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Yingluck's lawyer cries foul over search and trail

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Yingluck and her administration deserves prosecution. To fleece this nation of up to 700 billion baht is horrendous. However, instead of some BS charge such as lack of oversight, the current regime needs to publicize the trail and follow the money trail. Doubt if few members of parliament, the upper echelon of the police force or military as well as most of the "hi/so" class would survive a true probe. For this much money to have been squandered without the involvement of all sides is ridiculous.

However at best the Thai people will get a secret plea bargain deal that will lack any form of transparency. Even though Thaksin and his cronies were involved with their secret G to G deals, most of the rice mills and business is owned by the other color of the elite. That side will never receive justice in any case.

Similar to the massive corruption uncovered thus far under the current regime, most of the charges are based on LM violations. There is no effort in this country to get to the bottom of anything. The sitting government as well as all previous governments lack and will continue to lack transparency.

"There is no effort in this country to get to the bottom of anything."

Have you been asleep for the last year or so?

Please give us an example where the bottom of anything has been found. A one liner statement from you lacks credibility. You can call me asleep but in response I would call you dead. Where has there been transparency? Every time we get figures on the rice scandal or anything else the numbers never add up. It is just more blah, blah, blah from you and the rest of the elite and the idiots that support them.

Well, example please, before you lose (self proclaimed) status on this site!!! Just one example is that too much to ask? Hey I love to fish also, or are you just going to troll on????

I say again, have you been asleep, there are many things in process which are bringing gains to Thailand. Or perhaps you'd like to wind the clock back 1 to 2 years.

Self proclaimed status?


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Soviet/Nazi style abuse of procedure to harass and bully whilst cloaked in legality. A disgrace. It happens all over the world an is used by police and bureaucrats alike. A new low for this regime but there will be more abuses of a wider range of people. Every day she is looking more and more heroic and dignified. It is no wonder that the people's admiration of her is genuine and not enforced by dictate and law. This is how SLORC used to bully and browbeat Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma. But even they did not resort to the sexual slander and sexist abuse used by the yellow shirts to attack the then Prime Minister of Thailand.

BS - It is offensive to the majority of Burmese people to in anyway compare Yingluck and Aung San Suu Kyi . Furthermore you clearly do not understand the extent in scope and time that Aung San Suu Kyi faced total oppression from the Burmese Junta and their henchmen.

Further, she had little hesitation to take up the fake puppet role of pm and thereby insulting the good Thai people, and she had no hesitation in a country where there is no democracy to make a speech about how her government was building and protecting democracy in Thailand and at the same they were making progress towards establishing a dictatorship led by a fugitive criminal.

Now she expects the Thai people should respect her.

What gall, .

I have no liking of the ex PM,but her advisers and herself are playing the game well.The sympathy and gender card is being played.Voters have extremely short memory spans.

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This isn't the way to go about things , the Thai people are very quiet , but push them hard enough may provoke unwelcome reaction .

The Junta are trying to create peace and reconcilliation , a little magnanimity would help .

Some truth in what you say.

However what is also very urgently needed is proper respect for the law and the process of the law. And that will only come and be solid when the public see real examples of proper application of the law for all citizens.


Can't see what the fuss is about. It would be more surprising if they did not keep an eye on her movements. Methinks they are just trying to play the victim (laughable) as white knights will be outraged just because she is female.

Wont be long before she appears on TV pretending to choke back tears and fluttering her eyelashes hoping that people will overlook she presided over a scam that cost the country over 600 billion baht.

Politics is <deleted> all around the world.All sides just play The Game at the public's expense.They enrich themselves and their cronies.In the west it is a bit more suttle,a board directors job here and there after political life.Political pension plus airfares for life straight after loss of job.Superanuation is way above the norm,i for one am sick of it.


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Soviet/Nazi style abuse of procedure to harass and bully whilst cloaked in legality. A disgrace. It happens all over the world an is used by police and bureaucrats alike. A new low for this regime but there will be more abuses of a wider range of people. Every day she is looking more and more heroic and dignified. It is no wonder that the people's admiration of her is genuine and not enforced by dictate and law. This is how SLORC used to bully and browbeat Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma. But even they did not resort to the sexual slander and sexist abuse used by the yellow shirts to attack the then Prime Minister of Thailand.

