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Serious And Disturbing Email


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Obviously you love this woman a lot so wouldn't you feel happy for her if she met somebody that she could love the same or more as you?

What are you talking about Meom? get real.

The way Tip describes his wife I guess she loves him also a lot but for whatever reason it's always a possibility that she meets someone else. I think it would be difficult for her to drop Tip like a stone (loss of face etc. etc.) so the situation ends up as described earlier with her having a possible affair.

If in the end it turn out that the whole story is true then if I were in Tip's shoes I would wish her all the best and move on.

I wouldn't hate her or the other guy. It's just one of those things that can happen in life.

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I want to add this, just a bit about my personal outlook regarding cheating. To be tempted is human. We all make mistakes. All of us. Big and small. If it turned out that she had her moment of weakness then I would easily forgive her. That's love to me. I don't abandon people because they've made mistakes. Mind you, mind you, I do take that in context. I won't put myself in the line of fire when I do forgive people.

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Ok trying to deduce the facts from what i can see and not making subjective argument I see two interesting facts that raise further thought and avenues which seem not top have been address (apologies if i have miscontrued .

1). You mentioned a friend of yours i think her name was "AW" whose brother was a policeman but died and was close to you and your wife. Well it would seem to me that possible she is a prime candidate for writing the email - is this possible??

2) We have the accident - yet to be confirmed and the missing 13,000 Baht yet to be declared where this went missing. Could the two be linked? - how long ago was the 13,000 baht lost? ... i mean is it plausible that the 13,000 baht was used to to fix the car??

unfortunately none of these resolve the ultimate issue - is the story in the email real ??

what is good news is the emailer is responding - i suggest you do a bit of PI work yourself subtedly interogating the email writer who im sure now will reply ...

maybe say half of you belives the story and half does not and ask him/her how they can prove it to you >> perhaps a picture or some other evidence.

anyone else have suggestions on how Tip should proceed with emailing the mysterious "Stephen" ??

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Sorry to hear that this is still eating you up. I can only imagine how you are feeling right now.

Do you know any policemen by the name 'ya'? Redrus idea about contacting the insurance company is a top one, as least if there has been an accident then you will have established that she is not being entirely open with you. If there has been no claim then all is kosher and you can deduce that the email is telling porkie pies (lies).

It all revolves around this vehicle and accident mate. The insurance company may have the name of the driver/passengers on file too.

Good luck

Excellent point, and thanks to you and Drus for bringing it up. Unfortunately, I can't recall the name of the insurance provider I have. A shame, because I'd then be able to find out who the driver is. My wife doesn't drive, nor does she have a DL.

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As a professional Investigator myself, I am somewhat biased in my opinion. But if you do chose to employ a professional PI then Thailand Private Investigations (PI) is an excellent choice...

They have been in this business for many years and they are well equiped for this type of operation.


Good luck


Edited by thaiprivateeye
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Nothing has been proved yet, Tipp. So, stay strong. Don't jump to any conclusion yet. :o

I am nearly a hundred per cent sure that the email sender is a foreigner pretending to be a Thai. Now, that's dodgy already.

Best of luck.

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I´ll get you a nice central american bird.

They tend to have multiple flings so even more headache :o

Good point!! post-12676-1156355534.gif

As a professional Investigator myself, I am somewhat biased in my opinion. But if you do chose to employ a professional PI then Thailand Private Investigations (PI) is an excellent choice...

They have been in this business for many years and they are well equiped for this type of operation.


Good luck


That was spooky.... Never seen him before... The god´s must be listening.

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I know i read to many fiction and watch to many movies. But i see someone with a worked out plan.

Is this whole car accident not a way to gain your believe in the accusations made against your wife.

The accident/repair is easy to verify. And if it is true, it would make you believe all the other things too. The e-mail writer is maybe counting on the fact that your wife will not immediately tell you about the accident. Thus creating a trust issue against your wife.

I feel you need to seperate this accident and the story about your wifes "affair".

They don't have anything to do with eachother.

If i damaged your car, i might wait a while to tell you, you know to make the repair and build up some courage.

Your wife knows you will not be back for a while so mentioning this accident and needlessly (in her eyes) make you worry about it is probably why she not tells you this right away. First wait for the repairs and probably trying to pay for it herself.

