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Magic Thai Monk simmers in stew pot


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THis is interesting, and I must confess I am skeptikal simply because I know that flesh cooks at that temperature, and I do not believe in the supernatural. I am thinking some kind of fire retardent gel being liberally applied to the man's body. Scientifically speaking, I am certain there is some kind of property involved here that is preventing the man from being cooked... literally.

This gel will protect him only short time. wink.png

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the elders of the religion will not denounce this stunt

I doubt that! Most abbots will distance themselves from this carry on.

And will they publicly denounce it as they have not done so many times before?

Will they defrock the monk?

Will the monk even be called in for questioning?

"Major Rule Groups of the Patimokkha

a) The Four Paaraajika The Defeaters

The new bhikkhu is told about the Paaraajika Offences immediately after ordination, so he fully knows that they are the most serious of all the offences and that the consequences of transgressing them causes him to be no longer a bhikkhu. The nature of the act that breaks any of these four Paaraajika rules clearly reveals that the bhikkhu is no longer interested in developing the subtle and refined way of Dhamma. The alternative of voluntarily disrobing is always available if he feels he can no longer keep the Rule and this is considered a much better way to handle this sort of overwhelming desire.

A monk automatically falls from being a bhikkhu[31] by committing any of these four offences of Defeat: sexual-intercourse, murder, major-theft, or falsely claiming supernormal abilities. A bhikkhu who falls into any of these four Defeater offences thereby severs himself irrevocably from the bhikkhu community and is no longer considered a bhikkhu."


I take it "minor-theft" is permissible.
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The meek will always believe in religious hocuspocus, whether it's miracle healings at Lourdes, "weeping" statues or "invincible" Buddhist monks sitting in "boiling" oil.

The monk certainly is fully aware that he is basically cheating, and that makes him a despicable scammer preying on naive religious worshippers - at least in my eyes.

I suggest subjecting this scammer to a scientific test under controlled conditions and immerse him in real boiling oil. Let's see how "invincible" he truly is. We all know the result, don't we?

The meek? In my opinion it is the unbelievers who are full of fear. Belief in a in spiritual matters or a "higher power" is a sign of strength IMHO.

Men of spiritual strength CAN do things like this - who are you to say this monk is a fake? I've witnessed my father in law sticking his hands in boiling oil and it was no scam.

The question is how long he put in his hand in the oil and the temperature, there is a trick it's just simple physics.


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Monk cooking in oil ... that's nothing!

You wanna see the magic monk round our way. He sits, smokes, drinks and looks at every lady that passes!biggrin.png

I don't see somethings special sounds to me just like a normal man.

I remember just a case several decades ago, as I met the catholic priest of my hometown, when he came out of the cathouse in the next bigger city about 20 km away this is normal behavior for a man, but the celibate is not normal IMO, created by fornicators during several councils (Kardinals, Pope) who create this celibate, but not for themself only for the simple priests for several reasons, but this is another topic. post-4641-1156693976.gif

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A 100% scam! Apart from the obvious fact that a human can't sit in +/-220°C boiling (sunflower) oil, just look how far he sitting out of the "oil" and look at the bottom of the pot. It's pretty clear it's a double skinned pot with a considerable space between the bottom he is sitting on and the bottom where the flames are touching.

BTW, different oils boil at different temperatures so I just took sunflower oil as a generally used cooking oil for reference.

You can create bubbles without the oil is boiling is just another trick. I guess this oil don't having + 50 C at all.

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Darnit, you damned scientist. I wanted to hire this guy to bless my fighting cocks to make them invincible, exorcise the evil spirits haunting my bedroom to increase my libido, pick my lotto numbers for me, and perform a ceremony on my car so that I could drive around recklessly blitzed on lao khao with out any worries of death or injury.

Monk blessings are for the needy, not the greedy!

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They have Jet ski Scammers, umbrella Scammers, Police Scammers, and now Wat Scammers......

