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Just wondered if anyone has any experience of this. I met a Thai Chinese girl who is charming and smart. Fluent Cantonese, Thai and English. She just seems a bit less flaky than pure Thai. Much as I love pure Thai. Just got a bit of an edge. Any thoughts.

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my corner shop is owned by local Chinese and the girl in charge is not beautiful but good with English and obviously very intelligent. She has an endearing quality that makes me want to be protective of her and hope that she marries well...


the girl's father doesn't watch a lot of kung <deleted> movies...justs smokes a bit of opium and looks after his businesses. If he wanted to get bad on someone he would only have to lift a finger for fearsome minions to arise with automatic weapons to restore balance...quite tight with the local cops you see...

I fear for my little chinese flower and want the best for her...there is no real problem as her dad is the wealthiest man in town but there is no one locally to take her hand in marriage. When I go down to the shop to get beer and spirits he just nods beatifically. She wants desperatly to practise her English with me and I can always spend a few moments with her in that regard. But lately I have sensed another desperation...that she is 20 years and not married and no male heirs coming straightforward...

yes...I have relationship with local Chinese...tutsi the wuss...


My wife is Thai Chinese, married five years in November. She is an angel with me but friends and some neighbors have said that she is intense or can have an attitude. So interesting that you say this girls got an edge.

My wife has her degree in marketing and was a sales exec with Mercedes in BKK and also managed a cpouple of hotels there as well. She is very a take charge person and I'm glad she will be steering the ship when we retire soon in Samutsakorn

I think having an adge is OK but have it with someone other than me... :o


Thai/Chinese have more of an "edge" than your "plain-vanilla" Thai. I've been in a relationship with a Thai/Burmese for almost 25 years now and it's just fine (the 'ol lady). :o

One reason I bailed outa Singapore is the focus is too "strict"?


I think on the whole, Chinese/Thai go to university more than pure Thai because they seem to be more wealthy. However, the only time I was called farang kee nok was by a Chinese/Thai.

Just wondered if anyone has any experience of this. I met a Thai Chinese girl who is charming and smart. Fluent Cantonese, Thai and English. She just seems a bit less flaky than pure Thai. Much as I love pure Thai. Just got a bit of an edge. Any thoughts.

Where did you meet her? Reason I ask is that there is a group of 3/4 girls who hang out at some of the more high end venues in BKK( and Grace coffee shop & nana coffee shop after hours), of which 2 are def Chinese Thai (and speak certainly Mandarin, not so sure about Cantonese) as well as fluent English. Come across as real nice girls, but be warned, they are not, despite going to Ramkapeng University - they are paying for their mobiles and expensive clothes via the horizontal position :o

Just wondered if anyone has any experience of this. I met a Thai Chinese girl who is charming and smart. Fluent Cantonese, Thai and English. She just seems a bit less flaky than pure Thai. Much as I love pure Thai. Just got a bit of an edge. Any thoughts.


How you know that she can speaks fluent cantonese ?? you undertsand too ? Thai chinese smart and charming ? yeah , i admit that chinese are those cutie that i like but smart i think got to depends on how u look at it ?? By the way, my gf is thai chinese too.

How you know that she can speaks fluent cantonese ?? you undertsand too ?

My wife is Thai but also speaks fluent Cantonese and English, despite having little or no education. She can keep a conversation going in three different languages.

My preference is Thai to Chinese culture.

I speak some Cantonese too and trying to learn Thai.

How you know that she can speaks fluent cantonese ??
I was wondering as well. I suspect what he is referring is something else. I think it is the dialect spoken in "Chaozhou" as most chinese thais are chaozhou/thai. Not important though.
How you know that she can speaks fluent cantonese ??
I was wondering as well. I suspect what he is referring is something else. I think it is the dialect spoken in "Chaozhou" as most chinese thais are chaozhou/thai. Not important though.

I think most older generation thai chinese speaks "teochew" but the most of the younger generation( i mean 30 below ) dun even know a single words like my galfren she is only 21 years old.

Well i ever came across one of the thai chinese , think she is about 35 above her cantonese is very good ........ she told me her mum from hong kong.



I'm in Hong Kong and I've seen her yakking to the locals. Can't swear she is fluent but it sounds pretty good and she says she is. I assume it's Cantonese cos that's what they talk here! Seriously, has a sister married to a Chinese in Macau. Also she isn't hanging out in Bangkok. ta ra


I'm in Hong Kong and I've seen her yakking to the locals.  Can't swear she is fluent but it sounds pretty good and she says she is.  I assume it's Cantonese cos that's what they talk here!  Seriously, has a sister married to a Chinese in Macau.  Also she isn't hanging out in Bangkok.  ta ra

"She's" Thai? Guess you're getting to know her?

I'm in Hong Kong and I've seen her yakking to the locals

I see. :o

I guess you go to kowloon city a lot??