A friend you trust or better a PI is the way to go. Meanwhile trying to get some more information from this "Steven". I would play along and say you are heart broken and devastated. But needing some prove. Some dates and times when your wife and this policeman were together, or if you maybe know the guy. It is probably the reaction "he" wants and it might make him/her give away some crucial information.

And keep in mind, maybe this "Steven" is a member of this site! So i would leave out the details, or use it to your advantage.

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I´ll get you a nice central american bird.

They tend to have multiple flings so even more headache :D

Good point!! post-12676-1156355534.gif

As a professional Investigator myself, I am somewhat biased in my opinion. But if you do chose to employ a professional PI then Thailand Private Investigations (PI) is an excellent choice...

They have been in this business for many years and they are well equiped for this type of operation.


Good luck


That was spooky.... Never seen him before... The god´s must be listening.

Mate of Stickmans don't you reckon. Like The Stereophonics said, "Word gets around".... :o

Tipp, remember the bloody insurance company, find it somewhere. Do a Google on companies and remind youself, its about the best lead yet.


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The latest from Stephen. Admittedly khon Thai.

I can not give my moblie to you i can not speak english [you can speak thai]

you can contract by mail only

i sent to you by open dictionary

i understand this new it shock! for you i sorry again

before i tell you i think many day verymuch

i think you can sole this preblem you love them

Jai yen yen

I can information for you by mail

Edited by Tippaporn
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after 17 pages and several requests you haven't mentioned how the $13k went missing, I understand if it is too personal or embarrassing, but lots of thai girls have ripped off farangs like this before.

If this all turns out to be true I'd be grateful to the e-mail sender to warn you from losing more.

And if you're willing to forgive her for having an affair for a moment of weakness, you're just asking for it.

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The latest from Stephen. Admittedly khon Thai.

I can not give my moblie to you i can not speak english [you can speak thai]

you can contract by mail only

i sent to you by open dictionary

i understand this new it shock! for you i sorry again

before i tell you i think many day verymuch

i think you can sole this preblem you love them

Jai yen yen

I can information for you by mail

Can't speak but can write it pretty well eh Tip? Can you speak Thai? If so, call him out on it, or ask him for the number and get a Thai speaking friend (there are plenty on this board) to call him up.

If it is a dodgy farang and they know stuff about you, it is possible they are tracking this thread in TV and reacting to it....

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The latest from Stephen. Admittedly khon Thai.

I can not give my moblie to you i can not speak english [you can speak thai]

you can contract by mail only

i sent to you by open dictionary

i understand this new it shock! for you i sorry again

before i tell you i think many day verymuch

i think you can sole this preblem you love them

Jai yen yen

I can information for you by mail

One thing that i found different is ...,the english on "stephen's" previous Mail and the one now, looks different to me.

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The latest from Stephen. Admittedly khon Thai.

I can not give my moblie to you i can not speak english [you can speak thai]

you can contract by mail only

i sent to you by open dictionary

i understand this new it shock! for you i sorry again

before i tell you i think many day verymuch

i think you can sole this preblem you love them

Jai yen yen

I can information for you by mail

Tell them to email in thai, no need for open dictionary. Funny the english seems to be getting better. :o

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I'm very sorry to hear of your difficult situation. Whatever the outcome, brighter days lie ahead I'm sure.

Thee questions if I may. Does your father in law drive your truck when he visits you ? Has your wife granted the use of your truck to others on prior occasions that you're aware of? When would you ordinarily be returning from America?

Hang in there.

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The latest from Stephen. Admittedly khon Thai.

I can not give my moblie to you i can not speak english [you can speak thai]

you can contract by mail only

i sent to you by open dictionary

i understand this new it shock! for you i sorry again

before i tell you i think many day verymuch

i think you can sole this preblem you love them

Jai yen yen

I can information for you by mail

One thing that i found different is ...,the english on "stephen's" previous Mail and the one now, looks different to me.

Yeah, I agree. Thats why I suggested that he may be following this thread, as his English was discussed before. Suddenly the points in question have changed. If he knows Tip's email he may well know his TV name and that he started this thread.

The plot thickens.....

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The latest from Stephen. Admittedly khon Thai.