BS - It is offensive to the majority of Burmese people to in anyway compare Yingluck and Aung San Suu Kyi . Furthermore you clearly do not understand the extent in scope and time that Aung San Suu Kyi faced total oppression from the Burmese Junta and their henchmen.

Further, she had little hesitation to take up the fake puppet role of pm and thereby insulting the good Thai people, and she had no hesitation in a country where there is no democracy to make a speech about how her government was building and protecting democracy in Thailand and at the same they were making progress towards establishing a dictatorship led by a fugitive criminal.

Now she expects the Thai people should respect her.

What gall, .

What stupidity.

She won, deal with it.

If they held an election tomorrow she would win again.

The Junta wouldn't. That awful Oxbridge gimp wouldn't. So I guess the Thai people do respect her.

It isn't rocket science, genius.

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Further, she had little hesitation to take up the fake puppet role of pm and thereby insulting the good Thai people, and she had no hesitation in a country where there is no democracy to make a speech about how her government was building and protecting democracy in Thailand and at the same they were making progress towards establishing a dictatorship led by a fugitive criminal.

Now she expects the Thai people should respect her.

What gall, .

What stupidity.

She won, deal with it.

If they held an election tomorrow she would win again.

The Junta wouldn't. That awful Oxbridge gimp wouldn't. So I guess the Thai people do respect her.

It isn't rocket science, genius.

Actually in relation to the topic it's a bit strange to call "being impeached and having to appear before a court to hear and acknowledge charges" a win.

BTW the junta won't win elections because the junta doesn't participate in elections. The junta is not a registered political party.

It isn't really rocket science, my dear chap.


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Can't see what the fuss is about. It would be more surprising if they did not keep an eye on her movements. Methinks they are just trying to play the victim (laughable) as white knights will be outraged just because she is female.

Wont be long before she appears on TV pretending to choke back tears and fluttering her eyelashes hoping that people will overlook she presided over a scam that cost the country over 600 billion baht.

Politics is <deleted> all around the world.All sides just play The Game at the public's expense.They enrich themselves and their cronies.In the west it is a bit more suttle,a board directors job here and there after political life.Political pension plus airfares for life straight after loss of job.Superanuation is way above the norm,i for one am sick of it.

Some truth in what you say, but that can never mean it's all OK.

And in this case were talking about very very large sums of money and dereliction of duty in regard to very very large sums of money.


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Soviet/Nazi style abuse of procedure to harass and bully whilst cloaked in legality. A disgrace. It happens all over the world an is used by police and bureaucrats alike. A new low for this regime but there will be more abuses of a wider range of people. Every day she is looking more and more heroic and dignified. It is no wonder that the people's admiration of her is genuine and not enforced by dictate and law. This is how SLORC used to bully and browbeat Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma. But even they did not resort to the sexual slander and sexist abuse used by the yellow shirts to attack the then Prime Minister of Thailand.

BS - It is offensive to the majority of Burmese people to in anyway compare Yingluck and Aung San Suu Kyi . Furthermore you clearly do not understand the extent in scope and time that Aung San Suu Kyi faced total oppression from the Burmese Junta and their henchmen.

Further, she had little hesitation to take up the fake puppet role of pm and thereby insulting the good Thai people, and she had no hesitation in a country where there is no democracy to make a speech about how her government was building and protecting democracy in Thailand and at the same they were making progress towards establishing a dictatorship led by a fugitive criminal.

Now she expects the Thai people should respect her.

What gall, .

What stupidity.

She won, deal with it.

If they held an election tomorrow she would win again.

The Junta wouldn't. That awful Oxbridge gimp wouldn't. So I guess the Thai people do respect her.

It isn't rocket science, genius.

Your wrong on several points, get used to it.


