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DM Car parking Several Days


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I can find great info on swampy but not DM, I am not famulair with DM either very much, (other than getting a cab).

How much to park your car for a few days? Any links ?

Is it under cover like the 5 floors at BKK ?

Thanks folks.

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  • 1 month later...

That website doesn't tell me all that much about where the entrance to the car park is. I tried looking for it when travelling through DMK a few days ago but could not find it. Do you have to pass both the international and domestic terminals before getting to the entrance of the car park?

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The answer to your last question is, in effect, yes. You have to pass both the terminals and then as it appears that you might be leaving the complex, get in the left-hand lane and turn back on yourself to the automated gate where you take a ticket - that's unless anything has changed drastically in the 3 months since I was last there. Perhaps you're aware that DMK has 2 terminals, but the southerly one has been gutted prior to refurbishment, so that all the flights go from the other.

Parking at DMK is a bit of a nightmare. As you go alongside the terminal in use there seems to be a car park on your right-hand side, but I've never succeeded in finding a place there. So you have to proceed as above and hike 500 metres or more from the parking to the terminal. The parking is multi-storey, and cars are parked not only in the bays but also across the ends of the bays, sometimes on both sides of the aisle making it very difficult to pass through or to manouevre in or out of those bays. The last time I went, there seemed to be no space at all until I got out on the roof where there was plenty of room. If/when I go again I think I'll go up on the roof anyway as I'll only be there for an hour or so to pick up the missis. At least I know I won't be blocked in and then I just have to put up with the 20 minutes or so getting down and out of the blasted place, waiting for other drivers to get their cars into or out of their spaces.

Good luck!

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  • 2 months later...

Can anyone help me with a hotel/motel not so far away where you can spend a night and leave the car for a week or so?

The Airport Amari - they will let you park there as a guest. You just walk over the bridge to the airport.

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  • 1 month later...

250baht per day (24hours)

after each subsequent 24 hours.. you will be charged per hour. i think up to 7hours or so if i am not mistaken.. afterwhich they will round up as another full day (24hours).

i parked early morning... flew back the following day evening, was charged 2 blocks of 24 hours... so i paid 500 baht.

ended up parking at terminal 2 (looks deserted like a horror end of world movie)... but the carpark was still full of cars..

quite a walk to terminal 1 tho... okay for departure.. when we arrived.. we were even further from the carpark...

another tip... if you can find a lift after parking at T2 multi story parking.. you need to take the lift to level 3 to exit the building...

we had to experiment till we got out on the right level.

good luck.. fyi my information is accurate as of August 2015.

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