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Flight Volunteers WANTED!


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Not sure of this has been posted before, but I saw it and thought of you ..

"Would you like to help a Soi Dog get to its new home? Are you departing from Thailand going to the USA, Canada, UK or Europe? Consider being a flight volunteer.

If you are travelling on booked tickets with Thai Airways, Qatar, Korean Air, JAL, EVA, Lufthansa, KLM, Swiss Air, and Austrian Airlines we want you! Special conditions do apply for the UK and EU and a minimum 4 months notice on pre booked flights are required for these destinations."

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I would have considered it as I have dogs, but after reading more I saw

  1. Flight volunteers are required to spend a minimum of 9 days at Soi Dog’s shelter becoming familiar with the dogs, socializing them and understanding and finalizing trip logistics with Soi Dog personnel.

That would not be possible for me unfortunately but it's a great idea none the less.

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What a ridiculous idea. Spend huge amounts of money exporting stray dogs in Thailand to western countries where animal shelters euthanize MILLIONS of unwanted pets every year. According to the ASPCA 3 million dogs and cats are euthanized in American animal shelters alone every year.

Americans and other westerners should adopt the unwanted pets in their own country. Thai animal shelters should be spending money to sterilize and feed the local problem, instead of exporting it.

Every Thai dog sent to America means a local dog probably will not get adopted and will be executed in its place. Better to sterilize the Thai dogs and let them back on the street, and give the American shelter dogs a bigger chance to avoid their death sentence.

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What a ridiculous idea. Spend huge amounts of money exporting stray dogs in Thailand to western countries where animal shelters euthanize MILLIONS of unwanted pets every year. According to the ASPCA 3 million dogs and cats are euthanized in American animal shelters alone every year.

Americans and other westerners should adopt the unwanted pets in their own country. Thai animal shelters should be spending money to sterilize and feed the local problem, instead of exporting it.

Every Thai dog sent to America means a local dog probably will not get adopted and will be executed in its place. Better to sterilize the Thai dogs and let them back on the street, and give the American shelter dogs a bigger chance to avoid their death sentence.

Yes, I would much more likely volunteer to escort a stray Thai girl to farangland than a stray Thai dog.

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All those cute little puppies given away at Christmas abandoned by Easter.

There are enough soi mongrels where i live in Europe, barking night and day

shating and peeing on the street,, just take the problem from one place to

another and oh by the way, talk about money, how much will it all cost, for

a soi dog, vet bills, customs and quarantine on the other side, does the dog

have a Thai passport,, not trying to put you down or trying to be a smart

arse but there are so many unwanted dogs where i live, i think i would just

be adding to the problem,, stop them breeding would be better.

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Just to be clear I am not associated with the Soi Dog Foundation in any way..

Some one asked me to share this information.

I don't know if its a good or bad idea. It does seem a bit odd to migrate an animal across the world, but hey who I am to decide what is good or bad.

From what it says on the website these animals have been adopted - so someone, with some sort of empathy towards animals, has decided to foot the bill to migrate them to their own country

If you feel they are Sick <deleted> then I suggest you tell them.. but, sunshine, maybe you should work on your written word first..

Grown-ups don't feel the need to use text-speak and it won't get you far in the real world.

Edited by MrTee
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Godspeed is a wish for a prosperous journey, success, and good fortune. Its an expression of respect and good will when addressing someone, typically someone about to go on a journey .

and their dog.

Edited by nithisa78
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To all you posters who say find them a Thai home, you must be joking, seriously. How many homes do you know that truly have a dog in Thailand? Their all out on the street and thats the problem. I know heaps op Thais who lay claim to having dogs, where are they? not at home, their in the street. Do they desex them? no, do they take responsibility for the pups? no, do they wash them? No do they feed them? sometimes but usually depend on someone else feeding the. Find them a Thai home you guys crack me up.

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I joked about Howard Marks sticking drugs up dogs bottoms but after reading some of the comments here...

I'm in agreement that it does seem illogical to transport a stray dog half way across the world to a place where it has little immunity to local bugs and could in effect suffer hypothermia the minute it lands!

Not to mention the undue risks of the flight itself on the dogs well-being!

Can a moderator please rename this topic.... Volunteers wanted to transport Package's to Europe!

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