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Republicans say Obama giving immigrants 'amnesty bonuses'

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Obama should be prosecuted for buying votes because thats all this is.

political spam

Immigration has been a central pillar of the United States since before there was a United States. The Democratic party, which is 20 years older than the Republican party, has always represented immigrants and has done so broadly, inclusively, effectively.

Prez Obama is no different concerning immigration to the United States than was the first of the predecessor party's presidents, Thomas Jefferson. Prez Obama is not different than the first literally speaking Democratic party Pres Andrew Jackson and others, to include Presidents Grover Cleveland, FDR, John Kennedy, LBJ.

The most prominent Republican party president that was open to accommodating illegal immigrants was Ronald Reagan who learned the explosive nature of the word "amnesty," which only the immigration snipers use today.


Immigration to the US was different 100 years ago or 50 years ago. People came to be Americans. Now they come and just make little India or little Pakistan or little Middle East or little what ever. They do not come to be Americans with their heart and sole. Another thing they do is get a western passport then run back overseas to work as a "Canadian" or "American" then figure out every scam they can to beat taxes as much as possible but still hold that passport. I thought we gave them passports because we needed Engineers or Doctors in our country........I did not know we gave them passports to go back outside the country and work so they make more money.

Perhaps you have researched your own data although the post sounds impressionist, generalized, and low key, but this post has some of the great volume of data available concerning immigration.

While this post does contain data, it too is general in nature although some specific graphs, other data, information, analysis is available in the post and at the link.

The report of the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research in 2008 using US Census Bureau Data, and which is the year the new voter coalition first elected Barack Obama president, found that in general the rate of immigrant assimilation during present time varies among groups, and that while it is slower than 100 years ago, the more recent arrivals since 1990 have begun to assimilate more rapidly than those of 100 years ago and of also the 30 years before 1990.

The rate of assimilation declined during the 1980s, remained stable through the 1990s and since 2000 the rate of assimilation has increased. The latter development is significant because the more recent arrivals normally push down the overall statistical data.

Another finding was that immigrants arriving since 1995 are acculturating at a more rapid rate than their predecessors. The patterns of the 20th century that continue into the present century are that political and economic assimilation occur at a faster rate than cultural assimilation does.

While immigrants from East Asia take longer than most others to assimilate and acculturate, Koreans and Chinese in particular, much more rapid assimilation occurs among immigrants from Philippines, Cuba, Vietnam. The single largest group of recent immigrants, Mexicans, are among the slowest to assimilate and acculturate, although their rate is increasing also since 1995.

San Diego has the highest assimilation rate of Mexicans....New York City has the highest rate of assimilation by Europeans. Canadians assimilate almost instantaneously.




The Atlantic stated it in this way, impressionist as well.....

Why the U.S. Is So Good at Turning Immigrants Into Americans
As a glance at Europe shows, it's not as easy as it looks.

As recently as 1970, the immigrant share of the population was at its lowest level on record, and the foreign-born were mostly old and white. Now the immigrant share of the population is nearing Ellis Island–era highs, and the African, Asian, and Latin American newcomers are easily recognized as minorities. They hail from every corner of the developing world and settle in every corner of the United States, making new gateways out of places with no memory of huddled masses. Since 1970, the foreign-born population of greater Atlanta has risen more than 3,000 percent.



@ post # 61 Publicus...

And nothing in what you posted matters ... the 20 million Illegal Aliens in America broke U.S. Federal Law by entering without a Visa or by overstaying a Visa... This is a crime well understood my 'Aliens' in Thailand - especially Aliens from Western countries. Illegal Aliens are lawbreakers and should be denied any jobs or benefits in America -- then they will slowly self deport over 5 years or so ... Cut off their ability to stay and they will leave... We have had that happen in Thailand ... make restrictions - tighten down on any employment possibility and people leave. Wouldn't it be great if we could just become successful squatters in Thailand - stay here for years with no visa - work at any job we could get, sign up for Thai health insurance - free, don't pay taxes...

We established a while back that they DO pay taxes, but currently draw none of the social security benefits that others do.


@ post # 61 Publicus...

