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Prayut willing to testify on 2010 crackdown


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so you would rather the red terrorists just have open slather on killing, blowing up, burning down Bangkok and everyone just sit around and watch them. What sort of drop kick calls for terrorism to be allowed to flourish so one man(thaksin) can get his wa, everyone knows the reds(and black shirts) were using the same weapons, without ballistic results no one knows who killed who. Trying to put the yellows into this is pathetic too, as they werent involved plus they did not open fire on people, try to burn down the city or blow it up, it was purely the reds/ptp scum, as usual the red apologists are trying to blame those that had nothing to do with this crap. Really should try to use facts and not your red propaganda

If the democratically elected government that I supported had been removed in a military coup and supplanted with another of the opposite political leaning, which then promised to hold elections but never did, I would be out there too, burning, shooting whatever.

This only happens when facists overtake a democratically elected government and they only have themselves to blame for all the violence that followed.

This general is right behind it all.

Reading what you said, I must ask 'are you out there now, burning, shooting whatever'?

Or don't you live in Thailand?

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There is an urgent need for the Government to show the Thai people and the international community that it acts even handedly when it comes to passing judgments relating to the treatment of demonstrators. It has yet to be proved if the need to show even handed treatment will be converted to actions .The Killing of unarmed people, by the armed forces, while sheltering in a temple seems to have been forgotten by the PM,who seems think its ok for the security forces to return fire when it seems they are allegedly under fire from demonstrators. There can be no excuse for the indiscriminate killing of unarmed civilians by any army and any morally inclined Government would not try to find one.

I can only suggest you google 'Bundit RPG thailand' and then perhaps modify your statement "allegedly under fire from demonstrators."

You might also recall that after threatening to burn BKK, RPGs were fired at a fuel tank farm. Has that attack been successful, they may have achieved their aim.

M-79 grenades were launched on many occasions with callous disregard of victims.

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so you would rather the red terrorists just have open slather on killing, blowing up, burning down Bangkok and everyone just sit around and watch them. What sort of drop kick calls for terrorism to be allowed to flourish so one man(thaksin) can get his wa, everyone knows the reds(and black shirts) were using the same weapons, without ballistic results no one knows who killed who. Trying to put the yellows into this is pathetic too, as they werent involved plus they did not open fire on people, try to burn down the city or blow it up, it was purely the reds/ptp scum, as usual the red apologists are trying to blame those that had nothing to do with this crap. Really should try to use facts and not your red propaganda

You don't seem to understand who the Yellows are, in fact you don't seem to understand much at all. I shall not waste my time.

in other words you have no idea what to say in answer to the truth, thats the trouble when you only use bullsh*t allegations and innuendo you cannot answer people using the facts, as I said, pathetic

The Red freedom fighters were in the streets because their democracy had been stolen. The Yellow criminals continually take to the streets to steal democracy. What sort of drop kick supports a military coup that tramples the rights of an entire population so that the a very tiny clique of greedy elites can continue to plunder the nations wealth? Thailand is heading down a dark, dark path and you are cheerleading this descent into the abyss - so, so much more than pathetic!
Whom paid the reds to come to Bankok 2 weeks after someone got 46 bilion thb confiscated?
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YL doesn't show up for anything... everybody cries bloody murder. This guy doesn't show up... it's ok. I'm neither a supporter nor sympathiser for any one side - it's just that the disparity here is so glaring, even the blind could see.

And don't make it such a big news? 90 people have lost their lives. If that is not news, what is??? In fact, you should also be responsible for the military's losses. As a commander, you should stand up and face the music with honour and integrity... not sweep it away as 'not big news'. Sheesh...

Let's see how you return happiness to the 90 and more families and loved ones, regardless of which colour camp they belong to.

Last but not least, respect is earned. It can't be bought or demanded.

So you are neither a supporter nor a sympathiser for any one side yet you compare Yingluck to Prayut ?

Says a lot about you. Simply, there is no comparison between what Yingluck did to the country and what Prayut has tried to do since he stepped in. Oh, and you failed to mention the one and only person responsible for the whole thing, one Thaksin Shinawatra.

But I suppose it is easier to attack the junta than it is to defend the real criminals.

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YL doesn't show up for anything... everybody cries bloody murder. This guy doesn't show up... it's ok. I'm neither a supporter nor sympathiser for any one side - it's just that the disparity here is so glaring, even the blind could see.

