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Don't want to go into too much detail, but was devastated to just learn that my BIL abused two relatives when they were small children and it ultimately led to 2 suicides. The perpetrator was complained about to the the the Police in the UK by both victims in the 90's but at that time they said there was not enough evidence, but they did put him on the sex offenders register. After about 5 years he fled the UK and now lives in Australia.

I would like to ask if there are any experts on child abuse to give advice as I feel this needs some action.The surviving victim thinks more Police action is useless, but I don't see how he got into Australia. Is there a way of looking up the sex offender registry? Maybe I should let Australian immigration know as this guy is dangerous to both boys and girls, sickening. Sorry if this post is in the wrong place or against the rules.

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I don't see how he can be on the sex offenders register,without being convicted.

If on such a register and not an Aussie citizen,I doubt he would be able to travel to said country.

Australia has very strict visitor entry policies.


The sex offenders register is a register which contains the details of any individual convicted, cautioned or released from prison for a sexual offence against children or adults since 1997.

I believe he was cautioned and they made a big show on his arrest (my surviving relative said) so I think the cops did their best at the time. Today I am sure he would be prosecuted in the same circumstances.

Somebody tells me if cautioned they are only on the register for 2 years. I expect it does not show up on a police report after that if cautioned, maybe somebody can confirm that?

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Did he declare this caution on his immigration documents?

The Aussys are pretty strict on this stuff and if its found out that he omitted to declare it on his immigration application (and if he was required to) then its grounds for deportation. Maybe you should let Aussy immigration know by sending them certified documentation detailing the 'caution' etc. Then let them deal with it.

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Just to answer the queries above. A friend was placed on the sex offender register in the UK for merely using a pedo ex-mate's computer one day to check his email. For 5 years he was required to maintain contact with his local police who were very upset about it and sympathetic as they knew N as a great guy and straight shooter. The pedo ended up doing 3 years inside and lost valuable property. A not unworthy result. But I think back to the day many years ago when I shook his hand in a pub near Sukh 24, and still want to go and have a shower.


Most countries have laws allowing them to expel a person that is believed to be a threat (in a very broad definition), so Australian immigration would almost certainly be interested in it and look into it.

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Thanks for the replies, I am just so upset by this, the bastard has ruined so many lives and two people killed themselves over it, including my sister. Thankfully the survivor my niece is very strong and has been very successful in spite of the abuse. The damage these pedophiles do is just enormous. The worst is he got away with it and family members still don't want to know or discuss it.

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