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German businessman dies of gun wound in Pattaya

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I don't know how much forensic testing Thais can do. Just as important, I don't know how much they will do.

Gunshot residue on hands is just one. The distance the gun was from his head is easily determined by the spreading of the powder residue. Then there's the angle the bullet entered needing to be consistent with his ability and normal way to hold the gun.

There's a lot more. Suicide seems to me to be an easy answer.

Powder?? Black powder? French? Powder residue? So you are saying the .38 was loaded with gunpowder ? or maybe Blue Dot.

RIP Poor bloke.

Smokeless pistol powder and/or primer powder. When the bullet exits the barrel a lot of debris from the ignited primer and powder exits the barrel with it. There is a very high likelihood that some of that residue will be on the shooter's hand. This is also one of the prime ways to tell how far the gun was from the target as the residue spreads out with distance.

Yes of course a .38 cartridge is loaded with gunpowder. I really don't understand your question when there's google.

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I don't know how much forensic testing Thais can do. Just as important, I don't know how much they will do.

Gunshot residue on hands is just one. The distance the gun was from his head is easily determined by the spreading of the powder residue. Then there's the angle the bullet entered needing to be consistent with his ability and normal way to hold the gun.

There's a lot more. Suicide seems to me to be an easy answer.

And then there's the motive...he was so pissed at her he shot himself?

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Why all the conspiracy theories and so much doubt over a suicide. He had been in this relationship for two years, he was found to be screwing around, he was in business, and who knows just how well he was going. May have been drunk, may have thought he is going to lose his business, now through stupidity going to lose his girlfriend, maybe like so many others, had just had enough of the possible hole he had dug for himself in Thailand, could have been a financial wreck, could have been a depressed heavy drinker, could have been a world of things. Who knows what causes people to tip over the edge. Just last week an Irishman found out he was about to lose his home, and took a 36 story dive in Naklua. IF she really wanted to have killed him, she will have long waited until he stopped his heavy breathing before contacting authorities, and yes, they can test for residual gunpowder traces on both her, and on the deceased in Thailand, they haven't been living under a rock for quite some time. Sometimes, people have just had enough, and the catalyst of his girlfriend threatening to move out may have just done it. Is it the Thai's that confuse us, or is it much more likely that it is us that confuses the Thais. Think about it.wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4XDSXeTygv

If we confuse the Thais then how come they have learned to know us so well that they can tell almost to the baht how much money we have got in our pocket and which procedure will work best to part us from said money. If you don't know this to be true then you just don't know Thailand at all.

Add to that the fact that they can do it in just about any language there is.

No my friend, I in fact know Thailand very well. Your question is "If we confuse the Thais then how come they have learned to know us so well that they can tell almost to the baht how much money we have got in our pocket and which procedure will work best to part us from said money." Answer :This generally occurs when persons like yourself flaunt your money, flaunt your own self importance and what you may or may have not achieved, you rub their noses in it, then expect them to be subservient to you in every way, and you treat them as if they were almost born to serve you. A fair days pay for a fair days play. And if you keep showing them or telling them how much baht you have in your pocket, and if you desire to treat them as sub to yourself, be prepared for a cost.

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I just don't believe that so many farang commit suicides, and so many of them are with these circumstances of a recent fight with their Thai girl or wife. I could nominally expect the guy might be mad and shoot the girl for pestering him. But so many stories of the farang jumping out of a 36 floor balcony or shooting or hanging himself. I just think it is statistically unlike anything experienced in other countries. But I have no data to support that.

One good test of data would be a count. How many misfit, alcoholic, depressed "Pattaya will save me" kind of people do you think gather in one location by the numbers that they gather in Pattaya. Every down on his luck, looking for love, drunken misfit finds his way here to experience what he believes will save him from his decrepit life back home.....The number of these men is in the thousands, and they converge here yearly looking for the holy grail that will save them, therefore we have a proportionally higher number of down and out losers who are ready to give in due to the weaknesses they had prior to ending up in Thailand.

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I cannot believe some of the comments, assumptions, and accusations here. I know these people, and some of the morons commenting on this site have little better to do than comment on things and people they know nothing about....Alan Aunuum, Neeranum and so many others making comments, without knowing the background and current situation of people involved. You are incorrect on so many points and prove yourselves to be idiots with very boring lives

If you have the details on this story, then share them and stop whinging about the nature of the TVF beast... Like most, I have a hard time believing that this guy would kill himself over his GF threatening to leave... Either you have more details or you don't, so over to you for a run-down...

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I just don't believe that so many farang commit suicides, and so many of them are with these circumstances of a recent fight with their Thai girl or wife. I could nominally expect the guy might be mad and shoot the girl for pestering him. But so many stories of the farang jumping out of a 36 floor balcony or shooting or hanging himself. I just think it is statistically unlike anything experienced in other countries. But I have no data to support that.

I agree, there seem to be a very unusual amount of foreigners jumping off buildings in this country...

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R.I.P Arthur Wilhelm Gruddabut and sincere condolences to his family and friends as with most Thailand suicides there are always so many unanswered questions unless he wrote a suicide in perfect Thai but it has not been discovered yet .

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So where is the evidence of suicide? It's all been decided on the word of the girlfriend.

Given the guy's lifestyle, as reported elsewhere, he doesn't appear to be the type who would kill himself just because his girlfriend was threatening to leave.

Suicide is a possibility but hardly a probability.

When someone gets shot in a 'domestic dispute' it isn't usually suicide unless it's also a murder- suicide.

How come the cops have already made their minds up?

All very Thai fishy to me.

