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It's official: Thailand fails the most at monogamy


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"It's official" based on a Match.com survey?

This isn't a site Thais normally use. The only people using Match.com in Thailand are chicks fishing for farang. Who obviously are not average and are going to have tons of hookers and professional farang girlfriends in the mix.

Don't you think that makes it a lot worse? The facts that the fishing chicks are the worst in the world?

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Doesn't mean they have the most affairs... Just that they have the most people who admit it.

This speaks to social norms rather than actual infidelity.

As in western countries, infidelity is seen as a very bad thing that most would not want to admit to.

In Thailand it is done more openly, with less judgement. So more people in Thailand willing to admit

Wow. it's actually the opposite. A Thai would never admit being unfaithful even if (s)he gets caught. Never.

Infidelity is committed more openly in Thailand? Where do you live mate?

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In a democratic society, what two consenting and one non consenting adults decide to do between themselves is entirely up to them. I applaud the gregarious Thais for not only clinching that number one spot, but probably having a darn right bit of saucy fun in the process too.

What I find to be a much grayer area; when a man decides to bolt his love muck over his good ladies bottom while she's sleeping in retaliation for refusal of sex :(

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match,com is scammer central with bogus women and guys, but having seen these knicker droppers myself ,theyre all up for a rogering when their farang hubby is away.they just have no conscience about dropping their knickers for any tom dick or harry

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Do they have a poll on how many monogomists think about the pool cleaner or the office secretary when two said monogomist partners are doing the funky chicken together? Is the poll describing the act in order to procreate, or merely to gain satisfaction... and is there a poll on satisfaction gained from a partner, and the warranty that comes with that? Is this simply another gimmick to slam heterosexual couples, and how naughty they are, in perhaps an effort to glorify or pave the way for other stereotyped, minority behaviors?

I don't know, but I think this is a meaningless, vague, ambiguous and stupid poll.

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HuB of Mia Noi. giggle.gif

They admit it because they are proud of it.

I can't tell you how many Thai guys boast to me about their Mia.


Funny thing is even their wives talk about hubby's Mia Noi with pride to others just to make clear they can afford it. Tzzzzzzz

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I'm outside of the discussion. Only one experience.

I pay the internet bill, tv bill in the name of my wife at the siam bank.

The officers ask me : it's your wife? - yes.

You have "gig" in Thailand? - No.

Why? Thai have "gigs", Farang have "gigs". Why you don't have "gigs"?

- with a good wife, you have small problems. More you have "gigs" more you have problems.

All the staff ,women included had a big fit of laughter.

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