I can not give my moblie to you i can not speak english [you can speak thai]

you can contract by mail only

i sent to you by open dictionary

i understand this new it shock! for you i sorry again

before i tell you i think many day verymuch

i think you can sole this preblem you love them

Jai yen yen

I can information for you by mail

One thing that i found different is ...,the english on "stephen's" previous Mail and the one now, looks different to me.

Yeah, I agree. Thats why I suggested that he may be following this thread, as his English was discussed before. Suddenly the points in question have changed. If he knows Tip's email he may well know his TV name and that he started this thread.

The plot thickens.....

Yes, that surely makes point....need to just find the reason why???

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Tip, get the number and ask Bambi to give him a call. Getting a Thai to talk to a Thai would be better, as they are more likely to pick up on any bull (Bambi being a vet and all should be better than most a spotting bull than most).

Bambi, if you do make the call, make sure it is from a pay phone and not your home/work/mobile. Also don't use your real name. Like people have been saying, we don't know who this guy is or what he is trying to achieve. Play safe until then.

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Tip, get the number and ask Bambi to give him a call. Getting a Thai to talk to a Thai would be better, as they are more likely to pick up on any bull (Bambi being a vet and all should be better than most a spotting bull than most).

Bambi, if you do make the call, make sure it is from a pay phone and not your home/work/mobile. Also don't use your real name. Like people have been saying, we don't know who this guy is or what he is trying to achieve. Play safe until then.

:o i can do that also ..make a call (im in bkk ..its hard for me for checking it with my naked eyes)

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I haven't said anything about the language so far, because in all honesty it is difficult to say. All I can say is that it does not look like standard Tinglish. Am I 100% it is not a Thai person? No.

You can ask for an email in Thai, but if this is someone trying to mess with you, it would be easy enough for him/her to find a Thai person to help them write it. It would not be proof that the person can actually write Thai himself.

If you are going to pursue this, you need the phone number. And given how much attention this thread has caused already, I would not rule out the possibility that the person on the other end of those emails is reading this, either.

Perhaps it's time to start acting in private with people who you know you can trust, and leave the forum spotlight for a while.

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1st reply:

I am hoping you will reply to me with more information. My heart is very much broken by your news.[ I am sorry] I must be sure it is right.[That all right] Can you tell me how long she has been seing this policeman?[ more than 1 year] Who is he?[he have nickname ‘ya’] And what of my pick up truck?[she and him use you car and drink by you money ] Is the damage bad?[damage the left the car] Has it been fixed?[ I know they sent repair by insurance] Please, you must tell me more if you know.

I think if you need to know this about when you go to Thailand you don’t tell everybody

Everybody to cover up this about to you Everybody know this about very well

I tell this about because it not fair for you

You can to decide by you self good luck

Please keep this about between you and me only if you need to more information can ask me

See you

2nd reply:

I can not give my moblie to you i can not speak english [you can speak thai]

you can contract by mail only

i sent to you by open dictionary

i understand this new it shock! for you i sorry again

before i tell you i think many day verymuch

i think you can sole this preblem you love them

Jai yen yen

I can information for you by mail

I observe a big difference between these two replies. As someone pointed out earlier, the capitalization in the first one is better than most Thais with a rudimentary grasp of English would manage. In the second reply there are only three instances of caps, and the writer no longer caps 'I' 7 out of 9 occurences. Spelling is a ###### sight better than many native speakers around these parts too-very odd. Never seen or heard a Thai say or write 'preblem' either for that matter. I too have my suspicions whether or not this was written by a Thai.

That being said, even if it was it doesn't necessarily mean that the writer is being truthful. The whole incident reminded me of something that happened to a friend here a long time ago. His girlfriend got a call from someone saying that her boyfriend (my friend) was gay! This person obviously knew them both because of some other info supplied that I now forget. He called me and asked me to tell his girlfriend that he wasn't gay. The idea was so absurd that I told her, yeah, he's gay. Big mistake. They got over it, but he tells me she still has her doubts. I don't know if they ID'd the person for certain, but they had a strong suspicion it was one of her friends.

Bit early to throw in the towel unless there are other things we don't know about...

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I can not give my moblie to you

Would a Thai say Mobile....? In the UK you would, in the USA, Cell and Germany, Handi. Do Thai's use the reference to these phones as "mobiles"....?


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