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Thai prosecutors press criminal charges against ex-PM Yingluck

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"The move is widely seen as an attempt to cripple the political machine of Yingluck's brother, former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in the 2006 coup, and to prevent his allies from returning to power."

The move is widely seen as seeking justice with the former PM Yingluck's self-financing scheme having lost 700 billion Baht and she frequently stating the scheme reached it's goal, she to be in charge.

In the civilized Western world it's seen as a political agenda. In the civilized world the junta is seen as illegitimate and illegal and lacking standing to prosecute anyone.

I have seen no proof that Yingluck stole the rice money herself. I have seen allegations of negligence.

This is a political cleansing to rid Thailand of the Shinawatra influence.

If criminal charges are to be brought they should have proof as to who the thieves were. Buying rice for above market price isn't illegal. Stealing that rice, cooking the books and so on is illegal. Who did that? Are they saying that YS did?

In the civilised Western World the governments still have contacts with the Thai government and are even looking forward to get part of the Infrastructure business. Did you write your representative that your country is dealing with illegitimates which opens your countries government to possible prosecution?

Mind you, the USA Envoy said the Thai government should work on perception.

Anyway, the OAG charged Ms. Yingluck who send her legal advisor as she's really too busy at the moment. Chinese New Year you know.

As for the charge, it is not stealing, it's "negligence", causing losses. Didn't you read the first to posts in this topic?

"They accused Yingluck of dereliction in overseeing a rice subsidy scheme that lost billions of dollars and temporarily cost Thailand its crown as the world's top rice exporter."

The west does not care about fairness rule of law they just want to access cheap labor. Burma is now in their crosshairs. Here $10 a day is to rich for big business blood. All other sounds the west makes is blustering and posturing to make the world think they truly care what a joke. They have back stopped dictators the world over in the past to get access to oil and other benefits. Then when world opinion turned against the dictators they dumped them. Its not a world of fairness but a world of cheap money for big business thus 85 people control half the worlds wealth and climbing. I am truly glad I am retired because its only going to get uglier in the future thank God I will be gone but I feel sorry for my young g/f and what she will see and have to endure. The rich will never stop their greed now that governments have given them cheap money and free rein to to whatever they wish.


Which they did for a very good reason, and it is all coming out now ...

Nope they did it to take over the country the only way they could at the point of a gun because they could not win a fair election pure and simple.

They did it to prevent a civil war!!

Not even near a civil war.All was planned from the beginning.Suthep made trouble,army had to come and kick out YS,and now the junta is silencing all opposition until democrats can win an election.

if the Junta are silencing all opposition until the Democrats can win an election then it is going to be very quiet for a very long time!

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"The move is widely seen as an attempt to cripple the political machine of Yingluck's brother, former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in the 2006 coup, and to prevent his allies from returning to power."

The move is widely seen as seeking justice with the former PM Yingluck's self-financing scheme having lost 700 billion Baht and she frequently stating the scheme reached it's goal, she to be in charge.

The 700 billion and counting, for there are still ongoing storage and marketing costs to be added, is in fact only the tip of the lossberg to the country and the people.

There are the lost markets that may never be got back, such as Iran which was once one of the top buyers.

The confidence in Thai rice as a premium product was destroyed when the PT Govt sold inferior rice to several countries including the US and Ivory Coast.

The rice traders who before the scheme were the ones who bought Thai rice on behalf of their customers were forced to go to other countries to buy rice for those customers who were loyal to them and trusted the traders to get what they wanted and give them a fair deal.

Those traders are still buying rice for their customers from other countries and may never come back into the Thai market, if the do come back it will only be to buy for a low price

Then there is the loss to the farmers themselves who are now deeper in debt than ever before and have to service that debt with interest.

The scheme which was touted as helping the poor has been found by research to have only reached 18% of poor farmers and that 18% only got 5% of the money paid out to farmers, yet rents and costs of fertilizer and chemicals were pushed up by the landlords and companies to get their share, so the poor farmers were even worse off than before.

The 82% of poor farmers who could not participate in the scheme were also burdened with the higher costs making them even poorer than before.

There is the interest that must be paid on the bonds and loans to be taken out to pay for the losses, that will in part have to be borne by a future generation of tax payers..

And now we see a proposal to write off 45 billion of farmers debt : http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/801632-moac-proposes-that-govt-write-off-45-billion-baht-of-farmers-debts/

Then there are the costs of all the investigations and legal action associated with the scheme which will no doubt run into billions.

All to be added to the 700 billion.

And some call going after those responsible a witch hunt and suggest it should just be forgotten.

You have some very valid points there....but you forgot to point out that none of this happened without the complicity of the yellow shirt party members and or the military.....as they are involved in nearly everything that goes on in this country and especially when there are such large sums of money involved.

There is no way they would not be involved in any number of direct or indirect ways.

As they always say: If you follow the money trail you will learn far more about the truth concerning just where exactly all the money went and who exactly enriched themselves.

