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Chinese pedestrians


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The attention seems to have been diverted from the farangs for the time being. Be honest, we're really pleased there's an invasion aren't we?

Translation: "I don't spend much time around the moat."

Edited by mesquite
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Twice now I happen to have been in TOPS and they buy up all the Lindt 85% dark chocolate.

Surely must give you more sexual stamina as opposed to bear bile and lizard droppings.

Oh sidewalks, dunno I walk in the road anyway to avoid the Thai obstacle course.

On Changklan Rd. around the Shangri La area, both sides of the road there are often 2 or large group of Chinese walking on the road. I've seen many near misses. In this same area at night in some spots even more dangerous, motorists can't see them until very close.

Perhaps all hotels should bite the bullet and give out some easy to understand brochures, at least about dangerous practices.

I visited many Chinese cities for years doing project work. I regularly noticed the locals walking on the road rather than the footpath (where one existed).

Why not just run them over, no big deal.
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They are bad about standing in groups on the corner, but the Arabs are worse about giving you enough room to pass their herd on a 3 meter wide sidewalk.

So why aren't arabs chastised for this?

because this is the CM Forum; not the BKK Forum. And of course, no one here has ever patrolled lower Sukhumvit.

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Same old Thai Visa story. A fundamentally racist opening post inspires the occasional voice of reason shouted down by a procession of racists.

It's always surprising to hear the opinions of people who have lived abroad, but have no concept of other cultures. They preach respecting other cultures and diversity, but then in the same instant, insist that everyone is the same!!! Then, what is the culture or diversity if we're all the same??

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Thirty years ago traveling the roads and sidewalks of Chiang Mai was frought with uncertainties, very few traffic lights so intersections were a free for all, large holes to be dodged, numerous random human and nonhuman entries from side streets, bicycles trishaws and all manner of road users, fast, slow and no go, but people managed, they proceeded carefully. Now the travel routes are still frought with uncertainties, just different uncertainties, but the methods for useing them remain the same, proceed carefully, have no expectations of order and do not hit anybody or anything.

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Same old Thai Visa story. A fundamentally racist opening post inspires the occasional voice of reason shouted down by a procession of racists.

Do you live in the Old City?

What possible relevance could that have? I have lived in Asia for most of the last thirty-four years. I know a racist thread when I read it.

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I went back and re read the original post..... Nothing seems to be racist about it but some people can see whatever they want in writing and may also think "Little Red Riding Hood" is porno when the wolf sez he gonna eat her up.....

No I don't think there is anything racist about the OP and the dog lover groups didn't complain , so to me no problem.

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I went back and re read the original post..... Nothing seems to be racist about it but some people can see whatever they want in writing and may also think "Little Red Riding Hood" is porno when the wolf sez he gonna eat her up.....

No I don't think there is anything racist about the OP and the dog lover groups didn't complain , so to me no problem.

Unfortunately, Gonzo, these days any post about Chinese "anything" invites a lot of racist flaming.

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It's sad there are so many openly racist Farangs in Thailand not to mention Chiang Mai. One would hope Farangs coming to live in Thailand do so because of love for the people/culture and not just for the relatively inexpensive tropical climate.

OP is clearly race baiting by making direct comparison between Chinese and dogs. Those defending OP and making further inflammatory comments about Chinese behavior should be ashamed of themselves but are probably too ignorant and narrow minded to grasp their poor behaviour.

The OP and those responding in kind are good reminder why Thais often refer to white visitors/residents as Farang. Why? Because time and again Farang prove themselves to be arrogant know-it-alls looking down on others while displaying ignorance/disrespect for the people of their host country not to mention other Asian cultures.

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It's sad there are so many openly racist Farangs in Thailand not to mention Chiang Mai. One would hope Farangs coming to live in Thailand do so because of love for the people/culture and not just for the relatively inexpensive tropical climate.

OP is clearly race baiting by making direct comparison between Chinese and dogs. Those defending OP and making further inflammatory comments about Chinese behavior should be ashamed of themselves but are probably too ignorant and narrow minded to grasp their poor behaviour.

The OP and those responding in kind are good reminder why Thais often refer to white visitors/residents as Farang. Why? Because time and again Farang prove themselves to be arrogant know-it-alls looking down on others while displaying ignorance/disrespect for the people of their host country not to mention other Asian cultures.

This is so true. The recurring theme through so many threads and so many comments is the word 'they'. They do this. They do that. They don't know how to do this. They can't do this. All this, coming from outsiders who are generally treated very, very well by the local people, and who chose to heap scorn on all things local - or, in this case, Chinese.

Dozens of posts support the racist premise, and the only two that are removed for being 'inflammatory' are those that question the racism. Go figure.

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If I lived in the Old City I'd move, I couldn't stand walking out into that overcrowded circus day after day.

Thirty years ago the Old City was great, sadly it's not anymore. sad.png

Personally I like the old city, besides the crowds on sunday evenings... So what is a good part to live in CM today?

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^ Somewhere off Suthep Road. Or the Old City, but that's not always easy.

I think the Old City is great, and actually getting MORE vibrant. I walked through some sois recently at night that not too long ago would be completely dark and dead at night. Now there are lots of little cafes and shops. It's brilliant.

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If I lived in the Old City I'd move, I couldn't stand walking out into that overcrowded circus day after day.