And nothing in what you posted matters ... the 20 million Illegal Aliens in America broke U.S. Federal Law by entering without a Visa or by overstaying a Visa... This is a crime well understood my 'Aliens' in Thailand - especially Aliens from Western countries. Illegal Aliens are lawbreakers and should be denied any jobs or benefits in America -- then they will slowly self deport over 5 years or so ... Cut off their ability to stay and they will leave... We have had that happen in Thailand ... make restrictions - tighten down on any employment possibility and people leave. Wouldn't it be great if we could just become successful squatters in Thailand - stay here for years with no visa - work at any job we could get, sign up for Thai health insurance - free, don't pay taxes... etc., etc., etc., then demand Citizenship - a pathway to citizenship ... see how ridiculous it sounds ... What you propose for America and Illegal Aliens in America is more than ridiculous... it is pure craziness... No borders, no rules about who can come in or stay.... pure nuttiness...

Thailand and the United States are radically different countries, cultures, civilizations with fundamentally different histories, so they are not comparable. Thailand for instance is not a nation of immigrants.

While Thailand officially welcomes visitors and resident immigrants, Thailand for its many virtues is not the land of opportunity either to its citizens, residents, resident immigrants. Thailand is in many ways the home of many and varied desperate refugees, many of whom are naturally fluent in English and who write weird things for others to read.

The 20 million figure of undocumented aliens in the US is a false figure which is roughly twice the actual number of the undocumented aliens that is the mainstream figure.

Immigration has been a pillar of the United States from its founding and the Democratic party has always been the home of the most recent immigrants at any given point in time, to include most of the many generations that succeed them. The Democratic party is 20 years older than the Republican party, the GOP which has always represented and protected the established status quo elites.

Undocumented immigrants have been accommodated in the United States since the Reagan presidency and that is unlikely to change foreseeably.


@ post # 61 Publicus...

And nothing in what you posted matters ... the 20 million Illegal Aliens in America broke U.S. Federal Law by entering without a Visa or by overstaying a Visa... This is a crime well understood my 'Aliens' in Thailand - especially Aliens from Western countries. Illegal Aliens are lawbreakers and should be denied any jobs or benefits in America -- then they will slowly self deport over 5 years or so ... Cut off their ability to stay and they will leave... We have had that happen in Thailand ... make restrictions - tighten down on any employment possibility and people leave. Wouldn't it be great if we could just become successful squatters in Thailand - stay here for years with no visa - work at any job we could get, sign up for Thai health insurance - free, don't pay taxes... etc., etc., etc., then demand Citizenship - a pathway to citizenship ... see how ridiculous it sounds ... What you propose for America and Illegal Aliens in America is more than ridiculous... it is pure craziness... No borders, no rules about who can come in or stay.... pure nuttiness...

Thailand and the United States are radically different countries, cultures, civilizations with fundamentally different histories, so they are not comparable. Thailand for instance is not a nation of immigrants.

While Thailand officially welcomes visitors and resident immigrants, Thailand for its many virtues is not the land of opportunity either to its citizens, residents, resident immigrants. Thailand is in many ways the home of many and varied desperate refugees, many of whom are naturally fluent in English and who write weird things for others to read.

The 20 million figure of undocumented aliens in the US is a false figure which is roughly twice the actual number of the undocumented aliens that is the mainstream figure.

Immigration has been a pillar of the United States from its founding and the Democratic party has always been the home of the most recent immigrants at any given point in time, to include most of the many generations that succeed them. The Democratic party is 20 years older than the Republican party, the GOP which has always represented and protected the established status quo elites.

Undocumented immigrants have been accommodated in the United States since the Reagan presidency and that is unlikely to change foreseeably.

The false figures are the ones the Democrats claim... The Chief of the Texas DPS in 2008 documented 4 million drivers licenses issued mistakenly to illegal aliens... you live in a dream world ... California alone has nearly as many illegal aliens living there as is claimed for the entire country by Democrats...

Added -- Immigration a pillar ... you are speaking of LEGAL IMMIGRATION not illegal Immigration -- there is a BIG DIFFERENCE.

I posted about immigration that is both documented and undocumented to include a summary statement about the history of immigration in the USA. The post in response to mine clearly misses the fact.


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