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i know we need this but

I rent does my name go at the top ( information of Residence) # 1

or does m name go under Personal information of Registrar? #2

Who signs it at the bottom?

I kn0w i need a copy of my lease,

copy of landlords id

copy of Taam bien baan


never filed out one of these before and the one for a drivers license is diferent.


That is a Phuket only form and is a modified TM30 form.

I don't see a space on the form anywhere for your name. Name of residence would be for a hotel apartment building and etc.

From reports there is another side of the form where your name goes.


I am sure you are missing part of the form. The other part has room for several names and personal info for each one.

Everything on that page is for your landlord to do.


Thanks but ur wrong;

Called a friend and she did it

her name is on the blue book

she filled in part 1 and

part 2 was for the Farang

and she signed it

as u aid its one of Phukets weird docs.

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