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High-skilled manager from Russia looking for a job close to the ocean.

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I am an experienced and well-skilled project/business development manager from Russia, whose own business collapsed due to the crisis and sanctions in my country.

Also, I'm terribly tired of the cold climate, snow and crazy local politicians.

So I'm looking for any decent-paying job in a Thailand relevant to any of my skills and abilities.

It can be full-time or part-time or traveling or partially-remote or fully-remote (distant) as well.

Now, about me.

In general:

  1. I can introduce a company/product/person to Russian market, working on every detail of future reputation. It is possible to do it remotely using the Internet.

  2. I am able to create a project/product from scratch, to create and promote (in online & offline) a new brand (for Russian or world market) and to organize the sales to private persons or business (or to the Russian government).

  3. I know all about online-promotion & reputation development on the Russian market.

Briefly about the main experience:

  1. In 2014 I founded from scratch and led to profit 2 independent business-projects in very different areas:

    1. Public tenders consulting (tenderolog.ru, tendersila.org).
      We have helped to win tenders in Russia for more than $22kk for only one year of work (2014—2015). Business collapsed due to the big crisis in Russia.

    2. «Bathbeats» — we was created own brand & Russia's largest portable speakers online store. (vk.com/bathbeats, bathbeats.ru etc)
      Due to more than double fall of the russian ruble business became unprofitable.

  2. In 2012—2013, I headed the design and development of high-tech project for tracking and visualizing motion of distant objects on the ground with multi-million budget. Than I passed the official competitive selection and introduced this project to the Russian national analogue of Silicon Valley — Skolkovo. (sk.ru/net/1120690/)

  3. Also, as the business development partner of the marketing agencies «Tri-Plan» and «Sales Support Group», I was engaged in development and sales of creative marketing solutions for the big brands such as KIA, Alfa-bank, The Bank of Moscow, Volkswagen, McKinsey, Efes, Borg, Osram, Bayer, MTS, Russian Railways, Cosmopolitan and others. Because of this, I still have 500+ contacts among top management of Russian big companies.

  4. Also, I provide promotion & reputation management services to private persons & small business. About the results of this work I can tell only privately.

General skills: management & entrepreneurship skills, excellent universal marketing & sales skills (online & offline), product/brand development, perfect business RUSSIAN language, perfect communication skills (with Russian people), excellent knowledge of B2B/B2C/B2G Russian markets, excellent knowledge of web-technologies & web-development.

Marketing skills: marketing & sales strategy/policy development, product & brand & reputation development & management, contextual advertising in world & Russia (AdSense, Yandex), social media marketing, viral advertising, complex development & implementation of online- & offline-marketing campaigns, commercial offer & presentations creation.

Sales skills: online & offline sales & distribution channels development, online sales systems complex development, sales department development, direct & cold sales to the top officials, implementation of CRM & IT-systems, commercial offer & presentations creation.

IT skills: Websites or big web-projects development, user interfaces (UI) and prototypes development, lead of development departament and much more.

Well-experienced with technologies: PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, AJAX, jQuery, Bootstrap, php-written engines, server soft (nginx, apache) etc.

Language knowledge: Russian (native, perfect, philologist level), English (advanced, can be restored to fluent in 2-3 months), Spanish (intermediate), German (forgotten, can be restored). Ready to learn new languages or improve knowledge of existing.

My contacts:
bz{AT}zaharov.me (please copy to: be{AT}e-xe.ru)
Thank you for your attention!

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