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Seems that (nearly) NO ONE giving their best reply to this case red the following sentence: "Police said the suspect had a long list of criminal records including theft, fraud and embezzlement.".

So, what do you think? That it was a regular man who did this? Was he just the nice guy next door????

Nope, in my opinion not. And if it would not be easy to get a weapon in Thailand, someone like this guy would probably have a gun in his posession.

The man was a CRIMINAL... so what's the fuzz... yes it is bad that he killed his wife... but please don't compare this man with the majority who never would do anything like it.

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This is an example of true "Thainess"...not the fantasy land version tourists are exposed to...

This is odd. You seem to able to write in English, but not read it.

Buy an American newspaper and have someone read it to you. If this is "Thai" then America, and much of the rest of the world is currently over run with them.

This is not "Thai" ... it is simply insane.

For you to make this rather long leap from a homicidal lunitic to painting an entire culture with that broad brush suggests that for you may want to take a moment and really reflect on the venom that would push you to make such a hateful (and irrational) statement.

You sound ... beyond ... unhappy.

Perhaps it is time to move on? And I do not mean that in the bad way, the F off way ... I mean it in a real way.

Who would spend one more day in any situation where they honestly felt this way? That too ... is a bit crazy.


"Wife killed in cold blood for LINE chat"

"He then went into rage and lost control. He immediately walked into the bedroom to take his gun and shot his wife."

...ThaiVisa.... Do you even know what "cold blood means"?????

Spot on, and correct.

It is an over used term, and rarely properly. "Point Blank" perhaps, but still in a rage...so "Cold Blood" ... hardly.


All I know is that water attracts its own level. Before jumping to conclusions at the consequences of this (in my view; dysfunctional family), has anyone ever NOT been driven into a corner in a relationship... to the point of experiencing those kind of thoughts or emotions? We don't know what kind of hell he was being put through... perhaps being in a situation with a nagging MIL, narcissitic wife and wortholess son, who had been groomed by the women in the family to be worthless and depepndent on their narcissitic needs. We don;t know what kind of "goods" the wife and MIL had on him.

Yes, I am speculating, but my point is, don't take a tragic outburst like this and judge it on its merit alone. He is wrong to have pursued this course of action, and should be punished for it, but I can say that I certainly do understand that he may very well have been driven to this state of mind by the people who were not exactly treating him nicely when he went berserk. He focused on his immediate family... not anyone else... the objects of his obsession. That tells me a lot about things before this tragic event.

Sounds to me like they were yet another dysfunctional family engaging in in their style towards each other and unaware of the consequences of such behavior and thinking.

Another odd thing here is that he could just as easily beat the living shit out of her and the others, and his neighbors would have done nothing at all. He could have done it on the street and no one would have done nothing at all. Not even the police. I wonder how many times he had done that, now that I mention it.

Strange strange land...

Another view could also be that as it states he had a long line of fraud, theft, embezzlement convictions, his wife could have been fed up with it all and wanted to get him out of her life.

Which ever way, the guy is a big under achiever.

You could be correct. I'll not argue that. I am simply focusing on the factors and elements in his life, whilst you are focusing on him singularly. If you did not mean to, then I apologize. Putting aside the heinous act, and looking at the big picture, I do not believe that he alone is guilty. I am not mitigating anything here, including his heinous act, and including the family, whom I believe had their free will or lack thereof to be witness to and make the wrong chouices before, during and after the events that meticulously lead up to their demise.

This is simply another way to reiterate that I believe water attracts its own level. Maybe we should review the past articles wherein it is a proven fact that the majorioty of Thai children are raised to as old as their late teens by the females of the family and even friends. Men can be easily blamed for not being fathers, but the major burden of blame would then fall upon those who stay and demand the rights and are in fact responsible for the mess left behind. Giving up and letting the mess (the young males) go to seed is not an excuse by any other meaing of the word, yet here in Thailand, I am certain that this is plausible and a means for sympathy and even more guilt being laid upon the men for being abandoned as children. It's kind of a sick and twisted cycle; hence... water attracts its own level.

Another way to say this, in my opinion, is that women here do not know how to raise males to be upstanding citizens (generally speaking) and hence I seriously question their ability to wisely choose who they want to shack up with and procreate.

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So, They should out law guns, knife, machetes, hammers, sticks, rope, razor blades, towels, bed sheets and now we are down to hands and water ??

Nut jobs are always going to be nut jobs and I bet this is not the first time the guys showed his backside !!

By the way, My wife spends a lot of time with "Sammie" and Line App. Keeps her quite and busy.


I thought re-enactments are done in a court of law?

What's the expression about being the police, judge and jury?

Police work should concentrate on traffic violators in this country...


Its obvious that you do not live in Thailand. It is a police habit here of having re enactments of any crime when they find the culprit.

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Offer say 500 bht gun amnesty , and watch the results , one way of getting the guns off the streets. I don't like giving the junta any clues as to what to do, but i do believe they need some serious help. Right, rant over for today .


They tried to lynch him. Bless them.

When will they make it more difficult to get guns here??????


It is quite dificult to legally get a gun in thailand.

Converely it is not difficult to illegally get a gun .... at least if you are Thai.

The problem is not in the laws, it"s in the enforcement of the laws.

That is common in Thailand in many areas of the law.


Amen to killing in "hot blood" not cold. I agree US needs more gun control, but do some of you know that total number of gun homicides (not per capita, just raw numbers) is higher in Thailand than USA? And USA has about 5x as many people. So put that in your barrel and smoke it....