Thirty years ago the Old City was great, sadly it's not anymore. sad.png

Personally I like the old city, besides the crowds on sunday evenings... So what is a good part to live in CM today?

I liked the Old City of CM 35-40 years ago.

But I also liked Kyoto back then too.

I accept that everywhere is changing, some people like the changes and some do not it's nothing about moving with the times, it's current personal taste, likes and dislikes, which change over the years.

A good part of Chiang Mai to live in depends on your personal circumstances and preferences.

Some might like the pretentious Nimmenheimen area, Santitam is always interesting, others prefer outside like Mae Jo and San Sai, Hang Dong is becoming popular, the Old City still has its followers and then there are others who would really like a flat above the bars on Loi Kroh until they die........horses for courses.

Edited by uptheos
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It's sad there are so many openly racist Farangs in Thailand not to mention Chiang Mai.

OP is clearly race baiting by making direct comparison between Chinese and dogs.

Yep, you nailed it.

Could you imagine some of these social just warrior types raising their kids? 'Dad, why do you pee standing up, and mom pees sitting down?' Answer : 'I have no idea what you're talking about. We're all the same. There have been men that have peed sitting down before, and women can sometimes pee standing up.' Genetically, practically, and emotionally, we are the same, we have no differences.

Yep, you nailed it too. The Chinese are different.... AND they're all the same. wink.png

I respect diversity of opinions, but...

Honestly, a dog seems to have more sense. coffee1.gif

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It's sad there are so many openly racist Farangs in Thailand not to mention Chiang Mai.

OP is clearly race baiting by making direct comparison between Chinese and dogs.

Yep, you nailed it.

Could you imagine some of these social just warrior types raising their kids? 'Dad, why do you pee standing up, and mom pees sitting down?' Answer : 'I have no idea what you're talking about. We're all the same. There have been men that have peed sitting down before, and women can sometimes pee standing up.' Genetically, practically, and emotionally, we are the same, we have no differences.

Yep, you nailed it too. The Chinese are different.... AND they're all the same. wink.png

I respect diversity of opinions, but...

Honestly, a dog seems to have more sense. coffee1.gif

I am entertaining you more than I like, but perhaps you could realize that I was speaking in terms of the way the Chinese behave on roads. I really have not seen anything close to it. Anyone that goes outside will tell you this. It is unthinkable that someone could observe what's happening and not find it the least bit strange.

China is a different place, with a different culture and society. Some people have given some explanations for why they are oblivious to 1 ton masses moving at them at 80km/h.

I don't think the Chinese are unintelligent. I think the opposite, they are survivors. It's tough to get by over there.

It is surprising to me, though, that people who are posting on a board of expats, don't seem to realize that we are in a different place with different customs and behaviors. I think the differences are interesting, and I love learning why. At first it seems things are irrational, but then, when given the correct explanation it all makes sense. Some of you should try it too. Or, you can just live in denial, perched up high on your politically correct pedestal, and keep telling yourself how well educated you are, because some liberal arts prof in University told you how to see the world.

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I am entertaining you more than I like, but perhaps you could realize that I was speaking in terms of the way the Chinese behave on roads. I really have not seen anything close to it. Anyone that goes outside will tell you this. It is unthinkable that someone could observe what's happening and not find it the least bit strange.

China is a different place, with a different culture and society. Some people have given some explanations for why they are oblivious to 1 ton masses moving at them at 80km/h.

I don't think the Chinese are unintelligent. I think the opposite, they are survivors. It's tough to get by over there.

It is surprising to me, though, that people who are posting on a board of expats, don't seem to realize that we are in a different place with different customs and behaviors. I think the differences are interesting, and I love learning why. At first it seems things are irrational, but then, when given the correct explanation it all makes sense. Some of you should try it too. Or, you can just live in denial, perched up high on your politically correct pedestal, and keep telling yourself how well educated you are, because some liberal arts prof in University told you how to see the world.

Nothing about the OP nor your replies indicate a yearning for understanding but rather ridicule and intolerance. You criticize those who disagree with you for not understanding customs or behavior yet you fail miserably in your own attempts at 'enlightenment.'

Maybe you need to do your own homework first to understand Chinese culture their country, population, etc. before posting half-baked inquiries veiled as racist insults.

The last sentence of your reply speaks volumes about your narrow view of the world based on misguided stereotypes. What's next environmentalists, vegans, prius owners...

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You're barking up the wrong tree if you think labeling me as a racist bothers me. I'm sure you're a cool dude with your designer cat food. I bet you're a real good time.

"What's next environmentalists, vegans, prius owners... " Mac users.

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Yep, you nailed it too. The Chinese are different.... AND they're all the same. wink.png

I respect diversity of opinions, but...

Honestly, a dog seems to have more sense. coffee1.gif

Compared to China, US has only 350M people and thankfully theyre not all like you nor the OP.

Unfortunately too many are...

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You're barking up the wrong tree if you think labeling me as a racist bothers me. I'm sure you're a cool dude with your designer cat food. I bet you're a real good time.

"What's next environmentalists, vegans, prius owners... " Mac users.

There is no doubt youre proud of your own racist, narrow-minded views. It's your own ignorance and stupidity you fail to acknowledge hence your inflammatory posts revealing deep seated resentment toward those who don't fit your black/white view of the world.

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