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Obama: US at war with those who have perverted Islam


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...there is a big difference between the results of a "poll" compared to massive opposition by Muslims through the media or manifestations. Their silence is chilling.

The media have a narrative that must be followed. Since when have they given a fair hearing to moderate voices? They didn't do it with the Christian Church. Why should they do it with Islam?

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Same story, different perspective: Worth reading to compare and costrast.


Thanks for posting this. A little different to the messages being spewed by Fear Inc'...

'Overwhelmingly, Muslims around the world reject ISIS, they reject ISIS’ flavor of Islam, they choose the 21st century over the 7th, they choose the Prophet’s message of love and the Hadith and the schools of jurisprudence and centuries of wisdom and thought, over an illusion that we are somehow still a ragged and persecuted minority at the edge.'

The 'Prophet's message of love' as you put it has been sadly lacking from what I can see in huge swathes of the Islamic world, since its inception. The Jursiprudence got settled centuries ago and has not budged one iota since,

hence Al-Sisi calling for an urgent modernization, rather than being perpetually antagonistic to every non-Muslim on the planet.

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Religion is the glue which agglomerates individuals to powerful masses. If it wouldn't be religion it would be other drivers. My point is we would always end up in the same situation because of our nature.

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This is a great piece


We're not talking about EXTREME islam we're talking about LITERAL islam

Just the same as evangelical christians ("american taliban") take the bible literally and want to teach creationism in school

And the zionists.

I can't wait for the day when the lot of them wake up to the fact that there isn't a god.

It's about time all countries were secular with insurmountable barriers between state and religion.

It makes me vomit when I here world leaders on any side invoke "god"

It is indeed a telling article, which is why the ideologues for progressive multiculturalism tried to shoot it down so quickly. P.S Zionists are not necessarily religious but that's another topic. As an atheist I would happily junk the lot, but I see Islam causes more suffering than the rest combined, the likes of Sam Harrris and Richard Dawkins are of that opinion too.
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This is a great piece


We're not talking about EXTREME islam we're talking about LITERAL islam

Just the same as evangelical christians ("american taliban") take the bible literally and want to teach creationism in school

And the zionists.

I can't wait for the day when the lot of them wake up to the fact that there isn't a god.

It's about time all countries were secular with insurmountable barriers between state and religion.

It makes me vomit when I here world leaders on any side invoke "god"

It is indeed a telling article, which is why the ideologues for progressive multiculturalism tried to shoot it down so quickly. P.S Zionists are not necessarily religious but that's another topic. As an atheist I would happily junk the lot, but I see Islam causes more suffering than the rest combined, the likes of Sam Harrris and Richard Dawkins are of that opinion too.

Yes, you are absolutely correct. Should have referred to ultra orthodox jews.

Richard Hawkins is a personal hero of mine. "he God Delusion" should be required reading for all.......

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This is a great piece


We're not talking about EXTREME islam we're talking about LITERAL islam

Just the same as evangelical christians ("american taliban") take the bible literally and want to teach creationism in school

And the zionists.

I can't wait for the day when the lot of them wake up to the fact that there isn't a god.

It's about time all countries were secular with insurmountable barriers between state and religion.

It makes me vomit when I here world leaders on any side invoke "god"

It is indeed a telling article, which is why the ideologues for progressive multiculturalism tried to shoot it down so quickly. P.S Zionists are not necessarily religious but that's another topic. As an atheist I would happily junk the lot, but I see Islam causes more suffering than the rest combined, the likes of Sam Harrris and Richard Dawkins are of that opinion too.

Yes, you are absolutely correct. Should have referred to ultra orthodox jews.

Richard Hawkins is a personal hero of mine. "he God Delusion" should be required reading for all.......

the problem is that atheists are not a force, it's a vacuum between different believes and as such there is no counter weight for any religion. Islam became stronger because Christianity became weaker.
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Richard Hawkins is a personal hero of mine.

Not much of a hero if you can't get his name right.

Obama has perverted humanity with his kill lists. Hypocritical atheistic governments have murdered tens of millions of their own citizens in the name of their gods 'Money' and 'Power'. Yet you don't hear much about it from the media.

When religions have been destroyed do you really think we will all live in peace and love? Or isn't it more likely that when religion is no longer available as a pretext for mass murder, the powerful will simply find something else.

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Richard Hawkins is a personal hero of mine.

Not much of a hero if you can't get his name right.

Obama has perverted humanity with his kill lists. Hypocritical atheistic governments have murdered tens of millions of their own citizens in the name of their gods 'Money' and 'Power'. Yet you don't hear much about it from the media.

When religions have been destroyed do you really think we will all live in peace and love? Or isn't it more likely that when religion is no longer available as a pretext for mass murder, the powerful will simply find something else.

I'm most dreadfully sorry for making a typo. Please can you possibly forgive me?

My keyboard is a bit unpredictable.

Try not be a pedantic cut

I was trying to make the point that "religion" is best kept out of politics. Who cares what religion the American president holds dear?

No, secular governments please, praise the lord. Small l for irony

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