If anyone on this forum actually believes the usual culprits were not at all involved in the whole rice pledging scheme and how it ran amuck the way it did run amuck, while it was only the Red Shirt members that enriched themselves on a government enacted program...then you are not understanding the way things commonly run amuck here in Thailand while all kinds of profiteering shenanigans are going on behind the scenes.

Just because Ying Luck was in power at the time, in no way stops or prevents the opposition party members and or those hugely wealthy and influential people, known as the Status Quo in this country, from enriching themselves on any given government enacted program....whether it be their own programs or whether it be opposition enacted programs

They were also hugely complicite in the down fall of the program while "they" enriched themselves to no end also.......but who gets the blame......Yink Luck.

Ahhhhh..........The Masters of Duplicity



And the WITCH HUNT continues

And if I were her I would of ran a long time ago she has no chance of any fair trial or anything with a government that imposed itself at the point of a gun

fair enough....that's your opinion. Most opinions from Shinawatra supporters are usually Flawed.

yea of course they are........... coffee1.gif

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And the WITCH HUNT continues

And if I were her I would of ran a long time ago she has no chance of any fair trial or anything with a government that imposed itself at the point of a gun

fair enough....that's your opinion. Most opinions from Shinawatra supporters are usually Flawed.

yea of course they are........... coffee1.gif

And a minority on TVF, but they also still believe "She did nothing wrong" and it is all "politically motivated" Shins hallmark--remark

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I'd like to ask people of supporters of both factions a question,

Why is it not the priority of the law to go after the people that stole the rice and money to fund the project? why are they not in the spotlight? and lets face it,

It wasn't just politicians, there were warehouse's contractors, millers, large rice growing company's, middle men, go after them and get the money back.

They are going after them. In order for yl to be found innocent would be to have her prove in court that she only relied on the report and information given to her by her ministers and staff. Then all the finger pointing will start. Because we all know deep inside all of us, she had no idea what was going on.

But Thaksin know Thai psychology, they will all feel sorry for her being duped. So she would be the best fall person for the heist.


And the WITCH HUNT continues

And if I were her I would of ran a long time ago she has no chance of any fair trial or anything with a government that imposed itself at the point of a gun

I can not believe what you are are saying.... "A WITCH HUNT" ??? Her personal fortune grew by several billions of US $ during her term in office. She has been asked about this and refused to answer.

She is just as corrupt as her brother, and all for personal gain. My boss used to tell me, "The buck stops at me". Well the same goes for her.

She has many questions to answer, so lets wait and see if she does eh?

I am entitled to my opinion, and without her giving satisfactory evidence and producing proof, of where all this money came from, then my opinion is she is a crook.

Please post a link or proof that her personal fortune grew by billions $ during her term in office.


They are charging her with negligence.

That means for those not paying attention...well put simply, not paying attention.


If I was charged with a crime every time in my life that I didn't pay attention, I'd never get out of jail.

I believe that a lot of people at the warehouses and millers and trucking companies and who knows where else cooked the books on the amount of rice that was stored. I also believe a lot of the rice was stolen. Those are the thieves I want to see punished.

YS was in charge of a "scheme" to buy rice above market price and hold it, believing it would drive the world rice price up. But there were bumper crops of rice and the world became awash in rice. The price actually dropped.

I'd feel a lot better about an illegal junta bringing criminal charges if it was known that YS was involved in cooking the books and getting money from the rice scheme but I haven't heard that yet.

Please don't tell me that this isn't the junta doing this. The junta is a d word.

The charges are nothing to do with The Junta, The NAAC was putting together a case against her before the coup. Get your facts right before posting

In fact it was the 3rd of December 2012 when the Democrats took the evidence they had assembled for the no confidence debate to the NACC.

BANGKOK, Dec 3 – Thailand's main opposition Democrat Party today called on the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to investigate irregularities in the government’s rice trading under the heavily-attacked rice pledging scheme, charging fraud in state conducted sales of rice to other countries.

And the WITCH HUNT continues

And if I were her I would of ran a long time ago she has no chance of any fair trial or anything with a government that imposed itself at the point of a gun

I can not believe what you are are saying.... "A WITCH HUNT" ??? Her personal fortune grew by several billions of US $ during her term in office. She has been asked about this and refused to answer.

She is just as corrupt as her brother, and all for personal gain. My boss used to tell me, "The buck stops at me". Well the same goes for her.

She has many questions to answer, so lets wait and see if she does eh?

I am entitled to my opinion, and without her giving satisfactory evidence and producing proof, of where all this money came from, then my opinion is she is a crook.

Please post a link or proof that her personal fortune grew by billions $ during her term in office.

Her personal (disclosed) fortune did not grow by billions only by millions which was not unreasonable.

However the tax evasion money that was returned to Thaksin during her tenure would have included a component that was actually hers as she had been a shareholder in shin corp and the billions that were previously withheld were deemed to be equivalent to the tax that should have been paid on the sale of shin corp.