The Wat scammers were the first and will be the last, buying merit ???
Speaking of buying merit, my old girlfriend's mother died last September. When the 100 day tambon rolled around the chief monk of the local wat told my old girlfriend to buy a tent for the wat in order for her deceased mother to be happy. Being of the suspicious nature I asked around and guess what? The tent maker was the monk's nephew. On top of that the tent cost 15,000 Baht. I looked it up on the Net and the price was 7,000 Baht. After bringing this to her attention I was instructed in no uncertain terms not to mention this again as her mother would hear me and she would not be happy. It was like arguing with a door knob. Her standard answer was "you just don't understand". She also got up at 5:00am every morning for 100 days and cooked a pile of food and took it plus ten bottles of mineral water to the monks. Of course this was buying merit for her deceased mother also.

Last week a bunch of monks eased by the house in the back of a pickup chanting through loud speakers that rattled the windows of the house with some guy beating a gong and collecting money from the locals. They do this about once a month. I said well here there come again. I guess they need a new mobile phone and they are out of whiskey and cigarettes. I was informed the reason for my heart attack was because I talk about the monks like this. So be careful what you say guys. It could be hazardous to your health.

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Amazing someone in the 21st century can disclaim that magical powers don't exist when there are so many things that scientists cannot disprove, even after centuries.

Do you really believe that certain monk or yogis etc can't control their bodies? You are showing your ignorance in this post.

Do you know how many years there have been in this millennium?

"Amazing someone in the 21st century can disclaim that magical powers don't exist when there are so many things that scientists cannot disprove, even after centuries."

Please, some examples!

​It would take forever to address all of the ridiculous believed by gullible people throughout history, or even just today.

Myths do not need to be disproved, they need to be proved.

Virgin births...proof?

Walking on water...proof?

Waiting..for proof, not disproof.

By the way..your post is very interesting.

​to disclaim that magical powers don't exist would be to prove they do exist....do you understand double negatives?

How many years have there been in this millennium??

How many days have there been in this week?

If you know when it started and you can count...you got it!

I must agree..

There is some ignorance showing in your post.

Go on tell me how many years have been in this millennium. I don't believe you actually know.

It depends which viewpoint you take on what is a millennia, 15 years would be the most common answer if you're talking about this current millennium.

You are wrong this is not a question of the view point it's simple math.

Mille is Latin mean 1000 our millenium was celebrated, caused of some rockets scientist or just as a better marketing concept to sell 1999 to 2000

better as 2000 to 2001.

Simple said we are now just 14 full years in this millenium + full January 2015 and 13 days in february 2015. wink.png

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Not saying what he is doing is real, but simply based upon the image, it appears that there are bubbles rising up from the oil (to the left of his body). Nor does the fact that he may be not be kneeling directly upon the hot metal is not an automatic debunk either. Anyone who has done any cooking will know that the stuff at the bottom of a metal pot can burn while the rest that is merely simmering in the liquid does not. So he may be insulated from the bottom of the pan by a wooden platform.

As the scientist said, the only way to test the display is to measure the temperature of the oil. As for what a human can endure :

In 1775 Charles Blagden, Secretary of the Royal Society, entered a room heated by a furnace to at least 260°F (around 127°C). At this temperature the ‘greatest part of a beefsteak was pretty well done in 13 minutes’ and eggs that were removed after 20 minutes were found to be ‘roasted quite hard’. Yet Dr Blagden and his colleagues were unharmed by an 8-minute exposure and their core temperature did not change. Furthermore, their dog, wrapped in a blanket to protect its feet from burning on the floor, remained there for 30 minutes and was ‘little so affected during the whole time as to show signs of pleasure whenever we approached the basket’. Blagden and colleagues showed that the reason humans and dogs are able to survive such heat is owing to evaporative cooling, either from sweating, as in the case of humans, or from panting, as in the case of the dog.

Frances Ashcroft, University of Oxford.

You missing somethings, this evaporate cooling working long time in gases(Air), but in liquids only short time the temperature exchange in liquids is about 25 times faster as in gases.

For example try it yourself sitting in a T-shirt and shorts in chair +25 C without any move, you will feeling fine after hours, then do the same in

+ 25 C water, at the latests after 1 hour you will freezing, depending on the amount of fat(Insulation) under your skin, as a diver you would know it. This is why a whale having this big fat layer under the skin to survive in the cold sea.

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Amazing how many people here like to have a go at anything Thai. As Shakespeare said " there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy"

To not believe in mind over matter is ignorant. Look at the Shaolin monks, yogis in India etc. Through meditation one can block out pain totally.

