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Russia keen to buy more farm products from Thailand

Lite Beer

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The courtesy call was made as Thailand and Russia are set to celebrate the 120th anniversary of their diplomatic relations in 2016.

Anniversary next year! That's great thing to celebrate!

Why not celebrate 119 year now ?

Some tiem I feel these "Journalist" get paid by the word and just make up any old crap.

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Is there a 'submarines-for-frozen-chicken' deal in the offing ? whistling.gif

Or does Thailand need more fighter-planes ? wink.png

Perhaps a 'Russian-tourists for Thai-berry-pickers' exchange of heroic-workers ? facepalm.gif

Whatever, Russia is clearly happy to talk to Thailand still, perhaps Mr-T. had a word with "my good friend Putin" ?

Edited by Ricardo
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A few off topic posts have been removed from view. Amazing how the US gets brought into topics (negatively) that have nothing to do with the US.

This does have something to do with the US...

No arguments, but the hidden post was 100% off topic.

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Color all of the BRICS particpants green on a nice map and stop wondering why Thailand is doing more business with Russia, China, and all of the other friendly neighbors. It is not a problem, but rather a solution. A solution to the unsustainable, old ways. It's good news.

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"They agreed to foster bilateral military cooperation through exchange visits of military personnel between the two countries at various levels."

First China, now Russia. Why in the world does Thailand need to align itself militarily with the Chinese AND Russians? Thailand faces NO external security threats. Thailand has no mutual borders with either country. It has by extension common seas and air space with China but absolutely no geographical commonality with Russia.

Maybe getting the backing of two of the nations on the permanent UN security council though is a good idea if Prayuth is planning some drastic military operations in Thailand. He might need to forestall possible UN resolutions or actions.

"Gen Prawit confirmed that he would attend an international meeting on anti-terrorism to be hosted by Russia in April."

What timing by the Russians. They see every Ukrainian soldier as a "terrorist." Perhaps the meeting will occur in Crimea, Russia and Prawit can help Putin understand Thailand's circumstance.

First China, now Russia. Why in the world does Thailand need to align itself militarily with the Chinese AND Russians? Thailand faces NO external security threats. Thailand has no mutual borders with either country. It has by extension common seas and air space with China but absolutely no geographical commonality with Russia.

Because the civilised world doesn't accept the coup. Thailand has no friends at the moment and beggars can't be choosers: Russia, North Korea and China - sooner the Generals are gone the better it will be for all Thais.

There isn't anything wrong for a country to try to increase trade partners. The generals are well aware that China/Russia etc. don't give anything away. There are no free lunches. Staying in the middle, as best as possible, is the way to go.

There is no way that the generals or any other country wants to be over run by the Chinese.

As it relates to NK, throw them out of the mix. They have had trade representatives in Thailand for many years, regardless of who has been PM. I doubt they have ever had much to offer.

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Russia is unusual among the major economies in the way it relies on energy revenues to drive growth. The country has an abundance of natural resources, including oil, natural gas and precious metals, which make up a major share of Russia's exports. As of 2012 oil and gas sector accounted for 16% of the GDP, 52% of federal budget revenues and over 70% of total exports.[25][26]

First of all, it's 2012. Second of all, why do you think the data is accurate? Read this http://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/West-East-Give-Conflicting-Ratings-To-Gazprom.html - the same thing - the two completely different opinions. Who's right?

I have a link proving it's 9%, but you don't allow me to post it because it's not in english.

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A few off topic posts have been removed from view. Amazing how the US gets brought into topics (negatively) that have nothing to do with the US.

So there is another one out there!! I thought I was the only one Craig.

A lot more than you think dijamie.....afraid to talk in its own "free speech" country.

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If Thailand does not wish to encourage further negative perceptions from the EU, it will not consider engaging in "sanction busting" transactions. Russia has blocked the import of food from the EU in retaliation to the sanctions imposed by the EU.

Hopefully, the Thai military administration understands the implications of increasing trade now, in the middle of an illegal invasion of the Ukraine. Both Germany and France have invested heavily in a "truce" between the Ukraine and Russia and its proxy militia. Unfortunately, the Russians have not respected the "truce". The end result is that the Germans and French are angry. Both France and Germany are major foreign policy leaders in the EU and the German foreign ministry was involved heavily in the setting of the EU's common position on the Thailand coup and human rights. Canada and Poland have the toughest stance on the Ukraine invasion and have been lobbying the rest of the world hard to be tougher. The Poles are now joined by the free Baltic states in eexpressing their concern about Russia's military expansionism, and both Sweden and Norway are concerned. Does Thailand really want to upset Sweden and Norway, two of its valuable tourist visitor sources? The USA is under pressure to do more. Even the Chinese have not been supportive of Russia on this issue, although they have stayed quiet.

I expect that if Thailand proceeds with the activity it will learn what a cold shoulder in foreign relations can and will do.

Someone with an understanding of international relations needs to explain to the General what will happen if the EU is pissed off. There will be no more smiles and reluctant acceptance of Thailand's activities .It will instead translate into, some strong messages that should get the attention of the General. Putin is pushing the envelope daring his European and Baltic neighbors to have a regional confrontation, and Thailand now is considering cosying up to the Russians. Not very bright is it? I will be surprised if this even happens as the Russians are notorious for not paying their bills in a timely manner. The Thais will want their money up front, and the Russians don't do that. In the meantime, Thailand has grabbed some attention again, for all the wrong reasons.

Hello - would that be the same France that has expressed keen interest in Thailand's railway building projects and the same Germany who recently signed a much vaunted MOU on technical college and workplace skills development with Thailand?

One thing about the EU, it's parliament and council of ministers takes hypocrisy and self national interest to new highs. The EU rarely speaks or acts with one voice for long because they rarely agree among themselves. Support a coup in Egypt and Ukraine but not in Thailand.

France was happy to sell warships to Russia - and only suspended the deal very reluctantly when its EU "partners" applied extreme pressure. In fact, over the years France has happily sold weapons to anyone with some form of acceptable payment.

Still we can rely on the UK and "Dave's" government to make sure everyone toes the line. Whoops, no. The Lord Mayor of London has just visited Thailand to promote business. Guess they forgot to tell him he was meeting with wicked coup members and shouldn't come.

No wonder Putin is chancing his arm - sadly, the EU is nothing without American muscle.

I was responding...but I forgot the rules. Will save my opinion for a more "suitable" posting....

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And no your not the only one we are many. What is a ruble worth these days? 3 or 4 satang?

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

just about enough to get the puttins rabble to the crimea and bac. good

bit of foresight by the put tin, cant afford to go anywhere else and we know the rubles due a crash, so i know lets go 'nick 'a holiday resort!!!

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