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I'd just love to hear about the evidence. Was there stippling around the wound indicating a close gun shot indicative of suicide, was there gun residue on his hand, were her hands checked for gun residue, was the gun in the correct hand for a suicide, was the gun shot at the correct angle for a suicide? It doesn't take a genius to determine if it really was suicide. Of course, this kind of thing can be staged, but I'd give odds if she shot him it wouldn't take long to figure that out...IF the police were actually inclined to investigate.

Edited by oneday
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Why all the conspiracy theories and so much doubt over a suicide. He had been in this relationship for two years, he was found to be screwing around, he was in business, and who knows just how well he was going. May have been drunk, may have thought he is going to lose his business, now through stupidity going to lose his girlfriend, maybe like so many others, had just had enough of the possible hole he had dug for himself in Thailand, could have been a financial wreck, could have been a depressed heavy drinker, could have been a world of things. Who knows what causes people to tip over the edge. Just last week an Irishman found out he was about to lose his home, and took a 36 story dive in Naklua. IF she really wanted to have killed him, she will have long waited until he stopped his heavy breathing before contacting authorities, and yes, they can test for residual gunpowder traces on both her, and on the deceased in Thailand, they haven't been living under a rock for quite some time. Sometimes, people have just had enough, and the catalyst of his girlfriend threatening to move out may have just done it. Is it the Thai's that confuse us, or is it much more likely that it is us that confuses the Thais. Think about it.wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4XDSXeTygv

If we confuse the Thais then how come they have learned to know us so well that they can tell almost to the baht how much money we have got in our pocket and which procedure will work best to part us from said money. If you don't know this to be true then you just don't know Thailand at all.

Add to that the fact that they can do it in just about any language there is.

My, you must be an easy mark.

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Why on earth do well-educated men ruin their lives over scamming bar girls?

Speculating perhaps but the odds are this is the fact

Often wondered about this. I was a young a foolish serviceman who married the first girl he met, out of the bar in the Philippines in 1979. First time in Asia, first foreign hooker. She would stay up all night with a hand fan and keep me cool all night, when the power was out (which was more often than not). Married her and lost the farm. Had two more after that, on the rebound.

I think it comes from either stupidity, or, more than likely, low self esteem. I fixed myself and now have a "relatively normal" relationship with a non bar hook.

Other reasons...old men can get young girls fast out of the bar.

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Seems to me that he did not care enough to take his own life over his live in GF, if he was cheating around on her.

Seems to me also he had a lot going for him. A lot more than his GF anyway. Appears to be in good health, only 41 years old, doesn't seem to have financial problems, and has lived in Pattaya long enough to know another will come along soon.

Nope! I think I would be checking for such things like Life Insurance Policies, Joint Bank Accounts, Home & Property Ownership, and other assets like this before I would write this one off as a Suicide.

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Why on earth do well-educated men ruin their lives over scamming bar girls?

Speculating perhaps but the odds are this is the fact

Sorry, but I missed the part where she was a bar girl. Shows where you spend your time - a..hole. RIP troubled man.

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Suddenly pulled out the gun under the pillow. Sounds strange. He knew in advance that the girl was going to go in and break up with him so kept the gun under the pillow just in case. Yeah right.

And if he cheated on her he didn't love her. He didn't have a reason to end his life because she decided leave. B....es come and go. Plus he had another woman.

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I'd just love to hear about the evidence. Was there stippling around the wound indicating a close gun shot indicative of suicide, was there gun residue on his hand, were her hands checked for gun residue, was the gun in the correct hand for a suicide? It doesn't take a genius to determine if it really was suicide. Of course, this kind of thing can be staged, but I'd give odds if she shot him it wouldn't take long to figure that out...IF the police were actually inclined to investigate.

Excellent points. One of my best, "younger" buddies married a bar hooker and built a ten million baht house...(rich parents). He was 35..and a very close friend. I received a call that he was dead, and in the funeral home. Turned out he shot "himself" two days earlier. All of it was kept secret until the body was moved out of the home, dressed and patched up, and presented in the funeral home. I could see not traces of the wound (I never moved him). His wife wanted immediate cremation. No forensic work was done. His parents showed up that day, and the next day he was cremated. I asked his father why no investigation...and he said the damage was done..that was that. The wife told two different stories. First was that she was at the clinic when my friend shot himself...the second was that she was in the guest house in the back yard. He was shot in his computer room....and the computer was mysteriously stolen the day after the funeral...as I was asking questions. His wife was a girlfriend of the son of a local Headman/drug lord type....(Philippines 5 years ago)

Not saying what happened here....but nobody really investigates these matters..and payoffs are quick.

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I believe the story.

I have met just so many wacko falang over the past 30 years in Thailand. Some are so unstable that it is more than likely that they are going tap themselves, given the right amount of emotional push. The writing mostly is already on the wall. And Thai women are more than capable of pushing unstable guys over the edge.

However 40 year old guys who take on 20 year old "girls" need their heads read. And they are only girls, kids even. Look at the amount of fluffy toys that they always have in their bedrooms, or dangling from their handbags. You very rarely can get a decent conversation out of a 20 yo Thai bird, even when she speaks reasonable English, or goes to Uni. (many of the very young girls in Soi Cowboy are Uni students getting by). The generation and cultural gaps are just far too wide. Most falang only having them hanging around as trophy gf's.

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I don't know how much forensic testing Thais can do. Just as important, I don't know how much they will do.

Gunshot residue on hands is just one. The distance the gun was from his head is easily determined by the spreading of the powder residue. Then there's the angle the bullet entered needing to be consistent with his ability and normal way to hold the gun.

There's a lot more. Suicide seems to me to be an easy answer.

Where is Columbo when you need him ?

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