Yes, "teochew" was the word that I was trying to say. Or they call themselves "gar gee narng".


My wife is Thai/Laos and the most beautiful caring person I have ever known.

So there... :o

my childish remark for the night.


my wife is thai chinese, married 12 years.

best move i ever made, shes a doll.

took a while to get to know her, lived with her parents,first few "dates" she actually brought a friend along.wouldn't let me see her home though for quite a while, she would say i'll get the taxi to drop you at soi cowboy, you can finish your night there and i'll go home alone.

100% trust and i know i wont be let down in the way that (some) thai's can disappoint .... flakiness,money requests,sudden appearance of stuff from her past,hungry relatives turning up unannounced for a short 6 month stay.

accepted from day one as a fully paid up family member,no dowry or truckloads of gold required.

at the moment we are living with the parents in law and assorted other family members in a shophouse that serves as the home and business (corner shop selling ciggies,booze,rice and ice.) and a lot of fun it is too.

the thai chinese seem to have a good work ethic and know how to save for a rainy day thereby avoiding the need to make desperate requests for readies.

to be recommended.


TBh my family in the UK have hit on me more than the wifes family back in Isaan in nearly 7 years of marriage , it's part of being a rich bastard who's daft with his money I guess..... :o


My situation is not dissimilar Tax, we live in a 2 bedromm moo barn at the moment with about 7 full time members and up to 12 part time residents. Always makes for a good time. I do have my moments where I wish we were alone as a family, but it only lasts a couple of hours and then Pappa brings out the whisky and everyting is forgotten. We did buy him a motocy the other day, this was vbecause we were sick of wanting to go somewhere only to find he had driven off in the car. The bike is in her name, so officially it is our property.

I want to tell a story, as boring as it may sound.

I gave my Mother-in-law and Sister-in-law 3k baht each for Sawadee Pee Mai!!!

10 minutes later I went outside for a smoke and heard my wife asking for the money back, ofcourse the ladies told her to @#$% off. I have not had such a laugh in a long time.

My wife is a tiger with the money, it is one thing I do not have to worry about.


i like that story tukyleith.

i know quite a few guys married to thais (from all kinds of backgrounds) and i've never heard them grumble about outrageous money requests from the thai families.

the only time i hear of it is on this forum, maybe the sick buffalo is just a myth.

a long gone ritual that has become a legend.

i like that story tukyleith.

i know quite a few guys married to thais (from all kinds of backgrounds) and i've never heard them grumble about outrageous money requests from the thai families.

the only time i hear of it is on this forum, maybe the sick buffalo is just a myth.

a long gone ritual that has become a legend.

Lets keep it going Tax, it makes me feel somewhat "special" :o

Sick Buffalo has been replaced with my mobile has been nicked, please send 15000 baht immediately for my latest Nokia that can take photos.

Brit, everyone knows a buffalo is more important than a mobile phone...

My situation is not dissimilar Tax, we live in a 2 bedromm moo barn at the moment with about 7 full time members and up to 12 part time residents. Always makes for a good time. I do have my moments where I wish we were alone as a family, but it only lasts a couple of hours and then Pappa brings out the whisky and everyting is forgotten. We did buy him a motocy the other day, this was vbecause we were sick of wanting to go somewhere only to find he had driven off in the car. The bike is in her name, so officially it is our property.

I want to tell a story, as boring as it may sound.

I gave my Mother-in-law and Sister-in-law 3k baht each for Sawadee Pee Mai!!!

10 minutes later I went outside for a smoke and heard my wife asking for the money back, ofcourse the ladies told her to @#$% off. I have not had such a laugh in a long time.

My wife is a tiger with the money, it is one thing I do not have to worry about.

As long as I keep my reserve elsewhere, as she does... :o

the thai chinese seem to have a good work ethic and know how to save for a rainy day thereby avoiding the need to make desperate requests for readies.

to be recommended.

Taxexile ~

Totally agree with that statement. In general, the more 100% Thai genealogy, the more prone to be somewhat indolent. I'm using indolent in a non-judgemental sense here.

Some of my wife's best friends are Thai/Chinese (she's Thai/Burmese) and I've kidded her many times about how I knew I should have married a gal w/Chinese blood so our finances would be more "squared-away"! :o

i know quite a few guys married to thais (from all kinds of backgrounds) and i've never heard them grumble about outrageous money requests from the thai families.

the only time i hear of it is on this forum, maybe the sick buffalo is just a myth. a long gone ritual that has become a legend.

It is not the married guys who complain about the money so much, it's the ones with long-distance relationships with girls who are still working bar.

Once family life settles down, it is the care and well-being of the immediate family that is important, not just the milking of the guy(s) on the other end of the e-mail - who are half a world away, writing sloppy, soppy poems on the back of hundred-dollar bills. (But without them, Issaan would be in desperate straits)

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