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Commitee members number and visas

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We are struggling to get 3 commitee members in our condo.. The ex manager threatens people as he robbed a lot..

My question is : one owner farang agreed to be a commitee member BUT land office ask for his visa copy (he doesn't have as only comes with visa exemptions on holiday).. I didn't see anywhere a visa was compulsory and you can buy without a visa... So ??

Second thing .. in the 3 minimum commitee members number is the chairman included because in this case we have 3 (2 commitee members + the chairman)

Have a nice week end

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The guy is not there now and voted through a proxy in the meeting, so the stamp is expired..


Thanks.. Do you have a legal reference for this ??

Have a nice Valentine day

this link might be interesting:


regarding the visa, I would just try to give them a copy of the expired stamp and see what happens.

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