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A girl wont leave my home


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Answer: (1) Booze (2) Zero Common sense (3) Just Plain Dumb (4) Too lazy to learn Thai and get a girl that does not work in a bar. (5) Alcoholics typical brainless foreigner in Thailand chooses a bar girl/HOOKER for a girl friend or a wife. Thousands do and more are getting off the plane daily. No sympathy for these morons.

Why, oh why do guys insist on a live-in GF? Unless you're going to marry the girl, never, never have her live with you. Especially BG's/ex-BG's. I see guys making this mistake time and time again. Why won't they ever learn?

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Here's the thing. In the large majority of these situations the foreigner has tried not to pay for sex by giving the prostitute the impression that he likes her in a "romantic" way. He lets her stay with him, wines her and dines her and plays casanova. He gives her confusing messages about his intentions and acts in entirely the opposite way a normal paying client would. Then, when he's had enough of leading her on, he wants to kick her out fast. The girl then rightly is upset, angry, or both, at having ben led a merry dance and having missed out on the opportunity to earn money. The foreign man's ego tells him he must be a really handsome man. He feels empowered at having such control over an impoverished prostitute in a third world country, living out a fantasy that he has a woman that "just won't leave me alone". Well here's the truth. You're not irreplaceable and probably not as good in bed as you think. Pay the girl for the time you stole and let her get on with her life. And next time play by the rules and play fair.

Kenny, you are spot on.

give double the amount. the being a jerk tax. predator.

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another silly "behalf of my friend" thread where the OPs are ashamed to admit it's themselves

I think you're being very unfair. For example my friend ( who incidentally has no access to a computer or the internet but has heard of TVF) asked if I'd post on his behalf.

He picked up this rough as a robber's dog up-country buffalo katoey from Morchit Bus Station who resembled a dockworker who' s face looked like it has caught fire and someone had put it out with a shovel. On the way home in a tuk tuk realized that the larb he'd had for lunch was about to make a liquid guest appearance via the old tradesman's entrance. Before he had a chance to tell the tuk tuk to stop his back passage had erupted in Krakatoa-like proportions covering the unfortunate tood and uncle driving the tuk tuk in what looked like an explosion in a Willy Wonka factory. Fleeing from the vehicle he managed to remove his "slightly soiled" underwear and trousers and is currently hiding behind a bush in Lumpini Park with his tackle out covered in Eartha Kitt. What advice should I give him? Answers asap please the battery on my Samsung is nearly dead...DOH!

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This guy told me he had this problem in the days before mobiles/Internet at home with some lazy slut in the US who stayed in his apt all day watching soap operas and chatting on the telephone. He tried to break up with her but she would not leave He had his phone line and cable TV turned off and she split.

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This is genuine...right? I had to read crap like this on another forum full of idiots and now here.

Ok. So its for real.....you see that door she came in through? IT WORKS BOTH WAYS.

What a crude, vulgar and unnecessary comment from now on I'll be taking the moral high ground in all my posts. May I remind you that you don't HAVE to read through anything and to call the forum full of idiots when it's a forum which you yourself are among is self deprecating at best.

I wish you well but hope you can become a cleaner, more enlightened poster.

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Others have said "grow some balls."

That's easy enough if you have some idea what to do with said balls. If the OP is unsure I offer my experience from years ago.

I've had a similar problem in a rented condo with a girl who would not leave. I waited till she left to the market, changed the locks, dumped all of her stuff at the office, and went to Vietnam and Cambodia for three months.

When I returned she did come sniffing around. I went to Chiang Mai.

Eventually she gave up on trying to live off of the gravy train that was supposed to be me.

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Others have said "grow some balls."

That's easy enough if you have some idea what to do with said balls. If the OP is unsure I offer my experience from years ago.

I've had a similar problem in a rented condo with a girl who would not leave. I waited till she left to the market, changed the locks, dumped all of her stuff at the office, and went to Vietnam and Cambodia for three months.

When I returned she did come sniffing around. I went to Chiang Mai.

Eventually she gave up on trying to live off of the gravy train that was supposed to be me.

I think you may have the term "balls" confused with the slang term for ladies bits.

In slang the term balls relates to bravery. In a relationship waiting til your girlfriend leaves the house to change the locks and run away to a different country where she can't catch up with you for several months is in fact so cowardly most people would deem it beyond pathetic.

Running away again to Chiangmai was a bit braver to be fair, as in theory she may have coincedently bumped into your during her travels and asked for any remaining missing stuff.

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Answer: Because there are so many DUMB foreigners in Thailand that get involved with HOOKERS.

Jungle Jim considering you have nothing to do with these idiots & have never been with a hooker, you sure do go on about them in great detail ,in every single post you make.

Why does it bother you so much that you vent your disdain for them in every single post you make?

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"bating" post removed.

Argue, discuss, whatever, but lets not get personal please.

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

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