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Former PM Somchai says reconciliation must involve amnesty

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And Prayuth says:

Amnesty? What amnesty? We already have that covered.......


Leave the amnesties to the real pro criminals in green to organise and make into law. Politicians - just rank amateurs when it comes to putting in a fix in Thailand.


They STILL want to bring that animal back after all the strife and grief it has caused? Do these people ever learn?

These people as you so eloquently put it have the right to vote for whoever they chose as it's their country .. Do you have a vote here ?

Do Thai criminals/fugitives have a vote in Thailand's elections??


They STILL want to bring that animal back after all the strife and grief it has caused? Do these people ever learn?

These people as you so eloquently put it have the right to vote for whoever they chose as it's their country .. Do you have a vote here ?
He is a convicted criminal and can not be woted for.

They STILL want to bring that animal back after all the strife and grief it has caused? Do these people ever learn?

The dirty, mangy soi dog that hangs around in front of our condo is highly offended by your use of the word "animal", and who you apply it to. biggrin.png


Mr. Somchai, don't look now, but I don't think this government has any plans to really reconcile...not as long as they are fixated on putting Yingluck and every Pheu Thai and Red Shirt leader in jail. And as long as the keep whining about getting their hands on Thaksin then they are not ready to reconcile. There is so much revenge in the air you can taste it.

What utter rubbish ! You people go on about the junta ruling the country with an iron fist and everyone being pushed around at the point of a gun, explain to me why there are so many redshirts, leaders and underlings, running around as free as a bird and mouthing off about the junta treating them "unfairly".

If the junta wanted every PTP and redshirt leader in prison they would be there now.

The current government is doing the country a big favor, while it is in power it is cutting the many heads off the Shin snake, snuffing it out for good.

Once a few heads roll the rest of the rats will jump ship and run away a-la the head rat Thaksin. Good riddance.

Look up the word "reconcile" in the dictionary. It does not mention giving blatant criminals free rein to rape the country.


They STILL want to bring that animal back after all the strife and grief it has caused? Do these people ever learn?

These people as you so eloquently put it have the right to vote for whoever they chose as it's their country .. Do you have a vote here ?
Wasn't he talking about Somchai? In your world the voters decide which criminal should be whitewashed?

If you cant vote you better shut up or what is your point lately?


Why is this deemed worthy of reporting? Yet another puppet of course wanting a pass. He can 'want' all he likes. These deposed irrelevancies are being given exposure in all media for what? Under the present circumstances I suspect it's all the media is able to report on. It'll be what Yingluck had for breakfast next ...

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They STILL want to bring that animal back after all the strife and grief it has caused? Do these people ever learn?

These people as you so eloquently put it have the right to vote for whoever they chose as it's their country .. Do you have a vote here ?

The US is my country but that doesn't give me or any of my fellow US citizens the right to install a fugitive, convicted felon in an elected office. We have laws on the books that prevent that just as there are laws that only citizens can hold elected office and age requirements. The citizens can vote anyone into office as long as they fit the criteria set down in the rules. Democracy is not 'majority rules' without regard to what the Constitution says. That is tyranny.

I'll give you an example. The popular Hollywood actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, became governor of California and would have been a very popular national candidate except he is foreign born and not eligible for national office. It doesn't matter how popular he is, in civilized countries, people follow the rules. Since forever, the Thais have been overlooking the rules every time they get power and it is, at present, a country where rules are not respected by anyone and have to be enforced 'at the barrel of a gun' as you Thaksin sympathizers like to say. Until there is rule of law, enforced equally among the rich and powerful and the poor and powerless, Thailand will never be a democracy or become a 'developed' country. The military is tired of having to step in and govern and now is trying to reform certain institutions and write a new Constitution that anticipates bad actors. If they are successful, they can go back to minding their own business.

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They STILL want to bring that animal back after all the strife and grief it has caused? Do these people ever learn?

These people as you so eloquently put it have the right to vote for whoever they chose as it's their country .. Do you have a vote here ?

The US is my country but that doesn't give me or any of my fellow US citizens the right to install a fugitive, convicted felon in an elected office. We have laws on the books that prevent that just as there are laws that only citizens can hold elected office and age requirements. The citizens can vote anyone into office as long as they fit the criteria set down in the rules. Democracy is not 'majority rules' without regard to what the Constitution says. That is tyranny.

I'll give you an example. The popular Hollywood actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, became governor of California and would have been a very popular national candidate except he is foreign born and not eligible for national office. It doesn't matter how popular he is, in civilized countries, people follow the rules. Since forever, the Thais have been overlooking the rules every time they get power and it is, at present, a country where rules are not respected by anyone and have to be enforced 'at the barrel of a gun' as you Thaksin sympathizers like to say. Until there is rule of law, enforced equally among the rich and powerful and the poor and powerless, Thailand will never be a democracy or become a 'developed' country. The military is tired of having to step in and govern and now is trying to reform certain institutions and write a new Constitution that anticipates bad actors. If they are successful, they can go back to minding their own business.

Minding it's own business?

Whatever about Thaskin, the military has constantly meddled with democracy in this country for the last 70 years. And they always will, not to the benefit of the Thai people either, but to to themselves and the elites they serve.


They STILL want to bring that animal back after all the strife and grief it has caused? Do these people ever learn?

These people as you so eloquently put it have the right to vote for whoever they chose as it's their country .. Do you have a vote here ?

The US is my country but that doesn't give me or any of my fellow US citizens the right to install a fugitive, convicted felon in an elected office. We have laws on the books that prevent that just as there are laws that only citizens can hold elected office and age requirements. The citizens can vote anyone into office as long as they fit the criteria set down in the rules. Democracy is not 'majority rules' without regard to what the Constitution says. That is tyranny.

I'll give you an example. The popular Hollywood actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, became governor of California and would have been a very popular national candidate except he is foreign born and not eligible for national office. It doesn't matter how popular he is, in civilized countries, people follow the rules. Since forever, the Thais have been overlooking the rules every time they get power and it is, at present, a country where rules are not respected by anyone and have to be enforced 'at the barrel of a gun' as you Thaksin sympathizers like to say. Until there is rule of law, enforced equally among the rich and powerful and the poor and powerless, Thailand will never be a democracy or become a 'developed' country. The military is tired of having to step in and govern and now is trying to reform certain institutions and write a new Constitution that anticipates bad actors. If they are successful, they can go back to minding their own business.

Minding it's own business?

Whatever about Thaskin, the military has constantly meddled with democracy in this country for the last 70 years. And they always will, not to the benefit of the Thai people either, but to to themselves and the elites they serve.

Yes, go back to minding their business. You call it meddling, I call it safeguarding. Their business is to safeguard the monarchy and the country. If Thaksin's paid bully-boys hadn't got all shooty and bomby on the anti-amnesty protesters last year and called for setting up a new country in the North and Northeast, the military would have stayed in their barracks where they have been for the vast majority of years since 1990. The 2006 coup turned the government back to civilian authority far too quickly and hardly interrupted the thieving of the Shinawatra Crime Syndicate. In fact, the Thaksin Mafia came back bigger and better and outdid themselves in looting the national treasury.

Of course, as usual, you don't want to debate any of the points raised by Fat Haggis or myself; you just saw another opportunity to take a cheap shot at General Prayut. I think the Thai people have benefited greatly since the NCPO took over and the lives of the Thai people will continue to improve when people like Amply Rich Thaksin aren't allowed to steal 700 Billion Baht from them in two and a half years. Thailand just can't afford the Shinawatras.

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