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Food Academy Bangkok abruptly closed down


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Non-profit organizations should be set up as foundations. It doesn't appear that this organization was, or had applied to be, a foundation. Therefore, the authorities would see this as a business and I expect the revenue department would want audited accounts and tax paid on minimum salaries for the foreigners. Immigration would want to see non-immigrant B visas for foreign staff and labour would expect to see work permits. My suspicion is that they thought they were exempt from these rules and regulations.

No foreigners engaged in the business.

Strange then that Swedish Susanna Asklöf said "After almost 3 years building up F.A.B and putting in 110 % effort, I regret to inform you that I can no longer keep up with the demands of the job..."

If you read the story properly then you will see she was born in THAILAND and Sweden was her adopted country.

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This is typical of the 10% of Thai scum. The other 90% are ok, but need to stand up

hey I think you got that mixed up should be 90% scum and 10% ok....

well actually not THAT harsh.

but I know this country like the back of my hand..

and ill tell you people that you think are good.... are many times rotten to the core..

and many people who would be good if they were born or living in other countries become rotten due to their upbringing and their family, friends ect..

thai people are..if you ask me honestly..

greedy, ignorant, lazy, dishonest and childish..

not good traits for a nation to possess as its primary characteristics.

they are mostly bad..

I don't know any .. good thais.... I mean 100% good reliable honest genuine..

I know thai people who have lived abroad and developed western morals who id say are very good... but not thais..

I have a friend for example who went and studied in the u.s.a. for a couple of years and returned... and now is rather cynical about everything thai... his feeling is like one of those british anthropologist exploring Africa for the first time - where you see his vast cultural advancement over the locals.. (remember this guy is thai hes a native and an adult when he went abroad.....)

poor guy is stuck here and cant get out now hes to old.. (around 40 now) , his wife had a similar experience and feels the same way...

other thai people ive know who you would think are good are infact very two faces and dishonest..

I new a lady nervy nice woman worked as a cook in a temple , maybe in her 60s ... shespoke English , I genuinely thought she was a nice person knew her for several years, she at one point owned a dry cleaning business in Bangkok where I lives.

I always wondered why she didn't stay in bkk..

turns out she stole 300000+ bht about 10 years back for a group of her friends and sister-in-law.. (you know that <deleted> up money pool shit the thais do here) and never returned..!.

need less to say in my book that's a bad person..

I don't help thai people with anything ever...

I would never do business with them truse them or cooperate with them on anything...

there is some people out ther ewho are not thieves ,, very rare thoush.. but they are then weak... and somebody will get them to steal form you ect..

I have an friend hes got I.T. business.

hes for a thai person very genuine and I guess you could say. honest with money.. ive never sences something greedy in him.. if you asked him how much he has in his pocket hes truthfully say.. (amazingly he is from isaan.... realy classic isaan face too !!)

BUT hes is trusting like a child.. always problems with other thai people cheating him ripping him off.. if you worked with him somebody would soon bring a problem to him and youd have that problem..

one of the 10% who is ok.

I will clarify it even further..

in Malaysia for example in cities the poorer people are rather very dishonest.. be it malay chinese indian.. not good people.. but in small farming villages with no tourists.. theyer decent folk..

they'll genuinely help you wen you need it no ulterior motives.. no requests for things ect.. you can stay in such a village and have many friends quickly and they'll never ask you for something infact they'll caution you and warn you about anything that might cause you harm..

if they were to say - hey let me buy that for you ill get it cheaper.. trust me.. if youd become friends you could trust they were being genuine and trying to help...

a thai person EVEN yourown brother would 90% of the time be trying to steal from you..!!

and the smaller the village the more devious and dishones he be !!

there is no rustic rural village charm in this country .. only prostitutes, cheats liars and child minded fools when you look closely at such people..

a genuinely good person is hard to find here..

as I said you may find somebody who looks from all angles good.. but proves otherwise later on.. thai people have inconsistent and very selfish personalities..

I remember the first time I came here I met a thai person ... he was of Chinese decent... he said.. the primary character of thai people is selfish.... but in an individual way to the extreme... they will lie to their own dying mother for 50 bht..

(his opinions of Chinese were even more harsh mind you.. )

harsh what I say.. but it is true..

in Thailand NONEONE EVER has your back.. keeps their word... is reliable.. is 100% genuine...

im sad to admit it but I found I met more genuine people in the natives of Saudi Arabia!!!! :S...

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