Sure you can do somethings with medition crossing some borders of physics which are for normal ppl are not imaginable, but not to far, putting the finger in boiling oil over +100 C for about 1 minute not any guru will going out of this, without the loss of his finger.

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Not saying what he is doing is real, but simply based upon the image, it appears that there are bubbles rising up from the oil (to the left of his body). Nor does the fact that he may be not be kneeling directly upon the hot metal is not an automatic debunk either. Anyone who has done any cooking will know that the stuff at the bottom of a metal pot can burn while the rest that is merely simmering in the liquid does not. So he may be insulated from the bottom of the pan by a wooden platform.

As the scientist said, the only way to test the display is to measure the temperature of the oil. As for what a human can endure :

In 1775 Charles Blagden, Secretary of the Royal Society, entered a room heated by a furnace to at least 260°F (around 127°C). At this temperature the ‘greatest part of a beefsteak was pretty well done in 13 minutes’ and eggs that were removed after 20 minutes were found to be ‘roasted quite hard’. Yet Dr Blagden and his colleagues were unharmed by an 8-minute exposure and their core temperature did not change. Furthermore, their dog, wrapped in a blanket to protect its feet from burning on the floor, remained there for 30 minutes and was ‘little so affected during the whole time as to show signs of pleasure whenever we approached the basket’. Blagden and colleagues showed that the reason humans and dogs are able to survive such heat is owing to evaporative cooling, either from sweating, as in the case of humans, or from panting, as in the case of the dog.

Frances Ashcroft, University of Oxford.

I can create bubbles while I'm sitting in water, I've been able to do this since the age of about three I think. I don't need to light a fire. Would anyone like to come and look and give me some money?

If you create enough of these bubbles while sitting next time in the bathtube, then carry a lighter and fire it, maybe then you can fly without to having wings.

When I was about 12 yo and physics and chemistry came up in the school some of my classmates and we got very curious to make some tests to getting evidences. The teacher for example told us that the gas of a fart burns very well, we was just laughing and did'nt believed it. Anyway we would like to having a prove. 1 of my classmate had problems with regulary flatulences. We in the pause in toilett, he had to take the drousers down and bending over he soon gave the command there is some gas on the way I fire the lighter and the was a flame of over 1 meter we was all shocked and afraid that he got bruned his balls, but everything was ok. This was our first practical test in chemistry, but on the end the most harmless. whistling.gifgiggle.gifcheesy.gifintheclub.gifofftopic.gifofftopic2.gifph34r.png

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It is a shame that we have a monk like this who is a total sham. Whether he is a properly ordained monk we have not been told. I say its a shame because I know so many good compassionate monks that only have the welfare of their community in mind. Teaching in local schools (and not just theology), organizing and managing community projects, tending the sick and dying etc. Plus what we normally see, blessing houses, couples getting married etc. On occasions they play the part equivalent to the western physiologist.

I have one brother-in law who is a monk, and is a university graduate in High-school education, there are many who have tertiary degrees. Scamming monks are very few and far between. After all the wandering monk with his alms bowl is an enduring image of life in the Kingdom.

Calm down he is not a single case, anyway as long nobody prosecute these scammers and the police just take their cut, then there will nothing change.

Clear is that some bad apples destroy the reputation of all.

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All priests, of any religion are only entertainers.

Since most people here are Christian, I'll use that example. Most Christians think all you have to do to go to "Heaven" is to "believe" in "Jesus" (John 3:16).

OK, then the whole point of a Priest standing up in front of a congregation then becomes ritual, spectacle or inspiration, not a "requirement" for entry into "Heaven"...

The Magic of Myth: Basically humans like to entertain ourselves with tales of Bullshit.

Some ppl are used to be brainwashed for generations, to getting out of the doop loop would mostly helps a good education, but this is not a 100% guarantee, caused some ppl who holding univercity degrees still running around with blinkers. wink.pngwhistling.gifgiggle.gif

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Amazing someone in the 21st century can disclaim that magical powers don't exist when there are so many things that scientists cannot disprove, even after centuries.

Do you really believe that certain monk or yogis etc can't control their bodies? You are showing your ignorance in this post.

Do you know how many years there have been in this millennium?

