboise, then Chateau Fontainebleau and later Versailles, after the french revolution in the Louvre until now.

Anyway everybody should looking at their own country, what they stole from others.

For example: The british museum London, if you take the egypt artefacts out, then you can just close it, there will be not so much interesting things left. whistling.gifclap2.gifofftopic.gifgiggle.gifofftopic2.gifcheesy.gifpost-4641-1156694606.gifph34r.png

But to be fair, we would have to reverse all changes due to our history. So return the artifacts but then take back the economic impact of any accrued benefit, such as rule of law, railways, language. Egypt isn't the right example, but there would be a general logic, if we were to really go back into ancient history. If we went back a few hundred years then why not a thousand? Then two thousand. So in the end the UK might have to demand that the Swedes provide restitution for what the Vikings did, and likewise the Romans. It would never stop until we had untangled everything the human race has done since they were cavemen. So better leave well alone. Greece is now demanding compensation for Nazi occupation 70 years ago. So lets see, what if we look back into Greek history to see which segments of ancient history they need to be held accountable for. Who would be judge and jury in the court case?

You are in general right, if only the european countries going backwards in their history far enough and all would claim what they owned in their best days, then we would having never ending wars.

Anyway a little bit I have to pick on your english history, but maybe I read the wrong books, caused a big part is missing in your story.

About 200 AD. started slowly a migration of Angles(Danish + Germans), Saxons(100% Germans), Frisians(100% Germans), Jutes(danish + germans) all of them are still over there assimilated) from the western coast of Danmark and northern coast of Germany to England, sometimes the Romans hired them to fight against the Picts(Scotish). 410 AD. left the last Romans England, but some was assimilated already, rome had his own problems.

After the Angles was later England(Anglia) named, the english still called Anglesaxons(Angelsachsen).

866 AD. the incident of York conquered by the Vikings, not Swedes mainly Danish and Norwegians and they are still there assimilated.

1066 William the Conquerer(Norman) I will stop here, caused of topic, anway several years ago they made DNA test(only caucasians) all over the country up to the Hadrian wall.

Result about 40% german ancestry 40% Vikings(danish, norwegians) the rest of 20% a mix of mainly French + Celts and some others.

Now I having a serious question to you, what is bigger pain in your ar$e your German or French ancestry? wink.pngcheesy.gifw00t.gifcheesy.giffacepalm.gifpost-4641-1156693976.gifofftopic.gifofftopic2.gif

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A lot lost in translation...


Did they/he me the cistern???

Tank, cistern the same thing the receptacle above the bowl for holding the flushing water. Maybe they are refering to the septic tank. What's wrong with flushing your used toilet paper, it's made to be flushed and instantly breaks down when it contacts water.

Do they have security cameras in all the toilet boots?


A lot lost in translation...


Did they/he me the cistern???

Tank, cistern the same thing the receptacle above the bowl for holding the flushing water. Maybe they are refering to the septic tank. What's wrong with flushing your used toilet paper, it's made to be flushed and instantly breaks down when it contacts water.

Do they have security cameras in all the toilet boots?

"and instantly breaks down when it contacts water"

Mine sometimes breaks down even sooner, which is why I fold it twice, to get four thicknesses, before wiping ... but this may well be too much information ! sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vrJpEP3T5-

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Post #20.

Yes many of us been embarrassed by our countrymen and may have caused some embarrassment ourselves but this thread is only about one particular antic.

Sorry to veer of course, but something started me off -

"If these are the quality version, wonder what the riff raff are like ? Maybe they're the ones who go to Hong Kong and crap in the public areas of the upmarket shopping malls." clap2.gif

Getting back to the hideous crime committed in the White Temple rest room, sorry, but after spending quite a bit of time in China over three trips, and having visited many public toilets there, I am now immune to these horror stories. Nothing would surprise me short of them crapping on the moon and spinning it out of it's orbit. biggrin.png

I could write a book about my rollicking adventures in toilets in China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Nepal and India but I would have to publish it under fiction as nobody would believe it.

Thats exactly what they do...they dump in public areas, or changing rooms of luxury fashion boutiques, or in taxi queues. In one case one of them sat over the edge of a moving escalator and did a dump that landed on someones head, in another example a group were spotted doing synchronized dumping in the glass lift of a top hotel. In another example at a Michelin Star restaurant one dumped right into a plate of food and then ate it. So really something needs to be done. And as for the example dumping all over a temple, thats nothing. And there are other countries it happens in too. There was the case where a group visited the Taj Mahal and when they got there they did a mass public dump. Then in London when at the National Gallery they did a dump right in front of the Mona Lisa. It goes on. That visit to see the Pope. The visit to the Dalai Lama. There is just no respect and at some point there will be a major international incident.