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Yingluck and her administration deserves prosecution. To fleece this nation of up to 700 billion baht is horrendous. However, instead of some BS charge such as lack of oversight, the current regime needs to publicize the trail and follow the money trail. Doubt if few members of parliament, the upper echelon of the police force or military as well as most of the "hi/so" class would survive a true probe. For this much money to have been squandered without the involvement of all sides is ridiculous.

However at best the Thai people will get a secret plea bargain deal that will lack any form of transparency. Even though Thaksin and his cronies were involved with their secret G to G deals, most of the rice mills and business is owned by the other color of the elite. That side will never receive justice in any case.

Similar to the massive corruption uncovered thus far under the current regime, most of the charges are based on LM violations. There is no effort in this country to get to the bottom of anything. The sitting government as well as all previous governments lack and will continue to lack transparency.

"There is no effort in this country to get to the bottom of anything."

Have you been asleep for the last year or so?

Please give us an example where the bottom of anything has been found. A one liner statement from you lacks credibility. You can call me asleep but in response I would call you dead. Where has there been transparency? Every time we get figures on the rice scandal or anything else the numbers never add up. It is just more blah, blah, blah from you and the rest of the elite and the idiots that support them.

That's fair comment - none of the figures provided by PTP Finance Ministry or Commerce Ministry ever add up or triangulate with previous figures.

Yingluck has been careful, well the script writers have, to never commit to anything accept denials of wrongdoing.

PTP and its leaders either cannot or will not provide a full certified audited accounts for the scheme.

Very credible.


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What stupidity.

She won, deal with it.

If they held an election tomorrow she would win again.

The Junta wouldn't. That awful Oxbridge gimp wouldn't. So I guess the Thai people do respect her.

It isn't rocket science, genius.

Your wrong on several points, get used to it.

She's be lucky for her brother's party to win anything again. They blew it with the constant arrogant lying, open nepotism and trying to ram through a whitewash for a convicted criminal fugitive at all cost.

She certainly united a very broad section of the community with the whitewash bills and lies it had been withdrawn.

Respect her - for being what - a rich billionaire who lied and cheated whilst in office and followed her brother's will? The penny's dropped for too many people now. The Shins are seen for what they really are - nothing to be respected.

She won, lied, broke the rules, lied again, and a court removed her from office. Deal with it.


Poor Ms. Yingluck and her Lawyer, are they getting treated

the same as us regular folk?

I have been stopped quite often when I am in country.

I guess she is getting treated the same way that most of us

have been, and are still getting treated.

If the former PM and her brother and family don't have their

high status any more, it is just as well. It is time that

their family and other richy, rich , families feel the same as

the regular class.

I guess I am just a cynical old geezer who does not have

much sympathy for rich people in general.

Indeed. I get the feeling she thinks she's still entitled for the police to stop traffic for her motorcade and simply snap to attention when she passes.

Many rich people seem to think they are above the law, are entitled to everyone's respect, and beyond any questioning or accountability; simply because they have, by whatever means, acquired vast wealth. The Shin clan are a prime example.


I may have posted negative comments about former PM Yingluck Shinawatra, but I do respect that she did alot for women in politics in Thailand and that anyone commenting on her underage children are wrong to do so. Yes I have commented on Thaksins children but they are over 18 and are adults. Leave the little kids out of the discussions, children are innocent always.

Sorry but Yingluck and her common law husband have one son. I agree, being a minor he should be left out of politics. However Yingluck or her brother's PR machine had no issue involving him. The alleged and hotly disputed whistle blowing incident at school, the removal of selected children at the last minute so he could be thrust into the limelight and walk out with Chelsea FC; the claim he was designing the packed lunches for the high speed trains they planned.

They were desperate of creating the image that all the Shin clan, the full extended family, were involved in the family political machine - the illusion of future generations and succession.

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What stupidity.

She won, deal with it.

If they held an election tomorrow she would win again.

The Junta wouldn't. That awful Oxbridge gimp wouldn't. So I guess the Thai people do respect her.

It isn't rocket science, genius.

If they held an election tomorrow she would be ineligible to run.

If they held an election in 2 years, she will still be in jail.

BTW the warm fuzzy feeling of being a martyr to the cause wears thin after the first week in the can.

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