And don't make it such a big news? 90 people have lost their lives. If that is not news, what is??? In fact, you should also be responsible for the military's losses. As a commander, you should stand up and face the music with honour and integrity... not sweep it away as 'not big news'. Sheesh...

Let's see how you return happiness to the 90 and more families and loved ones, regardless of which colour camp they belong to.

Last but not least, respect is earned. It can't be bought or demanded.

So you are neither a supporter nor a sympathiser for any one side yet you compare Yingluck to Prayut ?

Says a lot about you. Simply, there is no comparison between what Yingluck did to the country and what Prayut has tried to do since he stepped in. Oh, and you failed to mention the one and only person responsible for the whole thing, one Thaksin Shinawatra.

But I suppose it is easier to attack the junta than it is to defend the real criminals.

I feel embarrassed for people that make passionate comments here but have obviously not read the censored material.

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YL doesn't show up for anything... everybody cries bloody murder. This guy doesn't show up... it's ok. I'm neither a supporter nor sympathiser for any one side - it's just that the disparity here is so glaring, even the blind could see.

And don't make it such a big news? 90 people have lost their lives. If that is not news, what is??? In fact, you should also be responsible for the military's losses. As a commander, you should stand up and face the music with honour and integrity... not sweep it away as 'not big news'. Sheesh...

Let's see how you return happiness to the 90 and more families and loved ones, regardless of which colour camp they belong to.

Last but not least, respect is earned. It can't be bought or demanded.

So you are neither a supporter nor a sympathiser for any one side yet you compare Yingluck to Prayut ?

Says a lot about you. Simply, there is no comparison between what Yingluck did to the country and what Prayut has tried to do since he stepped in. Oh, and you failed to mention the one and only person responsible for the whole thing, one Thaksin Shinawatra.

But I suppose it is easier to attack the junta than it is to defend the real criminals.

I feel embarrassed for people that make passionate comments here but have obviously not read the censored material.

Please don't feel embarrassed for me, we don't know each other from a bar of soap.

And I don't have to read any "censored material" to know that every problem has a source and in this case it is one man, who was neither shot, wounded or imprisoned for his actions.

Happy to have the books burned / banned and be content with the stuff the censors let thru.


Let me tell you. The real story about Thaksin and his arch enemies is much more interesting than what you think.

Edited by joesanunu
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Happy to have the books burned / banned and be content with the stuff the censors let thru.


Let me tell you. The real story about Thaksin and his arch enemies is much more interesting than what you think.

Don't misquote me just to fool yourself into thinking you have had a victory. I said nothing about being happy with books being burned or banned or any of the other bs you wrote.

Your pro-Thaksin dribble is a dime a dozen around here.

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Well you could do a tally and I 'think' the body count is probably on the red plus side.

But that's part of the problem, all of you zealots who seem to imbue one side or the other with divine right fail to grasp the the real issue. Half of you seem to think that Thailand pre Thaksin was all goodness and light, the other half think post Thaksin was real democracy.

The painful truth is that at no time post 1932 was Thailand ever a real democracy. The Military, the politicians of all hue's have been up to their eyeballs in corruption and feathering their own nests. Thaksin was part of the same elite that have ravaged this country for decades, so to suggest that simply eradicating Thaksin somehow makes everything better, is at best simplistic, at worst idiotic.

Sometimes I read with amazement the comments on here, I try not to respond too much, but do any of you actually read Thai history, and No, I don't mean the sanitized Thai approved versions? It's as if Thailand didn't have a political history before the arrival of the messiah Thaksin. The very idea that some seem to suggest that the military is above reproach beggars belief given their history over the past 80 years, let alone Thaksin's brethren in the 'yellow' camp, yes Yellow camp, he comes from the same tribe.

The sorry foot soldiers who end up getting screwed in all of this internecine family feud are the ones you should be feeling sorry for. They get killed, they get thrown in jail. They lose their land.

Thank you for telling it like it is. The Bangkok Amart that misused Thailand for so long was never going to be replaced for the good of Thailand by an even more rapacious Northern Amart. The place is (I hope almost) hopelessly corrupt. The answer is definitely NOT with anyone from the Shinawatra and many other (Northern AND Central) megalomaniac families. How do we hit the restart button and come up with a better Thailand and NOT just more of the same, as so many want?????

Edited by The Deerhunter
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And this is crystal clear.