I call Bullshit on this post. The closest this poster has gotten to the Mona Lisa was watching Bugs Bunny cartoons on a Saturday morning in his jammies while eating Captain Crunch...

  • Like 1

A lot lost in translation...


Did they/he me the cistern???

Tank, cistern the same thing the receptacle above the bowl for holding the flushing water. Maybe they are refering to the septic tank. What's wrong with flushing your used toilet paper, it's made to be flushed and instantly breaks down when it contacts water.

Do they have security cameras in all the toilet boots?

"and instantly breaks down when it contacts water"

Mine sometimes breaks down even sooner, which is why I fold it twice, to get four thicknesses, before wiping ... but this may well be too much information ! sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vrJpEP3T5-

Ric, I am actually quite surprised, that you are still a member of the wiper brigade as opposed to the latter day squirters.

All that toilet paper I see the Thais hauling out of the supermarkets, I thought it was destined for use on the dining table as finger napkins.

Let us spray.tongue.png

  • Like 2

When entering the Kingdom visitors from China will be asked by the immigration officer to produce a certificate of proper potty training ....



A lot lost in translation...


Did they/he me the cistern???

Tank, cistern the same thing the receptacle above the bowl for holding the flushing water. Maybe they are refering to the septic tank. What's wrong with flushing your used toilet paper, it's made to be flushed and instantly breaks down when it contacts water.

Do they have security cameras in all the toilet boots?

"and instantly breaks down when it contacts water"

Mine sometimes breaks down even sooner, which is why I fold it twice, to get four thicknesses, before wiping ... but this may well be too much information ! sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vrJpEP3T5-

Ric, I am actually quite surprised, that you are still a member of the wiper brigade as opposed to the latter day squirters.

All that toilet paper I see the Thais hauling out of the supermarkets, I thought it was destined for use on the dining table as finger napkins.

Let us spray.tongue.png

ratty, I hope you are not eating dinner, but some of the "wiper brigade" are "squirters" as well.................................facepalm.gif


Post #20.

Yes many of us been embarrassed by our countrymen and may have caused some embarrassment ourselves but this thread is only about one particular antic.

Sorry to veer of course, but something started me off -

"If these are the quality version, wonder what the riff raff are like ? Maybe they're the ones who go to Hong Kong and crap in the public areas of the upmarket shopping malls." clap2.gif

Getting back to the hideous crime committed in the White Temple rest room, sorry, but after spending quite a bit of time in China over three trips, and having visited many public toilets there, I am now immune to these horror stories. Nothing would surprise me short of them crapping on the moon and spinning it out of it's orbit. biggrin.png

I could write a book about my rollicking adventures in toilets in China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Nepal and India but I would have to publish it under fiction as nobody would believe it.

Thats exactly what they do...they dump in public areas, or changing rooms of luxury fashion boutiques, or in taxi queues. In one case one of them sat over the edge of a moving escalator and did a dump that landed on someones head, in another example a group were spotted doing synchronized dumping in the glass lift of a top hotel. In another example at a Michelin Star restaurant one dumped right into a plate of food and then ate it. So really something needs to be done. And as for the example dumping all over a temple, thats nothing. And there are other countries it happens in too. There was the case where a group visited the Taj Mahal and when they got there they did a mass public dump. Then in London when at the National Gallery they did a dump right in front of the Mona Lisa. It goes on. That visit to see the Pope. The visit to the Dalai Lama. There is just no respect and at some point there will be a major international incident.

I call Bullshit on this post. The closest this poster has gotten to the Mona Lisa was watching Bugs Bunny cartoons on a Saturday morning in his jammies while eating Captain Crunch...

Sorry, but you cannot call bs on sarcasm, it is against forum rules. clap2.gif

But funnily enough, although I picked up on his over-the-top sarcasm, I could just about believe half of what he wrote ! whistling.gif


"and instantly breaks down when it contacts water"

Mine sometimes breaks down even sooner, which is why I fold it twice, to get four thicknesses, before wiping ... but this may well be too much information ! sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vrJpEP3T5-

Ric, I am actually quite surprised, that you are still a member of the wiper brigade as opposed to the latter day squirters.

All that toilet paper I see the Thais hauling out of the supermarkets, I thought it was destined for use on the dining table as finger napkins.

Let us spray.tongue.png

ratty, I hope you are not eating dinner, but some of the "wiper brigade" are "squirters" as well.................................facepalm.gif

I know only 1 kind of squirter(squirting), but I guess this is off topic. post-4641-1156693976.gifofftopic2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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