No proof has as yet surfaced that she personally benefited from the rice pledging scheme, but there are 20 boxes of documents to be scrutinized so we wait to see.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I read the Thai news every day. It's part of my job. I am willing to entertain the notion that 34 indictments somehow got past me, and my boss would be displeased, nonetheless; please provide links proving this claim of 34 indictments of the above mentioned groups that took place three weeks ago.

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I'd like to ask people of supporters of both factions a question,

Why is it not the priority of the law to go after the people that stole the rice and money to fund the project? why are they not in the spotlight? and lets face it,

It wasn't just politicians, there were warehouse's contractors, millers, large rice growing company's, middle men, go after them and get the money back.

About three weeks ago charges were laid against most of the categories you mention. (From memory 34 people charged.)


No need. It was clearly stated in the press, since you seem to be missing things perhaps you need more news spotting practice.

No charges were laid, just recommend and proceed with
"Finance Minister Sommai Phasee has instructed the Comptroller General's Department
to outline how to seek compensation from ousted prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra
for estimated damage of more than 500 billion baht from the rice-pledging scheme.
The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) recently said it would recommend the Finance Ministry lodge a civil suit
demanding compensation from Ms Yingluck over negligence in her government's rice pledging scheme.
The NACC also advised the Finance Ministry to proceed with a civil lawsuit against 21 individuals and companies

involved in allegedly corrupt government-to-government rice deals including former commerce minister "


Good news. Get the cell ready!!! thumbsup.gif

Lets just string her up & build a big concentration camp for all her supporters eh?

When will Thailand deal with the real law breakers who shut down the airport or brought about the coup or killed the innocent nurses or just about any law breaking you care to mention involving the Thai elite?

Probably when hell freezes over!

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I think it is a sad reflection on the state of the Thai nation that a government without any official opposition can "order" the judiciary - which is meant to be independent - to carry out these sort of trials. they clearly think they or their friends are going to be in power for some time, which doesn't bode well for any form of democracy.

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They can't get Mr T (yet) so his pawn will have to pay instead.

I find it laughable the constant flow of prophecy from the yellow lovers on here that YL will scarper: all the evidence so far suggests she'll remain dignified in the face of all the elites throw at her. Let them make her a martyr, dumb schmucks that they are, and see where their 'reconciliation' is heading....

And no I'm not a red, you're all just two sides of the same dirty coin.

Right. Not-a-red talking about 'yellow lovers', 'elite' and distracting with a dignified innocent Amply Rich woman who's made a martyr simply because the OAG dares to indict her.

Ms. Yingluck positioned her RPPS as self-financing scheme only needing a revolving funds of 500 billion Baht. Defended it. Told parliament to be in charge. And now the OAG may not ask her what happened?

Doggy see bowl doggy eat = your mentality.

So by saying yellow lovers I am a red?

Yes YL has been a heck of a lot more dignified since the PDRC's antics last year right up to now, from my neutral point of view, than the tweeny hissy fits in front of the media by this other one.

And as far as I'm concerned the Shinawatras are elites too, same dirty coin as I told you already. However, I do want to see the poor properly represented and given a fair chance in life and only Taksin has recognised them (clearly for his own ends, of course, dirty Thai politician/businessman that he is).

I'm actually looking forward to the lid blowing off when a certain event occurs: it's disgusting the way Thai people have been kept in the dark for decades. Maybe it'll rip the country apart but it's about the only way anything's going to change. Reconciliation? How utterly childishly naive to think oppressing them is going to reconcile anything. Are you that lacking in insight not to see that? Ah but they didn't pull their guns yet and the threats and adjustments can safely be ignored or justified by sitting as you are on your dirty side of your dirty coin.

It's also disgusting that educated Westerners are showing support for Thai politicians. The whole lot of them should be exposed and their ill-gotten gains shared out amongst those who never had a chance for anything better than 'event days' instead of a decent basic education and the chance to be something more than a motorcycle taxi same as dad was.

But you don't care do you, because you're a yellow lover who wants to promote the status quo: that good Thai people are being fobbed off by dirty criminals who don't like being questioned about their family's assets, who don't even have to turn up to defend themselves in court because they are "too busy" destroying the economy and laying democracy to ransom - that is, of course, if their day in court ever arrives.

You fit right in: choose a winning team, join a chorus and ignore the scum on your own side of the dirty coin.

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Should take her into custody now.

She can maybe post Bt600Bn bail - should be enough!


Yeah my custody, cos there is something sexy about her, and I am afraid Thailand lost their so called rice crown, a long time ago


Anyone seeing this as simply a "red/Yellow" thing is profoundly unaware of what has happened and is happening in Thailand today. You really are in for a shock when someone explains the situation to you.In the meantime be aware; it isn't a football match and you aren't in a position to make a relevant comment

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And the WITCH HUNT continues

And if I were her I would of ran a long time ago she has no chance of any fair trial or anything with a government that imposed itself at the point of a gun

What guns?


Where did the money go? Distributed to the poor? Stolen? I think the only way to stop the red shirt movement is by having a set amount of representives that are elected from the military in the new parliment. I cant see any way of the same thing not happening again.

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