The man has nothing to hide or being afraid to testify.

We all know the reasons of that crackdown and we also know that the reds were responsible for what happened.

Anarchy is not acceptable and will be tolerated the same way if happens again.

All other excuses and crying by certain members should be ignored.

I think I finally understand you now! I think you're taking the mickey with your comment, sarcasm to the highest degree! You're just saying this stuff to get a rise from people while in the real World you are appalled by the atrocities committed by Red/Yellow/Thaksin or Prayuth. Nobody could make the comments you make in seriousness could they!

Costas is entirely right. Instead of making silly posts about non existent atrocities. why don't you do what he suggested. Cry and we will all ignore you

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And this is crystal clear.

The man has nothing to hide or being afraid to testify.

We all know the reasons of that crackdown and we also know that the reds were responsible for what happened.

Anarchy is not acceptable and will be tolerated the same way if happens again.

All other excuses and crying by certain members should be ignored.

Live fire zones set up in the middle of the city, over 100,00 live rounds fired by the army and over 2,500 high velocity sniper rounds fired, over 90 people murdered (including those cowering in the temple) and several thousands injured - nothing to hide?

How is it that the Yellows (PAD, PITAK SIAM, PDRC) have spent far more time protesting in the streets (and airport) yet the military has never felt the need to go out and slaughter them?

Anarchy is not acceptable? <deleted> was it that Suthep and his merry mob of Southern thugs were doing? Your double standards defy logic.

People in the streets fighting for their freedom get massacred by their own military and you side with the killers - despicable.

What on earth are you going on about, do you know the difference between an assault rifle and a microphone

In a normal society everyone has the right to protest - it is not Anarchy until it becomes Anarchy - should the yellowshirts at the time have blocked the airport - probably not, did they kill anyone or were they armed - no, should they have been removed by riot police - well probably yes, what has this to do with the armed uprising in 2010 - absolutely nothing

The failure in almost every post you have made on this thread is to recognise the difference between peaceful demonstration no matter how big (no matter what form it takes) and a lethally armed uprising - the approach to deal with each situation will be vastly different - if you cannot recognise that then you are either just plain stupid or have an agenda

As soon as it was established that some of the redshirt protestors in 2010 were armed and active then that was a game changer, after that people there had a choice - leave and be safe - stay and be part of it and risk being shot

When someone aims and fires an assault rifle and misses the target you then have a high velocity bullet on the loose, where it ends up is quite frankly in the lap of the gods, taking one example were a nurse was shot dead in a temple - did the army target her and shoot her - personally I very much doubt that, if they did then they should be in court facing murder charges, did armed men run to the temple for cover after shooting at the army or were they shooting from the temple - I believe they did and the nurse that was shot was not specifically targeted - she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time

I personally have experience of civil unrest at a level similar or worse to that of 2010 in Bangkok and one thing I know for sure regardless - if someone points a gun at me I will do my very best to shoot them dead without a second thought and remove the threat to myself and others - it is that simple

did they kill anyone or were they armed - no

You should do some more serious reading. The Yellow Guards at the airport were ALL armed. They attacked and shot up police vehicles, and even a news truck. Did they kill anyone? Why don't you ask the family of the dead Yellow who was found in a back room of the airport, wrapped in plastic and canvas, and then stashed away. When they took over Gvt House, they armed themselves with anything and everything they could get their hands on. One of their "supporters" was killed when explosives they were carrying detonated.

During the last protests, there were countless reports of PDRM (yellow) thug guards beating and shooting innocent people for something as simple as moving a cone out of the way. Peaceful? Oh, yeah, that sounds like a real peaceful group.

I'm not taking the Red side, but some of you seriously seem to think the Yellows all stood around holding hands and singing songs, when the reality is that they were, and are, just as violent as the Reds. Unfortunately, those wearing yellow tinted glasses and see this, and won't accept it as truth to their ears.

violence is violence and the "yellow side" of this conflict doesn't just include PAD and PDRC protesters. It includes the military. And they have willingly killed more people than any of the protesters have killed.

The points made here by several posters that the PAD and PDRC were armed and used those arms are correct. What short memories people have when they forget that just a year ago many of the PDRC guards were from the navy and armed accordingly. They forget that the PDRC had and used RPGs against the police.

It's almost clinical, the denial... coffee1.gif

Edited by tbthailand
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