Maybe they can but the teachings of the Buddha were about ending suffering, nothing more, nothing less. Supernatural powers have nothing to do with buddhism. Period.

No maybe about it - t's a scientific fact.

I agree re what Buddha taught but the religion in Thailand incorporates Animism, Hinduism and Fetishism too.

Like any religion, the latter day followers don't practice what the "prophets" actually taught.


Monks having a contest in who can dry the most sheets through control of body heat, you couldn't be more wrong about the buddha's teachings. To each their own... [emoji202]

Not any Thai monk can do this, this is done mostly in some monestaries in tibet after decades of meditation training, they do nothing else.

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I wonder are there any Thai language newspapers who report about the faking? Which percentage of the locals actually do believe in this crap?

The reason it has appeared on Coconuts is that it was in the Thai language press.

The reason it was in the Thai language press was that the police paid the monk a visit and journos always tag along with the cops.

The reason the monk was paid a visit was the amount of money that was being paid for magic amulets.

The upshot was the police told the monk and his helpers that the show and the selling of amulets was inappropriate and must stop and also reported his antics to the Sangha.

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"Boiling oil, burning bushes, burning crosses"

You forgot Bob Marley, mon.

"He was a short, stocky, dark skinned..."

Don't know where you got short & stocky from, but according to the Bible the tops of Jesus feet were the color of bronze (Revelation 1:15) and his hair was white and wooly, like a sheep (Revelation 1:14).

Premature gray, 555?

Jesus supposedly spoke Aramaic, but all the quotes in the Bible from him are written in Greek.

Such is the power of magic! Monks sitting in burning oil, Indian fakirs claiming to be "breathatarians" not needing to eat---but gobbling down food when their observers take a bathroom break, magician's card tricks, no hotels with a 13th floor, etc.

Many among us are living in the past...

You are right the first bible was written in old greek language, then was translated into latin and from latin into other european language and in all translation was made some mistakes not much, but sometimes important.

For example in the genesis about the Exodus is written the crossed dry feet the red sea, but here start the mistake the greek word for red is similar to the word reed and there are not far away shallow waters with reed, normaly easy to cross with chariots. There is also a evidence, that when this incident was happend that this was falling together with the eruption of the volcano in santorin this was also creating as tsunami.

Remember short before a tsunami strykes the water goes away this was the moment when moses and his folks was crossing this shallow reed waters, and the Pharao and his Charitots was washed away by the tsunami. I normaly not used to believe in fairytales, but there are real evidences the scientists found fragments of about 500 chariots in these shallow waters and also the time in genesis and the eruption of the Santorin Volcano fits. The rest you can google.

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Darnit, you damned scientist. I wanted to hire this guy to bless my fighting cocks to make them invincible, exorcise the evil spirits haunting my bedroom to increase my libido, pick my lotto numbers for me, and perform a ceremony on my car so that I could drive around recklessly blitzed on lao khao with out any worries of death or injury.

Monk blessings are for the needy, not the greedy!

Where did you been the last decade, when more and more greedy monks appeared.

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Good to see Thailand moving rapidly into the 16th century and still believing in magical powers. Well done. Religion(s) like this are the con of the millenia.

forgive me for correcting you... this is not 'religion' and nothing to do with 'Buddhism' it is hocus pokus claptrap for the gullible and ignorant

Buddism, when practiced and understood, is peaceful, loving and compassionate (i.e Dalai Lama) and so there is NO connection between jet setting, sexual deviant or pot boiling 'monks' and Buddhism wai.gif

...BUT, it has everything to do with 'Thai-Buddhism'. Magic-Mindedness is indeed a pillar of 'Thainess'. wai2.gif

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In the worlds before the Monk, primal chaos reigned.

Heaven sought order.

But the phoenix can fly only when its feathers are grown.

The four worlds formed again and yet again,

As endless aeons wheeled and passed.

Time and the pure essences of Heaven,

the moisture of the Earth,

the powers of the sun and the moon

All worked upon a certain rock, old as creation.

And it became magically fertile.

That first egg was named "Thought".

Tathagata Buddha, the Father Buddha, said,

"With our thoughts, we make the world."

Elemental forces caused the egg to hatch.

From it then came a Thai monk.

The nature of Monk was irrepressible!

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