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Murder suspect KosolSuwanwong, 50, said he came home on February 13 to find his wife Orn-uma ignoring him and chatting online.

After complaining about her preoccupation with LINE chat voicing suspicion about having an affair, his wife told him she did not care and challenged him for a divorce.

He then went into rage and lost control. He immediately walked into the bedroom to take his gun and shot his wife.

No mention of what time he came home, or where he came home from.

I noticed that too. Also, it never mentioned what make of car he owns or if he owns a smartphone either. How weird is that


Wow. Talk about being in a bad mood. Why not just take her up on the divorce offer? Seemed like a generous offer, and a way to get out of what appears to have been a dead relationship. No pun intended.

Or, he could have tried laxatives, or medications.


Anything to do with 'rage' and there's always a gun handy!

Yep, too many guns, just like the USA.

Emotional people shouldn't have access to firearms.

And if by 'emotional' you mean a person who is likely to lose his screws under a certain amount of stress, then it means ... pretty much everybody.

But I wouldn't want to start an argument about this with the numerous cowboy posters here who are obviously ardent supporters of the Second Amendment ... they might get emotional.


They tried to lynch him. Bless them.

When will they make it more difficult to get guns here??????

Do you think having no gun would of stopped him? It's not the guns, but the one that picks it up..when will you types ever think? Why should I be without a gun or any other responsible individual? You want a police-state go to Ameri(k)a or (K)anada...if the public cannot have guns than neither should the authorities or military. Every time an incident with guns happen..there is always someone crying "gun-control" or "gun-confiscation" ...get lost.


"his wife told him she did not care and challenged him for a divorce."...she was the catalyst for this scenario.... Her arrogance cost some lives..too bad. Looks like you won't be cheating on anyone..anymore.


"his wife told him she did not care and challenged him for a divorce."...she was the catalyst for this scenario.... Her arrogance cost some lives..too bad. Looks like you won't be cheating on anyone..anymore.

This is like saying "well, you did have a skirt on you so it's your fault you got raped" to a woman.


This is an example of true "Thainess"...not the fantasy land version tourists are exposed to...

I don't know what this has to do with true "Thainess" things like this happens all over the world, in the northern part of Sweden where people don't bother to lock their Cars or houses, In every place in the world there is sick people.

If this was an example of True "Thainess" things like this would happen on a daily basis. This is NOT and example of true "Thainess"


"Wife killed in cold blood for LINE chat"

"He then went into rage and lost control. He immediately walked into the bedroom to take his gun and shot his wife."

...ThaiVisa.... Do you even know what "cold blood means"?????

Spot on, and correct.

It is an over used term, and rarely properly. "Point Blank" perhaps, but still in a rage...so "Cold Blood" ... hardly.

Semantics though.

A stone killer can and often does go into a rage of temper.

The cold blood doesn't care about the killing whilst the temper does the killing.

A cold blooded killer would have greased the whole family and not spared the daughters after they pleaded for their lives.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I know the feeling!

LINE, The most stupid ignorant waste of time, electricity and occupying space on internet.

I don't go out murdering though.

Get the scumbag and put him against the wall together with LINE.

say's the gentlemen on TVF....



I don't defend this guy at all but suppose his wife hadn't been chatting so often and ignoring him then telling she wanted a divorce and who knows what else. With a guy like this I would be careful entering into a heated discussion. I'm afraid it's not going to be the last case where addiction to the Internet chat rooms leads to something tragic, here or elsewhere. Sign of our wonderful times!? Just a thought.xcrying.gif.pagespeed.ic.kh9vLpJQkU19fSS

Is it for real that you say that the reason for this tragedy is addiction to internet? So hundreds of millions of people all over the world have a good reasen to kill somebody?

I realise that internet addiction is often a problem. But killing somebody for that is sick as sick can be.


All I know is that water attracts its own level. Before jumping to conclusions at the consequences of this (in my view; dysfunctional family), has anyone ever NOT been driven into a corner in a relationship... to the point of experiencing those kind of thoughts or emotions? We don't know what kind of hell he was being put through... perhaps being in a situation with a nagging MIL, narcissitic wife and wortholess son, who had been groomed by the women in the family to be worthless and depepndent on their narcissitic needs. We don;t know what kind of "goods" the wife and MIL had on him.

Yes, I am speculating, but my point is, don't take a tragic outburst like this and judge it on its merit alone. He is wrong to have pursued this course of action, and should be punished for it, but I can say that I certainly do understand that he may very well have been driven to this state of mind by the people who were not exactly treating him nicely when he went berserk. He focused on his immediate family... not anyone else... the objects of his obsession. That tells me a lot about things before this tragic event.

Sounds to me like they were yet another dysfunctional family engaging in in their style towards each other and unaware of the consequences of such behavior and thinking.

Another odd thing here is that he could just as easily beat the living shit out of her and the others, and his neighbors would have done nothing at all. He could have done it on the street and no one would have done nothing at all. Not even the police. I wonder how many times he had done that, now that I mention it.

Strange strange land...

And further, what sort of support did he have in his life? Good friends and family to help him when things got tough.

When I went through a divorce with my first wife (which was declared as the worst divorce in history by the county court judge and both lawyers - the divorce took 4 years to finish!), there were times when I simply wanted to put that woman in the ground. But a call to my mom or my brother would calm me down and bring me back to my senses. We often forget the importance of having people in our lives that can help us through difficult episodes.

We should all remember to offer a smile or encouraging word, even to total strangers. One simple kind act might just be enough to prevent a tragedy like this one.

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